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May 13, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-13

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Letters To The Editor

Make Wire

Tapping Legal

As Others
See I..

Holtzoff and Tolan maintain the Hobbs bill is no departure
from our fundamental procedures, while opponents object
to it as an interference with constitutional liberties.
From US Veek, May 12, 1941

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
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rights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00, by mall, $4.50.
'National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41
Editorial Staff

Emile Gele
Robert Speckhard
Albert P. Blausteir
David Lachenbruch
Bernard Dober .
Alvin Dann
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller

, . . . Managing Editor
n . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
Associate Editor
* . . .Sports Editor
. . Assistant Sports Editor
. . . . . Women's Editor
. . Assistant Women's Editor
Business Staff
. . . . Business Manager
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. Women's Advertising Manager
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H. Huyett
B. Collins
Wright .

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by niembers of The
Daily staff and repi-esent the views of the
writers only.

Dakar And Natal
Form Atlantic Bridge .. .
in opposite hemispheres which a
decade ago were regarded as of little consequence
in world affairs have become of great interna-
tional importance through an accident of
The towns are Dakar, a mud city, with a popu-
lation of little more than 33,000, of which less
than 3,000 are Europeans, located on the western
extremity of Africa, and Natal, a sleepy fishing
village of 7,000 on the extreme eastern reach
of South America.
The reason for their importance is that they
represent the closest land approaches of the
eastern and western hemispheres-a matter of
1,700 flying miles, and this circumstance, ac-
cording to air prognosticators, may some day
make them the termini of the future greatest
air route in the world.
THE FRENCH, who own the unhealthful sink
of Senegambi, pioneered flying between Da-
kar and Brazil-owned Natal back in 1935. Now,
however, Air France is no longer operating, and
the flying boats which cross the South Atlantic
today are Italian.
Recent reports that the French armies in
North Africa have been practically disarmed,
coupled with the possibility that Hitler may
move down the coast to occupy Dakar-which
has already once beaten off a British landing
effort-are in line with the importance Euro-
pean governments ascribe to the Afro-South
American route.
logical line of attack on the Western Hemi-
sphere in event of war. The "bulge" of South
America is one of its most vital and weakest
points, and the nearest base the United States
Government has is the one it shares with Britain
at Trinidad, which is farther away from Natal
than Dakar itself.
But even if it is not to be used as a strategic
point in war, it would be very much to the in-
terest of Germany to- acquire Dakar as an air-
ways terminal. During the hostilities the
United States has made great progress in taking
over the internal air traffic in South America.
The Lufthansa subsidiaries, in fact, have prac-
tically ceased to function. and Pan-American
Airlines,' Inc., has increased its flying routes by
thousands of miles.
PUT the skeleton organizations of German air-
lines are still in South America, and it need
not be supposed that the Nazis, if victorious in
their present- war, will not make a determined
effort to win back their status, which at one
time amounted to a long lead over the United
States. Come what may, Dakar and Natal are
destined to play a role of growing importance
in the history of a world at war.
- Bill Baker
Potential Air Power
tential air superiority. The industrial
power of the United States and Britain can gain
the victory if brought to bear effectively and in
time. And in the extension of sea power over
land-the British-American pi'oblem-the prin-
oina ner~avf s hahnha -in - ar v

