EIGHT THE M IC HIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1941 ritish Surrounded At Habbaniyah Airport;: Iraluis Claim Destruetion f26 HAF Paies. Axis Troops Trapped On Egyptian Frontier o. Army Group Will "ponsor TalkIb 1Dow Alex Dow, ipresident of the Detroit Edison Company and head of the De- 'rcit Ordnance District, will be guest speaker at a meeting of the Univer- sity student chapter of the Army Ord- nance Association to be held at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the auditorium of the Kellog Foundation, Verne C Kn Basra Reinforced By Two Contingents To Protect British Fleet's Oil Line (By The Associated Press) LONDON, May 4.-British troops battling to preserve the empire's vast oil fields in the middle east drove off Iraq forces attacking in the Basra area at the headi of the Persian Gulf, it was learned in London early today. RAF bombers and artillery wereI thrown into action against the Iraq troops in this, the second battle area to develop in the suddenly flaring war in Iraq. The British acknowledged last night that planes and men had been lost in a two-day battle at Habba- niyah airdrome. Reinforcements Landed Two contingents of reinforcements have been landed in recent days at Basra to help meet the threat to the precious flow of oil to the British Mediterranean fleet. Pritish quarters here branded as untrue German reports Indian colon- ials had surrendered to the Iraqi forces. The official statement, admitting "a number of our aircraft have been destroyed on the ground and some casualties have been sustained," said, however, the RAF had paid the Iraqis back by blasting some of their guns into silence. The battle continued tonight-but, authoritative sources asserted, the oil which alone makes Iraq a prize worth fighting for still flows by pipe- line to the Mediterranean. Britain blames agents of oil-hungry Germany] for provoking the two-day-old con-I flict. British Admit Losses The Iraq government, anti-British since a coup d'etat placed Raschid Ali Al Gailani in power as premier April 4, claimed destruction of 26 British planes at Habbaniyah, the RAF base 60 miles west of Baghdad; and said the British had lost mech- anized units in a vain attack on Rut- bah (Rusba) Fort and airdrome, 250 mile.s west of Baghdad. The ministry! of information said the Rutbah story! was untrue, but acknowledged de- struction of Habbaniyah planes, mostly trainers. A formal British communique said Habbaniyah was entirely surrounded by Iraq troops entrenched in, the high ground overlooking the field and that since early Friday the unforti-I fled cantonment had been blasted by tons of artillery shells. Some of the guns were smashed by British bombers, but the shelling at point-blank range continues, and the Iraqi air force has tried to raid the airdrome, the British officials stated.- "As regards -Iraqi claims to have occupied oil wells and all airdromes Vichy Reports U.S. Vessels At Suez Canal VICHY, France, May 3.-(IP)-Dip- lomatic informants who usually are reliable said tonight they had cir- cumstantial reports that 26 Ameri- can merchant ships, stacked to the funnels with war material for the British middle-eastern armies and accompanied by American warships, had reached the Suez Canal. The word used by the informants to descirbe the reported presence of United States naval vessels was that they were "convoying" the merchant ships. In Washington the Navy Depart- ment stated immediately upon re- ceipt of the report: "No United States Navy ships are employed in convoy duty." Maritime sources however said it was quite possible the merchant ships reported at Suez had left United States shores with 75 mm. cannon and other material intended for Greece and Yugoslavia, and while it had been understood these vessels were mainly Yugoslav and Greek freighters, some informed sources suggested American vessels also might have headed for Suez via the Cape of Good Hope. The report the ships had arrived created a great stir in Vichy where United .States willingness as ;well as ability to convoy aid to Britain has been considered doubtful. However, the fact that President Roosevelt recently suspended the neutrality ban on American ships entering the Red Sea and proceed- ing to Suez had been considered the forerunner of just such a move as reported today. English Mechanized Unit's Bold Sortie Surprises Forces Of Invaders CAIRO, Egypt, May 8. -( '?