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May 09, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-09

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ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41
Editorial Staff

le Gele.
bert Speckhard
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vid Lachenbruch
nard Dober
'in Dann
1 Wilson
hur Hill
net Hiatt
ace Miller

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
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Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Assistant Women's Editor

iel H. Huyett
mes B. Collins
uise Carpenter
elyn Wright.

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. Business Manager
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. . Women's Business Manager

. g

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.


U.S. Should
Declare War Now . .
T HE UNITED STATES is going to
war. The sooner we become used
to this knowledge the sooner we will be able to
understand America's position. Since the 'Ameri-
can people decided that Britain should have our
full aid, it has daily grown more obvious that
not only production lines, but our armed forces
woud be involved. We have a stake in the war
which we are no longer willing to risk, and as
such men as Secretary of War Stimson and
President Conant of Harvard have pointed out,
we are not going to risk it. Every public utter-
ance sponsored by the Administration during
this past week points to our military participa-
tion to one degree or another, convoying per-
haps, but convoying which President Roosevelt
himself has acknowledged; would mean war.
Every headline screams the fact, every act of the'
Army and Navy discloses the fact; the fact re-
quires only the intelligent recognition of the
American people.
ASSUMING THEN our eventual entrance into
the European conflict a as Britain's partner,
the problem lying before this country is a com-
plex one. When should we declare war? Should
we use only our Navy as Conant has suggested
with the phrase 'naval belligerency,' or should
we send troops that may in Senator Wheeler's
words, be plowbd under? These and hundreds
of similar questions should be in our minds, to-
day, not the now academic question of inter-
vention or isolation.
CONSIDERING FIRST the proper time for en-
trance, the very fact of that entrance seems
almost to settle the question. Certainly if we
are to fight, it would be better to do so while
we still have an ally, a foothold in Europe; while
.we still have the British Navy and the RAF.
There is no time for delay. The situation calls
for an immediate declaration of war, for only
thus can we logically carry out the decision
already made by the American nation.
SUCH A DECLARATION means nothing in it-
self; we must act or the meaning of our
declaration is lost. What action should be taken
is in the narrower sense dependent upon mili-
tary strategy. In the broader sense it is de,-
pendent on public opinion, for such questions as
the sending of American troops abroad are an-
swerable only by the hearts and minds of Ameri-
can citizens. Fortunately, the present situation
demnds no immediate decision, only thought-
ful consideration so that that decision may be
forthcoming at any time.
TrHESE QUESTIONS are only two of many
which indicate that this is no time to stop
thiri1ing. The fact that we are going to war
means only that having made this decision, we
should forget it and go on to the next problem,
not faltering, but facing it resolutely.
- Hale Champion
Encouraging News
THERE IS good ground for encouragement in
the report on behalf of the aircraft indus-

