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May 16, 1941 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-16

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Center Serves,
Foreign Born
Year Around
300 'Internationals' Expected
For Summer Session; Teas,
Conference Will Be Featured
The International ?Center has the
distinction of being the only Univer-
sity institution that continues its
services through the entire summer.
In fact, the Center has not been
closed a single day for the past three
years, and it has been a free aid to
all foreign students during this time.
Mr. Robert Klinger, assistant to
Professor Raleigh J. Nelson, who is
Counselor to Foreign Students and
Director of the International Center,
will be in charge of the Center dur-
ing the Summer Session. As usual,
there will be a large summer group
nearly equal to the winter enroll-
ment. It is expected that over three
hundred foreign-born students will
be enrolled for Summer Session.
Establish English House
Besides these, about twenty-five
Latin-American students will be
brought to the University by the
Rockefeller Foundation to study a
comprehensive program in English.
The International Center will be
cooperating with this summer Eng-
lish House. Also, during the sum-
mer, the Grace Line will probably
bring fifty students from Ecuador
and Venezuela to campus for study.
This is being done to bring about
friendly relations with the South
American countries, and largely re-
sponsible for the exchanging of stu-
dents with our southern neighbors
is Professor Nelson.
An important event of the Summer
Session will be the International
Educational Fellowship Conference
to be held July 5 to 12 in Ann Arbor.
An expected attendance of a thou-
sand people including faculty groups
and speakers will be present. July
6, International Center plans to hold
open house for all members of the
conference, and tea will be served
every, afternoon during that week.
No Membership Required t
No membership is required to en-
joy the services of the International
Center, and the staff is provided by
the University. The Center helps
foreign students make campus ad-
justments, find rooming places, and
make contacts with professors. Be-
sides aiding in this way, it is a meet-
ing place for both foreign and Amer-
ican students, and any student on
campus is invited to attend the week-
ly teas held from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
The Summer Language Service of
the International Center will be
available to students who come early
to register. Judging from last year
there will be about fifty students en-
rolled in the English classes, and
although the University itself doesn't
offer regular summer classes in Port-
uguese, Mr. Alberto Leao will teach
several non-credit courses in that
language at the Center. Mr. Leao is
on an exchange fellowship from Bra-
zil where he formerly taught English
in Rio de Janeiro high schools. In
the past year there have been sixty
students enrolled in these Portuguese
classes. Another service will be con-
versation groups in French and
Spanish in which students to whom
those languages are native will assist.
While the Center doesn't continue
its elaborate social program during
the summer,, it will rather aim to
cooperate with the program of the

University Summer Session.
Summer ReadingLists
Include Best-Sellers
Summer is the time that we all set
aside tocatch up on our reading -
or so we say in December. Just in
case this turns out to be the year that
you really keep your self-promises,
here are a few books which will make
light summer reading a pleasure.
Best-sellers are not always the
best books, but last winter's crop
turned out some fine reading by,
some *of our most popular authors.
"For Whom The Bell Tolls," by Ernest
Hemingway, "H. M. Pulham, Esquire,"
by J. P. Marquand, and "You Can't
Go Home Again," by Thomas Wolfe,
are only a few of the current year's
list which should furnish entertain-
ment to any summer reader.
"Whistle Stop," by Michigan's Mar-
itta Wolfe, is another 'vhich shouldn't
be left off your list.
' : - .> i }I