On Facing The Truth.
To the Editor:
MR. DETZER'S TALK -Sunday afternoon,
sponsored by the Committee to Aid the
Allies, was entitled "Let us face the Truth." He
aimed his darts at the isolationists of the
America First stamp. In doing so, he did not
answer the majority of peace-minded Ameri-
cans, who are not isolationists, but who have a
lively interest in European affairs and who sin-
cerely desire to see democracy strengthened in
America and everywhere in the world. They
face the truth, and the truth is that this war has
nothing to do with the democratic aims of the
peoples of the world.
In choosing to reply to the isolationists, the
interventionists neglect the main issue which is
before the people of this country. That question
is what are we being asked to fight for?
I ET SPEAKERS address themselves frankly
to this question. Interventionists delude
themselves if they believe that Americans are
cool toward the war because of selfish isola-
tionist reasons. Americans are giving the war
the cold shoulder because it is not their war-
not a war which a democratic-minded people
can support. ,Far from advancing democracy
this predatory war for empire is destroying de-
mocracy throughout the world. United States
oil exports to Japan increased recently. Is this
to save democracy in China? Our domination
of Latin American countries continues with
greater force. Is this for democracy and free-
dom? Thousands of fighters in India's libera-
tion are imprisoned. For democracy and free-
dom? And at home the attack against civil
liberties and labor's rights have increased in
intensity. Is this the "vision of freedom" for
which we are asked to fight?
NO, the obvious conclusion is that neither side
is fighting this war in order to save democ-
racy. The American people cannot pursue a
policy aimed for war to aid the government "that
destroys its democracy in two hours against the
government that destroyed its democracy in one
and one-half hours." To face the truth, this is
no choice!
- The Campus Peace Council
still make up our own all Sibelius program.
There is plenty to choose from in the record
catalogues. Victor lists a recording of everyone
of the Finnish composer's seven symphonies,
from Ormandy and the Minneapolis' interpreta-
tion of the First to Koussevitzky and the Boston's
of the Seventh. In between, we get a list of
conductors which includes Stokowski, Kajanus,
Beecham, Schneevoigt, and of orchestras which
includes the London Symphony, the London
Philharmonic, the Finnish National and the
British Broadcaing Company.
In short, it is only a question of choice, and
since we have no concert to attend in the eve-
ning, suppose we select the most popular sym-
phonies: the Second "and the Fifth, both done
by Koussevitzky who ranks, in this department's
opinion, with Kajanus as the foremost Sibelius
interpreters. And except for certain injudicious
breaks in the records ,we are not likely to regret
our choices.
AFTER the Second Symphony and before in-
termission, there can be only one choice,
the Sibelius Violin Concerto, and only one violin-
ist, Heifetz-even if his were not the only re-
cording of the concerto. Intermission, and then
the powerful Fifth Symphony.
Encores? Well, Victor has recently released-
in commemoration of Sibelius' 75th anniversary
-an album-of the composer's most familiar tone
poems (M, AM, DM-750, three 12-inch records)
recorded by Dr. Ormandy and the Philadelphia
'The album has the vigorous, stirring Finlandia,
the moody, atmospheric The Swan of Tuonela,

and the flashing, eager Lemminkainen's Home-
ward Journey. Dr. Ormandy manages the trans-
ition with a flexible, searching beat, and the
reproduction, for the most part, is satisfactory.
But if you prefer, there is always Valse Triste in
a variety of interpretations: Stokowski, Mischa
Elman, Stock, Goosens, Beecham, and the late
Sir Hamilton Harty.
One more thing before you file out get your
latest catalogs right over here; you can't tell
the players without them!
* * *
FOR THOSE who were impressed by Charles
Kullman's performance in "Eugene Onegin"
last Saturday night, it must be reported that
the Metropolitan tenor has done a number of
various recordings for Columbia, among them
Wohin seid ihr entschwunden from Tschaikow-
sky's opera.
--M. O.
Roosevelt Running England?
Italian press comment says the United States
is now running the war and jeers at Mr. Church-
ill for having put himself, as the Italian com-
mentator phrases it, "under President Roose-
velt." Such talk only awakens memories of
in -n mirr -f a- n- c~ f h Tan 5 nan- -- af -

