/ THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1941 II. PHE MICHIGAN DAILY ii3 f; " I -- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of St~.dent Publications. Pulished every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited In this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI31NG BO National Advertising Service, Inc, College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK, N.Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON . Los ANGESLS * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 May Festival By KARL KARLSTROM May Festival opened with the Handel concerto in D major, a piece worthy entirely of beginning such an occasion. Its sustained spirit, its con- trasted dynamics, full, deep orchestra, and alter- nate-voicing placed the audience in a very re- ceptive mood. Lawrence Tibbett, famous baritone, next pre- sented two works, "Arm, Arm, Ye Brave" from Judas Maccabaeus by Handel, and "Eri Tu" from from the opera "Masked Ball" by Verdi. The first was not so good. It seemed to us that Tib- bett's diction was not as clear as we were accus- tomed to associating with him, his voice not as easy. At times, he was lost entirely in the orchestra. In the second, a more melodic work, Tibbett seemed to have regained some of his confidence and strength, although we thought he reached for some of the notes, and was not in full control. The artistry of execution was excellent. Again the orchestra was heard under the very able baton of Eugene Ormandy in a presentation of the Beethoven seventh symphony. The first movement, with its absolte, flowing unity, and close texture of harmonies proclaimed the genius of Beethoven, and the great skill of Ormandy a'd his orchestra.Difficult, full of rapid changes in dynamics, intricate entries, it was done beautifully. The second movement, we think we have never heard presented as well. The deliberate, soft, hushed melody that intro- duces the movement, shifting from section to section, climactic and dying-away, reworded and spun from choir to choir, was thoroughly musi- cal in the most complimentary sense. The third movement, fell just a little short of the beauty of the second. We felt that the string sections had lost some of their touch with each other, missing the delicacy of the lyrical passages. The last movement was a dance, fitting only in a certain degree. Mr. Tibbett retrned to the platform with "Cassio's Dream," and "Credo" both of which selections are from the opera "Otello" by Verdi. We found him in fine shape. His tones were richer, rounder, and more pene- trating than in the preceding works. Closing the formal portion of the concert, the Philadelphia Orchestra played for excerpts from the third act of Wagner's "Die Meistersinger." The sustained song of Wagner, the climactic changes, te unresolvent quality, were brought forth very ably. Ei Emile Gele Robert Speckhard Albert P. Blaustein David Lachenbruch Bernard Dober . Alvin Dann Hal Wilson Arthur Hill Janet Hiatt Grace Miller ditorial Staff Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor Women's Editor Assistant Women's Editor Business Staff Daniel James; Louise Evelyn R. Huyett B. Collins Carpenter Wright. . . . / . . . Business Manager Assistant Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager Women's Business Manager iM NIGHT EDITOR: DAN BEHRMAN The editorials published i The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views -of the writers only. On Saving Liberty, Here And Abroad,. SENATOR CLAUDE PEPPER in- formed the Senate day before yes- terday that there are two things the world "needs ,o know" from the United States: "That Amer- lea is determined that tyranny shall die and when we have saved liberty we shall help to nur- ture it to maturity in all the world." Coming from Senator Pepper at this time these words sound rather strange and out of place. one might be so moved as to ask the gentleman from Florida if he "knows" what is happening in his own home town of Miami to the very "liberty" which he would have Americans fight on foreign soil to "save." IT IS IN HIS CITY that the authorities no jonger feel freedom of speech and freedom of assembly essential to a democratic state. It is there that people are no longer allowed to speak out and say what they think - especially if they question the expediency of all-out aid to Britain or the advisability of war. Only last week Miami oficials refused the America First Committee permission to conduct a rally in any of the public meeting places. The refusal was based on the charge that the organization is a subversive one because of its opposition to war and because its views are con- trary to "national policy." "Due to the criticism in the press and by the radio of the national organization," one commis- sioner explained, "it wAs considered that they (the America First Committee) are, at the pres- ent time, considered as a subversive element." O IT NOW seems to be a treasonous act to speak out for peace or to oppose thepolicies 9f the current administration in Washington. Is this the kind of "liberty" Senator Pepper would have us save - a kind in which one, and only one, side of an argument may be presented? For the other side of the question is being heard in Miami. Its proponents had no difficulty i obtaining the use of the city's largest public meeting place, Bayfront Park. One of the Flori- da commissioners, who voted against allowing the America First Committee to meet, saw to this. According to the Detroit Free Press, the com- missioner