TWO T HE MICHIGAN DAILY FRMAY, MAY 9, 1941. TWO FRIAY, MAY9,.194 - -- - I Col. A. Lovell ToBe Honored4 By ROTC Men Military Science Advisory Committee To Review Reserve Corps Today Adjutant's call at 5 p.m. today willi summon the regiment of cadets to Palmer Field for their first review of the year in compliment to the ad- visory committee to the military and naval science departments, Col. A. H. Lovell, chairman and assistant dean of the engineering college. Assistant Dean Lovell, who holds the rank of colonel in the Officers'1 Reserve Corps, will be accompanied by the other members of the commit- tee, Prof. Louis I. Bredvold, Prof. Philip E. Bursley, Prof. Frederick A. Coller, Prof. Joseph R. Hayden, Prof.j Elmore S. Pettyjohn, Prof. Benja- min W. Wheeler, Prof. Alfred H. White and Prof. John S. Worley. Today's parade will be the third time the ROTC units have appeared together this year. It will include the ceremony of retreat, the traditional lowering ofdthe flag which marks the end of a day at an army post. Music will be furnished by the RQTC drum and bugle corps. All stu- dents, faculty members and towns- people are invited. LASSIFIED WANTED TO BUY-4 CASH for used clothing; men and ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S. Main St. Phone 2-2736. 31c WANTED - ANY OLD OR NEW CLOTHING, PAY FROM $5.00 to $500 FOR SUITS, OVERCOATS, TYPEWRITERS, FURS - PER- SIANS, MINKS. PHONE ANN AR- BOR 6304 for APPOINTMENTS. SAM. FOR RENT SUMMER SESSION STUDENTS- Large, comfortable rooms, two blocks from campus, reasonable. Call 4850 or inquire 806 Hill. ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED two- room apartment-3-way ventila- tion-Private bath-shower. Re- frigeration. One adult. 602 Mon- roe. 365 Detroit GroupDoomed Killers Balk At Prison Will Entertain Speech Society Guests of the Detroit Institute of Technology, members of Sigma Rho Tau, stump speaker's society, will hold their National Convention tomorrow in Detroit, it was announced yester- day. Climaxed by a banquet in the eve-. ning, the day will feature several different speech contests, in addition to the main business meeting. Other Universities which will be guests of -the Detroit Institute are the Univer- sity of Toledo, Wayne University and the University of Detroit.:: : Representing Michigan in the speech contests will be Norman Tay- lor, '42E, in the impromptu division; Harry Reed, in the Hall of Fame di-: vision; John Hammell, '42E, in the project speech division, and Sik Che Tang, '42E, in the raconteur contest. All of these men were selected : . "": through elimination speaking contests Starting a scuffle with deputies, the Esposito brothers, sentenced to dea held during the last week. York, holdup slaying of Alfred Klausman last January, were dragged into th ing. Anthony Esposito (left) is carried bodily by the feet while his brother, V Weller Talks In Pittsburgh deputies. The action took place before Sing Sing prison at Ossining, N. Y. Prof. Carl V. Weller, chairman of ered the twenty-fourth annual -Committee NamesMa6 Lecture yesterday in Pittsburgh: The subject of his talk was'The Inheri-ts Re tance of Retinoblastoma and Its Re- r f.* P e nefee ASetoa lationship to Practical Eugenics." k '7--------- -- Gate Slos son To Make Final Bro adcast Of Series Today A plea to "Keep American Demo- racy Alive During War Time" will be made by Prof. Preston W. Slosson f the history department at 10:451 p.m. today over station WJR. The talk is one of a series, spon- sored by the Michigan University of the Air, on "Why Save Democracy?" The programs have been designed to show the major differences between the American way of life and life in the dictatorship countries. In the final broadcast today, Pro-' fessor Slosson will summarize the case for saving democracy which has been presented in previous talks by other recognized authorities in the field of government. Lticaster To Talk At Picnie Sunday Students from Wayne University and Michigan State College will beI guests at a picnic to be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday by the American Stu- dent Union. The party will leave from Unity Hall, rain or shine, and all interested are invited to join the group picnic.I Entertainment planned 'for the picnickers includes folk dancing, skits and a talk by Roy Lancaster. Lancaster is the International Rep- resentative of the Fur and Leather Workers Union (CIO), who spoke at the, students' Peace Strike in Felch Park May 1. 