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May 17, 1941 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-17

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SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1941


Of Instruction
Is Advocated,
Motion Picture Discussion
To End Annual Session
Of Visual Institute Today
Keynoting the annual two-day ses-
sion of the Visual Instruction Insti-
tute, Dr. C. A. Fisher, director of the
Extension Service, yesterday ex-'
pressed the hope that visual education
would be used more frequently in the
The cooperative filni library of
the Extension Service, he explained,
is growing rapidly, indicating an in-
crease in the interest in visual in-
Following Dr. Fisher's opening ad-
dress, Dr. J. A. Hollinger, director
of Science and Visualization in the
Pittsburgh Public Schools, declared
that in schools which make use of
visual methods the percentage of in-
accuracies among' pupils is less.
The Institute, which is being spon-
sored by the Bureau of Visual Edu-
cation and the Extension Service,
will continue today with a series of
five lectures, starting at 9:30 a.m.
in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Among the lectures will be a talk
on "The Influence of Motion Pic-
tures on Attitudes," by Miss Georgia
Lightfoot of Denby High School, De-
troit, and on "Producing Films for
Public Relations Purposes," by W. G.
Hart, Bureau of Educational Re-
search, Ohio State University.
The Institute will close with a lun-
cheon at 12:15 p.m. in the Union.

Tung Oil Banquet To Feature'
Impromptu Talks By Faculty,

Excitement among engineering fae-
ulty members is mounting steadily
these days, mainly because some of1
them will be called upon to make
impromptu speeches for Sigma Rho
Tau's annual Tung Oil banquet Wed-
nesday nightN- and no one knows
just who the "lucky" faculty men
will be.
In the driver's seat for the occas-
ion, Toastmaster Prof. E. L. Eriksen 1
of the engineering mechanics de- t
partment declined to reveal whom he I
New Technic
Will Feature
Bates' Article
'Henry' Returns On Poster
. Over Engineering Arch.
To Advertise Edition
"Henry" is back at his job again!
"Henry" is back at his job, and it's
a good thing, too, for Henry is the
little man in the animated poster dis-
played over the Engineering Arch,
advertising the final issue of the
Michigan Technic to go on sale Tues-
Designed to play up the feature
article "Motion Study and Its Re-
lation to Machine Design" by Guy J.
Bates, master mechanic, Henry was
a masterpiece of engineering ingen-
uity - until he had an acute attack
of slipping belts and had to be sent
to the Technic's health service for.
Due to an incredible arrangement
of rubber bands, strings, paper-clips,
a razor blade, a couple of wooden
pulleys and a small electric motorl

would call on during the evening,
but implied that a good many sur-
prises would be in store for those
Moore To Attend
Contenders for the engineeringt
speech society's famous Tung Oil
Crown, annually awarded to the best
faculty impromptu speaker, will be
held strictly to their time limits, Pro-
fessor Eriksen declared. "The word is
twig oil, not tongue oil," he reminded,j
"and any tendency to go over the time
limit will be harhly dealt "with."1
Prof. A. D. Moore, of the electrical
engineering department, winner of
the coveted trophy at the banquet 7
last year, will be at the banquet to,
bestow the award on this year's win-
Cane Award
Feature number two on the banquet
program will be the awarding of the
Cooley Cane ,to sigma Rho Tan's
most outstanding senior. Once a fence
post in an anti-cow fence around the
campus, the cane is annually award-
ed to a member of the graduating'
class for his service and activity.
Tickets for the banquet are avail-'
able to anyone interested in attend-
ing, and may be obtained from offi-
cers Norman Taylor, '42E, Alex Pent-
land, '42E, Marvin Zekkina, '43E,
Charles Cole, '43E, and John Ham-
melef, '42E, or at the Sigma Rho Tau
conference room, West Engineering
Building, above the Engineering Arch.
CurrenteJo rnast'
IFeatures Interview'
With Senator T obe y

ii B. Mowat
To Talk Here
British History Professor
To Lecture Tuesday
"Literature and Society in Eight-
eenth Century England" will be the
topic of a University Lecture to be
delivered at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday by
Prof. R. B. Mowat, head of the De-
partment of History at the University'
of Bristol, England.
Famed as an authority on the diplo-
matic history of modern times, Pro-
fessor Mowat is the author of many
books on that subject. He is travel-
ing in this country as the Visiting
Professor to American Universities of
the Carnegie Endowment; for Inter-
national Peace.
The lecture, given under the aus-
pices of the Department of History,
is open to the public.
fAnan Arbor I

