THE MICHIGAN DAILY °.TMsn THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of M~ichigan. udder the authority of the Board in Control of Student. Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein- also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. a Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00, by mail,' $4.50. 1 ~ N I ) f( ?ENL or saIVs =M,.., REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI6ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADIsONAVE. NEw YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON- LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff Emile Gele Robert Speckhard Albert P. Blaustein . David Lachenbruch Bernard Dober. . Alvin Dann Hal Wilson Arthur Hill Janet Hiatt Grace Miller . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director City Editor . . . Associate Editor S. . Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor . . Assistant Sports Editor Ass .tWomen's Editor Assistant Women's Editor Daniel James Louise Evelyn H. Huyett B. Collins Carpenter Wright . Business Staff . . . Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager . Womren's Advertising Manager . Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: WILL SAPP The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. The New Editors Carry O.. . T HERE IS ONE significant difference between the position of the new Daily editors and that of our predecessors of last year and the years before-we are in the midst of many of the problems they were yet ap- proaching. While they could still speak about the evils of war, conscription, economic capacity, and the possibility of censorship in general terms, we must work out those principles through the meshwork of what already is on the books. N TIMES AS THESE tempers are drawn tight er, those who may oppose war become ap- peasers, fears and suspicion mount with the speed of a neighborhood scandal. Through it all we must maintain the best ethics of journalism, and the full exercise of the democratic process in the news and editorial columns of a free Daily. Rules of accuracy, clarity and objectivity will not be relaxed in our news columns and the headlines. Though at times suspicion of bias may creep in, it will be human failing and the difficulty of the situation that may be charged guilty. The news columns will be open to all- the interest and importance of the story will be its only limitations. THE EDITORIAL PAGE as well will observe the rules of good journalism, but upon its shoulders also will fall the task of maintaining the full exercise of the democratic process-if need be, by the considered sting of the Socratic gad-fly. Objetivity here does not exclude the expression of opinion, for only by the frank ad- mission of one's premises and the complete exer- cise of scientific rigor in the placing of fact in thte mesh of the argument, can one approach the truth. The editorial page has been and will continue to be the free market where opinions will compete on their own merit. The truth for you as well as the editors, will be the intersection of opinion as it appears to the individual mind. * * * THE CONVICTION that the Daily has, and will continue to live up to these principles, is evidenced in the decision of our Board in Con- trol of Student Publications to ask the Board of Regents to reconsider their proposed "packing" of the Publications Board. It is further mani- fest in today's announcement that considerable opposition to the "packing" of the Board was evidenced in yesterday's meeting of the Literary College faculty. Many of those very faculty members who are leading the opposition to changing The Daily set-up are people with whom The Daily editors have disagreed most strenu- ously on current issues. THE NEW EDITORS will continue the cam- paign against any "packing," which has been begun by the retiring editors. The new editors hope that you too will continue the cam- paign, for The Daily is also yours. Without your cooperation, without your dissent, The Daily soon will become petrified-retining the form but not the substance. The origin of the great- est malady the world knows today might be summed up in those words. Emile Gele Robert Speckhard Albert P. Blaustein David Lachenbruch Bernard Dober 6d RobetS. Ain WASHINGTON - Heavy conferences among Army and Defense chiefs on plans for another vast expansion of plane producing facilities are in progress behind the scenes. If this seems surprising, since hundreds of millions already have been allocated for this purpose, the reason is clear when you examine the gigantic size of the industrial system re- quired to build the 50,000 planes called for by President Roosevelt after the fall of France. Between July 1, 1940 and March 1, 1941, just the floor space of the aviation industry expand- ed from 17,216,410 square feet to 31,383,967. In a few