May Festival;
The second of the six scheduled concerts was
given last night, and almost completely carried
on the high pitch set by the first.
The University chorus was splendidly handled
by Mr. Johnson's very firm conducting in the
Thompson Alleluia, a work of resounding paeans
of praise, which ended on a reverentialhush.
Further proof of the excellent training the
chorus has seen was evidenced in the Brahms
Requiem. The first section, Blessed Are They
That Mourn, evidenced an ascetic spirit with the
personality of Brahms pervading throughout.
Great warmth of emotion accompanied the tex-
tual significance of the section.
Next came Behold All Flesh Is as the Grass. A
solemn striding that changed abruptly into a
prayer for patience, returning to the former
spirit, then bursting into the grand proclamation
of redemption and glad rejoicing, ad ending on
a final softly exulting note.
How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place carried in
its beautiful harmonic treatment, the heavenly
splendor of which the words tell. The mood of
the music throughout matched the text master-
Miss Novotna joined with the chorus in Ye'
That Are Now Sorrowful. Her voice proved rath-
er thin, and not in keeping with the richness of
the text. Her pitch and diction were fine and
her upper notes blended well onthe whole.
Mr. Cordon next took his place with the
presentation of Here On Earth We Have No
Continuing Place, and after the splendid work of
the chorus, seemed to be rather impotent, and
heavier than Brahms' great work would allow.
His tones were thick, never clear, and not of
the caliber to be expected. The chorus con-
tinued its excellence, carrying well the final de-
gree of defiance of death, and joyful casting-off
from the fear of it, and the contact with all
other earthly things.
The final work on the program was the per-
formance of Richard Strauss' great ironic por-
traiture of the famous Don Quixote, played by
the Philadelphia Symphony. The soloist was
Gregor Piatigorsky, violoncellist, who evinced
fine control and beautiful tone. Special mention
must go to the first chair, in the violin and viola
sections, as well as to the oboe, all of whom ex-
ecuted their parts to perfection. Mr. Ormandy
demonstrated a delicate understanding of the
difficult subject as expressed by Strauss' vivid
music-picture, and an equally fine ability to
translate it to his orchestra.
Especially worthy were the Adventure of the
Windmill, the vision of Dulcinea, and the Defeat
and Death of Don Quixote.
We can only hope that the tenor of the re-
maining concerts continues at the really festive
height of perfection evidenced by these two we
have heard.
the Institute of Fine Arts sponsor in the
Rackham Building Gallery, as their last exhibi-
tion of the year, a show of oils by the American
painter, Oskar Kokoschka. This is, undoubtedly,
the most satisfying display of paintings held in
Ann Arbor this season. Kokoschka is a mature
and significant painter. He stems from the
German expressionist movement, and, indeed,
he may be esteemed one of the finest painter
in that idiom.
THIS EXHIBITION is made up of canvases,
old and new, which present an authentic
talent in its full and fuller maturity. Here is to
be seen the search for, style answered brilliantly
and with complete assurance. Kokoschka's work
is consistently of a piece, but he evidences a
continuing evolution. There is a manifest dif-

ference between the Male Portrait, of 1909, and
the ;President Masaryk, of 1934. Yet one can
surely sense the same intellectual integrity and
emotional whole at work throughout.'
THOUGH the figure pieces 'are of no little
interest-the Dancing Couple, of 1908, show-
ing a curious affinity with late Cezanne figures,
being especially so-one is inclined to find the
landscapes even more appealing. London Bridge,
dated.1928, is the finest single picture seen in
Ann Arbor this entire year. It proves the most
significant technical fact about Kokoschka to
be his excellent color. He is a fine colorist, and
like all colorists, his color is functional and not
'merely decorative. But this function is more
than that of structure: it is concretely an emo-
tional expression. The color use in Knight Er-
rant, of 1915, goes beyond the formal one of
spatial representation; it interprets mood and
intention; indeed, it is even part of the painter's
intention, itself. If the tradition of art, as a
kind of private expression and communication,
be valid, then Kokoschka's is of more than ordi-
nary importance. He has a richer experience,
emotional, spiritual, or physical, to get over,
than is ordinarily the privilege of the modern
ART OF THE PLEASURE to be gotten from
the Masaryk portrait is one of sentiment.
So, also, is that of the Still Life, 1932, with its
richly colored evocation of an intimate bit of
the house. This conjuring up of sentiment is,
nrnnahl nkrnechn.'s: grvoatt c PerafT t nvnr-

