THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 11, 1941 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SUNDAY, MAY 11, 1941 SUNDAY, MAY 11, 1941 ter that date refunds will not be VOL. LI. No. 157 made. Publication in the Daily Official Charles A. Sink, President Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. It will be impossible to operate the Ditto machine in the Dictaphone Sta- Notices tion on Wednesday, May 15. In plan- ning work to be submitted to the To the Members of the University Dictaphone Station, this fact should Senate: The second regular meeting be taken into consideration. of the University Senate will be held on Monday, May 19, at 4:15 p.m. in Academic Nottees the Rackham Lecture Hall. Botanical Seminar will meet Wed- Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary nesday, May 14, at 4:30, Room 1139 N. S. Bldg. Paper by Edwin B. Mains: To the Members of the University "History of the Department of Bot- Council: There will be a meeting of any-_ the University Council on Monday, Seminar in Bacteriology will meet May 12, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 1009 i Monday, May 12, at 8:00 p.m., in AH. Room 1564, East Medical Building. AGENDA Approval of the Minutes. Report of the Committee for the Bureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information, G. E. Myers. Report of the Committee on Stu- den Affairs, J. A.Bursley. Report of the Committee on the University Extension Service, C. A. Fisher. Report of the Committee on Uni- versity Lectures, L. M. Eich, Subjects Offered by Members of the Council. Reports of the Standing Commit- tees: Program and Policy, E. B. Sta- son; Educational Policies, W. G. Rice: Student Relations, A. Marin; Public Relations, I. M. Smith; Plant and Equipment, R. W. Hammett. Lotuis A. Hopkins, Secretary School of Forestry and Conserva- tion Assembly: Mr. S. G. Fontana, Deputy Director of the Michigan State Department of Conservation, will speak at an assembly of the School of Forestry and Conservation at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, May 12, in the amphitheater of the Rackham Building. All students in the School of Forestry and Conservation are ex- pected to attend and classes will be dismissed for that purpose. Any others interested are cordially invited. S. T. Dana, Dean Public Health Assembly. The regu- lar Public Health Assembly will be entertained with a two-act play to be given by the Public Health Nurses. Please note that the Assembly will meet in the University High School Auditorium on Tuesday, May 13, at 4:00 p.m. instead of the regular meet- ing place in the W. K. Kellogg Audi- to um.r Word has been received that ther Forest Service will have a fire school from June 16 to September 20 near Missoula, Montana, for pre-forestry students particularly, but open to others who are interested. Lodging' and board furnished, pay 50c per hour when called for actual fire-fight- ing. Lectures and demonstrations on other phases of forestry. Require- ments: C average, good health. See Professor Allen, Room 3052 Natural Science Building, if interested. Commencement Announcements may no longer be secured from the various Class Committees. However, a limited quantity of booklets and folders for all Senior Classes except Law, Medicine, and Dentistry, is now available at Burr, Patterson, and AuldCompany, 1209 South Univer- sity Avenue. Choral Upion Members: Members of the University Choral Union are reminded that the book deposit of $2.50 will be refunded provided that all music books used during the year are returned in good condition, not later than Friday noon, May 16, to the offices of the University Musical Society, Burton Memorial Tower. Af- Subject: "Serum Reactions with the Virus of Rabies." All interested are invited. Physics Colloquim: Professor C. V. Kent of the University of Kansas will speak on "A Simple Way of Look- ing at Some Elementary Wave Me- chanics Systems" on Monday, May 12, at 4:15 p.m., in room 1041 Ran- dall Laboratory of Physics. Professor White will not meet his classes, Anthropology 32 and Anthro- pology 152, Monday, May 12. Seniors concentrating in English who wish to apply for admission to English 197-198, English Honors, should leave their names before noon on Saturday, May 17, with Miss Ward in the English Office, 3221 A. H. A brief description of the Honors course will be found on page 109 of the Lit- erary College Announcement. Cross Country Course: Our quota for the Cross Country Course of Civilian Pilot Training is limited to nine students who have completed. the Private, Secondary, and Appren- tice Instructor Courses of Civilian Pilot Training. Anyone interested should file an application blank at the Department of Aeronautical En- gineering immediately. The Cross Country Course includes 120 hours of flying besides radio and instrument work, navigation, and' meteorology. All flying will be done in a Stinson Reliant. Instruction will begin about June 15 and will be com- pleted in approximately twelve weeks. Doctoral Examination for Mr. Henry Sackett Mosby, Forestry and Conservation; Thesis: "The Wild Turkey in Virginia Life History and Management," Monday, May 12, at! 1:30 p.m., in 2045 Natural Science Bldg. Chairman, S. A. Graham. Doctoral Examination for Miss Chieko Otsuki, Pharmaceutical Chemistry; Thesis: "1-Alkyl 2-Dial- kylaminoalkyl and 1-Dialkylaminoa- kyl 