months four huge new bomber assembly plants, at Kansas City, Fort Worth, Tulsa and Omaha, fed with parts by scores of other fac- tories, will add millions of additional square feet. BUT EVEN with all these assembly and parts plants in full operation, the total output of combat planes by the end of 1942 will still be far short of 50,000. On order are 44,835 planes divided as follows: For Canada and the R.A.F. - 16,000, plus 3,600 bombers undei' the so-called Knudsen plan; for the U.S. Army - 16,575, of which only half will be combat planes; for the Navy - 6,660, of which about one-fourth will be trainer planes. Thus it will be seen that of the 23,235 planes the Army and Navy are scheduled to receive in the next 18 months, only around 14,000 will be actual fighting ships. The rest will be trainers. That is why Defense authorities are preparing to erect two, possibly four, more bomber assembly plants, also to expand existing plane and motor factories and to farm out orders for propellers and other parts to scores of plants now engaged in defense work. Bombers To The Fore WAR DEVELOPMENTS have brought bombers, particularly of the long range type carrying great weight, to the fore as the major need of both our Army and the British. In April our bomber output was about one-sixth of the total number of planes produced - ap- proximately 250 out of 1,375. This was about 50 more than in March and the number will mount monthly. By September production is scheduled to top 500 a month, and thereafter should step up another 300 per month as the four assembly plants swing into full operation. This year's total U.S. plane output, it is esti- mated, will be 18,000, or about three times the number in 1940. For 1942, production is now guessed at 30,000, but experts are confident that figure will be considerably exceeded under the plant expansion plans now being formulated. N ANY EVENT, by July of next year we should be turning out a minimum of 2,400 planes a month. Military experts believe Germany's plane capacity is greater than this now. The Nazis are not necessarily producing more than 2,400 planes every mointh, but they have the plant facilities to do so. It is known that the Germans are concentrat- ing on new types; one a twin-engined fighter of 2750 horsepower, carrying eight guns, including cannon. Another is a new model of the Heinkel fighter; still another is a new four-motored ship of great range and weight-carrying capacity. U.S. air experts are working on 16 different new models, several of them interceptors to com- bat night bombing, a devastating form of at- tack which none of the belligerents has yet been able to lick. Hidden Colleague A STOCKY, gray-haired man, flanked by a group of sightseers, approached a Capitol policeman and asked directions to the office of Senator Hiram Johnson of California. Tucked away in an obscure corner on the north side of the Capitol where tourists never tread, Johnson's office is one of the hardest to find in the great structure. "I'll do my best to explain how to get there," said the policeman. "Are you a tourist?" "No," grinned the inquirer, "I'm the other Sen- ator from California, Sheridan Downey." Mediterranean Key KEY TO THE FATEFUL battle of the Mediter- ranean which is about to burst in full fury is not the Suez Canal, but Britain's great naval base at Alexandria, 125 miles west of the canal entrance. It is the capture of Alexandria that the Nazis are after, for this would deprive the British of their key "bridgehead" in northern Africa and ensure Axis domination of the eastern Mediter- ranean. So in coming days, watch the war dis- patches from Alexandria. Actually, the Suez Canal itself has been of little value to the British for months. It went out of use as the so-called "life-line of the em- pire" when the Axis air attack that severely dam- aged the aircraft carrier Illustrious proved it was suicidal to attempt to convoy shipping through the long and narrow waterway. SINCE THEN the Mediterranean has been a no man's land" for all the belligerents. While 2,000 miles in length, its narrow width at certain places has made it extremely hazardous for both sides, and the British have been routing their shipping around the Cape of Good Hope for some time. Loss of the Mediterranean would, of course, be a serious blow to the British; but it would by no means end the war or mean victory for the LETTERS TO THE EDITOR More Modern Verse To the Editor: IT IS neither easy nor discrete for me to stick my slender neck in front of the University and the Department of English that has been kind to me in several ways; and yet I must: I must assume that the University is in existence primarily for students. As a student I feel that I have the right to criticize the University, its Departments, and its faculty. However, I do not assume that my criticism is unfriendly or