To the Editor:
THOSE OF US who undertook to bring Senator
Wheeler to the campus have refrained from
engaging in editorial page disputes with those
who have attacked the Senator personally be-
cause we felt that such letters were best refuted
by a mere glance at the name of the writer.
But in- answer to the letters of Messrs. Slosson
and Ogden let this be said.
SENATOR WHEELER was not asked to come
as the representative of that group of ideal-
istc intellectuals who wis3 to keep America out
of war. He was invited to. Ann Arbor as the
acknowledged leader of the largest and most ef-
fective anti-war group in the United States. He
does not spend his time debating the Slossons
and the Ogdens because these men have no more
power to send us to war than the absolute paci-
fists- have to keep us out of it. The march toward
war is not intellectually motivated, it is not led
by the university professors of the nation. They
are at best the little fox that runs before the
tiger to warn of his coming anti take credit for
the terror that is created by the announcement.
The interventionist trend is rather motivated by
emotionalism and led by the Dorothy Thompsons
and Walter Winchells.
THOSE who must eventually decide the course
of this nation are the factory workers of'
Detroit and the farmers of our illiterate South.
On these people and their decision the historic
analogies and classical allusions of the Slossons
and Ogdens can have no effect whatsoever. Ten
years ago there may have been time and space
for syllogistic lectures on the nature of the im-
pending crisis. But today with every organ of
public expression pulling out of the tremulo and
diapason of hysteria and hate such discussion is
of academic interest only and as a United States
Senator, Mr. Wheeler is too close to the stark
reality of the crisis to spend his time tilting at
windmills no matter how loudly they may creak.
TEXT WEEK the noted pacifist John Haynes
Holmes will be in Ann Arbor prepared to talk
in terms more of the liking of our apostles of
abtsraction. Let Messrs. Slosson and Ogden seek
him out and discuss into the small hours of
the morning the ethical and economic issues of
the present conflict. But let none of them be de-
ceived as to the ultimate effect of their debate
on the eventual course of the nation. The Amer-
ican people were led into war once before by a
college professor with an exaggerated sense of
his own importance and they don't intend to
be fooled again.
- E. Wm. Muehl
To The Editor:
MONDAY AFTERNOON Senator Wheeler was
kind enough to give me an hour's inter-
view; in the evening I attended his lecture; and
after that address I was fortunate enough to
participate in an extended informal debate with
the Senator at a small supper party at the League.
I mention these facts only to establish the right
to charge the Senator with lack of frankness
with his evening audience. Lest I be misinterpret-
ed I now state flatly that this does not mean-that
I question the Senator's Americanism. On the
contrary, after several extended discussions with
him, I believe that he sincerely despises Naziism.
WITH THIS IN MIND I repeat the Senator
was not frank with his audience. I say
this because no one can claim that the Senator
took up the issues that Secretary Hull and Mr.
Willkie have put to the people;, that he ex-
plained how and on what terms the world could
negotiate a lasting peace . with revolutionary
Naziism; how American private enterprise could
freely adjust itself to the permanent loss of
its foreign markets to a totalitarian world; what
military authority supported his analysis of this
war; and the Senator did not, nor can he,
produce constitutional authority for the proposi-

tion that the President has not the legal right
to protect American shipping wherever it has a
legal right to go.
INSTEAD of presenting the audience with a cold
analytical defense of his views so that they
could intelligently choose between alternatives
we were treated to a number of interesting but
irrelevant stories; our fears and prejudices were
played upon with such trite as "the coldness of
steel bullets; the harshness of barb wire; the
resulting increase of dead and insane people from
this destructive and hateful war."
THEREFOREI feel compelled to publicly reveal
everaldefinite statements that the Senator
did make in private discussions. They were: (1)
That the loss of Africa and the Mediterranean by
the British would not seriously affect our hem-
isphere defense; (2) that it is not absolutely es-
sential that our nation continue to have the de-
mocracies control the world's sea highways; and
(3) that our military experts are not in agree-
ment with the Administration's theory that
America's defense is threatened wherever Ameri-
can interests are infringed upon.
How do these views stand up against the facts?
TIME AND AGAIN our naval heads have gone
on record with the opinion that the only
way to defend our pledges to secure hemisphere
defense is by keeping the enemy from a free run
of the high seas; they point out that a success-
ful defense involves an offensive and not a de-
fensive strategy. Never more strongly have our,
naval leaders held to the Mahan theory that he
who controls the sea lanes controls not only the
economic makeup of the world but ultimately is
also the winner of a war against even a su-
perior land force.
C PETPTCATLV our ennrt rvisors to the

What To Do About The Draft
As Others Mayor urges 18 to 22 draft age; 'criticizes act for undue
hardships and lack of vision urges deferment for college
students and skilled workers.
Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, in the New York Times, April 6, 1941

