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May 04, 1941 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-04

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enior F
Glenn Miller
To Swing Out'
At June Dance
Festivities On Graduation Eve
Will Be Climaxed By Outdoor
Dancing At Intramurql Building
Tickets for Senior Ball, the final
fling for graduating seniors to be
held June 20, will go on dale Wednes-
day and will continue through Fri-
day, from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the
League and Union lobbies, according
to Bill Elmer, '41, publicity member
of the dance committee.
Only seniors presenting identifi-
cation cards may purchase tickets for
this dance which will feature the mu-
sic of Glenn Miller and his Orches-
tra. This;will be the second time that
Miller ha played for the Senior Ball.
Singing with the orchestra will be
Paula Kelley, a newcomer, Ray Eberle]
and the "Modernaires," a streamlined
New feature of this year's dance
will be outdoor dancing on a special
platform to be erected behind the IM
Building. Dancing will be centered in
the main ballroom but the open floor
will be in addition and will offer ari-
ation in atmosphere and also proxim-
ity to the free refreshments, Elmer
pointed out. The floor, which tenta-
tively measures 40 by 80 feet, will be
used by the League for its summer
session weekend dances.
Glenn Miller was chosen as the
number one band of the nation in
a recent survey covering mre than
170 schools and colleges throughout
the country. Inasmuch as the ticket
sale will be limited, seniors are urged
to apply early. The price will be
four dollars.
Assembly To Hold
Annual Silver Survey
Tomorrow in League
Assembly's silver survey will be held
from 9:30 a.m. to noon, and from
1 p.m. to 5 pim. tomorrow in the
Council Room of the League.
Any juniors or seniors who would
like to see the display and pick a
design should get in touch with Jean
Hubbard, president of Assembly, not
later than today, to arrange for ap-
pointments. A five minute minimum
has been placed on all interviews,
and Miss Hubbard said yesterday
that only a few periods remained to
be taken. A bit of added information
tells all that, "You don't have to be
engaged although that is nice."
Officers of Assembly are reminded
to be there at the hours assigned, to
act as hostesses.
Committee To Meet
There will be a meeting of the
Frosh Project Parade Committee
cjhairmen at 5 p.m. Monday in the
League. The room number will be
posted and chairmen should have
their reports completed and ready
to hand in.







Wed nescday



Chances On Guatemalan Trip
Will Be Sold For Co-opDorm
"Two bits" will buy a brick for city is the Relief Map, a park from
Henderson House and a chance on a which the rugged aspect of 'the en-
$500 trip to Guatemala, the "Switzer- tire Republic can be seen: the volcan-
landof te Weter Word." en-ic uplands, the tabalelands, the coffee
land of the Western World." H-Len- growing country, the grazing ground,
derson House will be a women's co- and the lowlands. Other points of
operative dormitory to be built by the interest include the Cerro del Car-
Detroit association of Michigan men, La Merced Church and the Aur-
Alumnae; the Guatemala trip will goora
to the winner among those who have The trip will include train accom-
purchased tickets toward the con- modations to New Orleans, and an
struction fund. eight-day steamer trip to Guatemala
A glance at the history of Guate- with seven days there. The winner
mala reveals that the name is of In-
dian origin meaning "permanency companion to make the trip with him.
and place'of ancestors." In the south-
west and in the vicinity of the Guate-r
malian capital are found palaces,tme cr so eya
temples, ceramics, monuments, and
burial places of the pre-Colombian ScoresDue
people whose lineage is shrouded in Cstry
Guatemala City, capital of the re- In Tw o \Aeks,
public, has a population of about f WX3
170,000 and is located at an altitude
of some 5,000 feet above sea level. Women Fulfilling Requirements'
Attractions in the city include the Will Play In Ohio Tournament
city market where Indians from tribesun
living in the outlying districts bring May 24 at University Course
their handicraft and pottery.
Another distinguished sight of the With only one week down, there

Campus Tea
To Be Qiven
By Ru'thvens
Men and wohen from eight student
residence units and from two honor
societies have been especially invited
to attend the informal tea to be held
by President and Mrs. Ruthven at
their home from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Included among the groups are
Alpha Gamma Delta. Palmer House,
Michiguama, Mortarboard, Sigma Phi,

Sophomore Cabaret
Interviews To Start


Women of the class of '44 who
have petitioned for positions on the
central committee of the 1941 Soph-
omore Cabaret will be interviewed
from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday
through F'riday by members of the


Judiciary Committee of the League
Eligibility cards must be brought
to the interview, Jane Baits, '42,
chairman of the committee an-
nounced, and any additional ideas


