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May 14, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-14

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VOL. LL No. 159 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, May 14, 1941 Z-323


__ _ .

Western State
Teachers Stop
Varsity Nine
n 4-3_Victory
Michigan's Tennis Squad
To Face Notre Dame,,
Western, Kalamazoo
In Out Of Town Series
Wolverine Errors
Give Broncos Win
(Special to The Daily)
KALAMAZOO, May 13.-The Wol-
verine baseball team which has field-
Sed so brilliantly so far this season
had the misfortune today of making
its first serious errors during a pitch-
er's battle with the result that Mich-
igan dropped a 4-3 decision to West-
ern State.
The Wolverines made six errors
in all, two of which accounted for
three of the Broncos' runs. Since the
first game of the season the Varsity
has never made more than three
errors in a single game, but when they
broke that record today Niel Muir's
six-hit pitching went for nought.
Chubby Frank Overmire was the
winning pitcher, making it his sec-
ond victory fver the Wolverines this
year, having beaten them 2-0 in'Ann
Arbor earlier in thq season.
Jim Anderson started for the
Teachers but was lifted in the fourth
because of his wildness and Overmire1
.came in when it appeared that the;
Varsity was going to pile up a big lead.
Michigan's fence buster, Dick,
Wakefield led off the fourth with a
tremendous wallop off the center field
fence for a double. Had the ball been
six inches higher lanky Dick would
have had another home run to his
credit. After Bud Chamberlain popped
out, Ruehle reached first base when
he was hit in the chest by Anderson's
first pitch. Whitey Holman walked
to fill the bases.
With heavy hitting George Harms'
at the plate the game was held upl
while catcher Denny Yarger and An-t
derson attempted to work out some
strategy that would baffle the Wol-
verine backstopper. But the confer-
ence wasn't a success because Harms1
walked on four straight pitches,
forcing in Wakefield. Niel Muir
popped to shortstop and Dave Nelsonf
received the third pass of the inningi

Prof. Youtie Receives
Henry Russel Award

The Henry Russel Award was pre-f
sented yesterday to Herbert C. Youtie,
assistant professor of Greek and re-
search associate in papyrology, in rec-
ognition of his outstanding work dur-
ing the school year of 1940-41.
The announcement was made prior
to the Henry Russel Lecture, given
this year by Prof. Emeritus Harrison
M. Randall onthe subject "TheRole
of Infra-Red Spectroscopy in Mod-
ern Physics."
A member of the faculty since 1929,
Professor Youtie has specialized in
the translation of ancient languages.
He is recognized as one of the most
competent scholars in the world en-
gaged in the deciphering of old Greek
and Coptic manuscripts, which have
been recovered from excavations of
age-old Egyptian cities.
Professor Randall in his lecture re-
lated the development of infra-red
spectroscopy and listed its many con-
tributions to modern science.
"It has touched many lines of
scientific endeavor," he pointed out,
"and has richly enlightened them. For
instance, it has been an important
factor in bringing chemistry and
physics closer together, and it is be-
coming an important means of con-
tr ling the processes in chemical in-
du try."
Other contributions of infra-red
spectroscopy, as emphasized by Ran-
dall, are that it has supplied very
detailed knowledge of the structure
of molecules, it has compelled im-
provements in many instruments and
techniques and it was the direct in-i
spiration for the production of the
shortest electromagnetic waves by thel
electron tubes on the part of Prof.C

Churchill Will Ask 'Vital Secrets'
Of Runaway Nazi Leader Hess;
British Claim Successes In Egypt


John H. Holmes
Calls On U.S.
To Save Peace

Present Conflict
War Of Ideas;
Of Civilization


Corwin Will Talk
To Phi Beta Kappa
Initiation Banquet
Generally recognized as one of the
leading authorities on constitutional
law in this country, Prof. Edward S.
Corwin, '00, will return to his home
campus to deliver an address on
"Constitutional Revolution, Ltd." be-
fore the annual Phi Beta Kappa Ini-
tiation banquet at 6:30 p.m. Friday
in the Union.
McCormick Professor of Jurisprud-
ence at Princeton, Professor Corwin
is the author of many works on con-
stitutional questions, including "The
Commerce Power versus States
Rights" and "The Twilight of the
Supreme Court."
He has served as adviser on con-f
stitutional problems to the Public
Works Administration and in 1936
was lade special assistant to the
United States attorney general,
All freshmen men and women
interested in trying out for next
year's Gargoyle Business Staff
please report at the Gargoyle of-
fice, 2nd floor Publications Build-
ing, at 3:30 p.m., tomorrow.