Dental School
Alumni News
Is Distributed
Notices of reunions, a personality
sketch and a technical article are
among the features in the latest edi-
tion of the School of Dentistry Alum-
ni Bulletin recently distributed among
former dental school students.
Homecoming activities of last April
are mentioned, and announcement is
made of the fiftieth anniversary of
the class of 1891, to be eelebrated byI
a reunion June 19 to 21.
Dr. Bernhard Gottlieb, now visiting
lecturer in oral pathology in the path-
ology laboratories of the Kellogg
Foundation Institute, is the subject of I
a featured biographical sketch. Work-
ing in Austria, Gottlieb was forced
at the time of the Anschluss to close
up his laboratories and move to this
country to continue his work.
Dr. Robert E. Coleman has con-
tributed an article on the subject, "A
Study of the Frenum Labii Superior-
This is, one of the two alumni bulle-
tins put out by colleges in the Uni-
versity, the other being a product of
the education school. It appears sev-
eral times during the year.
Editor of the publication is Dean
Russel W. Bunting, the School of
Dentistry, who is assisted by Prof.
George R. Moore, Prof. Philip Jay
and Floyd A. Peyton, of the dental

Haisley Plans
Appeal To State
Tenure Board
Comnmittee Backs Educator
In Hearing To Reconsider
5-4 Decision Of Board
(Continued from Page 1) 1


oopman, former principal of Tap-
Lan Junior High School, who is now
Assistant Superintendent of Public
enstruction in the State of Michigan;
and Paul Remus, also a former Tap-
pan principal, who has since been
principal of the Grosse Pointe anid
Lakewood, Ohio, high schools and is
now Superintendent of Schools-.;in
Members of the Citizen'sComnmit-
tee, chosen as representative of taxc-
payers, teachers and parents ,'are:
Dean E. Blythe Stason, Prof. Arthur
B. Moehlman, Neil Staebler, W. G.
Dow, Herbert Twining, Mrs. Ralph
Sawyer, Fred Norris, B. E. Watter-
worth, Lewis Reiman, Walt Springer.

formant mentioned

were Robert

Mere Is Today's
In Summary


Leave Campus
Alpha Phi Omega Thanks
Cooperative ,Students
H. W. McCord, '43, publicity chair-
man of Alpha Phi Omega, National
Service Fraternity, has issued a state-
ment thanking the students and fac-
ulty members for their co-operation
during the group's "Use-The-Walks"
Complimenting the general co-
operation of the campus, the service
organization's statement goes on to
We feel that your kind observance
of the suggestions offered by our
signs has been instrumental in re-
ducing the number of footpaths so
prevalent on our campus in past
Phi Eta Sigma To Meet
Phi Eta Sigma will hold a busi-
ness meeting at 8 p.m. tomorrow in
the Union. Membership shingles will
be distributed to freshmen.
Last Day
Coming Sunday -
She Almost f
Said '"Yes'


behind the poster, Henry stands in Featuring articles on hemisphere
front of a forging hammer, leans I defense and general South AmericanG
forward to feed the hammer, and economic problems, an interview with
withdraws the material after the United States Senator Tobey and a
hammer has descended. special article on value received by
Other articles being featured in the local taxpayer from his taxes,
what will be the biggest Technic of tlhe third issue of t the Michigan,
the year are "Riding Comfort" by Jcurnalist, publication of the Depart-
Prof. Walter E. Lay of the automotive ment of Journalism, was distributed
engineering department, "Cellulose Thursday.
Acetate" by Blaine Kuist, '41, and two A laboratory newspaper published
student articles,, "Open House High- weekly. the Journalist is written and
lights" and Glass Inspection Trip." edited by the students in the Journa-
lism department. The current issue
contains a variety of news stories,
Dana To Give Tea feature stories, special articles and
Dean and Mrs. Samuel T. Dana editorial comment.
will entertain seniors and graduate The May 15 issue, published by
students of the School of Forestry the Battle Creek Enquirer and News,
and Conservation and their wives at was prepared by a student staff un-
a tea to be given from 4 to 7 p.m. der the editorship of Frances Nor-
tomorrow at their home, 2031 Hill fleet, '41, Maynard Stoddard, 41, and
Street. Robert Phelps.

