FORTHE MICHIGAN DAILYst £ ,- A T-. ... I -__ "_w7 "___ s r 1 NDA'Y, MAY 11, 1941 m7n THE MIC .HIGAIN DAILY 1 .. TI M1h( B 11t tc hN F Pu - rm,~lNMIaK Lamm Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publipations. Puilished every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Pre'ss is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERT13ING DY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADisoN AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff Emile Gele Rbbert Speckhard Albert P. Blaustein David Lachenbruch Bernard Dober Alvin Dann Hal Wilson Arthur Hill Janet Hiatt Grace Miller + Managing Editor . Editorial Director . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor . . Women's Editor * . Assistant Women's Editor Business Staff . . . Business Manager . . Assistant Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager . . Women's Business Manager B Daniel James Louise Evelyn H. Huyett B. Collins Carpenter Wright . NIGHT EDITOR: GEORGE W. SALLADE The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the . writers only. An Editorial . (Continued from Page 1) eligible to vote in Publications Board elections, we quite frankly don't know, except to point out that the answer to Professor Marn probably lies in the first question of relative "maturity." Another reason given for the reorganization concerns the sacrifice involved in serving as a Board member. It was felt that present faculty members of the Board were overworked, and by adding more faculty the responsibility could be borne more easily. But such an argument works both ways. Students as well as faculty are busy people, especially the caliber of students who are elected as members of the Publications Board. The committee says that it is an insult to ask alumni members to attend Board meetings and deny them the vote. Though we have talked to at least one alumni member who expressed no desire for the vote, the argument we do think has some merit, but, on the other hand, seems inconsistent when supported by Professor Marin, who personally says in all sincerity that the students should have no vote whatsoever. Why not constitute the Board with two faculty, two alumni and three student members. In the very" exceptional case of a clean split between the two generations the older will have the final say as at present, but the students will not feel the coddled wards of an older generation whom the students believe is determined to dominate them, whatever the case. Incidentally, though the new proposal would give two alumni members a vote, it is implicit in the majority of six faculty over a possible alumni-student bloc of five that the alumni members are also deemed to lack that "maturity" of which the committee speaks. * * * DEEPLY INVOLVED in our disagreement with Professor Marin, the Council committee, et al, is a question that wps a significant difference in the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle. Plato thought of members of the stater as wards of the all-wise philosopher king. Aristotle, how- ever, recognized that what were called the inter- ests of the state were really individual satisfac- tions, and insisted that the integrity of the in- dividual, the need of the individual to partici- pate in the governing of his life, were essential. When the Council committee places students in the role of advisers (and they are actually nothing more in the faculty dominated Board of 8-3), the committee does what Plato did in his ideal state, except provide omniscient rulers. It fails in the final analysis to realize the func- tion of the editos, the student mebmers of the Board, and the campus body politic-it fails to give the individual that sense of responsibility which draws him into the democratic process, that responsibility which makes the individual student as sincere a citizen of the University as any faculty member. When the committee proposes the reorganiza-, tion plan it tells the editors that they are not capable of living up to the code of ethics which their student predecessors have formulated, it tells the student members of the Board that they are not to be trusted to enforce the code of ethics, and it tells the student body that they are not able enough to elect competent mem- bers to the Puic~iatins Bonard. May Festival By KARL KARLSTROM MR. ORMANDY and the Philadelphia Orches- tra presented a very intelligible concert of all-Sibelius works, including his first and sev- enth symphonies and the violin concerto in D minor. The 7th Symphony, C Major, Opus 105, is a work of one movement, built around a single major theme and several minor ones which are varied and rewarded throughout the entire con- cert, and played without pause. The careful modulations and expressiveness of the slow movements contrasted in each interpolation with the varying moods of the swifter passages. The weaving of the whole from the original threads of melody and harmony was done with singular clarity and excellent musicianship. MR. HF2FETZ proved his ability to do any- thing with the violin that any one has ever been able to do. His tones were consistently clear and round, his bowing excellent. We