FRIDAY, MAY 16, ,x.941

FRIDAY. MAY ig. 1941

West Quad And Women's Dormitories
Will Be Open For Summer Students-


Dormitory life will function for
summer session students, on a minia-
ture scale, minus wheezing radiators,
but complete with room, board, recre-
ational facilities and housemothers.
Applications for admission to the
available halls are now being received
at the office of the Dean of Students
for men, and the Dean of Women
for women.
Among the University residence
halls to be open during the session,
Stockwell Hall, Helen Newberry
House and University House will be
reserved for graduate women. Under-
graduates may apply for residence in
Mosher Hall. West Quadrangle will
be open for men, with special houses
to be assigned to graduate and under-
graduate students, and one house des-
ignated to remain in operation until
the completion of the lawyers' ten
week period.
Residents of all dormitories with
the exception of Fletcher Hall for
men and University House for women,
will be required to take board at the
house where they stay. Fletcher Hall
is open to all men students, but
preference will be given to those who
enroll for the entire eight week sum-
mer session. University house, accom-
modating 14 women, has been popular
in the past among graduate women
who wish to live in a small group and
be free to take their meals where
they please.
Summer dormitory life has been
marked by an atmosphere of spon-
taneous friendliness developed and
maintained over the short sessions.
Facilities for outdoor recreation near
Weekly Room Rates
For Residence Halls
To Be $2.50-$7.00
Applications for rooms in residence
halls for the summer session may be
made at the Office of the Dean of
Women for women and to the Office
of the Dean of Students for men.
Weekly rates will be:
Men's Residence Halls
Double rooms without lavatory $3.00
Double rooms with lavatory .... 3.25
Single rooms without lavatory .. 4.00
Single rooms with lavatory .... 4.25
Suites without lavatory ........ 4.00
Suites with lavatory .......... 4.25
Fletcher Hall ........ . ....... 2.50
Women's Residence Halls
Double rooms without lavatory .. 3.00
Single rooms without lavatory .. 4.00
Single rooms with bath ........ 7.00
Double suites with bath ........6.50
Sum mer
Cool and comfortable summer

clothes to make warm days
more enjoyable. Dresses in
cotton, silk, and rayon fabrics.

Lane Hall WillISponsor Vesper's,
Discussion, Religious Education

Houses Help
Students Speak
More Fluently
Le Foyer Francais, Deutsches
Haus To Accommodate Foreign
Language Groups On Campus
Designed to develop greater flu-
ency in the respective tongues, a
French and a German house will be
offered on the campus to serve stu-
dents during the Summer Session.
Le Foyer Francais, which will oc-
cupy the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority
house at 1414 Washtenaw, is expect-
ed to have accomodations for approx-
imately twenty some students. There
will be opportunities for other women
and for men to receive their board
at the house, whether regularly or
for occasional meals.
Directors Named
Organized in 1936 by Prof. Charles
Koella of the romance language de-
partment, the house will have the
founder as its faculty director this
summer. Directrice will again be Miss
Jeanne Rousselet of Goucher Col-
lege, with Miss Deirdre McMullan as
her assistant.
As a special feature of its pro-
gram this year the Foyer Francais
will foster a pedagogical, cultural
training in French music and art
literature. Also new this year will be
recordings , of each student's voice
made at the beginning and end of
the Summer Session, to determine
any improvement in pronunciation.
Applications for the French house
may be made through the Office of
the Dean of Women, accompanied by
a statement in French of the appli-
cant's training.
House Fills Need
Deutsches Haus is an expression of
a desire and need felt by the stu-
dents and teachers of German to keep
alive their contacts with the German
language and literature throughout
the European turmoil. Tried first in
the summer of 1939, the experiment
of opening a German residence proved
so successful that it has been con-
tinued as a summer project.
This summer room facilities will be
available for men students in the Phi
Kappa Sigma fraternity house at 1443
Washtenaw, and board will be furn-
ished for both men and women stu-
Mrs. Ruth Wendt, campus lang-
uage counselor, will preside at meals
and organize the social activities of
the German Club of the Summer Ses-
Connected with the work done in
the language houses will be the re-
oragnization of the French and Ger-
man Clubs for the Summer Session.




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Faculty To Hold Student Reception

Swinging in the summer social sea-
son again this year will be the general
reception of the faculty to the stu-
dents of the summer session to be held
at 8 p.m. Thursday, July 3, at the
Horace H. Rackham Building.
Miss Ethel McCormick, social di-
rector of the University, announced
that following the reception there will
be dances which are open to all stu-
dents free of charge at both Lhe Union
and the League. Free tickets are
needed to be admitted to these dances,
however, and students may obtain
them on the day of the reception
at the Rackham Building. Miss Mc-
Cormick said that it will not be nec-
essary for the students to go through
the reception line in order to get the