un- kind. I do not assume that there is anything personal in my remarks, but wish them to be taken as a student's comments on an issue of interest to both the department in question and' the student body in general. From what I know of the English Department as a whole, I do not think that it will resent criticism from an inter- ested party. THE SQUABBLE about Mr. W. H. Auden and the incident I mentioned is not a separate thing in itself, but is very closely allied to the fate of modern poetry in this University. A professor complains that he who speaks of the "Beauties of modern literature is often a voice calling in the wilderness . . .", that there is almost no one in the class who knows what he is talking about. I most heartily agree with this statement, and I hasten to inquire, who is to blame? The English Department itself is to blame, I say. AM SPEAKING of modern verse now: looking back into the old catalogues, and remember- ing my own hope of getting into a modern verse class, this is what I found. A course in Modern Verse, under various titles, has been listed in the catalogue for the last ten years; and every single year, with the one exception of '33-'34, the same catalogue listing has closed with the italicized retraction, "(Omitted '35-'36), (Omit- ted '36-'37)" etc. up to the up to date omission of "(Omitted '40-'41)". T MUST BE NOTED, in all fairness, that mod- ern verse is taught in several of the required and elective English courses, but that is not enough. Other full courses in the modern novel and drama are offered every year, and their popularity is eloquent testimony as to the stu- dent interest in living, in current literature. The Modern Novel course has an enrollment of ap- proximately 260 students, and this does not in- clude the undergraduates who were turned away to make room for senior and graduate students. ANY MEMBER of the English Department will probably admit that poetry is a more important form of literature than prose; and yet the department as a unit does not make it their business to offer a course in poetry that is being written in these significant years in which we are now living. This letter might go on and on and enumerate as the recent petition for a modern verse course that was signed by many students, such things as the popularity of the modern verse course in the Engineering School, such things as the overflowing lectures on mod- ern verse that were given off-campus by a grad- uate student, such things as many interested students who took advantage of the hospitality of the Engineering School and conferred with the eminent poet-critic who was in residence here for the last two springs, such things as - but it should be obvious by now. THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH has al- ready done a great deal to make it one of the best in this part of the nation; but other colleges, almost without exception, offer Moderii Verse-not only in their catalogues, but in their lecture halls-because they realize its impor- tance. The student body has shown its willing- ness to elect such a course; and now I wonder if the Department of English will see fit to give it to them; I wonder, but I cannot wait, to see if they will resurrect themselves from a horse and buggy status in regard to Modern Verse. - Charles Miller, '41 A Tribute To Yost a In verse and rhyme let's celebrate And so perchance perpetuate The qualities we've learned to prize As they've been lived before our eyes. For forty years has one upheld The best ideals with vim unequaled And yet today in him there lurk The gifts that put ideals to work. Of fame and praise, brimful his cup For who does not know "Hurry Up?" Thru all the ages, more outstrip His record for true sportsmanship. As his salute we'd put in rhyme A "locomotar" for all time Since sportsmen evermore will toast The sterling leadership of Yost! - Arthur H. Ortmeyer, 'O6Lit on plans to fight the New Deal's agricultural pro- gram, and intends to hold a series of meetings with state Republican leaders for the same pur- pose . . . Representative Lyndon Johnson has chalked up a high score for getting federal pro- jects for his district. Campaigning for the seat of the late Senator Morris Sheppard, the young New Dealer is promising that if elected to the v VENTURE TO PREDICT that defense spending alone will not soon absorb all of our idle manpower unless the schedule of production is greatly stepped up above the rate in prospect over the next few months, and un- less it is accompanied by a boom in civilian production brought on by increased purchasing power. This com- bination might, by about 1943, reduce unemployment to such levels that unemployment insurance and a lim- ited WPA program would prevent distress. The principal assumption upon which this prediction rests is that the war will continue for two or more years as it is now without the involvement of this country to the extent of sending troops or training a larger army than at present is contemplated. I assume also that it will be 1943 or later before full plant capacity is attained in this country. Secretary Morgenthau as already intimated that we cannot spend money as rapidly as it has been appropriated and auf thorized. Any forcast as to the volume of unemployment in- volves these questions: 1. How many were unemployed when the defense drive started? 