do not feel that his tone is the best we have heard in the field of violin, but for all-round per- Formance and intimate treatment of violin works he is stamped for us indelibly as a vir- tuoso of top rank. His treatment of the thematic material and the subsequent variations and de- viations of each movement was done with ai fine understanding. Particularly striking, we thought, were the beautiful loneliness of the violin during the first few moments of the allegro moderato and the full thrilling tones of the adagio. The breadth and magnitude of Sibelius' first 'Symphony in E Minor deny the oft-brought charge that it is a work of nationalistic charac- ter, although we freely admit that the peculiar texture of Sibelius' music can be thought to e- press the popular conception of Finland's rocky shores and hardy people. We have always found it to be of far greater significance. Mr. Or- mandy brought the orchestra to a high pitch of excellence in this work of greatly changing mood; and despite a ragged pizzicato or two, and a false entrance by oboe and English Horn in duets, he deserves great credit for his highly intelligent performance. THE ENCORE was Finlandia, a rugged work of lyrical melodies, immense sound, and stirring passages, and was, as always, popularly acclaimed. FIRST I should like to say that I believe an opera should be sung and not read. Secondly I should like to say that at least the first half of last night's concert was ungood. The quartets were particularly poor. The best work of the evening was that of the chorus which again proved itself to be a sterling group. Of the soloists I can say that I hope all of them im- prove. The best spots for them, were the aria of Prince .Gremin, taken by Norman Cordon, which showed that he has promise; that of the aria, "I can't forget it" by Mack Harrell, which proved conclusively that he can sing once he removes the marbles from his mouth; and the final aria by Jarmilla Novotna, which proves that she has no sense of the artistry of singing. Miss Szantho is fair and showed more experi- ence than most of the others. Miss Sten's part gave one no opportunity to judge of her ability. Charles Kullman may one day develop into a fine singer. LAST NIGHT was demonstrated the inability of Tschaikowsky to provide music on an opera text. Often the solo parts were entirely inaudible under the heavy orchestration. We hope for better next year. RECORDS Thursday's magnifient performance by Gre- gor Piatigorsky and the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra under Dr. Ormandy of Richard Strauss' Don Quixote, Fantastic Variations for Violoncello and Orchestra, recalls to mind that the same orchestra, but with Emanuel Feuer- mann doing the solo cello work, has recently made, for Victor, a recording of the Strauss tone- poem (M-720). This listener has not had the opportunity of hearing Feuermann in the role, but apparently -according to men in the Philadelphia Orches- tra who played with both 'cellists-his perform- ance is as fine as Piatigorsky's was the other night. There are the natural differences, of course, in approach and interpretation, and, if anything,-again according to Philadelphia men -Feuermann's tone is a bit more appropriately full. In any case, it seems quite clear that the Victor recording of the musical adventures of- Cervante's wandering Knight is a satisfying job. *r * Jose Iturbi has no recording of the Liszt Con- certo which he played here Friday; except for his playing-along with his sister, Amparo- of the Mozart sparkling two-piano Concerto in E-flat major (Victor, M-732, three 12-inch rec- ords), he apparently has never done any con- certo work for recording. But he has recorded, with characteristic ar- tistry, many delightful single records. There are some melodic Mozart sonatas, and several ex- citing Spanish numbers done as only Mr. Iturbi1 does them. One of them--Pequena-Danza Es- pagnola-he himself has confessed composing un- der peculiar circumstances. It seems that many years ago in Paris he was to play in a concert four Spanish dances composed for him by M. Infante. One day before the concert only three of them had arrived, so that Mr. Iturbi was for- ced to improvise a dance in order to live up to his program of "Four .Spanish Dances." The result 9$i9 tn e aq? aThis is Me " Mother's Day By DAVID LOCKE WELL, I ain't going very far, but if you want to ride along with me, hop in back with the hawgs. .If you don't like the way I drive, you're welcome to jump out any time. * * * I had already decided that I wasn't going to write any "first" column. I was just going to sail right into it as if I'd been putting out this stuff for six weeks-already. But my better judg- ment lost out, so here is my introduction, or rationalization: In this column I want to look at things through the eyes of a typical student at Ann Arbor. Not necessarily the fellow who joined the frat club because his old man was a member and not necessarily the fellow who is working so hard to get his education that he never finds the time to stop and smile. WANT to represent a typical "student"-the fellow who hitch-hikes to Detroit on sunny