Refreshments will be served at all
three of the affairs, and facilities
for bridge playing are to be set up
at the League. Chairmen for the
affairs have not been announced as
The faculty reception will be a
hightlight in the exitensive social
program planned for Summer School
Session. Among other things, in paste
years, square and country dancing
has been taught to student in several
classes held during the summer.
Dancing has been held on mall in
front of the Rackham Building and
bridge lessons have also been avail-
able. Dancing, as throughout the win-
ter months, has always been con-
tinued Friday and Saturday nights at
the League. °


Lane Hall, during the summer
school session as well as during the
rest of the year, might be termed a
"spiritual, social center" in the words
of Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, director
of religious education.
For students who are attending
the University during the summer,
Lane Hall offers, besides a pleasant
place to meet and talk, a reading
table complete with religious and
other periodicals, a religious library,
and a large collection of records of
religious music.
Hold Special Program
There is a special introductory
program on the first Sunday in July,
which is held in Catholic, Jewish,
and ten Protestant churches, and on
Sunday evenings throughout the
Summer Session, young people's
meetings are conducted in most of
'the churches. During the week,
Lane Hall is the headquarters for
meetings of the various groups.
During the week from July 6 to
13, there is to be a meeting of the
many of the dormitories make tennis
and baseball favorite relaxation from
study. In addition, residents of West
Quadrangle houses adjacent to the
Union have ready access to a refresh-
ing dip in the Union pool before eve-
ning studies.

New Education Fellowship at the
Rackham Budiding. Forty discussion
groups will be conducted, two of
which will bear upon those who are
interested in religious leadership.
There will be a seminar on religious
education, and a panel discussion on
intercultural relations, led by Dr.
Stewart G. Cole of New York.
Vespers Emphasize Music
The University will conduct two
large Sunday vesper services spaced
throughout the summer term. These
gatherings place emphasis upon re-
ligious music and will be under the
direction of Dr. Blakeman.
At the beginning of the term, a
regular census is taken by the Uni-
versity to determine the religious
preferences of students on campus.
The various churches are then ad-
vised of members of their constitu-
ency. Out of approximately 5,000
students attending school during the
summer, roughly 1,000 have no par-
ticular church affiliation, 2,500 at-
tend Protestant churches, 750 attend
the Roman Catholic Church, 300 at-
tend the Jewish Church, 250 com-
prise the Far Eastern religions, and
from 30 to 50 represent the Near
Eastern religions.
Courses Extensive
There is a comparatively extensive
number of courses open to those who

How to hold

' j ''

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ourous dancing teachers
have to be even more partic-
ular than most girls about
daintiness. No wonder dainty,
effective Odorono Cream is
their big favorite!
Hold your partner with
Odorono Cream! Checks __
perspiration 1 to 3 days-
non-irritating, non-greasy,
non-gritty. And it gives you
50 to 100% more for your
oessoi Send me the new Arthur Murray DanceBook
and generous introductory jar of Odorono r
Cream.I enclose 25¢ to cover printing, mailing I
Generous Jar of OdoronoCream and handling. I
If the instructions in this new Arthur Name _-
Murray Dance Book were given in Adrs .-
his private studio t would cost$10A! Are
Se, hove easy it is to learn! And see
how easy it is to hold your partner City State 1
whenyouuseODORONOCREAM! -----------.---J-------

S are interested in getting credits
, apply on a degree program in relig
Students Combine and ethics or in religious educat
Prof. Leroy Waterman is chair
Study And Travels of undergraduate work in this f
Summer travel plans need not be while Prof. Clifford Woody he
abandoned because you are plan- the committee on graduate study
ning to attend summer school. In- Ccunseling in religious educa
deed Ann Arbor is well located on is the function of Dr. Blakeman d
main railroad and bus lines and with- ing the time he will be in Ann A]
in easy reach of numerous small for the summer term. He Will c
Michigan lakes as well. duct an informal seminar here
From Detroit or Jackson, Ann Ar- religious counseling and theni
bor can be reached by train :spend some time at the Divi:
than an hour School at the University of Chica
.1-1F 7 1 7 L 1_ X1-71-717 _71 Ti1FI I I 7L.71,TI1T_1Fl.7[ :1--M
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Fashion-stakes are high on the
sidelines. Here's De Liso Debs'
tip on how to win in a walk: Wear
fleet little, neat little Spectators
with toe-treatments never seen be-
F fore. . . very 194 1, very De liso
F Debs.
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