"We are the last influence in the
Western World for peace. If we get
in the war the world will be turned
into a reign of hell; if we stay out we
can work for peace."
John Haynes Holmes made this
assertion in his talk on "America's
Part in the European War" yesterday
in Rackham Auditorium. The lec-
ture was' sponsored by the Inter-
Guild Council and the Hillel Foun-
Reverend Holmes drew a compar-
ison between present events and the
history of the past.
Like the war between Athens and
Sparta the present conflict was de
scribed as a sheer imperialist con-
flict between. Great Britain and Ger-
many for world domination.
Russia was likened to ancient Mac-
edonia waiting until after both sides
are exhausted to begin a new period
of imperialistic domination.
As with the Roman civilization ev-
ery nation and civilization follows the
pattern of rise and decay, Rev.
Holmes pointed out. The modern
world of nationalism, capitalism and
militarism is at the stage of disin-
tegration, and as always war is a
symptom of that breakup.
This war is also a conflict of ideas
as was the Thirty Years War which
ended without the solution of any
problems, and led only to future
Reverend Holmes expressed the be-
lief that only by retaining the trust
of both sides and by working toward
peace could the United States prevent
the breakup of civilization which
we a ,e now witnessing.

Five Axis Columns Retreat
Before Advance Forces
Of North Africa Army
Captures Announced
In Ethiopian Theatre
(By The Associated Press)
CAIRO, Egypt, May 13.-Attempts
of Axis forces to advance in the re-
gion of Salum, the farthest point of
their month-old charge into Egypt,
have been dealt a smashing blow by
British mechanized troops, the Bri-
tish middle east command announced
Five Axis columns, scouting "in
force" in the blazing North African
heat, were said to have been met by
British advance forces and thrown in-
to retreat. Royal Air Force planes
completed the rout of the disrupted
German and Italian columns, the
communique said.
Successes Told
Successes also were described in'
the Ethiopian theatre, where 200 more
Italians were said to have been cap-
tured as Imperial Forces continued
their closing-in tactics against the
fortress of Amba Alaji, where 38,000
Italians are making a final stand,
Fighting there was going on in steam-
ing terrain drenched by summer
rains, the British said.
Axis forces, stalled in repeated at-
tempts to break through the defenses
of the besieged port of Tobruk in
Libya, apparently waited for a let-
up in the burning heat before taking
another crack at the British fortifi-
cations. The British said "there was
no change in the situation" as the
siege passed its fifth week.
Fleet At Anchor;
The British Mediterranean fleet
was back at anchor at Alexandria,
refueling and taking on ammunition
after an exciting week afloat in
which it escorted long trains of sup,
ply ships eastward through the Medi-
terranean, fought off several spectac-
ular attacks by Nazi torpedo bombers
and made a side trip to bombard the
Axis-held port of Bengasi, Libya. Not
a ship of the battle fleet was dam-
aged, observers said.,
Capt. James Roosevelt, son of the
President, reached the island of Crete
on his tour of the Mediterranean war
zone. It was understood he would
see members of the emigre Greek
government and possibly King George
Sigma Rho Tau
Elects Officers