Toward Better Music
To the Editor:
WHEN WE EXAMINE the May Festival with
the extremely critical eye of a cosmopolitan
intellectual who has the background of the in-
telligentsia of three continents we cannot help
but arrive at the same conclusions expressed in
the letter by Guy Serge Metraux. I must con-
fess that the programming of the Festival, its
hodgepodge character, pained me to the point
of preferring to buy an album of records rather
than to go to the Festival-but I consider that
this act on my part is nothing commendable-it
shows in me the attitude of pseudo-intellectual-
ism that I hope the American community will
never reach, it shows in me a weakness (only for
the moment, I hope) in the understanding of
my American backgrounds.
Let me not rebuke you, Guy, for the letter you
wrote, let me instead try to explain in this letter
to you how I feel. Your letter proves to me that
you are trying to bring to us the full-fledged
intellectualism of Europe without understanding
the background of our culture here, without un-
derstanding the extreme strides in cultural edu-
cation that the May Festival represents. Your
letter proves to me that you do not understand
America, that you are not attempting to under-
stand America, and that until you do you will be
lost in a bitter condemnation of things that
represent to us a raising of our culture from
near nothing to a surprisingly high standard.
Thank God, we have not reached cultural per-
fection-but thank God, we are on our way.
fully small beginnings of the May Festival
within the memory of some of our generation
It was not many years ago when the May Fest-
ival, and before that the Choral Union repre-
sented the presentation of local talent and talent
from not too highly developed Detroit in a series
of recitals the programming of which would send
,our present concert atteiders into fits of laugh-
ter or aesthetic horror. And at that time the
level of music in this community as well as in
many of the then pioneer communities was not
much more than the acceptance of soulful bal-
lads-except for the weekly band "concerts" in
many places: programs of slightly modified pop-
ular tunes, marches, and wonders of wonders the
deep and awe-inspiring Rossini and Verdi over-
tures. Choral music was no more than the Choir
in the church singing hymns-many of which
are not music but merely those dear old tunes
emotionally so striking because of the memories
attached to them.
You cannot understand the gibing of "high-
brow" the mothers of the community received
when they demanded their daughters should
have lessons on the piano. The sacrifices these
families went through to get the piano and to
keep up the lessons, often with the neighbors
gossiping about the father's extravagance in
permitting such a scandalous and unnecessary
expenditure of money. Perhaps .the sons took
lessons on band instruments-or on the "fiddle,"
not really lessons but merely cursory instruction
by the old timer square dance fiddlers. If the
pianist got past "Hearts and Flowers" or the
fiddler reached something beyond the popular
level, he was getting beyond the culture of his
community and usually suffered a type of ostra-
cism that a small town can give to the person
they feel is reaching beyond his sources.
versity in the pioneer community had the
duty of gradually raising the standards of the
cultural level from this simple beginning to as
far as we are now. You cannotaunderstand the
criticisms of frivolity, of "fads and frills," that
is still aimed at our more educational systems
(and in the olden days even more) when music
reaches beyond the popular stage. Gradually,
gradually, the University and the more cultured
persons in the pionee' community got just a
little ahead of the community and always kept
a little ahead, teaching, leading, always going
to some perhaps undefined goal. And now we
have reached where we are-we are not stop-
ping-we are going on.
You cannot understand how, even in the com-
munity of today, if a Festival were given in Ann

Arbor that was all Wagner or all Beethoven it
would fail dismally-financially and I dare say
musically. Music to America is yet a matter of
enjoyment of each number in itself, the pioneer
marvelling at the technique of the artist-before
the radio and the phonograph, the technique of
the best fiddler in the best dance orchestra of
the day was marvelled at because it reached so
far beyond the other fiddlers the listener had
heard. We are still not far past that stage of
our development, Guy, don't force upon us the
full fledged culture. -Let us grow, and ultimately
we will reach the point you think Europe has
reached. But we will not have arrived at it
artificially with only the few at the top of the'
caste system appreciating music from its aes-
thetic purpose and the masses envying. We will
reach the high cultural plane with our whole
people, in fact with our whole being. The strides
we have made in the last generation are amaz-
ing-and we will not stop now.
TRY TO UNDERSTAND, Guy, that we are a
young people; that we have many problems
in assimilation of many varied cultures-not
assimilation to a single separate Anglo-Saxon
tradition but to a synthesis in which we will re-
ceive much from all the world's cultures. Give
us what you can of your background, but don't
fr fn r- - h 77cfn +hn+ ,lord of