Saturdays; the fellow who cuts his eight o'clocks so he can sleep a little longer; that representative fellow who endures four years of regulated routine called college so that he may receive a passport to a wonderful and glorious future-I want to represent that fellow in my columns. So just keep in mind that this column is to be a reflection of campus (and world) life as seen through the eyes of that fabulous "typical student." No, I don't mean the Joe College type. I'm referring to the college student of today; Joe College is of the twenties. Today's student is just a bit more' serious than Joe. He realizes 'hat without a moment's notice the entire world may crumble beneath his feet. RUT don't get the idea that I'm going to paint a dismal picture, as some of my predecessors have done. My constant goal will be to make people smile by thinking and think by smiling. When I have a serious point to make, I'll try to do it with satire; if the attempt fails, I'm sorry. Most of the time this column will have very lit- tle rhyme and less reason, but I'll put down my impressions as long as we have a democracy and the editorial director is willing. Enough of that. * * * Don't throw stones at your mother; She never threw stones at you, - fiom an old Scottish hymn TODAY, INCIDENTALLY, is Mother's Day. So just as a sample of the invaluable service that Going My Way is going to supply in the future, I present a new and satisfying Mother's Day gift for those students temporarily sans funds-be it due to poverty or debauchery. If you haven't the cash to phone your mother and you can't even afford a predigested (All that I am or hope to be I owe to you, my mother -No. 73256-A) telegram or a two-bit box of sweets, here's the Mother's Day present that most mamas would be tickled to death to receive. Instructions-clip out this column between the dotted lines below, print in your name neatly over the little dots on the first line and mail it to your mother. That ought to make the old lady kick through with a couple of bucks, anyway. .was honored yes- terday by the President of the University for outstanding scholarship during the past se- mester. He was awarded, by special vote of the fac- ulty, an honorary membership into Phi Beta Kappa. He needs twenty bucks to pay his dues. JELL, there's more than one way to skin a parent. Yost Steps Down SEVENTY IS THE AGE OF RETIREMENT in the Big Ten, as the Western Conference used to be called before Chicago fell, and since Field- ing H. Yost was born on April 30, 1871, he steps down from the University of Michigan but not out of memory. No man ever gave Ann Arbor more prestige except maybe Judge Cooley, the Angells or Joe Parker. Yost was in Michigan ath- letics for two generations, and the Middle West knew no other opponent more dangerous year in and year out. The most amazing set of foot- ball victories ever compiled-not forgetting Rock- ne's and the mighty Yale teams of forty years ago -were of Yost's manufacture. His team of 1901 scored 550 points to the opponents' none. It won the first Rose Bowl game, againstStanford, 49-0. His 1902 team was again undefeated in eleven games, 644 points to 12. In 1903 Yost won eleven of twelve games, being tied, 6 to 6, by Minne- sota and scoring 565 points for 6 for the op- position. In 1904 Yost's team was again unde- feated. At the end of the last game of the schedule of 1905 Chicago scored the first points scored against Michigan all season and won, 2 to 0. It was the first time in fifty-seven games and five years of football that Yost had lost. Naturally the man whose football teams were licked only twenty-nine times in 174 games isn't going to leave Ann Arbor as his last contract as athletic director is up. What would he do in a city that had no Huron River, no Washtenaw, no 'The Managerial Revolution' As Others Economist Peter Drucker agrees with author's thesis that capital is losing control to management, but challenges the major premise of economic determinism. Peter Drucker reviews James Burnham's book, "The Managerial Revolution," in Saturday Review of Literature. MF,. BURNHAM, in this highly provocative and worth- while book, sees the central fact of ourpresent so- cial and political situation in the divorce of manage- ment-control and legal ownership in the modern big business corporation. This divorce has given economic and social control to a small group of professional man- agers who owe their power to professional acumen, ad- ministrative ability, and promotion from inside rather than to stock ownership and legal control. It is, more- over, creating a new ruling class and is disenfranchising the old ruling class of capitalists. Mr. Burnham shows how far this divorce has already gone; he is convinced that it represents an irresistible trend and that the managers will be tomorrow the real rulers-if they are not already now. It is a change in the basic techno-economic structure of society which will enforce a complete change of the social and political system upon all industrial countries of the world. Hit- ler, Stalin-and also the New Deal-are wittingly or unwittingly only the "front" for this new ruling class