'II ath for the Fifth Avenue, New e prison's administration build- William (right), was grasped by -Tag Day; Of $1,500 By BILL BAKER and partial diagnosis of the boys' In their annual effort to take un- problems by graduate students in the % DvEjrTriS:NG der'-privileged children of this area sociology, psychology and education off the streets and give them a four- departments. weeks' vacation, campus organiza- tions and student volunteers will For more than 20 years the Camp Ehold the twenty-first annual Um-__ has been providing these advantages TYPING verlitFresh Awir annual Uni- for underprivileged boys, over 6,000 vesityFrh Air Camp Tag Dayhaving been sent to the camp by the TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, Friday, May 16. generosity of students and towns- 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or It's an annual event, this Tag Day people. 2-1416. lac designed to raise funds that enable Some of the organizations that -± the famous "boy on the diving board" have cooperated in the drive in past, VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal and 300 other boys to attend the typist, also mimeographing. Notary Fresh Air Camp located on Patter- public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. son Lake in Livingston County. j FOR SALE I This year the Tag Day will take FolTste oi place on one day instead of two, as THOROUGHBRED English Setter in former years, according to Don Receive Congress puppies, registered. Good hunting Harness, '43E, publicity chairman of! strain. 3005 Plymouth Road. Ph. the Tag Day committee. A goal of Executive Posts 5132. 366 $1,500 has been set by Prof. F. N. Menefee of the Department of Engi- (Continued from Page 1) LAUNDERING neer Mechanics, director of the - - --- LAUNDRY --2-1044. . Sox darned camp. Daily and a member of Sigma Delta Careful work at low price. 3c As in the past,sfraternities and Chi, journalism fraternity. While in _______________________________sororities, as well as honor societies ICi oraimfaent.Wiei TU-and other campus groups willbeCongress he was Public Relations STUDENT LAUNDRY--SpecialStu- d tchairman, later receiving the post of dent rates. Moe Laundry, 226 asked to cooperate. Chairman of the South First St, Phone 3916. c drive this year is Bert Ludy, '42. activities chairman. houthFirstS t. ,Phone916.f i Fogel, also newly named Execu- Mortar Board, Senior Society, Union,j Interfraternity Council, Congress, the Cooperative Houses, 'M' Club, Alpha Phi Omega and the various campus honor societies. M3CHIGAN DAILY 2-4-7-9 P.M. -- Corning Sunday.-' SThe Laugh Show! GEORGE MURPHY LUCILLE BALL EDMOND O'BRIEN Extra - Cartoon "Magic Pencil" "Training Police Horses" News of the Day -Today & Saturday- WALLACE BEERY "THE BAD MAN" l SISTE N LATE NEWS OF RECORDS By DORIS PRICE After you have heard Jose Iturbi play the Liszt Piano Concerto No. 1 in the May Festival Concert this afternoon, you will probably want to add a, recording of the cencrto to your library of records. The Columbia recording with Walter Gieseking and the London Phil- harmonic is a' superlative perform- ance. It comes in an album of two records at $2.50. The Victor re- cording by Mischa Levitzki and the London Orchestra, on twp records without album at $2.00, isnot in- freguently favored by our cus- tomers; its effortless brilliance seems to capture completely the intention of the composer. We've had difficulty in keeping up with the de- mand for Bee thoven's Sym- phony No. 7 with the Phil- harmonic Sym- phony of New York conducted by Toscanini. There has also been particular interest in the DORIS PRICE Victor record- ing of the Sibelius Symphony No. I because it is conducted by Or- mandy. Incidentally, the Victor record- ing of the Sibelius Symphony No. 7 is the only recording made by the British Broadcasting Co. Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Serge Koussevitzky. And before we leave classical for popular music, we'd like to remind you that Bee- thoven's magnificent Missa Solem- nis has been recorded for the first time. The Boston Symphony direc- ted by Koussevitzky with E. Power Biggs at the organ collaborates with the Harvard Glee Club, the Rad cliffe Choral Society and such out- standing soloists, as Norman Cor- don to produce an extraordinarily moving and uplifting recording. George Gershwin admirers are urged to hear the new recording of Rhapsody in Blue featuring Alec Templeton at the. piano ith the Andre Kostelanetz orchestra. Also released this week are eight Ger- shwin tunes played by Eddy Duch- in. Both albums are excellent -buys at $2.50. On the swing side, Amapola, My Sister and 1, and Do I Worry were still' on the best selling list this week. Intermezzo is the campus favorite, climaxing a year's grad- ual rise to popularity. Records of this are available by almost every name band; preference shown for discs by Benny Goodman, Enric Madriguera, Wpody Herman, Char- lie Spivak, and the more classical arrangements by Toscha Seidal. If in spring you-aave a touch of wanderlust, try Tommy Dorsey's. newest hit, Let's Get Away From It All, in two parts featuring Frank Sinatra, Connie Haines, and the PMed Pipers, in some very clever lyrics. Or if your thoughts turn to romance, let us suggest the new ballad These Things-I Love by Jim- my Dorsey, or Everything Happens to Me, another T. Dorsey special. New tunes showing the South American influence are'Maria Elena, Green E yes, and Yours, the last two TRANSPORTATION H. B. GODFREY MOVING - STORAGE - PACKING Local and Long Distance Moving. 