Outstanding high school juniors
from the entire state meet in Ann
Arbor today as guests of the Univer-
sity of Michigan Club for the purposej
of inquiring into university life.
Tonight's program will consist of
registration and recreation at the
Union. Tomorrow, the student will be
conducted on special tours through
campus, hear addresses by University
representatives, attend the Michigan-
Indiana baseball game, and hold a
dinner and dance at the Union.
Highlighting the weekend will be
interviews with professors andan in-
troduction to President Ruthven.
* * *
Ann Arbor antique dealers close
their annual spring exhibit today at
the Masonic Temple, reported the
most artistic in the history of the dis-
plays. Collections include furniture,
jewelry ,and military antiques.
State Department Asks
James For Conference
Prof. Preston E. James of the geo-
graphy department, who is attending
a convention of the Population Asso-
ciation of America at Princeton Uni-
versity, will travel to Washington to-
morrow to confer with officials of the
State Department.
He has been asked by that depart-
ment to discuss the organization of
geographical personnel for a contem-
plated study of areas of internation-
al concern.

Civil Engineers To

choice of the junior high school site II
and that he had "protected" Ray.k
Mrs. Walterhouse admitted that thev
Board-not Haisley-had chosen the
present school location.
Much of the criticism of Haisley
seemed to center on his alleged "mod-
ernistic educational policies" which
supposedly have retarded the pro-
gress in reading of elementary school
children and have neglected the 1
high school student who does not
intend to enter college.
Mills Answers
These accusations were countered
by Glenn Mills, former Ann Arbor
High School teacher and now a mem-
ber of the University faculty, who
said in an interview yesterday that
"the charges of 'modernism' in Hais-
ley's education methods are without
basis. It is even doubtful if the na-
tional Progressive Education Asso-
ciation would recognize our school
system as 'progressive.'
"The actual reasons, judging from
the hesitancy of Board members to
answer pertinent questions, are like-
ly so trivial and personal that they
would be embarrassed to reveal them.
In my five years as a member of the
Ann Arbor High School faculty I
have never heard any word whatso
( ever against Haisley in regard to his
honesty, fairness or efficiency."
Mrs. Flora Ward, another trustee
who voted for the dismissal, explained
her position by saying that she repre-
sented an element of the Ann Arbor
population which opposed Haisley's
educational policies. A well-informed
source commented on this statement
by pointing out that Mrs. Ward re-
ceived only 444 votes in the last Board
election, indicating, he said, that she
was representing "at the very most
only a small minority of the Ann
Arbor citizenry."
Choice Of Teachers
Another critic oi° Haisley questioned
the Superintendent's choice of teach-
ers. A person high in education
circles answered this charge by cit-
ing examples of former staff mem-
bers who have since been called to
fill prominent positions throughout
the country. Among those the in-

The student chapter of the Ameri-
can Society of Civil Engineers will
hold its student-faculty picnic today
on Huntington Drive near Geddes.
Participants are requested to meet
at 2 p.m. at the Sigma Rho Tau
stump near the Engineering Arch.
The feature-attraction will be a base-
ball game, in which Prof. Emmons'
faculty team will attempt to subdue
the Society nine, under Jim Price,a
'41E, with the losing group required
to pay for the refreshments.
Glee Club To Sing
Varsity Men's Glee Club will en-
tertain the State Banker's Association
at its meeting at 7:45 p.m. Monday in
the Union.


Pete Smith's "Wedding Bills"
"Information Please"
"TOY TROUBLE", Cartoon
"Crisis In The Atlantic


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