For 99 per cent of the campus, yes-
terday was just another day, but for'
the other one per cent-Daily staffc
and Daily ex-es-it was the Day ofl
days, Appointments. '
The traditional hush in the Publi-
cation Building was broken by the
wild shouts of reunioning Ex-es--
namely, one Stanislouse Swinton and
yours truly, plus Harry Kelsey, Debs
Harvey, Helen Brady and Maya El-
Out of the wilderness of Fort Cus-
ter, stomped Whirlwind Swinton to
regale his Comrades in Ex-dom with
his violently (well, almost) funnyl
stories of "Life in the Guard House."
They told us he was putting out a
paper of his own, but according tot
him he doesn't put it out, he just!
writes it, types it. stencils and mimeo-
graphs it, and then delivers the darn
Debs Harvey Blew In
Debs Harvey blew in, modestly dis-
claiming her most recent title, "The
Gal Who Did Everything We Wanted
To Do." It all began last year when'
she tools, the bull by the horns and
hitch-hiked home, New York. Then
she landed a job on the Bufffalo Eve-
ning News (pronounced Nyews, not
Noos), and now she's flying-has been
for months in fact.
Mr. Kelsey poked his news-hound
nose into the dusty corner where the
women's page is created, and hissed
violently at the headlines, a habit he
picked up two years ago.
Brady Paid Respects
Listening in on Maya Gruzhit El-
mer, "I always have to fuss because,
Bill is very particular. We're only go-
ing to have a pork loin roast (what's
a pork loin roast?) and potatoes and
." we stopped listening there.
Daily Mite No. 2, Helen Brady,
breezed in to pay her respects in'
honor of the occasion and breezed out
again before the news was out. Back
to Ypsi and her Journalism Class, is
Brady's motto.
Last in our roll call of ex-es comes
Vicki, the schoolmar'm, who em-
phatically registers her vote against

Trigon, University House, Vaughn'
House, Zeta Psi, and Zeta Tau Alpha.
Members of all other campus groups
are, however, welcome to attend.
Assisting at the tea will be members
of the League Social Committee with
Marjorie Storken, '43, in charge and
Jane Honey, '43, her assistant. From
4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Mary Eleanor Brown,
'43, will assist at the door; Geraldine
McKinley, '43, and Dorothy Cum-
mings, '43, to the pourers; and Bar-
bara Young, '43, and Carol Pitcher,
'43, at the tea table.,
For the last hour of the affair,
Barbara MacLaughlin, '43, will assist
at the door; Beth Cowing, '43, and
Sally Walsh, '43, to the pourers; and
Gloria Nelthorpe, '43, and Nan Grey,
'43, at the tea table.


for the central theme and committee
work of the Cabaret may be pre- >f
sented at that time. Chairmen to
be appointed from those petitioning
include: general chairman, booths
and exhibits, costumes, dance, dec-
orations, finance, hostesses, music,
publicity, and recorder.
Annual Charity Ball
To Be Held Tuesday
Sponsored by the League of St. An-
drew, an annual Charity Ball will be
held at 9:30 p.m. Tuesday at the
Michigan Union.
Mrs. Ray Spokes is general chair-
man of the affair and Mrs. Theophil
Klingman is taking reservations for
the subscription dinner to be held
in the Union preceding the dance.
Mrs. Charles Henderson is arranging
for the bridge party which will be
in progress on the terrace adjoining
the ballroom.

Softball schedule: At 5:10 p.m.
Monday Alpha Delta Pi vs. Alum-
nae-Cheever." At 4:30 p.m. Tues-
day, Betsy Barbour vs. Alpha Ep-
silon Phi; Martha Cook I vs. Pi
Beta Phi; Gamma Phi 'Beta vs.
Delta Delta Delta; Delta Gamma
vs. Alpha Chi Omega. At 5:10 p.m.
Alpha Phi vs. Zeta Tau Alpha;
Kappa Alpha'vs.Phi Sigma Sig-
ma; and Ann Arbor Independents3
vs. Alice Palmer Co-op.
At 5:10 p.m. Wednesday League
House vs. Martha Cook II; Kappa
Kappa Gamma vs. Stockwell III.
At :10 p.m. Thursday Helen New-
berry vs. Couzers II and Collegiate
Sorosis vs. Alpha Gamma Delta.
Tennis: Singles, mixed doubles
tournaments now being played.
Club meeting at 4:1 p.m. Monday.
Dance: Club meets at 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday at Barbour Gymnas-
Golf: Pitch and Putt to hold
putting tournament at 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday at Palmer Field.
Archery: Club meets 4:15 p.m.
Thursday at W.A.B.
Outdoor Sports: Meeting 4:30
p.m. Thursday at W.A.B. to plan
for trip to Saline Valley Farms.

