THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. MAY 8 1941 4 .: _. . , . . ......... .. a.. unc a. z. ct iNZL Student Senate Meets To Elect Officers Today Sc hoarship Dance Tickets To Be Placed On Sale; Sawyer's Band To Play The newly-elected Student Sen- ate will choose its officers for the ! coming year at its first meeting at 7:15 p.m. today in the Union. Both old and new senators will be present at this sessions which is open to all students. The Student Senate, elected by vote of the entire student body, is en- gaged in the promotion of a scholar- ship dance and a survey of student labor conditions, at present. Reports of the committees in charge of this work will be read tonight. Tickets for the Senate Scholar- ship Dance will be placed on sale today, according to Edward Tann, chairman of the dance committee. The dance will be held Friday, May 23rd, in the Union Ballroom with Bill Sawyer's Orchestra. The proceeds of the dance will be used for the Senate's scholarship fund. All fraternities and men's co- operafive houses are aiding in the dis- tribution of tickets. The senate scholarships are award- ed through Dean Lloyd S. Woodburne, who is alsoconducting a campaign to raise funds from members of ,the faculty. ditor Karl Detzer To Speak Sunday' For Aid To Allies Roving Editor of the Readers' Di- gest, Karl Detzer, will reply to Ameri- an isolationist arguments in a speech, "Let Us Face The Truth," to be given at 4:30 p.m. Sunday in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Detzer, speaking under the spon- sorship of the Ann Arbor chapter of The Committee To Defend America by Aiding the Allies, is an author of several fiction works and has been a contributor to the Saturday Eve- .ning Post. His varied career includes being an infantry captain in the World War, a writer of screen plays and a Hollywood technical director. Among the best-known of Detzer's writings are: "True Tales of the D.C.I.," "The Marked Man," "Pirate of the Pine Lands," and the screen play, "Car 99." Urges U.S. 'To Get Tough' DAILYOFFICIALBULLETIN Fists clenched, Senator Claude pepper (Dem.-Fla..) shows the ges- tures he used on the Senate floor when he said the American people were ready to "spill their blood" to prevent dictators from ruling the earth. iouse Passes Ship Seizure Bill Allowing Use Of Foreign Boats WASHINTON, May 7.-(AP)-VotingI 266 to 120, the House passed Presi- dent Roosevelt's ship seizure bill to- day and sent it on to an uncertain future in the Senate. The measure,-requested by the ad- ministration, would empower the President to seize foreign vessels idle in American ports and put them to any use he sees fit. Thus he would be enabled to use Italian, German and Danish vessels recently taken in- to protective custody, and others not yet requisitioned, in the help-to- England program. The bill was passed after the cham- ber had defeated, 220 to 160, a mo- tion by Representative Culkin (Rep.- N.Y.) to send it back to committee with instructions that a provision be added forbidding the President to turn Axis-owned vessels over to Great Britain. This proposal, presenting the big- gest dispute connected with the meas- ure, had previously been rejected, but without a record vote. Those be- hind it contended that to seize the ships of one belligerent and transfer them to its enemy would be an act of war on the part of the United States. It was this aspect of the contro- versy that held promise of trouble for the measure in the Senate. Al- WEEKDAY SHOWS 2-4-7-9 P.M. ready a group within the Senate Commerce Commitee, which is hand- ling the bill, had adopted the same{ attitude and shown itself so sizablej that Senate leaders were talking of a compromise on this point. The Italian and German vessels taken several weeks ago were seized under a law giving the government such power if sabotage were suspected. Additional legislation was needed, however, before the government could put them to work. The bill provides that just com- pensation must be paid for ships re- quisitioned, but the house attached an amendment to the bill saying that if any of the ships are owned by a government which is in debt to this country, the compensation shall take the form of a credit on the debt. Ann Arbor Here Is Today's News In Summary Garnet J. Burlingame of Ann Ar- bor, morale officer of the 32nd division at Camp Livingston, La., has been promoted from the rank of captain to that of a major. Maj. Burlingame, formerly the commander of Company K, the lo- cal national guard unit, was placed in charge of the division's morale last November. He will continue in that office, it was announced. Miss Josephine Davis, executive secretary of the Ann Arbor Red Cross for the past five years, has resigned her position here to take a similar appointment in Ingham county. She will leave Ann Arbor May 15.t Replacing Miss Davis is Mrs. Merle T. Malin, 1609 Ferndale Place, who will receive her MA in social work, from the University this year. Mrs. Malin served on the board of directors of the Dickinson County Red Cross chapter for 15 years and has been active in social service or- ganizations in the state. The Washtenaw County Rural Mu- sic festival will bring approximately 600 rural school children to Ann Arbor next Wednesday where they will participate in a songfest in Hill Audi- torium. The program will include a child- ren's chorus, American folk dances and an American singing call. Par- ticipants in the festival are drawn fromthe