is chairman of the local chapter of the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies and, in this capacity, he arranged a public appearance for Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., in which Fairbanks presented the aid-to-Britain and pro- war arguments THERE was nothing wrong with this. In fact it was entirely as it should be . Both the com- missioner and the movie star are entitled to their ppinions They have the right to express those opinions, and the people of Miami (and of all America) should hear their case. However, the people also have a right - the right, as set forth in the Constitution of the United States-to hear the proponents of the other side expound their cause. This editorial is not a defense of the America First Committee, nor is it an attack on the ad- vocates of intervention. It is a plea for sanity, liberty and democracy at home. There are earn- est and sincere patriots on both sides. Yet it is amazing and regrettable what little concern is being shown over incidents similar tothat in Miami. rTHE SINCERE INTERVENTIONIST is the first LETTERS TO T HE E DITOR To the Editor: I WAS REQUESTED recently by President Ruthven to examine with Dean Stason the recently revised, or possibly supposedly only codi- fied, by-laws of the Regents. As the Dean (i.e. Provost) had difficulty in locating me, I decided to begin my examination of these by-laws in the copy belonging to the office of the Dean of the Literary College. As it may be suspicioned-and indeed it seems to me I have definitely been sub- jected to suspicion-of having divulged informa- tion about the by-laws, I request the Editor in- volved in the writing of /this article (page one, Michigan Daily, May 7, 1941) to state that this suspicion is unfounded. --Louis C. Karpinski From the Editor: AT THE REQUEST of Professor Karpinski I wish to state that he was in no way connect- ed, and further knew nothing about, the source of the quotations from the revised by-laws of the Regents (approved Dec. 13, 1940) in the front page story of May 7. Further, I wish to say that The Daily is not obligated to disclose sources of information which have been reecived in confidence, nor is it obli- gated to submit to questioning to obtain such sources, if possible by process of elimination. I might further add that the by-laws of the Regents are a matter of public knowledge, and quotations from them cannot be construed as taken in bad faith. -Robert Speckhard, Editorial Director sented with no fear of retaliation from the state. A true American and a true democrat must necessarily agre with Wendell Phillips who said, "Men are educated and the state uplifted by al- lowing all - everyone - to broach all their mis- takes apd advocate all their errors. The commun- ity that will not protect its most ignorant and unpopular member in the free utterance of his opinions, no mater how false or hateful, is only a gang of slaves!" MANY PEOPLE in America today are forget- ting or disregarding this fact. They are say- ing that democracy must be 'amended' for the duration of the emergency. This is not true! De- mocracy need not b, shelved whenever it con- fronts a crisis; democracy cannot be shelved if it is to last. We cannot comie back months or years later and find it as we left it. It must be kept in continual running order and must be continually improved upon if it is to remain in existence. Today we are being asked by the interven- tionists, and especially by Senator Pepper, to fight for "liberty" in foreign lands. To be con- sistent these persons must stand for increased liberty and democracy in this country. They should, therefore, rise up in a storm of protest against the Miami incidert and similar occur- rences: Chinese Student Says Democracy Lives In China A Reply To Senator Wheeler By PAUL LIM-YUEN IN HIS CLEVERLY WORDED remarks Sen- ator Wheeler made a violent indictment of China. I am here concerned with stating clearly and candidly what I consider to be a very nec- essary refutation of his gross misrepresentation of fact with regard to the present state of de- mocracy in China and the worthwhileness of sal- vaging such an existing state in terms of the world picture. THE SENATOR has frequently in the past con- demned the manner of making broad sweep- ing statements by his fellow statesmen without a full knowledge of the facts. He states that some of his opponents know too little to know that they don't know. Yet the Senator states himself that he spent only five short months in China, a nation with over 40 centuries of cul- tural traditions and a wealth of meaning in its civilization known only by experts through long periods of sojourn in China, and he finds himself qualified ot come back and categorically and uncompromisingly cry: "There is no de- mocracy in China!" How utterly unfounded his allegation is may be indicated in part by his ex- periences in China as recounted by himself. In the first place, he visited China in 1927, a China very different from the China of 1941. In the second place, he spent much of his time in North China, the erstwhile stronghold of the Manchu imperial regime. In the third place, he appealed for what scraps of information he possessed from the conversation he had then with Chang Tso Lin-then China's greatest war lord and sym- bol of China's unwanted past. It is as if I had been inducted into the way of living of this na- tion by spending five months living in the Loop area in Chicago. I would then come out at the end of that period and tell my