2-Alkyl 3-Aminophthalates as Lo- cal Anesthetics," Monday, May 12, at 2:00 p.m., in 309 Chemistry Bldg. Chairman, F. F. Blicke. By action of the Executive Board the chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend the exam- ination and he may grant permis- sion to those who for sufficient reas- on might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum ExhibitionsI Exhibition: Paintings by Oscar Ko- koschka, May 7-20, at the Rackham Building presented by the Ann Arbor Art Association and the Institute of Fine Arts. Lectures University Lecture: Professor Otto Neugebauer of Brown University will lecture on the subject, "Problems and Methods in Ancient Astronomy," (il- lustrated) under the auspices of the Department of Mathematics at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, May 14, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Elmer A.j Culler, Professor of Psychology at theI University of Rochester, will lecture on the subject, "The Limiting Form, of the Learning Curve" under the auspices of the Department of Psy- chology at 8 p.m. on Thursday, May 115, in the W. K. Kellogg Founda- tion Institute Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. J. Allen Scott of Ohio State University, will lecture on the subject, "Manson's bloodfluke, a public health problem in Venezuela," under the auspices of the Department , of Zoology at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, May 15, in the Natural Science Auditorium. The pub- lic is cordially invited. University Lecture: Professor R. B. Mowat of the University of Bristol, England, will lecture on the subject, "Literature and Society in Eighteenth Century England" under the auspices of the Department of History at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, May 20, in the* Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. Henry Russel Lecture: Harrison M. Randall, Professor Emeritus of the Department of Physics, will lecture on the subject, "The Role of Infra- red Spectroscopy in Modern Physics" (illustrated) at, 4:15 p.m. on Tues- day, May 13, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. On this occasion announce- ment of the Henry Russel Award for 1940-41 will be made. The lublic is cordially invited.' . i Events Today Carillon Recital: Percival Price, University Carillonneur, will present, The American Student Defense Members of other Chapters are cord- League is sponsoring discussion ially invited. groups on the Hoover Food Plan on-,- the basis of the radio program to- Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- day, May 11, at 10:15 p.m., over ences will meet on Tuesday, May 13, the Mutual Broadcasting System in at 7:30 p.m. in room 1042 East En- which Martin Dworkis, local campus gineering Building. Don L. Rounds, leader, will oppose the proposal. a former student here, who recently Groups interested can secure infor- graduated Pensacola, will tell of his mation, materials and discussion experiences in the Naval Air Corps leaders by contacting Leroy Contie, and flight training. Officers for the vice-president of the ASDL, at 2- coming year will be elected; and com- 3189. mittees for the coming Annual Ban- quet will be selected. Five subscrip- ®rl~ L'Evens jtions to the "Aeronautical Review" oming Evens willbeoraffled among members. Re- German Table for Faculty Mem- freshments will be served. bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room, Michigan Varsity Glee Club will meet Tues- Union. Members of all departments day, May 13, at 8:00 p.m. in the Glee interested in German conversation Club room of the Union. On Wed- are cordially invited. There will be nesday, May 14, at 6:15 p.m., the a brief talk on "Eine Reise im Suden" I annual Glee Club banquet will be held by Mr. Henry A. Sanders. in the Union. Make and pay for re- servations by the Tuesday evening Botanical Journal Club will meet meeting. Final music refunds will be Music Education Majors: All Music Education majors in the School of Music are asked to attend a meeting at 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 13, *i4n the Schooi of Music Auditorium, at which time there will be a discussion of the pre-registration system and of the problem of academic minors. International Center's Intramurali Night. Monday, May 12, the Annuali Intramural Night for the Interna-c tional Center will be held in the In-1 tramural Building from 7:30 to 11t o'clock. Thenfinals will be played in basketball and other indoor sports; there will be exhibitions of the vari- ous activities of the Center, and films of the program of the Center for the past year will be shown throughout the evening. Everyone is invited to attend. Admission is free.] Graduate Student Party on Thurs- day, May 15, from 9-12 p.m., on the third floor of Rackham Building. Dancing, cards, refreshments. All graduate students and faculty invit- ed. Bring identification cards. No charge. American Student Defense League' will provide materials for groups or individuals on the radio program sponsored by the organization, fea- turing Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, on Tuesday, May 13, over the Columbia Broadcasting System, at 9:15 p.m. The subject is "Today's Challenge to the Youth of America." Contact] Leroy Contie, 2-3189. Michigan Dames: The annual Michigan Dames banquet will be held at the Michigan League on Tues- day, May 13, sat 6:30 p.m. All Michi- gan Dames are urged to obtain reser- vations as soon as possible. 