(Editor's Note: The following is by
Wade Werner, who spent many years
in Europe for the Associated Press. He
was stationed at Berlin for four year's,
before becoming Moscow Bureau chief
in 1938.)
NEW YORK, May 13. -(P)---- No
matter why Rudolf Hess fled from
Germany into the arms of Hitler's
enemies, the world can be rather sure
of one thing:
The German military machine will
be galvanized into action. There will
be a new drive in some direction soon.
That is what happened after the
Blomberg scandal of 1938, when Hit-
ler's Defense Minister Field Marshall
Werner Von Blomberg was ousted
after his marriage to a woman who
turned out to be just what an army
officer should not have married. '
Something had to be done to show
the world the German army was as
strong and well-disciplined . as ever;
that it would march in any direction
at the Fuehrer's command. It did.
Collapse Hinted
Now a far more fantastic and omin-
ous scandal has shaken the pillars of
Germany's military prestige. In coun-
tries fighting Germany the wild hope
has flared up that this, at last, may
be the first sign of that long-awaited
inner collapse of the Hitler regime.
Today there is an even greater urg-
ency. If the Hess scandal continues
to echo and re-echo through the
world-regardless of whether Hess
talks and tells all or sulks and says
nothing-the doubts created in Tur-
key, Spain, France and other coun-
tries whose "collaboration" Germany
is seeking may hamstring Hitler's
whole program of a "new order" in
Therefore Germany must launch
a new drive in some direction with
the least possible delay. Only new
and smashing victories can kill the
doubt that has been created as to
the internal solidity of Germany mili-
tary power.
Shift Of Authority?
This is equally true if Hess' escape
to Scotland turns out to have been
the prelude to a basic shift of author-
ity from Nazi party hands into mili-
tary hands.
Such a shifting of power into mili-
tary hands long has been expected
by some observers as a natural con-
sequence of the war in which Ger-
many is engaged. They have argued
that the longer a war lasts and the
greater the strain, the more irresist-
able becomes the tendency-especi-
ally in a country with a strong mili-
tary tradition--for the people to
turn to generals rather than politi-
cians for salvation. In other words,
the longer the war lasts the easier
it becomes for generals to take con-

Hess' Wild Flight May Cause
Punitive Nazi Military Action

Rudolf Hess, No. 3 Nazi who fled
from Germany and parachuted to
safety on a Scottish Moor was tell-
ing his captors in Glasgow Tues-
day how he fitted an extra gasoline
tank to his Messerschmidt ME110
for his bee-line flight from Augs-
burg, Germany to Scotland with
his route scratched in blue pencil
on a map.
Two Lectures
Will Be Given
Astronomy among the ancients will
be the general topc of two lectures
to be delivered here today by Prof.
Otto Neugebauer of Brown University.
In a University Lecture at 4:15
p.m. in the Rackhkm Amphitheatre
Professor Neugebauer will discuss
"The Problems and Methods in An-
cient Astronomy." At 8 ° p.m., also
in the Rackham Amphitheatre, he
will speak before the. Mathematics
Club on "Mathematical Methods in
Babylonian Astronomy."
Professor Neugebauer is a graduate
of the University of Gottingen, Ger-
many, and served on the faculty there
from 1926 to 1933. After leaving
Germany in the latter year, he be-
came a professor of mathematics at
the University of Copenhagen, serv-
ing there until 1939.
Coming to this country in that year,
he became a member of the staff of
Brown University. Prof. Neugebauer
is best known for his studies in the
field of the history of mathematics
and astronomy. Both lectures are
open to the public.

and forced in Ruehle.
Charles Maher, Western
(Continued on Page 3)
Varsity Tennis Team
i ll Mr In Ts -er