and its power. The present world war, the new systems in Europe, are only the external signs of this "Mana- gerial Revolution" which will proceed inescapably to the expropriation of all private industrial property by a state acting as the executive organ of the new mana- gerial rulers. R. BURNHAM is convinced that at least in its first stages this new society must be totalitarian, just as the new society of bourgeois capitalism was in its in- cepticn in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. This does not rule out the possibility that later on, when the new society has become sufficiently stabilize, it will be able to introduce some features of popular government and individual freedom which apparently seem to Mr. Burnham to be luxuries affordable only by the rich and the strong. It is certainly true that the divorce of management and legal ownership is one of the basic and most im- portant facts in modern industrial society. It is also true that it poses a great many vital political problems. After all, the justification of control, i.e., of political and social power over the productive machinery, by the legal title of ownership, has been one of the great principles of modern society since Locke and Hume. The separation of the two-even though by no means complete-necessarily compels a revaluation of inher- ited traditional concepts-those of capitalism as well as those of socialism-and a reconsideration of the rela- tionship between society and the rights of private property. NMR. BURNHAM is not the first writer to draw atten- tion to this development. Yet he has done a real service by showing the fundamental importance of this development. And it would be hardly possible to dis- miss this book except after a careful examination of its basic premises. Even less permissible would it be to shrug it off as another "Wave of the Future" contribu- tion. It is far too serious for that; and it is far too obvious that Mr. Burnham sincerely disapproves of a trend which nevertheless he considers inevitable. In Mr. Burnham's argument there is one contradic- tion which weakens his conclusions. Mr. Burnham be- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Food For Hitler To the Editor: ONCE AGAIN the forces of isolation and appeasement on campus, the same group that sponsored "trans- mission belt" Senator Wheeler, are attempting to "sabo- tage" the aid-to-England movement by presenting a "Herbert Hoover" food plan proponent to the student body. In the name of Humanity, this group calls upon the American people to support the sending of foodstuffs and so-called non-war materials to the countries under German domination. We are firmly opposed to this further indication of appeasement undertaken by the Hoover cohorts.. WE KNOW that Nazi aggression and not the English blockade is responsible for the plight of the Euro- pean peoples, that any shortages are direct creations of the Nazis and are due to confiscations to feed the in- vading armies of the Third Reich. We know that the Germans have boasted that there is no critical food situation (Broadcast from Berlin, September 20, 1940, repeated in effect on December 3, 1940, and reported by the Berlin Institute for Business Research) and that the net result, in any event, of sending fo6d to Europe through the British blockade would be to directly con- tribute to the Nazi war machine. WHILE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE are bombarded by these apparently reasonable; requests for food, Hit- ler is encouraged to delay the return of stolenmaterials in the hope that America will "make up the difference." We believe that if America resolves not to send this type of boomerang help, Hitler will be forced to feed his dominated peoples because they are producing for his war machine, because to do otherwise would be to admit the inability of the "New Order" to feed the people it "protects," because unrest and revolution are inevitable unless the conquered nations are fed. We are confident that the subjugated peoples of Europe, French, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Belgian, Greek, Yugoslavian, Polish, Czechoslovaks, and all, prefer that America not even make the attempt, pre- doomed to failure, and by doing so force the breakdown of the English blockade. Every shipload helps Hitler perpetuate his dictatorial control. AID THIS WAY would be used by the Nazis to show the peoples of Europe that America approves of the "New Thought." We can and should not permit even the slightest suspicion to enter the minds of the Euro- lieves it to be inevitable that private ownership of the means of industrial production will disappear. On his own argument there is no reason why this should hap- pen as a consequence of the development he expects. Since private property, according to his very well docu- mented thesis, has become unimportant compared to the direct power of control of the management, even the technological society of the future which he en- visages, can well afford to keep private property alive as a mere title. Anyhow, that is precisely what the managerial" societies of the last ten years have done EVEN