THE SELECTIVE SERVICE ACT has been in effect
long enough to gather experience and counsel for
necessary changes. The administiation of the act hase
not been particularly good and has been most unimag-
inative. Congress intended to leave sufficient latitudes
in the administration of the act to avoid hardships, to
prevent dislocation of families and industries and to]
serve the interest and welfare of the country, as well as
the military establishment. The administration has not
fully utilized the powers given and intended by Con-
gress to the best interests of the country and the boys
Daily we hear of changes in policy by the Selective
Service office in Washington. Many of the mistakes
now confusedly sought to be corrected could have been
avoided. Changes now grudgingly and half-heartedly
put into effect are the result of the Selective Service
Administration refusing to listen to information or heed
advice given by local and state officials who.know con-
ditions and know what they are talking about. In this
respect the General Staff of the Army is not entirely
free from blame.
worked hard and patiently. After the first week of
their work, they seem to have been entirely forgotten.
Local boards have not received the help and encourage-
ment from Washington they need and deserve. Volun-
teer draft boards throughout the country have pa-
tiently continted to carry on their duties as well as is
humanly possible under existing conditions. Coordina-
tion has been particularly weak in almost every state.
Conformity has been conspicuously lacking. This is
through no fault of the draft boards. Instances are
numerous in every state of cases where draft boards
have sought definite information and have been unable
to obtain it. It is becoming increasingly difficult in
large centers to get good men for service on the local
draft boards.
CONGRESS thinks that young students should have
the opportunity of completing their education, yet
Sunday papers carried the report that the Selective
Service Administration has finally recognized the neces-
sity of deferring medical students. Not one but scores
of informed officials, physicians and educator begged
the administration at the very beginning to avoid this
mistake. The same is true of students of other useful
'Unnecessary Hardships Imposed'
CONGRESS knew that all the boys would not be
called at one time and that there would be a con-
stant turnover and allowed all needed latitude for the
administration to act with the least inconvenience to
seasonal workers, yet the Administration has considered
it smart to ignore actual conditions and has left the
boards without definite instructions as to policy. Un-
necessary hardship and loss have been caused to thou-
sands of young men.
Congress intended that certain useful trades and
work necessary for the national defense should be ex-
empt, yet the President last Friday called attention to
the lack of skilled mechanics, partially caused by the
drafting of promising young mechanics. Classifica-
tion as to the assignment for training of the men ac-
cording to previous training and occupation has been
far from complete. This is the fault of the Army.
THE STATE and local medical services have been ex-
cellent. The Army medical service has not only
been disappointing but unscientific, archaic and inef-
ficient. Modern and inexpensive available means of
treatment and corrective methods have been ignored by
the Army medicos, and faulty and careless diagnosis
have all contributed to large numbers being unneces-
sarily rejected.
Many of the mistakes, defects and omissions can be
cured easily by administration measures. Some amend-
ments by Congress in basic provisions are also necessary.
Lack Of Vision Charged
EXCEPT for the unpardonable stubbornness and lack
of vision of the Selective Service Administration in
Washington, mistakes were to be expected, considering
the novelty of a universal military system in peacetime.
Congress did a good job in the first Selective Service
Act. The Administration must now tighten up, be real-
istic, meet actual conditions and immediately take in-
telligent action in the light of experience and its own
mistakes. Congress should provide -the necessary legis-
THE PURPOSE of our Selective Service system is to
train men, then send them home and have them
available in time of need. If men are to be trained for
military service, ready to, be called in the defenseof
the country at any time after that training, it goes
without saying that the longest possible time of reserve

availability is desirable. Men approaching the top of
the age limit of 35 years are not only difficult to train,
but, even when trained, have but a very short period of
useful reserve. The General Staff was definitely so told;
Congress was told. All now agree a change is necessary.
The ideal training system requires the largest possible
number of young men to be trained with the least possi-