fellow country- men: "There is nothing but crime and poverty in America." SENATOR WHEELER STATES that in his ex- tensive travels in China, he found nothing but extreme suffering and poverty among the masses, and he infers that the best contribution that America can make to the solution of this problem is to stop sending any aid to China (not stating whether he favoured continuing - and possibly increasing? - the existing flow of Amer- ican munition to the Japanese war machine that it may continue to impoverish and en- slave and destroy more millions of humanity in China.) OF COURSE there has been suffering and pov- erty in China, as there has been in any other nation. Today thre is infinitely more. Indeed there are now at least 35 million refugees wandering across the war-scarred face of China. I do not, I think, presume too far to remind the Senator that China's tremendous refugee army has been created with the aid largely of American-made bombs and guns and steel. What matters it, if it is a debt or a courtesy America owes to China to extend her whatever aid she can, let alone stop the flow of lethal weapons to Japan, Far Eastern partner of Nazi Germany. OF COURSE, there is no ideal democracy in China today. But is there elsewhere such a democratic model of perfection? In America? The Senator himself would be the first to de- plore the lack of democratic forces in America, yet he would also be the first, and commendably so, to cry vociferously for the defense of this American democracy if it were attacked, even in its state of imperfection. Democracy is a dy- namic, a continuing, a never-ending process. It is not a static state of affairs waiting for men like Senator Wheeler suddenly to dis- cover or fail to discover it in its full-fledged maturity. There is much not yet accomplished in China that the Chinese leaders themselves would be the first to deplore, but the overwhelm- ing historic evidence of the past few decads has unequivocally indicated the orientation of China's political development in the right di- rection. The growth of political institutions, in- deed, was arrested only by the Japanese in- vasion, and even today the idealism of democracy is a living and a growing spiritual force among the people. Countless evidences attest to the truth of this statement. Universal education, a sure sign of democracy, has made phenomenal strides under governmental jurisdiction and is making unbelievable progre ss now, during the war years. (What democratic nation at war or facing war can parallel this?) The unprecedented growth of the Industrial kCooperative Move- ment, something Senator Wheeler must know very little about, is another milestone in China's democratic development. In the political sphere, no matter what may be said about the abnormal conditions obtaining in wartime, theredoes exist a Constitution of the Republic of China, founded upon the famous revolutionary principles of the San Min Chu I of Dr. Sun Yat Sen. Quite recently, there met in Chungking the People's Political Council, to discuss national policies. Interestingly, this body had at its head, not one. Chairman, but a presidium of five, four of whom were non-Kuomintang. The Council was marked by a greater measure of tolerance to opposing political views and programs than might have been thought possible in war-time. It even dis- cussed the Kuomintang-Communist controversy in an open manner. It recommended that the new local government system should be directed to provide outlets for public opinion and every insurance of advance towards democracy and that the People's Congress be convened as soon as conditions permit. (This Congress was sched- uled to convene four years ago, but failed to do so owing to the Jananese invasion). War Poetry As Others See I , . IN THE FOURTH SCENE of that moving and muddled drama, "There Shall Be No Night," Miranda Val- konen says to the young American soldier-poet: "When I was a young girl my greatest hero was Rupert Brooke. Maybe now that you're here-and have all this experi- ence-maybe you'll write as he did." The young man demurs: "I'm afraid I could never write like Rupert Brooke even if I were good. He was always singing of the heroism of war." "And you see it is unheroic?" "Yes, Mrs. Valkonen, I do." It is doubtful whether many young American poets would confess to an ad- miration for Brooke. Moreover, it was before Brooke had had any experience of war that he glorified it in verse. Had he lived, his disillusion might have found an expression that would have won him the suffrage of the moderns. In any event, it is certain that the attitude of the poets of 1941 is different from that of the poets of 1914. The men who descended into the trenches a quarter of a century ago went with a profound ignorance of what they were to face, and with a serene, if vague, sense of what they were defending. A good deal of the verse written at the start of the conflict came from the Georgians. Its tone was quiet, its manner traditional, and it was marked by a tenacious trust in a rural econ- cmy, governing a rural habit of mind. It mts the land, the dear English earth, that received the tribute of the poets repeatedly in those first month. When Brooke wrote: If I should die, think only this of me: That there's some corner of a foreign field That is forever Englan, he was imagining a transubstantiation of that foreign soil into English dust. Masefield's "August, 1914" be- gins, typically, with a picture of a quiet cornfield at night, and bespeaks the faith that "above these fields a spirit broods . . . A sense . . . Of the lone Downland . Loved to the death." Even Ford Madox Ford (then Hueffer), for all his sympathy with outlandish fashions, spoke of love of one's land as "a flame . . . a madness . the great passion of yoir life." Some of the most lyrical voices were silenced abruptly. Wilfred Owen, who has achieved the distinc- tion of an "ancestor," was killed just one week before the Armistice. He lived long enough to see of what shoddy stuff the glory that had enchanted Brooke was made. He never quite overcame a Keatsian lushness, but he was a fine technician, whose experiments were to prove useful to later men, and whose grave lines ex- pressed the horrors, the anguish, the disgust that he shared with his more outspoken fellows. In the frag- mentary notes that prefaced his posthumous book, he insisted that its subject was "War, and the pity of War," and that the poet's first duty was to be truthful. That is the burden of his most memorable poem, "Strange Meeting," which gains pathos if not impres- siveness from being unfinished. pity was a recurrent note in the war poems of Wilfred Wilson Gibson, pity and an unblinking candor. Robert Graves set down with grim verisimilitude a picture of a dead Boche that was "a certain cure for lust of blood," and phophesied more bluntly than Owen that a new war was coming, which "new foul tricks unguessed before" would "win and justify." The bitterness of his satire was to be a strong ele- ment in the draughts compounded by better craftsmen. The spiritual and physical horrors of war were the chief themes of those who spoke as soldiers first and as poets afterwards. Scarcely any looked into the deeper causes of the evil. A notable exception is Alan Porter, who wrote as early as May, 1917: vain are the wounds, vain is the sorrow, vain Courage and sacrifice and hope and death. Peace is the subtler countenance of war, The two one witness. When the world's at peace, Peace shall be poverty and wounds and sorrow, Courage and sacrifice and hope and death. , The major poets had little to say. Yeats had declared that he thought it better "that in times like these A poet's mouth be silent." Pound devoted two pages of "Mauberley" to the pitiless truth: Dicd some, pro patria, non "dulce" non "et decor" walked eye-deep in hell believing in old men's lies, then unbelieving comie home, home to a lie,- home to many deceits, home to old lies and new infamy; £ usury age-old and age-thick and liars in public places. Eliot, stumbling through the pocked Wasteland, spoke not of, war, but of its "subtler countenance," examining, as his successors were to do with more sardonic solici- tude, the blemishes on the face of peace, the nervous tic of her eye, the paralytic grin. For the most part the Americans, who had been removed from the struggle for years, were neither so elated about the adventure that war promised nor so promptly disillusioned. Sandburg, one of the more vocal, wrote in an elegiac strain about the men on their long job of killing, "Fixed in the drag of the world's heartbreak," not without hope that the kings would be "kicked under the dust" and the com- mon man would fight in another war for "'great causes not yet dreamed." Frost, building his bonfire of brush- wood that illumined so sharply the New England scene, paused to observe: "War is for everyone, for children too," and then went on with his quiet labors. It was only after the peace to end peace was signed that the younger men, following Eliot on his stony pilgrimage, cried out, now in accents of suppressed hysteria, now in the subdued tones of despair, against the world of grotesque paradoxes, crazy shames and gutted values that the war had bequeathed to the victors as well as to the vanquished. Those poets who grew up in the post-war years, too young to have suffered from the painful readjustments required of their seniors, not carrying their burden of deluded hopes, faced the task before them with youth's aggressiveness and youth's wistfulness. Alive to the techniques of Yeats, Pound and "Eliot, of Owen and their greater "ancestor" Hopkins, they explored the wasteland with a will to clear away the wreckage and build the new Jerusalem in England's green and pleas- ant land. Such poets as Louis MacNeice, C. Day Lewis, W. H. Auden and Stephen Spender went to school to the Social Muse, but having studied Freud as well as Marx, they were concerned not merely with the estab- lishment of a new order, but also with the necessity for defeating the self-regarding, inverted attitude that, as younger members of "the Old Gang," they were them- selves inclined to adopt. Their medicine for a diseased society, their weapon against their own weaknesses, was satire, although even Auden's buffoonery gradually gave place to a more searching and sensitive attack upon the evils around and within. It was not long, however, before these poets, and the Americans who were their fellow travelers, confronted the fact that they were living not in a post-war but in a pre-war, and suddenly in a war-ridden, world. They had looked for revolution. They expected fighting, Their verse, even when it deals with more private matters, abounds in the imagery of modern wafare: severed wires, tangled scrap-iron, spies, airmen. But though they could imagine, they were not prepared for, a war in which the aims would be as obscure, ann the line-up of forces as ambiguous as in this one. A short anthology of recent verse for these times written by English poets bears