1941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE FM": THE MCHIGN DALY PflhIVtv. 1 nI.D A't i'. iT 1"J.. w Architects' Doodle Dance To e Today In Union Ballroom List Of Guests And Patrons IS Announced Lorry Douglas' Band Will Play; Winners Of Cartoon Contest To Be Announced At Dance With pencils in hand and doodle- bugs in head, the committee in charge of the Doodle Dance to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. today in the Union Ballroom have come forth dispersing valuable information con- cerning who's to go with whom. Bill Harrison, '41, general chair- man, will have as his guest Janet Hiatt, '42, while Kay Homer, D- troit, will be the guest of John Rust, '43A, chairman of the Art Show. Guest List Continues Phelps Hines, '42A, tickets chair- man, has invited Alvira Sata, '42; Charles Shaw, '41A, publicity chair- man, will attend with Mrs. Shaw; Anton EnIres, '41A, chairman of the Cartoon Contest, with Jeanne Mc- Donald, Birmingham, Mich.; Jean Ranahan, '43A, programs chairman, with Albert Little, '43A, and Deena Bieber, '43A, decorations chairman, with Howard Gildred, of Bogota, Co- lombia. Mazie Saltman, '41A, secretary, will attend with Nick Sakellar, '41A and Sue Holtzmnan, patrons chair- man, has invited Sanders Goodstein, '42L, to attend the dance. Sketches To Adorn Walls Walls of the Union Ballroom will be dressed in portraits, paintings, carieatures, and sketches chosen froni among contributions of archi- tectural school students. Winners of the Cartoon Contest will be announced during the dance, and" winners will receive prizes of $5, $3, and $1 for the doodles judged the cream of the campus crop. Larry Douglas and his orchestra will. furnish the music for the affair which is informal and open to the entire campus. Chaperons for the dance will be Dean and Mrs. Wells I. Bennett and Prof. and Mrs. Ralph W. Hammett. Patrons Are Announced As patrons and patronesses will be Prof, and Mrs. Donald Gooch, Prof. and Mrs. George Brigham, Prof. and Mrs. Roger Bailey, Prof. and Mrs. George McConkey, Prof. and Mrs. Jean Hebrard and Prof. and Mrs. Harlow o. Whittemore. The list continues with Prof. and Mrs. Walter V. Marshall, Prof. and Mrs. Alexander M. Valerio, Prof. and Mrs. Frederick O'Dell, Prof. Walter Gores and Prof. Catherine B. Heller. May Still Buy Tickets Other patrons and patronesses are Mr. and Mrs. Myron B. Chapin, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Tanner, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. George Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Weddige, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney G. Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Frederic H. Aldrick, Mr. Jean Paul Slusser and Mr. Grover Cole. Tickets may still be obtained by calling at the desk in the Union or at the desk in the lobby of the Archi- tectural Building. Wedding Announced The marriage of Miss Laura Os- good, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Osgood of An Arbor, to Harold D. McCoy, son of Mrs. Rob- ert.B. McCoy and the late Maj.-Gen. McCoy, of Sparta, Wis., took place May 10, in Washington, D.C. Miss Osgood, graduate of the Law School, was chairman of the Judi- ciary Council and a member of Mor- tar Board and Wyvern while in school. Committee Inspects Contributions 1 I 3 Miami Triad, Annual Dance, To B Today, Tommy Marvin's Orchestra To Be Featured At Fraternities' Founding Celebration in League To the strains of Tommy Marvin's music, members of Beta Theta, Pi, Phi Delta Theta, and Sigma Chi with their guests will celebrate the found- ing of the three fraternities, at the Miami Triad to be held from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. today in the League Ballroom.m The walls of the ballroom will be hung with huge shields upon which are the coats of arms of each fratern- ity and during the evening each house will sing its fraternity song. Sigma Chi plans to sing their "Sweetheart Song," Beta Theta Pi will sing "The Loving Cup," and Phi Delta Theta members will present "Phi Delta Theta, We Love You." The committee in charge of ar- rangements for the dance consists )f William H. Downer, '42E, who will have as his date, Carol Tomlinson of Bay City, James Duthie, Jr., '41E, who will be accompanied by Mar- garet Cobb, '41, and John Swain, '43E, who will have as his guest Betty Markward, '44. Miami Triad, although an annual affair on this campus at one time, was discontinued for a period of al- most ten years, and was revived only last year to become again a yearly celebration of the founding of the three fraternities at Miami Univer- sity, in Oxford, Ohio. Sing Patrons Announced League Plans Merit System Reorganization Point Method To Be Abolished; New Ruling Will Include All Campus Activities League points are no more! A new merit system based on personal- ity cards and participation in any and, all activities is in the process of organization. The activities of every woman, sep- arated into groups under Panhellenic and Assembly heads, are being gath- ered for filing. Hdinor societies, League