first through the eighth grades of country schools. THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1941 VOL. LI. No. 154 Publication in the Daily official Bulletin is constructive notice to all member, o the University. Notices The Michigan Hospital Service has given notice of a revision and liber- alization of its contracts as follows, which will shortly be embodied in a rider that will be sent to each con- tract holder for attaching to his con- tract: "The revised certificate provides coverage for every type of case ad- missible to a hospital. This includes hospitalization not only for those cases ordinarily cared for in general hospitals, but also for hospital care of contagious diseases, pulmonary tuberculosis, and nervous and mental diseases. This means that every type of case admitted to a hospital, with the exception of maternity care, which is available after the sub- scriber has been enrolled for twelve consecutive months, will be covered immediately." "The new certificate will not only provide this full coverage for a period of twenty-one days as heretofore but additional protection will be provided for a period of ninety days at a dis- count of 50 per cent from the regu- lar hospital charges. The extension in days applies to every enrolled sub- scriber, making it possible for each member of the family included in the subscribers' contract to be hospital- ized for as long as 111 days each year." Shirley W. Smith Notice in-re University Property Re- moved from the City or off University Property: Any University representa- tive having charge of University pro- perty should give notice in advance to the Inventory Clerk, Business Office, University Hall, when such property is to be taken outside the City of Ann Arbor or off University property for use in any University project, as, for example, the W.P.A. A loss recently ( occurred on which the University had Ino insurance because of the 'fact that no notice had been given to the In- ventory Clerk that such property had been taken to the location where it was in use, and the property was therefore not covered by the insurance policy. Shirley.. Smith Protection of University Property Against Theft: Whenever it becomes known that property has been stolen or is miss- ing, notice should be given with ut- most promptness at the Business Of- fice, Room 3, University Hall. This applies to articles owned by the in- stitution or owned privately. For the protectidii of property it is important that doors and windows be locked, inside doors as well as out- side doors, when rooms are to be left unoccupied even for a brief period. The building custodians cannot be responsible for conditions after the hours when they are on duty or when persons with keys to buildings unlock doors and leave them unlocked. It is desirable that department heads make a careful check two or three times a year of all keys to quarters inder their charge, to make sure that keys have not been lost and are not n the hands of persons no longer re- qluiring their use. It is strictly con- trary to University rules to have dup- licate keys made or to lend keys is- sued for personal use. A reward of $50 is offered to any person for information that directly or indirectly leads to the apprehen- son of thieves on University prem- ises. Shirley W. Smith To the Members of the University Council: There will be a meeting of the University Council on Monday, May 12, at 4:15 p.m., in Roon 1009 A.H. AGENDA Approval of the Minutes. Report of the Committee for the Bureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information, G. E. Myers. Report of the Committee on Stu- den Affairs, J. A. Bursley. Report of the Committee on the University Extension Service, C. A. Fisher. Report of the Committee on Uni- versity Lectures, L. M. Eich. Subjects Offered by Members of the Council. Reports of the Standing Commit- tees : Program and Policy, E. B. Sta- son; Educational Policies, W. G. Rice: Student Relations, A. Marin; Public Relations, I. M. Smith; Plant and Equipment, R. W. Hammett. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary Suspension of Classes in the School of Music: By action of the;School of Music Faculty on May 6, all music classes (with the exception of C211) and individual lessons are suspend- ed through May 10. Earl V. Moore, Directorl ship Dance Union desk Senator. Luncheon Cancelled: The luncheon at which Mrs. Jacobs was to discuss the work of the Hoover Committee, has been cancelled due to the illness of the speaker. Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will be held in Room 319, West Medical Building, Saturday, May 10, at 10:00 a.m. Subject: "Renin and Angioton- in. Biochemical Factors in Experi- mental Hypertension." All interested are invited. Anthropology 32 and Anthropology 152 will not meet Friday, May 9. June Candidates for the Teacher's Certificate: The Comprehensive Ex- amination in Education will be given on Saturday, May 24, from 9 to 12 o'clock (and also from 2 to 5 o'clock) in the auditorium of the University High School. Students having Sat- urday morning classes may take the examination in the afternoon. Print- ed information regarding the ex- amination may be secured in the School of Education office. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting to elect directed teaching (Educ D100) next semester are required to pass a qualifying examination in the sub- ject which they expect to teach. This examination will be held on Satur- day, May 24, at 1 o'clock. Students will meet in the auditorium of the University High School.The ex- amination will consume about four hours' time; promptness is therefore essential. mandy, conductor. SIXTH CONCERT, Saturday, 8:30 p.m. Excerpts from "Eugene One- gin" by Tschaikowsky. Jarmila No- votna, soprano; Suzanne Sten, mez- zo-soprano; Enid Szantho, contralto; Charles Kullman, tenor; Mack Har- rell, baritone; Norman Cordon, bass; The Philadelphia Orchestra; Uni- versity Choral Union; Thor Johnson, conductor. The University Musical Society re- spectfully requests the sympathetic cooperation of the public in the mat- ter of being seated promptly, and con- forming to traffic and other regu- lations, to .the end that all programs may begin promptly and may be con- tinued without confusion or embar- rassment of any kind. Charles A. Sink, President May Festival tickets: All remain- ing May Festival tickets will be on sale at the Box Office at the right end of the outer corridor in Hill Audi- torium! A limited number of tickets are available-for several of the con- certs, and during the Festival stand- ing room tickets will be available. Charles A. Sink, President Carillon Recital: Percival' Price, University Carillonneur, will present a recital from 7:15 to 8:00 tonight in the Burton Memorial Tower. He will play a group of Irish folk songs and selections by Handel, Mozart, Denyn and Lefevere. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: A collection of color prints by Van Eyck of an altar piece in the Ghent Cathedral, loaned by Professor Eunice Wead, is being shown in the ground floor corridor cases. Open daily 9 to 5 except Sun- day through May 10. The public is invited. (Continued on Page 7) FORDHAM UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW NEW YORK Case System Three-Yea Day Course Four-Year Evening Course Co-educational Member of the Association of American Law Schools College Degree or Two Years of College Work with Good Grades Required for Entrance Transcript of Record Must Be Furnished Morning. Early Afternoon and E Evening Classes For further information address Registrar of Fordham Law School 233 Broadway, New York Engineering Seniors: If you are ex-j Pecting to graduate in June, 1941, you ConcGrts should fill out the Diploma Applica- y tion in the Secretary s office, Room May Festival Concerts: The Uni- 263 West Engineering Building, not versity. Musical Society announces later than May 21. No fee is required. that May Festival concerts will take Graduation may be delayed if the ap- place as follows: plication is late. SECOND CONCERT, tonight, at C. B. Green, 8:30 p.m. Brahms' "Requiem". Jar- Assistant Secretary mila Novotna, soprano; Norman Cordon, bass; Gregor Piatigorsky, Education Seniors: The names of I violoncellist; The Philadelphia Or- all Education seniors will appear in chestra; The University Choral Un- the. Commencement announcement ion; Eugene Ormandy and Thor booklets regardless of whether or not Johnson, conductors. they pay class dues. Senior class THIRD CONCERT, Friday, 2:30 dues are used to pay for our page p.m. Suzanne Sten, mezzo-soprano; in the 'Ensian and for social activi- Jose Iturbi, pianist; The Philadel-, ties, and any surplus is turned over phia Orchestra; The Youth Chorus; to the alumni fund. Dues may be Saul Caston and Juva Higbee, con- paid to Laura Katzenel or members ductors. of the finance committee. FOURTH CONCERT, Friday, 8:30 j 1p.m. Dorothy Maynor, soprano; The Playwrighting Contest. Announce- Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Or- ment of the national Charles H. Ser- mandy, conductor. gel One-Act Play Contest (University FIFTH CONCERT, Saturday, 2:30 of Chicago), offering a prize of $500 1 - may be secured at the p.m. Jascha Heifetz, 'violinist; The or from any Student Philadelphia Orchestra; Eugene Or. Matinees 25c nci. Tax NOW +- STARTS TODAY! for the winning play, has been re- ceived by the Department of English. Not more than two manuscripts may be selected for submission from one university. The contest is open to any undergraduate student of the University. Mariuscripts for consid- eration must be left in the English Office, 3221 A.H., by May 20. A copy of the rules is available for consul- tation in the English Office. Tickets for the Student Scholar- ARROW shirts and ties are sold at ... 322-324 South Main-downtown Raise your hand if you know what Gordon Dover is IT'S ARROW'S popular university oxford shirt twith the roll front button-down collar which transcends all other shirts in acquiring that casual "take it easy" lack-a-daisitude. Your local Arrow dealer has these oxfords in white and solid colors. All Arrow shirts have she trim "Mitoga" athletic fit. They're Sanforized-Shrunk (fabric shrinkage less than 1%). A couple of fins will buy you a lot of smartness. Arrow ties $1-$1.50 -handkerchiefs 25c up. AQ S- MICHIGAN Which White Shirt Would You Pick? I I i TRUMP SAYS: DART SAYS: GORDON SAYS: WE SAY: Choose me. I have the longest-wearing soft collar of any shirt. I cost just.. $2 Pick me. I have the longest-wearing non-wilt collar on earth. I'm a bargain at :. ....:. .. .. "*... ........ .. . .$2.25 Take me. I'm O.K. for both sport and business and the most popular oxford shirt in America. $2 is all I cost! Pick all three! They're all Arrows, all ganforized Shrunk, fabric shrinkage less than 1%. And you need them all in a well-rounded wardrobe! See them here todav-and se ifvou can _ . .. . 11 I U I I I