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August 26, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-08-26

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Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication




'Corky' To Caper At Winter Carnival

Sets Records
In Triangular
Cinder Meet
Frank McCarthy , Paces
Squad With 12 Points;
New Pole Vault Mark
EstablishedBy Decker
State, Ypsi Beaten,
Dropping_9 Firsts
(Special To The Daily)
sing, Feb, 25-Michigan's powerful
cinder squad conquered Michigan
Normal, Michigan State, and a slow
clay track here tonight to sweep
its annual triangular track with 75
7-10 points. Normal took second with
39 2-10, while the Spartans were a
poor third with 15 1-10.
All-around power was the deciding
factor and after the first two events,
in which the Wolverines and the
Hurons each marked up 11 points,
the outcome was never in doubt.
Four Meet Records
Although four meet records were
established, the times and distances
were in general poor. Performing on
a track consisting of an experimental
clay compound, the members of all
three teams had difficulty with their
spikes, and were slowed up consider-
For Michigan sophomore Frank Mc-
Carthy was the outstanding perform-
er. The powerful Birmingham lad
accounted for 12 points in four events,
with one first, a pair of seconds and a
third. Broadjumping in the best form
of his career, McCarthy leaped a
startling '23 feet 1-8 inch to outdis-
tance his nearest competitor by six
Decker Wins Again
In the pole vault junior Charlie
Decker continued his recently adopt-
ed record smashing tactics by crack-
Ing the Spartns' field house mark
of 13 feet, 4inches. The Wolverine
cleared the bar at 13 feet, 5/2inches,
and then retired for the evening with-
out attempting to go higher.
Two of Normal's three first places
were chalked up by long-striding
Whitey Hlad, who swept both 75
yard hurdle events. Since the distance
(Continued on Page 3)
Petitions Due
For Jordan
Petitioning for student advisorships
in Jordan Hall starts today, Esther
Colton, House Director announced
The advisory system was initiated
in the dormitory this fall for the
purpose of providing the freshmen
with a guiding hand in their first
year on campus. Twenty upperclass
women will be chosen for the posi-
tions, which are honorary and in-
clude a small deduction from the
annual dormitory expenses.
The petitions, which are available
now at the Office of the Director of
Residence Halls, 205 South Wing,
should be filled out and returned to
Miss Colton on or before Thursday,
March 7. A personal interview with
each petitioner willbe arranged at
a later date and those chosen will
go through a training cours, this
spring which will better prepare them
for the. duties and responsibilities of

the following year.
Sale Of Tickets
For Frosh Frolic
Will Start Today
Tickets for Frosh Frolic will go on
sale to holders of freshman identifi-
cation cards from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Ljday at the Travel Desk of the
Union, Marvin Borman, '44, chair-
man, announced yesterday.
Sale of tickets to freshmen only
will continue Thursday and Friday.
If any remain they will be put on
sale for the general public.
Johnnie "Scat" Davis., acclaimed
as "the band of the year," will supply

Skating Of Torky' Courtright
.Will Feature Winter Carnival

Shown practicing the skating
strokes she'll display- before the
audience of the Michigan Winter
Carnival Sunday evening in the Coli-
seum is Betty Jane "Corky" 'Court-
right, daughter of Michigan's golfing
"Corky" is a featured member of
the Olympia Skating Club of Detroit,
Edwin Neville
Will :Discuss
Eastern Asta
Delivering the second of a series
of four University lectures, Mr. Ed-
win L. Neville, former American Min-
ister to Thailand, will discuss "Fron-
tiers in East Asia" at 4:15 p.m. to-
day in the Rackham Amphitheatre,
under the auspices of the political
science department.
Neville traced the development of
Chinese cultural and political insti-
tutions in his first lecture here Mon-
day as a background for today's and
two subsequent talks on "The Consol-
idation of Japan" and "Far Eastern
Reactions to Western Penetration."
Graduating from the University in
1907, Neville entered the foreign ser-
vice and served as Consul and Con-
sul-General in various posts in China
and Japan before becoming Secretary
of the American Embassy at Tokyo
in 1925. He was appointed Counsellor
of Embassy and Consul-General in
Tokyo in 1928.
In 1937 Neville was appointed Min-
ister to Thailand, the highest honor
which is accorded a career diplomat,y
a post he held until his retirement
in 1940.%