English Hope To Secure
'Inside News' That Might
Affect Future War Policy
Flight Lowers Nazi
Spirit, London Says
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, May 14.-Rudolf Hess
shortly will be faced by Prime Min-
ister Winston Churchill himself in
a private interview affording him
the chance to tell the story of his
aerial runaway from Germany and
to give up vital secrets that might
conceivably affect the future course
of war, it was disclosed today.
Whether Hitler's long-time friend
and turncoat deputy will describe the
real inside of Germany to the veter-
an journalist, Churchill, was a mat-
ter of high speculation.
But highly placed Britons already
were declaring that the beetle-browed
German's almost incredible flight to
Britain had given this country more
military advantage "than a major
victory on the battlefield."
Morale Hit
The effect on German morale of
his flight alone was worth that much,
they said, and Churchill himself was
quick to seize upon this point when
he declared on learning of Hess' arriv-
"The maggot is in the apple."
When and where the Prime Min-
ister and the surrendered prisoner of
war will meet was not disclosed, but
the London Daily Mail said Hess al-
ready had'been moved from a Glas-
gow hospital to "a place nearer Lon-
do .
And already, it is said, while Hess
recovers from a broken ankle bone
suffered in his parachute descent to
a Scottish Moor, British officials are
talking to him.
Hess has described to these ques-
tioners real conditions in Germany
and amid the Nazi hierarchy, the
paper said, adding:
"He spoke freely and frankly and
is said to have indicated his personal
disgust with the Nazi party and its
policy. The tension between party
leaders appears to have reached a
state of considerable acuteness in
recent weeks."
The Daily Herald warned against
overestimating the effects in Ger-
many of Hess' flight, saying "there is
no reason to think of Hess as the
leader of any widespread revolt
against the Fuehrer."
Esape Symbli
Authoritative British sources de-
clared, however, that the desertion
of the No. 3 Nazi was concrete evi-
dence that Hess "and others in the
inner councils of the Nazis" had de-
cided Germany could not beat a Bri-
tain backed by full United States aid,
Members of Commons speculated
even that Hess quarreled with other
Nazis because he already knew that
Hitler had abandoned his plan for
invasion of England.
"Hess would not have come to Bri-
tain if he believed Hitler had a c iance
to stage a successful invasion of Eng-
land in the near future," reliable in-
formants said. "For he'dthen be in
the power of those with whom he so
elegantly has fallen out."
In Parliamentary lobbies, therd
were suggestions that Hess might be
persuaded to broadcast to G'ermany
and the German-occupied countries,
to give them a picture of what is go-
ing on in Hitler's inside councils.
Congress Candidates
To Submit Petitions
Freshmen and sophomore candi-
dates for positions on the executive
committee of Congress, Independent
Men's Organization, must submit
their petitions to Room 306 of the
Union or the Union desk by 3:00 p.m.
Monday, it was announced yesterday
by Louis Fogel, '43, executive secre-

tary of the organization.
The petitions must be accompanied
by six signatures and a certificate
of eligibility. It is imperative that
all petitions be in as soon as possible.
Fielding Chosen New
President Of IAeS


77 actIae! I Ir'pJ
Michigan's tennis team, winner of
,its last nine matches, will leave Ann
Arbor at 9 a.m. today on a trip which
wil find them facing three opponents
within the space of four days.
First stopping place for Coach Le-
roy Weir's seven-man traveling squad
will be South Bend, Indiana, where
the Wolverine netters will face a
strong Notre Dame team today. To-
morrow they move to Kalamazoo to
meet Western State Teachers College,
and Saturday they battle Kalamazoo
College in the same city.
Illness of Jim Porter,number three
man, who is in Health Service with
laryngitis, has forced Weir to alter
his line-up against the Irish. Capt.
Jim Tobin, Lawton Hammett, Wayne
Stille, Tom Gamon, Alden Johnson
and Roy Bradley will play the singles
in that order. In doubles, Tobin and
Hammett will remain in their usual
top spot, Stille will pair with Gerry
Schaflander and Howie Bacon will
team with Gamon.
Last season Michigan's net squad
came out on the long end of a 5-4
score which saw both sides evenly
(Continued on Page 3)
Varsit Glee Club
Chooses Officers,
To Hold Banquet
Cary Landis, '42, was elected presi-
dent of the Varsty Glee Club at a
meeting of the group last night at
the Union.
Others selected to lead the organi-
zation are James Crowe, '43, vice-
president; Kenneth Repola, '43, secre-
tary and Donald Whitney, '42E,
The new manager will, be an-
nounced at the annual Glee Club
banquet, to be held at 6:15 p.m. to-
day at the Union. On this occasion,