an Address to the Reader in which he is told that "This war must be thought to a finish: it concerns thinkers as no other war ever did." It has not yet been thought through, and this may well be one of 'the reasons why the poets, aware of that necessity, unable to formulate their position, tend to withdraw into a private corner, to write more personal poetry than before. The anthology mentioned above opens with a poem hailing the unborn historian whose song "shall enshrine our despair, Reveal our mad story, and from its present confusion Discover the hope that guides us toward his birth." Another poet wishes today were yesterday. A third sees love and hope approach "Like tide . . . For heavy retreat." Yet anpther speaks of the solitude that eases bewilderment, and lets the poet forget "nations dying, And Europe without a friend." Nowhere in the boot, nor in recent poems I have read elsewhere, is there an affirmation comparable to that with which Brooke and his fellows greeted the war of 1914. Nor is there the savage indignation of the later years; only great pity and a new weariness, for boredom appears to be not the least of this war's cruelties. There is an ancient Egyptian poem in which the singer recites the troubles that attend' every sort of worker, the blacksmith, the carpenter, the fisherman, and declares: "I have seen violence, I have seen vio- lence, give thy heart after letters." The poets of 1941 have seen violence undreamed of by the men of 1914. If they give their hearts after letters, it is because they know that poetry, though it is no substitute for anti- aircraft guns, is the stronghold of that awareness which alone gives the guns a meaning. But at this juncture the poets can do no more than celebrate awareness, and in troubled accents. Unlike their predecessors, they un- derstand that this war is no joyous adventure, no cru- ade, but a dirty job, and that the winning of the war may be less difficult than the wipning of the peace, The Soviet betrayal of communism more than any other one factor appals and disarms them, for if the socialist fatherland has begotten a dictatorship from which Nazism has pulled the disguise, in what shall they put their trust? They know, too, that England does not go Writer compares poetry of 1914 and 1941; cannot find strong affirmation of hope in World War II poets - pity, weariness characterize poets of today. Babette Deutsch, in the New Republic, April 21, 1941 Then And Now - { 4into the fight with clean hands. Had because she has failed to develop a perfect democracy in those few years. These people forget that American democracy in its infancy had not a fraction of the stupendous problems China faces, and it required a Civil War nearly a century after the Rev- olution to lay firm the foundations of American democracy. Today, some 165 years later,, no one would deny nor wish it to be denied that Amer- ica has yet a long way to go towards the ultimate goal. So also, undoubted- ly, there are great obstacles ahead to thwart the attainment of universal democracy in China, and thegreatest of these is the Japanese war machine. IN THE SENATOR'S SPEECH, how- ever, he not only voiced a great untruth about China, but also com- mitted an equally great sin of omis- sion. Not only did he fail callously, at any moment to decry and denounce the criminal attack upon China by Japan with all its attendant tragedy to a peace-loving people, but he also failed to remind himself of what a Fascist and dominant Japan would mean to the future of the Pacific and of America. In his misdirected zeal, fh Qn n r%"A m c "i -nlam -a if left unchecked by these "undemo- cratic nations." CHINA today suffers untold pain , during the war years, but she carries on with unflagging spirits and indeed in a growing sense of strengthened unity and hope, because she DOES believe in the high ideals of justice and liberty and humanity, because she IS the bulwark of peace and democracy in the Orient. On the other hand, the present Japanese re- gime is the exact antithesis of this high idealism, and stands for the ful- fillment of the Tanaka plan, the Far Eastern equivalent of the Haushofer plan, which demands the relentless striving up the path of empire by a brutal war machine towards Mnilitary and economic hegemony, meanwhile menacing the interests and security of every nation bordering upon the Pacific. As such, it can know no ceas- ing except in defeat. THE ONLY WAY to insure the tri- umph of democratic, peaceful and constructive forces in the Far East, is, in my belief, to insure the triumph of a China dedicated to the creation and furthering of those forces in the Pacific area and in the world. not her rulers given aid and com- fort to the 4enemy, the war would wear a different complexion. The poets can speak only out of their be- wilderment and pain, unless and un- til the war aims are declared, and proved to answer the needs of the common mal and the desires of the just. That Symbol On Our U.S. Dime I IS to the credit of the American people's good sense that nobody proposed recently chopping down the Japanese cherry trees which have been making Washington's spring- time glorious. Such a proposal, to show disapproval of Japan's invas- ion of China, was actually made a few years ago. The 1941 version of this narrow spiritcomes from the women's di- vision of the Committee of Americans, which protests against further coin- age of dimes bearing the fasces, the fascist symbol. Long before the followers of Muss- olini adopted it, this was an honored