2. How many will go to work in defense industries and to supply the increased demands of the defense workers? 3. To what extent will the new work be done by those who were previously unemployed? The National Industrial Conference Board has made the following prediction: Starting with an estimate of 6,650,000 unemployed in October, 1940, they add 350,000 new workers due to population increase up to June, 1941, and subtract an estimated 2,600,000 new jobs due di- rectly and indirectly to defense orders which had been allocated up to November, 1940. They come out with 4,400,000 unemployed in June, 1941, when the results of the 91/2 billion dollars of de- fense contracts awarded through October, 1940, reach their peak effect on unemployment. The Conference Board estimate assumes that there were 6,650,000 jobless in October, 1940, but other esti- mators disagree widely, some claiming nearly 9,000,000 for the same month. Let us turn to the second question: How many jobs will defense industry create? The Conference Board's estimate of 2,600,000 new jobs between October, 1940, and June, 1941, is based on some definite assumptions, which they list as follows: 1. That workers will be available at the proper times and places. 2. That prevailing output per worker will con- tinue. 3. That there will be adequate equipment and and adequate flow of materials. 4. That essential defense production will not be interrupted by labor difficulties. 5. That current civilian production will not be curtailed. Obstacles to all of these will tend to reduce the number of employed workers in the earlier stages of effort, though they may string the employment out over a longer period. The estimate of 2,600,000 employed by June, 1941, is therefore probably too high. Will the new jobs be filled by those who were unem- ployed in October, 1940? Unemployed persons have various handicaps which reduce their chances of ab-. sorption into defense industries. They are not a. group with uniform characteristics; but show a wide diversity in age, color and sex, previous training and experience, length of unemployment and loss of skill, and the de- gree of health and vigor necessary for high-speed industry. Some will therefore be welcomed, but some will not be employed except as a last resort. Now consider the manufacturer.who has a contract which must be completed in rush time. Who besides the unemployed can do the work? One alternative is to do as much of it as possible by stretcehing the present labor force. Overtime will be more prevalent, workers now on part-time work will be put on full time, and, special effort will be devoted to the discovery of econ- omies and labor-saving devices. Perhaps a fourth of the defense work will be accom- plished by alloting more hours of labor to those already employed and by bringing in people who have been considered as unemployed. Since the figure of 4,400,000 unemployed in June, 1940, is based as one of the lower estimates of unem- ployment at the beginning of the period; since the eco- nomic machine will not work so smoothly as to fulfill the assumptions on which the creation of 2,600,000 de- fense job8 rest; and since not every one of these new jobs will go to the unemployed, it seems safe to predict that defense activities will not alone reduce the rolls of the jobless to the extent indicated by this somewhat optimistic prediction. Only a sharp recovery in pro- duction for civilian needs could accomplish this. After the peak has passed in the work on the 9 %- billion-dollar contracts awarded before November, 1940, employment on these contracts will diminish rapidly, the reduction amounting to about 2,500,000 jobs by the end of 1941. In addition, the working population will have been increasing at about 50,000 per month. Therefore/in order even to maintain employment at the peak level, new orders will have to be placed to ab- sorb these. Armament spending is a spree followed by the sever- est headaches. Sudden cessation of defense industry at anywhere near its peak would throw millions : of people back into the breadline and dislocate the whole machinery of production. Defense spending should, however, eventually be reduced to the lowest level con- sistent with safety, since it is one of the lease effective forms of public works for spreading purchasing power. The full use of our manpower is in itself