which will be the chief attraction
of the indoor events of the Carnival
beginning at 7:30 p.m. at the cam-
pus' favorite skating rendezvous.
Tickets for the Carnival are on
sale today and the rest of the week at
the desk of the Michigan Union.
Another attraction of the Gala Ice
Show will be competitive events be-
tween fancy skaters from the cam-
pus. Chairman Jack Grady, '42, of
the Ice Carnival says that the five
sorority, five fraternity and two dorm-
itory members who comprise the fan-
cy skating corps are people "many
of us will know and recognize even
in their skating garb."
An exhibition by the Ann Arbor
Skating Club and the award of tro-
phies to the winners of the tobog-
ganing, skating and fancy skating
campetition will follow the main
Free skating after the show to ev-
eryone until 10:30 tp.m. will be in
order after presentation of the two
championship awards to the women's
and men's groups standing highest in
all events.
Skiiing and snow-carving compe-
tition will be held this week if there
is a sufficient snow-fall, Grady said,
remarking that trophies in these
events will also be awarded at the
Coliseum Sunday evening if the ele-
ments are favorable.
This is the first year that a Winter
Carnival of such an extended pro-
gram has been held at Michigan,'
Grady pointed out. Forty-four cam-
pus groups have entered the compe-
tition and Ann Arbor business men
have cooperated to make the Carnival
a success, he said. Eleven trophies
valued at over $250 will be given
away on Sunday evening, Grady re-

First Exams
For Seniors
To Be Given
Com pulsory Test Today
Required For School
Of Graduate Studies
'41 Class To Write
In Hill Auditorium
The first in a series of two exam-
inations comprising the Graduate
Record Examination required of all
seniors in the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts and the School
of Education graduating in June or
August will be given from 7 to 11 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorum.
The examination will be of a gen-
eral nature, covering all the work
taken by the student during his at-
tendance at the University. Although
the test grade will have no bearing
on whether or not the student may
graduate, the examination must be
taken by all except those who receive
special exemption from Dean Lloyd
S. 'Woodburne.
Any student who intends to enter
the University School of Graduate
Studies must either have taken this'
two-part examination before admis-
sion or must take it after enrollment,
Dr. Woodburne said.
Forms, which must be filled out
by each of the students taking the
examination were passed out during
registration periods two weeks ago
and should be brought to the exami-
nation, Dr. Woodburne added.
Advanced examinations in the sub-1
jects which may be indicated by the
individual student on the forms will
be given tomorrow night at the same
time and in the same place.
Introduced on the University cam-
pus this year, the graduate record
examination has been and now is fi-
nanced by the Carnegie Corporation
of New York and is managed by the
Carnegie Foundation for the Advance-
(Continued on Page 2)1
Gould Presides
Over Annual
I Union Smoker;
Freshmen Hear Campus
Leaders Discuss Fieldsr
Of Outside Activities 1
Between the hoary anecdotes of
"Joke-Master" Douglas Gould, '41,1
president of the Michigan Union, up-
wards of 400 second-semester fresh-
Smen heard 16 campus leadersrde-
scribe the functions of their respect-
ive organizations at the annual Activ-
ities Smoker held in the ballroom of1
the Union yesterday evening.
Gould presided at the Smoker1
which is sponsored annually by the
Daily and Union to help acquaint
eligible members of the neophyte
class with the multifarious campus1
activities they may participate in
during their years at Michigan.
After the brief descriptive talks by
the organization representatives, Bob
Morgan of the University Alumni
Association showed movies of the an-
nual initiation of Michigamua, high-
est senior men's honor society, and
refreshments followed.
The Activities Smoker was gener-
ally well-received by 400 members
of the class of '44:

George Roney said he discovered
quite a bit about campus activities
that he did not learn about during'
the freshman orientation program
last fall.
Although John Erlewine had al-
ready decided on The Daily editorial
staff as his line of pursuit, he thought
the information and the refresh-
ments were well worth the while. He
also noted that, in his opinion, Toast-
master Gould's jokes had improved
since the freshman orientation pro-
gram last fall.
, Football already occupies the time
of Julius Franks, but he came to the
smoker to learn more about the work
being done by the Student Religious
Association at Lane Hall.
Debaters Will Meet

"Trelawney of the Wells," Play
Production's fourth presentation of
the year, will open a four-day run,
Pattee Claims
Equality Need
Cooperation between the Americas
is conceivable only in terms of equal-
ity, Richard Pattee of the Division
of Cultural Relations, Department of
State declared in a University lec-
ture sponsored by the University Com-
mittee on Defense Issues here yes-
"The whole inter-American move-
ment is futile if the United States
assumes the missionary attitude to-
ward Latin-America and fails to re-
alize that the southern republics
have much to offer in return," Mr.
Pattee asserted.
"It is of the utmost importance
that Pan-American relations be based
on mutual respect," he stated. "The
United States should offer certain
facilities and ideas, but must also
accept some and maintain a respect
for the cultural and political insti-
tutions of South America."
Observing that South Americans
are characteristically individualistic
and do not organize into associations
and clubs to promote their ideas, Mr.
Pattee warned against considering
the southern republics inferior be-
cause their activities do not fit into
familiar United States patterns.
Mr. Pattee pointed out that the
United States' interest in South
America has been historically perm-
anent, but the present situation has
intensified recognition of the funda-
mental ideas related to the commun-
ity of common interests in this hem-
Noting that the "undercurrent of
(Continued on Pag 2)

at 8:30 p.m. today, in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
The comedy, by Arthur Wing Pi-
nero, outstanding dramatist of the
19th Century, is a story of theatrical;
people. In the play, the grandson of
the Vice-chancellor of England falls
in love with an actress from the Wells
Theatre and the resulting complica-
tions form the plot of the drama.
Part of the scenes are laid in a the-
atrical boarding house of the Sixties
and the rest are in the home of the
wealthy nobleman.
This is the first costume production
of the year for the drama group
whose previous efforts include "Three
Men on a Horse," "The Bat," and
"Margin for Error." Twenty-five cos-
tumes of 1860 vintage were designed
for the play by Emma Hirsch.
Prof. Valentine B. Windt, of the
Speech department, is director of
"Trelawney of the Wells."t
Tickets for the play may be pur-
chased at the box ofice of the Lydia
Mendelssohn for 35, 50 and 75 cents.
All seats are reserved.
Technic Seeks

k ati,
'relawney Of The Wells' Opens
Run At Lydia Mendelssohn Today

Plays Imo"en Parrott In Trelawney'

Eden, Turks
Will Discuss
Views On War
In Conference
Russia 'Gave Suggestions'
In Bulgarian Pact, Says
Paper; Rift Is Denied
Between Mutual Allies
Officials Assure
U.S. Ties Still Hold
(By The Associated Press)
British announce capture 400
Italians in Eritrea; take Brava,
only 150 miles from Mogadisco,
Somaliland capital; British bomb-
ers attack Tripoli in western Lib-
* * *
Germany claims 253,000 tons of
British sjipping sunk within few
days; British retort "untrue."
British bombers heavily attack
Nazi submarine base at Brest; Ex-
plosives straddle 10,000-ton Ger-
man cruiser; Berlin says no mili-
tary damage was inflicted.
Russia appropriates $14,200,000,-
00 for 1941'defense.
* * *
Greek sources say 105,000 Ital-
ian soldiers "put out of actio" in
war with Fascists.
(By The Associated Press)
ISTANBUL, Turkey, Feb. 25.-An
exchange of views between Britain
and Turkey, bound by pledges of mu-
tual aid in the event of an act of,
aggression leading to war in the Med-
iterranean, is slated for tomorrow at
Ankara, the Turkish capital.
Two of Britain's highest leaders,
Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden and
Gen. Sir John G. Dill, Chief of the
Imperial General Staff, arrived by
plane today at Adana, in Southern
Turkey, and entrained for Ankara.
Discussing British-Turkish rela-
tions in the light of Germany's ad-
vance in the Balkans and Turkish
Foreign MinisteriSucrutSaracoglu's
weekend declaration that Turkey
would be "unable to remain indiffer-
ent to foreign activities which might
occur in her security zone," the news-
paper Ikdam declared that those who
"thought Turkish-British friendship
was cooling were greatly mistaken."
In a review of Soviet Russia's atti-
tude toward the new Turkish-Bulgar-
ian nonaggression accord, the news-
paper Comhuriyet said it had no
doubt that Moscow gave "friendly
suggestions to both sides" since the
Balkans "are the natural safety zone
of Russia."
"Russia understands that if there
is an actual attack on our boundaries
we shall have to fight."
Officials Assure
U.S. Ties Still Hold
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25. -()-
Turkey reassured the United States
today that her ties to Great Britain
and Greece were unweakened by her
non-aggression pact with Bulgaria or
threatening German moves in the
Some uncertainty \still existed in,
diplomatic quarters, howver, as to
whether Turkey would fight only if