activities, work on publica- tions, church activities, participa- tion in athletics, club work, and mem- bership in language groups will all be listed in the files,'including every-I thing each woman has done in these activities since the date of her 'en- rollment in the University. New Rating Blanks Used The method of, rating for individual League activtiies will not be by the former general personality blank, which the merit system committee considered unsatisfactory for any spe- cific activity, according to Marjorie Polumbaum, '42. Instead separate rating blanks will be made out for each type of work, so that the decor- ations committee on a class project will not have to answer for the same qualifications as the ushers. To Give Honorable Mention Honorable mention of residence groups and zones will be made at honors banquets by figuring percent- age of participation instead of the number of pointsaccumulated. A similar system of mention de- cided on a percentage basis will give recognition to individuals in the new method of rating activities. Westminster Student Mortar Board Elects Frey, Drury To Hold Prominent Positions At the first meeting of the new ini- tiates Virginia M. Frey, '42E, was elected president of Mortar board for 1941-42. Virginia Drury, '42, will be vice- president for the coming year; Fran- ces Aaronson, '42, secretary; Phyllis Lovejoy, '42, treasurer; and Mildred Curtis, '42, historian. The new officers took over their duties after the recent initiation cere- monies which were held April 30. I-.-_ Theatre Arts, JGP Interviewing Closes Theatre Arts and JGP interviewing will close at 5 p.m. today following the final opportunity. Announcement of appointments will be made early next week. Women who have petitioned and not yet applied for an interview shouldtcome prepared to elaborate on ideas for the position for which they feel qualified. Eligibility cards are required. HOtRSESI £ ; : ,' PLAYSU ITS SLACKSUITS Separate Slacks New Selection 1.95 to 3.95 Ride at GOLFSIDE STABLES Doodle Dance chairmen from left to right: Anton Endres, Jean Ranahan, John Rust, Charles Shaw, William Harrison, Mazie Saltman, C. Phelps Hines, Belva Barnes, Sue Holtzman and Deena Bieber. rternies, Sororities To Hold Spring Parties This Weekend Free Transportation to and from stables SUPPER RIDE Every Friday SMARTEST HOSIERY SHOPPE Michigan Theatre Bldg * I Q.- p.___ Col 2.-3441 Read The Daily Classifieds! III I ammmmmmmmmmm I After a lull, the fraternities andI Sororities about town are blossomingI 3ut this weekend with a full social zalendar of dances and house parties. Alpha Chi Omega will have a din- ner dance from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Barton Hills Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. James W. Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Zander, and Mrs. E. W. Goodale will act as chaperons. Alpha Sigma Phi's spring formal will be held from 9:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the chapter house with Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Basom and Prof. and Mrs. F. K. Sparrow as chaperons. Chicago House puts its entry into the festivity field in the form of a barn dance to be held from 8 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Saline Valley farms. Mrs. Harold Vaughn and Mrs. Theron S. Langford have been invited to chaperon. Chi Psi's spring formal will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Chi Psi Lodge. Chaperoning will be Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Armitage and Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Collins. Members of Delta Tau Delta will entertain with a dinner dance from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. Dinner will be served at the chapter house, with dancing following at the Washtenaw Country Club. Mr. andn Mrs. John K. Wor- ley and Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Burgess have been invited to chaper- on. Kappa Nu will present its spring formal from 9' p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Farm Cupboard. Chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. B. Kessel and Mr. and Mrs. S. Kohlenberg. The Lambda Chi Alpha dinner dance will be held 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., with dinner atthe Allenel Hotel and dancing at the chapter house later. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hartman and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Arnold will chaperon. Phi Epsilon Pi members will en- tertain their guests both today and tomorrow with a house party at the chapter house. Dr. and Mrs. Mor- ton Helper and;Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Bloom will chaperon the entire affair. Phi Sigma Sigma will hold its din- ner dance from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Union and at the chapter house. Invited to attend as chaperons are Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ross, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Mitchell, and Mrs. L. M. Davies. Members of Psi Upsilon will en- tertain their guests at their spring formal from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the chapter house. Mr. and Mrs. Fin- ley Riggs and Mrs. Granville Mit- chell have been invited to chaperon. Tau Kappa Epsilon will hold its spring dinner dance from 7 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the chapter house. Prof. and Mrs. C. H. Stocking and Mr. and Mrs. James O. Brown will cha- peron. Theta Phi Alpha will hold its spring formal from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Huron Hills Country Club. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Kenney and Mrs. Nan Riggs have been in- vited to chaperon the dance. Theta Xi will have its spring din- ner dance from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the chapter house. Chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Watson and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dember. The Trigon house party will be held today and tomorrow at the chapter house. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dibble, and Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Pickering will chaperon the af- fair. Zeta Beta Tau will hold its spring house party today, tomorrow and Sunday at the chapter house, with dances both today and tomorrow. Today's dance will be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. and tomorrow's from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Chaperons will be Mr. and Mrs. Paul Perrin and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ackerman. Patrons for the traditional Lantern ui Id I 0Hld 5Pring Night Sing, to be held Monday at Dinner Party Today Palmer Field, have been announced by Donelda Schaible, '42, general The annual spring formal dinner chairman. party of the Westminster Student Guild will be held at 7 p.m. today in Regent Esther and Mr. L. V. Cram, the social hall of the First Presby- Pres. and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, terian Church. Dean Alice Lloyd, Dean Joseph Burs- Honor guests for the evening have ley, Mr. and Mrs. Fielding H. Yost, been announced by Grant Whipple, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert O. Crisler '42, general chairman, as Prof. and head the list of patrons. Also included Mrs. M. W. Senstius, Prof. and Mrs. are Prof. and Mrs. Ralph Aiger, Dr. O. S. Duffendack, Dr. and Mrs. W. Margaret Bell, Mrs. Beryl Bacher, P. Lemon, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Keel- Prof. and Mrs. Phillip Bursley, and er, Miss Edith A. Barnard, and Mrs. Miss Laurie Campbell. Lillian Dilts. Mrs. Lucille B. Conger, Miss Helen Guests of the central committee Ellis, Miss Marie Hartwig, Prof. and include Ethelie Vachta, '42, who will Mrs. Karl Litzenberg, Miss Ethel Mc- be the guest of Whipple; Peg Jeffers, Cormick and Ir. and Mrs. Earl '44, program chairman will attend Moore have been asked as patrons. with Jack Weigel, '41E, chairman of Dean Jeanette Perry, Dean and Mrs. dinner arrangements; Avice Rye, '43, Walter B. Rea, Mr. and Mrs. Walter decorations chairman, will attend B. Revelli and Dr. Mabel Rugen are with John Hunt, '43E, a member of others among the patrons. the central committee; John aDean, Judges for the Sing will be Prof. '43, chairman of reservations, will Arthur Hackett, Prof. Thelma B. have Judith Donnan, '43, as his arthur HardtPA. ThemaeB guest; and Robert Beals, '43E, pub- Lewis, Prof. Hardin A. Van DeursenliiycarnwlhveJie lnir agae el city chairman, will have Janice adDr. Margaret Bell. Virginia Paterson, '42, in charge of Bemis, '44, as his guest. the ,Sing, has announced that ar- rangements have been made for all Pledgir)g Announced houses entered to try out the micro- Theta Phi Alpha announces the phone at 4 p.m. Monday at Palmer recent pledging of three women: Field. All juniors, to whom the lan- Margaret McGuire, '42, Olga Mc- terns are passed by senior women, Guire, '43, and Virginia Becket, '44. are asked to bring them to the White All of the new pledges are from De- House on Palmer after the sing. troit. r t e , i . . 1 f f 1 e _ I I I ERs GOO *,%(ou Enjoy Summer Sunshine in our colorful swim suits and attractive play, suits. Attend ' , airi _ :. -, . Ha, t 11 Out of the West... Sturdy Clothes for Outdoor Fun OFF TiHE RANCH and from the hardy sailors of the Oregon coast come these rough and ready outdoor clothes. No fuss, no feathers . . . completely functional in design, they have the irresistable attraction of clothes designed for a definite use and not just for fashion's sake. See them in our State Street window! } 1 1tf h1/f#/# / -1" 1 -I- tato , SPe 495 .. e " s" s " e " s " " . " " s " " f " " " ° s " f " " s " ° s " " " ' " " " f " " " " and 6.75 First fashion on campus . . spectators on smart feet wher- ever they may go. In our collection, styles to flatter every type of foot. In fine white buckskin with calf or patent trim. Low, medium and high heel heights. Cowgirl Shirt, 2.95 Frontier Pants, 5.00 "'Bronco Betty" Dungarees, 2.95 Middy Shirt, 3.95 Middy Pants, 3.95 Torpedo Bag, 2.95 Crew Hats, 1.50 I I I i i i