-)- A .L~ VLS CIRO EgyptMay r. ing A- nedy, '42E, corresponding secretary of British mechanized force cutting be- the society, announced yesterday. hind the Germanand Italian posi- Following Mr. Dow's talk, which tions on the Egyptian frontier has is entitled "Procurement Problems," raced across the desert plateau and the students present will hold an open taken by surprise a considerable body discussion of the Subject with Mr. of Axis troops, middle eastern head- Dw quarters announced tonight. Dow. This bold sortie, reminiscent of the Detroiaddtion to his position etroit tactics used in routing the Italians Ordnance District, Mr. Dow is a mem. last winter, was carried out in the ber of a number of national engin- Salum sector while the. Axis forces ernof ner o, n tiosaleenrg- stabbed repeatedly at British-held eering societies, and has been recog- Tobruk 80 miles to the west, only to nized with two honorary degrees wind up still in the southwestern in engineering from the University. corner of that port's outer ring of Before the meeting Mr. Dow will defenses. meet with the officers of the organi- The thwarted Tobruk assaults were nation for supper.Officers are Ray- declared to have cost the Axis forces mond H. Gauthier, '42E, president; heavy losses. These attacks were Douglas H. Knight, '42E, vice-presi- carried out for the most part by Ger- dent; Kennedy; and Lawrence A. mans using tanks with considerable Shipman, '42E, recording secretary. air support. The middle east'com- The local chapter of the national mand said. two Stukas were bagged. organization was given its charter Military sources said the persist- here a few months ago, when Brig.- ence of the Axis attacks indicated Gen. Barnes, of the Ordnance staff, fully the British hold on Tobruk was United States Army, came here spec- stalling the Axis drive across north- ially for the induction. ern Africa. They added that con------- tinuation of these attacks was to be (,er man Art Exhibit Group To Hear Dr. Studebaker SpeakrTueksday Education Commissioner To Address Convocationv, Ruthven Will Preside Dr. John W. Studebaker, United States Commissioner of Education, will address the sixth annual Con- vocation of the School of Education at 4:15 p.In. Tuesday in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on "Teachers in a World of Propaganda.". President Ruthven will preside at the meeting which will honor the teacher'scertificate candidates from all schools and colleges of the Uni- versity. Representatives of various faculties of the University will be seated with the members of the edu- cation school faculty on the plat- form. k Under the direction of Clyde Vro- man the music groups of the Uni-. versity High School will appear on the program. Announcement will also be made of the holders of the William H. Payne Scholar Award and the Burke Aaron Hinsdale Scholar Award for next year. The recognition of out- standing students in the education school will be announced by Prof. Francis D. Curtis of the education I school. The two honors were estab- lisied in the honor of Dr. William H. Payne, the first head of the de- partment of education and his suc- cessor Dr. Burke Aaron Hinsdale. The Convocation is open to the public. All students in education are invited to attend the program held in honor of graduate and under- graduate students receiving their teachers' certificates. Picture To Be Shown Under the auspices of the Interna- tional Center, the color film, "Rails to Rainbow's End," will be shown atf 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham Building with music accompaniment and description by Alois Havrila, na- tionally-famous radio announcer. The integration of many fields of knowledge through selective reading, intensive thinking, critical analysis, and writing, is the outstanding ad- vantage of the Tutorial Honors sys- tem, or the Degree Program for Hon- ors in Liberal Arts, according to those students who have been enrolled in it this year. In the senior seminar under Prof. Edward C. Simmons, "The Religion of the State to Economic Life," Har- old Osterweil, '41, says, "We have studied the theories of different econ- :mists as to this relation, readin'g -uch men as John Stuart Mill and Herbert Spenser. As a whole, the sys- tem has provided me with an.oppor- tunity to carry on seminar work and ndividual research under competent guidance. Freedom Of Selection "By its flexibility of subject matter and. fewness of members it has left me with freedom in selecting the kinds and amo'unt of work I could do at the same time that it squarely placed a responsibility on me to see that the job was done. The material with which I was concerned emphasized very clearly the interre- lationships among: the social sciences and the further integration to be, achived.