an inner line of defense of the nation since it would be a major accomplishment in strengthening morale. Ways must be found to reach full employment not merely by keep- ing a large part of the productive population busy in an arms race, but eventually in a normal industry which will contribute to better living. Will DefenseEndUnemployment? As Others Estimated reduction of jobless to 44,400,000 doubted See It ..,. by expert even if we had capacity to open up the 2,600,000 jobs needed to support this figure - Thomas J. Woofter, Research Director, Federal Security Administration; in Harper's Magazine DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) architect of Midland, will lecture on the subject, "The Modern House," illustrated, under the auspices of the College of Architecture and Design, at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Professor Ralph E. Cleland, Chairman of the Depart- ment of Botany, Indiana University, will lecture on the subject, "Chromo- some Behavior in Relation to the Origin of Species"(illustrated) under the auspices of the Department of Botany at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, May 8, in the Natural Science Audi- torium. The public is cordially in- vited. University Lecture: Dr. Elmer A. Culler, Professor ofPsychology at the University of Rochester, will lecture on the subject, "The Limiting Form of the Learning Curve" under the auspices of the Department of Psy- chology at 8 p.m. on Thursday, May 15, in the W. K. Kellogg Founda- tion Institute Auditorium. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Professor R. B. 1owat of the University of Bristol, England, will lecture on the subject, "Literature and Society in Eighteenth Century England" under the auspices of the Department of History at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, May 20, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Junior Research Club. The May meeting of the Junior Research Club will be held tonight at 7:30 in the Amphitheatre of the Horace H. Rack- ham School of Graduate Studies. Program: "Petroleum Prospecting in New Zealand" by L. B. Kellum, Geology Department. "Ceramic Technological Research in Near Eastern Archaeology" by F. R. Matson, Museum of Anthropology. terested, are invited to listen to the following program of recorded music in the Men's Lounge of the Rackh'am Building tonight at 8:00. Mozart-Sonata in D Major for two Pianos. Paganini-Concerto in D Major for Violin. Strauss-Till Eulenspiegel. The League House Council will hold a meeting tonight at 8:00 in the Council Room of the League. All representatives are required to attend. The Merit System Committee will meet today in the League at 5 p.n. All previous members and any others interested in working on this com- mittee should attend. If anyone is interested and cannot attend, call Peggy Polumbaum at 2-259 1. Interviews for Soph Cabaret will be held this week, today through Friday, May 9, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the Under- graduate Office of the League. Bring eligibility cards, and come prepared to elaborate on suggestions for cen- tral theme or committee organization. Harris Hall: Tea will be served to- day from 4 to 5:30 p.m. All Episco- pal students and their friends are cor- dially invited. Senior Ball Committee meeting to- night at 8:30 in the Union. Christian Science Organization will meet tonight at 8:15 in the chapel of the Michigan League. The Bibliophiles Section of the Fac- ulty Women's Club meets today at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. F. R. Finch, 1619 S. University Avenue. Coming Events Red Cross Senior Life Saving Course for men students starts Wednesday, May 7, at -the Intramural Pool from 5 to 8 p.m. George P. Rodechko, Red Cross Water Safety Instructor, in charge. Hobby House meeting on Wednes- day, May 7, at 3:15 p.m. at Palmer Field House. Any girls interested in craft work - leatherworking, wood- burning, etc. - are invited. All Episcopal Students: There will be a celebration of the Holy Commun- ion in the Bishop Williams Memorial Chapel, Wednesday, at 7:30 a.m. RADIO SPOTLIGHT WJR CKLW WWJ WXYZ 760 KC - CBS 800 KC - Mutual 950 KC -- NBC Red 11270 KC - NBC Blue Tuesday Evening 7:30 Gus Haenschen Musical Horace Heidt's Uncle Jim's 7:45 Orchestra Rendezvous Treasure Chest Question Bee 8:00 We, Gratiot Avenue Battle of Grand Central 8:15 The People Baptist Church the Sexes Station 8:30 Invitation Morton Gould Fibber McGee Challenge o' Yukon 8:45 To Learning Orchestra And Molly Musical Interlude 9:00 G. Miller Orch. Good Bob Hope's Wythe Williams 9:15 Public Affairs Neighbors Program Our New 9:30 Four Clubmen News; Adventures College American 9:45 Melody Marvels In Rhythm Humor Music 10:00 Amos 'n' Andy National News Fred Waring News 10:15 Lanny Ross Britain Speaks S. L. A. Marshall Bobby Byrne Orch.