To Be

Of Detroit Edison
Banquet Speaker

'Squalus' Hero To Visit Campus:
Capt. W. F. Amsden Will Give
Talk, Review NROTC Today

Capt. W. F. Amsden, USN, famed
for his part in the raising of the sub-
marine "Squalus" and the rescue of
the members of its crew, will discuss
the opportunity for college men in
Naval Aviation in an illustrated lec-
ture at 4 p.m. today in Rackham Lec-
ture Hall.
While he is here today, Captain
Amsden will inspect and review the
University's Naval ROTC unit. This
is the first annual inspection and
review fo'r the newly established
Captain Amsden, Director of Naval
Reserves for the Ninth Naval District,
will be representing the Commandant
of the Ninth Naval District, Rear
Admiral John Downes, USN, when he
inspects the NROTC and its North
Hall headquarters today. At 8 p.m.
tonight he will review the unit in
the Waterman Gymnasium in a
ceremony to which parents and
friends of NROTC students are
The NROTC is new at MichiganI
this year. Under Capt. Lyal A. David-
son, USN, Commandant, it has al-
ready well-established itself on cam-

Norman Taylor, '42E, was reelected
to the presidency of Sigma Rho Tau,
engineering speech society, at a spe-
cial election meeting held last night.
Other officers who will take charge
of the organization for the coming
year are Alexander Pentland, '42E,
vice-president; Marvin Zeskind, '43E,
home secretary; Edward A. Rutan,
'43E, corresponding secretary; Charles
D. Cole, '43E, recording secretary,
and John Hammelef, '42E, treasurer.
Plans for the society's annual Tung"
Oil banquet, to be held Wednesday,
May 21, were further developed at
the meeting. The new officers will
be installed at that time.
Banquet speaker will be James W.
Parker, vice-president and chief en-
gineer of Detroit Edison. Other
speakers will be faculty men vying
for the Tung Oil Crown, annually
awarded to the best faculty impromp-
tu speaker.
For Michiganens an
Eligible freshmen and upperclass-
men who wish to work on next year's
Michiganensian are invited to attend
tryout meetings tomorrow afternoon,
according to Gerald Hewitt, '42, edi-
Editorial staff tryouts will meet at
4:30 p.m. to hear plans of organiza-
tion for nnt year's b ook.

Government Bureau Comments:
Ford, Shepard Point Out Need
For Sales Tax Reorganization


Reorganization of the administra-
tion of. sales and use taxes must be
included in any general reorganiza-
tion of Michigan heterogeneous tax
administration system, according to
Dr. Robert S. Ford -and E. Fenton
Shepard, co-authors of the Bureau
of Government's publication, "Re-
tail Sales Taxation in Michigan" re-
leased yesterday.
At the present time deduction of
the sales tax from federal income
tax returns, lump-sum exemption,
exemption of food for home consump-
tion, and centralization of tax ad-
ministration are being considered in
The retail sales tax plays an im-
portant part in financing government
in Michigan and is very difficult to
administer. The tax was adopted in
Michigan because of declining reve-
nue from other sources and because
the state was forced to participate
in financing wefare and relief.

or even shifted backward to the pro-
ducer or agents of production.
Taxps Explained
The Michigan three per cent sales
tax is based on the privilege of sell-
ing intangible personal property at
retail and is measured by the gross
proceeds of such sales in cash or cred-
it. The use is imposed on the con-
sumer as an excise tax for the privi-
lege of using, storing, or consuming
tangible personal property purchased
at retail, but it permits an exemption
of all goods upon which the sales
tax has been paid.
Experience, the authors explain,
has shown that the sales tax is high-
ly complex and beset with adminis-
tration difficulties. Most of these dif-
ficulties are traceable to the prob-
lems of defining a taxable retail sale,
of- minimizing evasion, and of avoid-
ing conflicts with the constitution-
al limits on the state taxing power.
A common assumption, Dr. Ford
nnri' Mr, Rh-anrori Pnn.oCi',,, 14'S +1,

tions concerning the new V-5 pro-
gram for training college men as
naval aviators, and about other as-

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