\ Prof. Burton C. Thuma's juniorl seminar in the physical science group has started back as early as records would permit, about 3200 B.C., in studying "Development of Scientific Attitude," according to Betsy Burk- heiser, '42. "Scientific writers read as critically as possible, keeping in mind both the attitudes of the times and how closely these men were approach- ing the modern scientific view of na- tural phenomena." It has taught me to think andhas givenme intellec- tual stimulation which is almost im- possible to attain in the ordinary academic course." Seminar Continues The continuation of this seminar in the senior year, now under Prof. By- ron A. Soule, according to Karl Kess-. ler, '41, has accomplished what he considers the prime aim of a college education, namely! the integration and evaluation of the fragmentary and apparently unrelated facts learned in regular course work. "We have attempted to study and analyze, in jaistorical sequence, the works of physicists and chemists who have added to the'scientific understanding of the nature of matter." Noted Artists To Give Talks Honors Students Say Program !Ielps Educational Integration Jewish Will Musical Be Topic' History Today expected. The troops which swept behind the Axis line at Salum were said to have cut the Bardia-Tobruk road for a time while they were rounding up the surprised Germans and Italians. In addition to the prisoners they. brought back a big field gun. This daring maneuver also gained useful information concerning dis- position of the Axis troops. Military quarters said the foray showed the British still retain their old cunning at desert warfare and are not losing the initiative. Opens To orrowl Twelve oils by Oscar Kokuschka, one of the principal, figures in Ger- man ,painting, will be presented in' Ann Arbor for the first time tomor- row in the Rackham Galleries. Spon- sored by the Ann Arbor Art Associa- tion, the exhibition is scheduled to re- main until May 20. Mr. Kokuschka, born of Czech par- ents and now "somewhere in Ger- many," has been called one of the leading colorists in the expressionist school. "London Bridge," part of a series on the Thames River, is an outstanding example of his work.: Two noted musicians, Mr. Julius Chajes, pianist and composer, and Miss Marguerite Kozenn, soprano, will discuss the history of Jewish music at 8 p.m. today in the Grand Rapids Room of he League under the auspices of the Hillel Founda- tion and Avukah, student Zionist or- ganization. Mr. Chajes, an honor prize .Win- ner in the 1933 Vienna International piano competition, is a former pro- fessor of music at the Jewish univer- sity in Tel Aviv. His recitals in the United States include one given in Carnegie Mall and several over the air. Famed for his musical composi- tions, he composed his first string quartet at the age of 14. Casal, El- man, the Rose Quartet, the Vienna Symphony Orchestra and the New York Philharmonic have all played his music. Miss Kozenn, a graduate of the Milan Conservatory, the Vienna Con- servatory and the \Mozarteum in Salzburg, was honor, prize winner over 500 contestants at the 1932 First International Competition at Vien- na. In addition, she has been prima donna of the Royal State. Opera at Bucharest, and of the 'Volksopera, Vienna. E a of the country," said the ministry of information, "it should be pointed out that these have always been in Iraqi hands with the single exception of Shaiba airdrome near Basra, where so far as is known no hostile action has been attempted." English At Loss Authoritative British sources said they were unable to ::econcile this declaration with the fact that before the war the RAF was known to have operated several airdromes in Iraq and that this number presumably had lbeen increased rather than decreased. The German radio kept up a run- ning comment of sensational declara- tions concerning the Iraq struggleI even while German officialdom pro- fessed relative disinterest. Overheard in London, these broad-' casts included assertions that Brit- ish planes tried to raid the Bagh-t dad residence of the premier; That one British plane was shot down in two RAF raids on Iraq troop concentrations at Baghdad's Camp Rashid; That the Iraq Army had taken over all oil wells, pipelines, pump sta- tions and fisheries; That there was an artillery duel in "the southern area;" and that Iraq artillery had set off big oil fires and ammunition explosions at "Cinel- debane" airport. (This apparently was a garbled version of Dhibban, the settlement on Lake Habbaniyah near the British air base.) While Brita"n eyed the situaticr> with undisguised concern, a British authority said the oil pipeline still was operating and that in any event the fleet had stored up "numerous and adequate" fuel reserves in the Mediterranean. TODAY! 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