ble dislocation to family, business and industry and
Therefore the age limit should be reduced. The whole
system of registration and selection should be simplified
and made more efficient and less ci mbersome. Draft
boards have served their purpose and may soon be
abolished. Registration may from now on be automatic.
Examinations, exemptions and classifications must be
simplified and direct.
18 To 22 Age Range Urged
THE AGE RANGE should be from 18 to 22, both in-
clusive. At the age of 18 every young man should
be automatically registered from school or file his own
registration card at a designated Federal office in or
nearest his home. He can volunteer any time during
his 18th, 19th or 20th year, otherwise he would be
drafted in his twenty-first year if needed or in his
twenty-second year. This would give the Army each
year a steady and definite supply of men, the number
easily ascertainable ' beforehand, available and to be
taken at two or three seasons of the year. This age
limit and selective time of induction would prevent
dislocation of families and would cause little if any
disturbance to industry, agriculture, business and edu-
It must be remembered that in addition to military
training the country requires the training of its youth
in science, the professions, the arts and industry. .The
Army needs not only soldiers but also a large officer
corps now and in the future. Educated men are needed
by the country even though we are in an emergency of
training or may be confronted with a more serious
emergency. In either event, our country, our customs,
our cultural life must continue.
Plan For College Men
A YOUNG MAN who is qualified to enter or who is in
a recognized and acceptable college should 'be per-
mitted to continue, with the condition that he will not
only take military training in college, if available, but
will also serve during the three summer months of
college vacation as a trainee. At the end of the com-
plete four-year college course he would be required to
serve an additional three months. At the end of that
time he could, by fulfilling additional service require-
ments, if he desired, qualify for a commission after
proper examination, or take his leave and remain in
the ranks of the military reserve.
The lowering of the age limit will great reduce the
existing hardship of seasonal workers. There is no
reason why every existing condition cannot be taken
into consideration and the administration of the law
adjust itself accordingly. By predetermined fixed dates
during the year for induction seasonal workers could
easily be accommodated.
TAKE FOR EXAMPLE an easy illustration-a profes-
sicnal baseball player or a boy on the farms. No
reason why the baseball player cannot be permitted to
enter at the end of the ball season and the farm boy
at the end of the harvest of the particular crop of the
section of the country in which he is employed. The
same, of course, applies to all seasonal workers. In this
way only a year is lost, 'while, ignoring the seasonal
occupation conditions, a year and a half or two years
are lost by being called in the midst of seasonal em-
ployment. As stated above, the trainee should be given
the opportunity to select the season of his induction.''
sons it would appear that 42.5 per cent have been or
are being rejected for various physical defects under the
present standard and rules and administration of the
Medical Division of the Army. This percentage is
alarming, particularly when compared with the rejeo-
tion percentage for medical reasons of 31.2 per cent
during the World War draft. A careful analysis, how-
ever, and comparisonof the standards, I believe, indi-
cate a better health and physical condition at this time
than existed during the World War. If we take many
trivial and slight defects which could easily be corrected,
remedied or cured, the percentage will be greatly re-;
Service For All Urged
FINALLY all boys of equal age and equal conditions
should be required to render equal services. Our
country was not built on chance, or gamble or the draw-
ing of a number. Under the present system, mer
chance of a number might eventually exempt thousands
of our youth from service. Under the system here rec-
ommended every one within the age limit, and qualified,
not absolutely and unquestionably disqualified for

mental and physical reasons, would serve.
Universal military training under our Selective Serv-
ice Act should and can be made not only popular but
easy and advantageousto the youth of the country,
without impairing but rather increasing the efficiency ,
of the Army, as well as serving as a continuing benefit
to the men themselves.


ping stones to the Caribbean defense
of the U.S. and the South Atlantic
highway to South America. (3) Sing-
apore and the Philippines cannot be
permitted to fall into the hands of a
potential enemy because they guard
access to the rubber, tin, spices, and
rare metals of the Far East; they
protect other outposts such as Aus-
tralia and New Zealand; and they
guard the 'gateway to one of the
richest potential -narkets in history
- China and India."
This is the advice of our highest
Army and Navy experts. They rest
upon military and naval considera-
tions; not upon amateur opinions. ItE
is not a secretive opinion but one
-ha+ a-. hppn v nnieri. in our n hlic


760 KC - CBS 800 KC - Mutual 950 KC - NBC Red 1270 KC - NBC Blue
Friday Evening
7:30 Kate Smith Vog'e Ra'ch Follies Information, Death Valley
7:45 Program; News Dream Awhile Please Days
8:00 Great Moments Senator Ludington Waltz Ben
8:15 Of Great Plays Interlude; News Time Bernie
8:30 Campbell To Be Brown & Your Happy
8:45 Playhouse Announced Williamson Birthday
9:00 Hollywood CBS Wings Joe Louis
9:15 Premiere Finance, of Destiny VS.
9:30 Al Pearce's All-Star Richard Himber's Abe Simon
9:45 Gang Program Orchestra Raymond G. swing

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