410 N. Fourth Ave. Phone 6297 29c LOST and FOUND LOST-Brilliant bracelet at Hill Auditorium Wednesday. Reward. Michigan Union. Room 452. SITUATIONS WANTED -2 SITUATION WANTED-Experienced couple for fraternity cook and por- ter. First class local reference. Phone 6764. 350 EXPERIENCED COOK with good references would like position in fraternity for fall. Write Box No. 1, Michigan Daily. * 1 MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, Decorating, Paper Hang- er. Blending and stippling. Work samples shown. Phone 2-2943. 363 THESIS BINDING-Mimeographing. Brumfield & Brumfield, 308 S. State. 19c TRANSLATIONS-English, German and Italian. Also abstracting arti- cles. Paula Eikisch, Sherwood, t,. er memzxers ox Le ctmm xxx~ ee arxe Grace Volkman, '42, and Lin Buck, tive Secretary, and president of the '42Ed, girls organizations; Robert G. Campus International Relations Club, Shedd, '42, boys organizations; Earle was formerly district captain, a mem- Harris, '44, collections; Gertrude ber of the Rooming House Council, French, '41. merchants, and Irving and member of the executive council Koval, '42E, service. of Congress. He also was a representa- Those receiving the benefits of the tive to the Independent Men's con- drive are sent for four weeks to the ' vention in Texas.f University Fresh Air Camp, where For the coming year, Fogel will they enjoy a healthy change from concern himself mainly with person- the streets of the city during the nel and Blaustein will be in charge summer. The Camp is also utilized of all Congress activities. Added "More About Nostradamus" "On The Spot" News 0 Oddity Mats. 25c; Nights 40c, mncitax. a I IA tr d 0 School, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. as a laboratory for the observation Shuey announced last night that WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- ___"_' --. __ -- the organization would hold elections Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Bennett Attends , eei for various independentrepresenta- nnet ~t~fl~~ iiecing tives to the executive council in the Killins Gravel Company, phoneIc 7112.n Gcr Dean Wells I. Bennett of the Archi- near future and that several activi- tectural School and several of the ties were already being planned for WISE Real Estate Dealers: Run faculty members are attending the next year. Congress plans to spon- listings of your vacant houses in meetings of the Association of Col- sor several dances and smokers dur-f The Daily. Dial 23-24-1 for spe- I legiate Schools held from May 9 to ing 1941-42 and an all-campus ama- cial rates. 353 12 in Chicago. teur boxing show. III a tBAIIIH'ZON. your Sumn'ner Headquarters ;. ;. ' , II, New York's MostExdlusi;ellotel ResidenceForYoung Women SUCH INTIMATE LU W IL L T E LL H ER SO WELL THAT YOU LOVE HER if she likes candy -- and who doesn't - she'll appreciate your thought- fulness in selecting Whit- man's fine chocolate. We have the complete Whit- man line attractively wrap- ped for the occasion. XURY Perfume or cologne that she'll never think of buy- ing for herself. A complete line-prices within the reach of all. You'll Meet Social ly For thfe young w ilJifl whp wants to) launch on a career the day sclool closes . . . for thu undergraduate plannig to take summer courses 01r the v a(i ,onist "~ho appre- ciates the added fatures of a Ne York holiday, The Barbizon, with its air of luxury living, its versatile program o)fcultural pursuits and phy~sical a( ti v i t ic, provides (he per- fect background . . . a complete library . . . art and inusic studios done in the style of Amapola by JimmyD orsey with O'Connell- Eberly vocals. Other discs to hear are Harry James' Music Makers, William Tell Overture played by Alvino Rey, and Artie Shaw's Alone Together. Glenn Miller fans can look for- ward to the long awaited release of The Spirit is Willing tomorrow and I tsv SR1y. d G R'AL f 4FF Schlitz beer is the proud product of America's greatest brewery. It is the re- sult of nearly a century of experience... the magnificent achievement of the men who have pioneered every significant advance The Dependable Drug Stores a new Artie Shaw pressing of Moon glow and My Blue Heaven. These are certain hits-don't miss III I I III