YES! Says Alexander Holtzof
Special Ass't To Atty. General
The Department of Justice is just as anxious as any-
body not to depart from our fundamental principles,
and this is no mere lip service. I think the Depart-
ment of Justice has shown that in its daily work.
-WIRE TAPPING is no departure from our funda-
mental principles. After all, when you come to ana-
lyze it philosophically, tapping a telephone wire is no
different in principle from listening through a keyhole,
or any other undercover investigations which have been
carried on, necessarily, by law enforcement and Tolice
agencies from time immemorial.
We agree that unrestrained, unlimited wire tapping
engaged in by law-enforcement officers, without any
control, might give rise to abuses. There should be
direct control, so that an individual law-enforcement
agent should not take it upon himself to tap telephone
wires. That is why the bill would provide that this
should not be done except with the authority of the
head of the executive department to which the 'law-
enforcement officer is accredited.
Limited To Felonies
CONGRESSMAN HOBBS, in his bill, limits this au-
thority only to felonies, and it could not be resorted
to in case of misdemeanors or petty offenses. The sug-
gestion was made by Congressman Walter that the
authority to tap telephone wires, even in these limited
cases, should be procured from a federal judge, or from
a United States commissioner, rather than from the
head of the department. We hope that this will not be
done. We do not think that this is desirable, either from
a practical standpoint, or from the standpoint of the
protection of the individual..
'Not Regarded As Search'
MR. TOLAN (Rep. John H. Tolan. D., Cal.): How do
you dfferentiate now between the proceedings neces-
sary before you can obtain a search warrant and pro-
ceedings under this bill?
MR. HOLTZOFF: I would differentiate them in this
way, Mr. Chairman: This is not in the nature of a
search; that is, listening to a conversation or eaves-
dropping is not a search. It does not involve any physi-
cal invasion of a person's premises or his body, and is
not regarded as a search. In the famous Olmstead Case
the Supreme Court held that wire tapping is not an
illegal search and seizure, and does not come within the,
ban of the Constitution relating to such procedures.
Secrecy Important
I WANT TO make one more point, which is very im-
portant, and that is the necessity of observing se-I
crecy in these cases, because lack of secrecy defeats the
purpose. When you have to present papers to a jdge
and have them filed in court there is always the possi-
bility of a leak .. . e
I just want to make one more statement which I
overlooked making. It must be remembered that until
December, 1937, wire tapping was considered perfectly
legal. That is, wire tapping by law-enforcement offi-
cers was considered perfectly legal, and nobody thought
that our fundamental principles were being torn to
tatters. The only reason why legislationis needed on
the subject is because in December, 1937, the Supreme
Court construed an obscure provision of the Communi-
cations Act, for the first time in the history of the
United States, making it impossible for law-enforcement
officers to use evidence obtained by listening in on a
telephone conversation.
As Recommended
MR. TOLAN: Has the, Attorney General rendered a
report on this bill, H. R. 2266, Mr. Holtzoff?
MR. HOLTZOFF: No. There has been no formal re-
port rendered, but the bill carries out the recommenda-
tions contained in the Attorney General's annual report
on this subject.
MR. MICHENER (Rep; Earl C. Michener, R., Mich.):
The Attorney General is asking for the bill?
MR. HOLTZOFF: Yes. He is recommending legisla-
tion on the subject.

(Editor's Note: The Hobbs Bill. H. R. 2266, would make it legal for government agencies to tap telephone wires whenever
the head of a federal agency had reason to believe that a felony "may have been committed, is being committed, or is about to
be committed," and would permit evidence so obtained to be admitted in court. Such evidence is now barred by a Supreme
Court decision. The Hobbs Bill, reported out by the House J ucdiciary Committee, is strongly opposed by. all of organized
labor and many civil rights groups. Arguments printed here were presented during hearings on the bill.)