attacked or would lend active sup-
port to the British and Greeks if Ger-
man troops used Bulgaria as the
base for an attack on Greece.
The assurances on Turkey's posi-
tion were given at a conference of
Turkish Ambassador Mehmet Munir
Ertegun with Sumner Welles, Un-
dersecretary of State.
Koella To Discuss
Pagnol's Works
Prof. Charles Koella of the Ro-
mance Languages department will
give the second in the series of French
lectures sponsored by LeCercle Fran-
cais on "Topaze and the Other Works
of Marcel Pagnol" at 4:15 p.m. to-
day in Room 103 of the Romance
Languages Building.
He will analyze the popular psycho-
logical writings of the modern French
author. Professor Koella will also give
the background and an appreciation

New Tryouts


Those Eligible Are Asked
To ReportToday
The Michigan Technic. official
publication of the College of Engin-
eering, will hold tryouts for all eligi-
ble sophomores and second semester
freshmen at 5 p.m. today in Room
3046 of the East Engineering Build-,[
George Weesner, '41E, editor of the
magazine, will chair the meeting to
explain the various functions of the
publication and the types of exper-
ience it will afford engineers who be-
come members of the staff.

Miss Lloyd Honored At Dinner
For National Deans' Presidency

At a surprise dinner yesterday in
the Hussey room of the League, ap-
proximately 250 students and friends'
of Dean Alice C. Lloyd gathered to
pay her honor at her recent elec-
tion to the presidency of the National
Association of Deans of Women.
Miss Lloyd was presented with a
large handkerchief bearing the auto-
graphs of all the guests present, and
a leather brief case by the League
Council members, sponsors of the af-
fair. In addition the Alumnae Coun-
cil presented her with a set of Wedge-
wood Michigan plates, while the wo-
men of Jordan Hall gave her a ster-
ling silver pin as a remembrance.
Toastmistress at the banquet was
Lee Hardy, '41, president of the
League, while Doris Merker, '41, pres-
idn nf :Jddiciarv Council presented

Wolverines Favored In Annual
State AAU Swim Meet Tonight

Swimming champions of the state
of Michigan will be crowned at 7:30
p.m. today when Matt Mann throws
open the Sports building pool to a
galaxy of stars for the annual Mich-
igan AAU championships. There will
be no preliminaries in the afternoon.
With mejnbers of his own Wolver-
ine team entered in every event, it
would not be far from the realm of
possibility if University of Michigan
natators walked off with the lions
share of titles-if not all of them.
Wayne Sends Gardner
Wayne University is sending Bobby
Gardner for the diving event, but
coach Leo Maas revealed his ace

one dominated mostly by Matt Mann's
team, interest in concentrated on
Mann's individual stars. The opening
100 yard free style, to be run in two
heats, will be a battle from start
to finish.
Sharemet vs. Tomski
Gus Sharemet, rounding into better
(Continued on Page 3)
J-Hop Records Bring
Third Gargoyle Sellout
For the third time this year Gar-
goyle had a complete sellout, this
time in yesterday's sales of the Feb-


16. ll ., % ? " ,

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