are still two full weeks to go for all'
university women golfers to turn in
their scores and thus participate in
the annual spring golf tournament.
All campus women who play golf
are urged to fulfill the only require-
ment of the tournament, which is
'he playing of two rounds of eighteen
holes each at the University golf
course. These scores must be at-
tested, however, according to Vir-
ginia Frey, '42E, golf manager.
The purpose of the tournament is
to reorganize the golf team. There
are places for four regular players
and four substitutes' on the team.
After all scores are turned in to Mrs.
'-Ianley by May 19, which is the final
date, at Barbour Gymnasium, the
new team will be announced.
This new team is to participate in
the interstate golf tournament to be
held May 24 at the University golf
course. At that time Michigan will
play Ohio State and Michigan State
Supplementing the golf tourna-
ment, an all-campus putting tourna-
ment will be held at 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday at Palmer Field, under
he auspices of Pitch and Putt, wom-
en's golf club. All university women
golfers are asked to participate and
a prize will be awarded to the win-

DREAMED UP to make you
Pretties, prettier. Made of baby
soft elastic lace with satined b a-
tiste elastic panels, they exert a
good influence on those extra
sodas. This 14-inch pantie has
detachable supporters. $4.00

t .
. 4 M~k
CCJJ v. R'tr .
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'll . / 5i:: ' ....
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Whether your Mother will be in
Ann Arbor or away from you,.
on Mothers Day you will want
to give her a small remember
ance. These Ann Arbor shops
offer a fine selection of at-
tractive gifts.
A BOOK is always a grand gift
and you can't go -wrong if you
choose one from the shelves of
you prefer something more
practical, this bookstore offers
attractive women's pen and
pencil sets and fine letter pap-
er. Mother's Day cards to ac- f
company gifts\ are varied and
recorded on Columbia records
is a novel idea for a Mother's
Day gift. THE RADIO AND ;
RECORD SHOP on North Uni-
versity has fine recordings of
well-loved music . . at reason-
able prices. "The Nuteracker;
Suite" by Tschaikowsky-$3.50,'
"Music by Victor Herbert" with%.
Andre Koselantez's orchestra j
-$3.50, and "Waltz Time in
Vienna"-$2.50 are only a few '
of the beautiful selections.
makes a fine Mother's Day gift.j
She would certainly be delight-
ed with a purse, or gloves. She
can never have too many pairs
of hose, especially to go 'with
summer colors. Snow white, or
pale pastel blouses is another
suggestion that would not be
amiss. You can find all of these
grand gifts at the ELIZABETH
Mothers love dainty things, and ~

as everyone knows there is
nothing more feminine and
dainty than a soft hankie. THE
exceptionally fine array of ;'
plain or printed linen handkei-
chiefs. Each, purchase will be
wrapped attractively as a Mo-
ther's Day gift.
o 0
A FINE GIFT that any Mother
would appreciate is an Isenberg
clip. The COLLINS SHOP has
these along with many other
appropriate gifts. There are /
gloves, hankies, bags, and hosp
in the new summer color <
(You'll find the perfume at this
shop very appealing . :either
soft or spicy scents.)


I "
. ;; ,
® y{/
' 4
..mow Ell i

6 : J
s s.
A Summer s Day
Sgay De Liso Debs match
F every Summer mood. Live
F every moment of your
F fashion life in De Liso
F Debs . . . Knowing you
uare the woman other
women watch, knowing
you are "first with the
$3.75 new."

bY t~l

A IL'/ ' 4(,r
2 t K
1 1j,

cosy° 0'Qte r" we
s of tiov%~
re sre t VOP -toc



0* sbe e ', Pee aors eT war
cce ® t. P cojces
beI' e e ...

Cork, Seafoam, cove blue, shingle tan, prawn pink,
oilskin yellow, skipper navy, lobster pot
red, village green, jib white.
Seated: Fishbone print dress crisp as a salt
sea breeze. White fishbones op water color
backgrounds, 17.95.
Standing: Gloucester weave new side-button
skirt for freedom of the seas. In Gloucester
rayon weave, 9.95. Matching fishbone
rayon crepe shirt, 5.00.
Left: Trim Sails, canvas cloth rayon dress
with a look clean as, seawashed seashells,

Matching hats, 5.00.

Matching bags, 6:00.

I . "A~t~' 2. IN INN~I.N//.N~j.~ I~ I

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