NO! Says J. G. Luhrsen, Secy.-Treas.
Of Railway Labor Executives' Ass'n.
WTE OBJECT to this bill because it deprives the real,
honest, loyal American citizen of his liberties and
interferes with his free speech. It does everything to
stop him from acting as a real American citizen. In-
stead of affording him the real liberty and freedom to
exercise his rights which will protect democracy, wire-
tapping is one of the very means of destroying democ-
racy .
What we need in this country more than anything
else is complete and full right of every real, loyal and
patriotic American citizen to express his views as he
sees them, with a view to adding to and increasing the
liberties which we so freely advocate rather than crush-
ing them through such an act as is represented in H. R.
NO! Says Paul Scharrenburg, Legislative
Director American Federation Of Labor
THIS BILL retains all of the objectionable features of
preceding bills. It vests inordinate powers in gov-
ernment officials, without providing for any effective
checks against abuse of those powers ... g
NO AMENDMENT, no matter how carefully drawn,
would in any manner minimize this danger. It
would, for example, be impossible to write an effective
amendment that would impose severe penalties on gov-
ernment officials who would ignore and violate the true
purpose and spirit of the bill. This is so because, no
matter what ou write, you would be unable to prove in
a court of lak on the regular rules of evidence that
any given individual has abused the power given by this
NO!'Says John J. Jones, Legislative
Representative For The CIO
T IS THE PRINCIPLE, in addition to the language of
the present bill and its predecessor, which labor
views with alarm. Following the judgment of the most
eminent jurists and legislators, we feel that wire tap-
ping is something more than merely another device
used by detectives in pursuit of criminals. Unlike the
donning of false whiskers, or the shadowing of plain-
clothes men-methods of detection which ordinarily do
not harm the innocent-wire tapping is a method of
espionage which ruthlessly lays bare the private lives,
and thoughts of citizens in the home, and in business,
government or union offices.
THE INNOCENT SUFFER with the guilty when the
wire tappers are at work. Since persons with guilty
consciences probably rarely use the telephone, the pro-
portion of innocent victims would be overwhelming.
NO! Says Louis F. McCabe,
Vice-President, 'National Lawyers Guild
F ANY AGENCY wanted to detect crime, and wanted
to get information which would be useful in detecting
that crime, why do they not tap the wires when there
is a conversation between a lawyer and his client, and
why do they not put a dictaphone in jail where the law-
yer is consulting his client? There they would get the
absolute information revealedby the client to his law-
yer. But no, our conscience is shocked at that.
IAM A CATHOLIC. I will say that thousands of
crimes could be solved if you put a dictaphone in the
confessional when a man goes in there and bares his
soul to the representative of his God. He is in there
confessing, he is actually accusing himself. It would be
a marvelous way of getting information if they would
do that, yet we are shocked at the thought of it. The
people who urge wire tapPing would revolt at that, and
so would we. Is it not recognition of the right of privacy
of individuals who are accusing themselves, the pro-
tection which surroundsthe confessional, the protection
which surrounds the confession of the criminal, and
the man who is telling his attorney just how he com-
mitted the crime, and seeking ways legally to prevent
a conviction for that crime? We recognize that that
man is entitled to protection even though he is a


(Continued from Page 2)
home or refinancing existing mort-
gages. The University has money to
loan on mortgages and is eligible to
make F.H.A. loans.
Senior Literary Students: It is
urged that all senior Literary stu-
dents wishing caps and gowns for
Swing Out place their orders as soon
as possible. It will be impossible to
fill orders unless sufficient time is
given. No deposit is required on
placing order.
'41 Literary Cap and Gown Committee
Choral Union, Members: Members
of the University Choral Union are
reminded that the book deposit of
$2.50 will be refunded provided that
all music books used during the year
are returned in good condition, not
later than Friday noon, May 16, to
the offices of the University Musical
Stoiety .urton Memnrial Tower Af-

Alpha Kappa Delta: Membership
certificates can be obtained from Mr.t
Landecker, 311 Haven Hall.
Academic Notices
Economics 122-Labor Problems.I
Dr. Haber will be unable to meet his
class on Wednesday.
Juniors concentrating in English
~who wish to apply for admission to3
English 197-198, English Honors,
should leave their names before noon
on Saturday, May 17, with Miss Ward
in the English Office, 3221 A.H. A
brief description of the Honors course
will be found on page 109 of the
Literary College Announcement.
Speech Majors (Juniors): Please
make appointments in Room 3211
Angell Hall to see your concentration
advisor during this week. Other
Speech students may make appoint-
ments if they wish.

floor of the Tower today
to 4:00 p.m. in place of

from 2:00
the usual

Speech 127: Professor Brandt's
section will not meet today, but will
meet Wedesday night at 7 o'clock.
Speech 312, Methods and Problems
in Linguistic Science, will meet Wed-
nesday evening instead of Tuesday
Psychology Master's Comprehen-
sive Examination will be given Wed-
nesday, May 14, 7:00-10:00 p.m., in
Room 1121 Natural Science Building.
Exhibition: Paintings by Oscar Ko-
koschka, May 7-20, at the Rackham
Building presented by the Ann Arbor
Art Asqociation and the Institute of
Fine Arts.

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