MORE IMPORTANT is the question whether the facts support Mr. Burnham's contention that "Hitler, Stalin or the New Deal are only fronts for the new economic rulers." To this reviewer, at least, it seems that the essence of the modern totalitarian gov- ernment is that it uses economic power as an-auxiliary to political power, and that it uses the managers as a "front" for the new political ruling class of ,a party bureaucracy. That this is not true of the New Deal in any respect seems to this reviewer sufficient reason to repudiate Mr. Burnham's identification of the New Deal with the totalitarian dictatorships. The real attack against Mr. Burnham's position must, hpwever, bes made against his basic assumptions. Mr. Burnham considers his book to be a repudiation of Marxism in all its forms. Yet his basic assumptions are those of the Marxists, namely: (1) that political power is always the tool of economic power; (2) that political ideologies are always fabrications to cover the class distribution of economic power, and (3) that social, political, and economic developments inescapably follow the trend of technological pro- duction. FOR THOSE who share these assumptions, Mr. Burn- ham's thesis is indeed irrefutable. And it should be realized that these assmptions are shared today not only by the professed Marxists but by a large body of economic, social, and political thinkers, including those of the extreme Right. Yet if society is to continue free, it must be asserted that ideas are not economically determined, that they are not "myths" invented to cover economic power; and above all, it must be reasserted that power must be legitimate and that legitimacy is not a function of eco- nomic reality but one of the basic beliefs of society. If Mr. Burnham thinks that the totalitarian power wielded by the managers will be "legitimate" simply because it mirrors the existing structure of industrial production, he denies all possibility of right or wrong in politics. But those who refuse to accept his conclu- sions should realize that they can only do so if tl ey refuse to accept his basic premise of the economic de- termination of political developments, and of the ines- capability and inevitability of political and social de- velopments. THE FACT that it is impossible to discuss this book without also discussing the fundamentals of po- litical and social beliefs, shows that it is an extra- ordinary book. All in all, it is one of the best recent books on political and social trends; it will probably become the Bible o the next generation of neo- Marxists. Iiofiinie S"ayS WHAT OF COSMIC JUSTICE? How can one believe God to be either good or, able? Many more stu- dents are asking such questions now than in any se- mester during the decade-a reasonable shift of interest. Students who formerly thought that general pros- perity would bring them success now begin to doubt. Some never gave religion, human destiny, and the cosmos a thought until calamity struck. Many who lived from day to day enjoying the security which a steady income guaranteed now feel that they are being short- changed. A few, very few, seem to believe that human- ity is being punished, that retribution has caught up with the race, or that man's sin is finding himout. For all of these student every questiorl about cosmic justice means rather what chance is there for me. Except for the pathos and regret involved such persons are not the ones of chief concern to my educator. THE PERSON WHO CHALLENGE US most are those who have been trained to believe that right, is more certain to triumph than wrong-that truth eventually will win over falsehood-that humility surpasses ego- ism-that virtue must eventually eliminate vice-that truth will take the field from error. The ones who record much at stake are those who have learned the theory of good and evil as accepted by one of our ablest profes- sors of philosophy: "In the creative process in which we are co-workers with God, we are given the oppor- tunity for victory and love, for beauty and for virtue, which is its own reward. To ask for more is to ask for what God himself cannot give." (Dewitt H. Park- er, Experience and Substance). To see these youth dis- illusioned is to witness the suicide of our Christian edu- cation. These are the children of Christian culture, the youth who have taken seriously our schools, our church- es, our ethics, our idealism, our democratic emphasis. Without being chiefly for "the main chance" nor' dedicated to the pagan theory that might makes right, these persons in deep earnestness ask whether we were telling the truth when we taught humanitarian vir- tues and validated that teaching with Scripture. Now suddenly they find themselves in a world where good seems to be down and evil up, where power makes cruelty win, and where whole peoples, because of their uniqueness are erased. Hence these questions. T HE RELIGIOUS MAN believes in a universe of God which is weighted in favor of the virtues. Also he believes that virtue can win; not that it will, but it can. Virtue can win if men so decree. As to cosmic justice, suppose there is only cosmic fairness, only re-