1941 Dramatic Season: Tickets for individual plays of the 1941 Dramat- ic Season will be placed on sale Mon- day morning at 10:00 at the box of- fice, Mendelssohn Theatre. Season tickets are also available, with seats in good locations for all perform- ances. Churches St. Andrew's EpiscopalCChurch: Sunday at 8:00 a.m. Holy Commun- ion; 9:30 a.m. High School Class, Harris Hall; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and Sermon by the Rev. Hen- ry Lewis; 11:00 a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m. Kindergarten, Harris Hall; 7:00 p.m. College Work Program, Harris Hall. Student Panel Discus- sion, "The Christian Student's Re- sponsibility Now;" also reports on In- ter-Guild Conference and Racine Conference. Games and refresh- ments. Tuesday and Friday from 4 until 5:30 tea will be served at Harris Hall. There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion on Wednesday at 7:30 a.m. in the Chapel. Disciples Guild (Christian Church): 10:00 a.m. Students' Bible Class, H. L. Pickerill, leader. (Continued on Page 7) Tuesday, May 13, at 7:30 p.m. in Room N.S. 1139. Reports by: Gretchen Beardsley, "Prehistoric charcoals as evidence as former vegetation, soil and climate. Dunes of the western' Navajo country." T. Lesser, "Flora Brazilica (Re- view). Lilloa-Journal of Botany of the National University of Tucuman, Ar- gentina." Andrew Watson, "Growth of some range grasses in reduced light in- tensities at Cheyenne, Wyoming." I Ulrich Williams, "Reviews: Cacti of Monevideo. Arizona cacti." Economics Club: Professor William Haber will address the Club on "Some Problems of Economic Policy of the Post Defense Period" on Monday, May 12, at 8:00 p.m. in the Amphi- theater of the Rackham Building. Graduate students and staff mem- bers in Economics and Business Ad- ministration are cordially invited. Tau Beta Pi dinner meeting with a speaker in room 319 of the Union at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, May 13. given Tuesday night; all music must be returned. Phi Lambda Upsilon: A meeting for the election of officers for the com- ing year will be held in the East Con- ference Room, Rackham Building, at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 13. Reserve Officers Association will meet Monday, May 12, in Room 304 of the Michigan Union at 7:15 p.m. Lt. G. A. Liedholz will discuss "Pro- perty Accountability and Responsibil- ity; Care and Marking of Equip- ment." All Reserve Officers are in- vited to attend. Inactive duty credit will be provided. Phi Sigma meeting on Tuesday, May 13, (on notices sent to members the date was incorrectly recorded as May 6) in the Rackham Building at 8:00 p.m. Dr. M. Titiev will be the speaker and his topic will be, "The Use of Snakes in Indian Ceremon- ials." Initiation of new members will follow. Refreshments. German Club will meet Tuesday evening, May 13, at 8:00 p.m. in the W.A.B. Election of officers will be held and there will be folk-dancing, games, and refreshments. Graduate Students and others in- terested are invited to listen to the regular Tuesday evening program of recorded music in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building at 8:00 o'clock. The program follows: Bach, Violin Concerto in D Minor; Debus- sey, Pagodes, L'Ile Joyeuse, and the First Rhapsody for Clarinet; Brahms, Symphony No. 2; and Tschaikovsky, Romeo and Juliet Overture. f a recital from 7:15 to 8:00 p.m. to- day, in the Burton Memorial Tower. I A number of Negro spirituals, a com- wil position for the carillon by Kikstat, gu and works by Monteverdi, Henry VIII, 4:1 Ford, and Chopin will be included in ad the program. be Graduate Outing Club will meet tio today at -2:30 p.m. in clubroom in ter Rackham Building (Use northwest ion entrance). Business meeting to vote Pr( on proposed amendment to By-laws, Pri and to consider plans for the corn-Sp ing square dance. Hiking and soft- wit ball game. Supper at 6:00 p.m. in Ob clubroom (reservations must be made at afternoon meeting). All graduate students are cordially invited. .f frthat vCasual .Look j l ~ come to DiMottia's New Hollywood Salon 114 S. University *Phone 7561 Phi Beta Kappa: Annual Initiation l be held in the Michigan Lea- e Chapel, Thursday, May 15, at 5 p.m. Professor H. A. Kenyon will dress the initiates. All new mem- rs are expected to attend. Phi Beta Kappa: Annual Initia- n Banquet of the Michigan Chap- will be held at the Michigan Un- 1, Friday, May 16, at 6:30 p.m. ofessor Edward S. Corwin of inceton University will be the eaker. Reservations should be made th the Secretary, Hazel M. Losh, servatory, before Thursday p.m. / " :' 1, ,,,.+ K' mommmmommmoU Our Best-Selling SPECTATOR! BROWN and WHITE " BLUE and WHITE- SNAKE and WHITE " BLACK and WHITE r ALL-WHITE You love it for its youngness ... its foot- '., diminishing flattery.. its "wearability" with oil.clothesl Come choose yoursI "- , ,fit d 3t r A r i JJ yy. 1 4SS K ff Evening tars! You'll look entrancingly fresh and lovely as you float or a sleep solid color will make you equally appealing. Just come in and see what a large assortment we have! $9.95 andIup NI9 ktKnO SPRINQ CHARM f or SPRINQ FORMALS may be found in our heavenly selection of spring formals. Sophisticated or demure- moderately priced! $12.95 to $19.95. 1I1 i II