S'THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, MaY 4, 1941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Letters To The Editor DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ic qWi Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERT1JING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. , College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON e LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Editorial Staff Press, 1940-41 Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Laurence Mascott Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman, Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser . Helen. Corman . . . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . . . 8;;w Editor . . . . .Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor Business Stafff Business Manager . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager CPAWn'w Advs tin Manaeer Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour. Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause woews auer us g gJ .0a .V & iA -- NIGHT EDITOR:' HERVIE HAUFLER The editorials published in The Michi- ganDaily are written by members of The wily staff and represent the viewsof the writers only. Exit And Entrance,... WE FEEL FINE tonight as we clean out desk r drawers and prepare to become students again, with little more to do than advise the new staff, do some much-needed studyi g, and prepare for graduation. We feel fine for two reasons-first, that the new editors who have been appointed to take up their duties next week are men who will be good Daily editors in the best tradition of the paper; and, second, that the Board in Control of Student Publi- cations voted at its meeting to ask for a hear- ing with the Board of Regents on the pro- posed addition of faculty and alumni members. The new editors of The Daily-Emile Gele, Robert Speckhard and Albert Blaustein-were all excellent night editors, and we outgoing editors have the fullest confidence that they will put out a good paper next year. Most of' all, we know that these are students of Michi- gan who love The Daily. That is the most im- portant factor needed in getting out a good newspaper. AND LONG-RUN GAINS were also made to- day when the Board in Control voted to ask the Board of Regents for an opportunity to discuss the changes in the Board, whereby student control of The Daily would be rendered negligible. We have been excited about these changes for the past few days, and, we believe, rightly so. We feel that we have won one vic- tory in our fight to keep The Daily a student newspaper. This is a good start, for now the whole plan may be brought out into the open, and the case will hive to be decided on its merits alone. That is as it should be, and we have never asked more. All we have wanted is the chance to lay our case before the Regents, the Uni- versity, the students and the public, and this afternoon's action seems to have afforded us this opportunity. For the Board's action we are grateful. BUT THE FIGHT has not ended, for in these times of increased suppression of the right of all the people to speak'and to express freely their opinions, there is a desperate need in this country to make certain there is no curtailment of freedom. The measure of the Regents may not be a conscious infringement of the control of a students' Daily, but its effect will surely act as a brake on the would-be liberal writer and the person who thinks against the popular current. If it is finally passed, editors will fear disfavor.with a Board that can do. what it wishes with them. The result will be a dead Daily. And dead news- papers all over the United States will kill liber- alism, hasten slavery of the mind, and ruin our democracy which we consider so important. A student Daily is one organ that will re- main, on some issues, apart, perhaps from the general trend of thought. We do not think this is bad. We think that in thus resisting blind submission to the great oneness that is orinisrcn im1hofthewold Tera nln_ bi Wheeler And Reaction To the Editor: In bringing Senator Wheeler to the University campus, the Anti-War Committee insults the understanding and integrity of every democratic Michigan student. Despite repeated statements that the organization does not subscribe to the Montana Senator's illiberal views, the committee is furthering by their sponsorship the forces of reaction in this country. BURTON WHEELER'S AFFILIATION with the America First Committee is well known. His wife, Lulu M. White Wheeler, is extremely active in the affairs of the America First group. Their son, John Leonard, is in on and known to be a leader in the Los Angeles area of the Com- mittee. Wheeler has spoken at and to many groups of America First people and the meeting on Monday night is being sponsored by the De- troit branch of the America First Committee, according to the Free Press. Who supports the America First Committee with which Wheeler is so actively associated? Joe McWilliams, the Yorkville fuehrer, is in back of the committee. John B. Snow, the anti- semitic distributor of the false and misleading "Protocols of Zion," is a "friend" and now dis- tributes America First pamphlets. The Chris- tian Front, the German-American National Al- liance, the Nazi Bund through its official news- paper, Deutscher Weckruf and Beobachter, the American Christian Defenders (formerly the World Alliance against Jewish aggressiveness), the fascist American Guard, and many other reactionary and Nazi groups are in complete support with the America First Committee, spread its propaganda, send their members to its meetings, secure membership for its "Ameri- can" principles. IS IT ANY WONDER, therefore, that Friends of Democracy, a well known liberal organiza- tion fighting Fascism in America, makes this warning. "The America First Committee, whe- ther its members know it or not and whether they like it or not, is a Nazi front! It is a trans- mission belt by means of which the apostles of Nazism are spreading their anti-democratic ideas into millions of American homes! This is not to say that the America First Committee is a Nazi organization. On the contrary, the great number of its officers and members are patri- otic Americans who sincerely believe . . . in a policy of isolationism and apeasement. "But that is exactly what Adolf Hitler and his disciples in the United States believe, and they are using-or misusing-the America First Committee to spread those ideas. In its war upon democracy the Axis has no more effective ally in the United States than the America First Committee . . . It is more effective than any Nazi agent or organization for it does not bear the stigma of an alien loyalty. Recognizing this basic fact, the American organizations com- mitted to totalitarianism have rallied around the banner of the America First Committee." UT WHEELER is not only bound to incipient Fascism and appeasement through his close connections with the America First Committee. "Peace Crusader" is the way "social injustice" Father Coughlin praised him in an article in the February 17th issue of the Royal Oak fascist publication. How close Wheeler is to Coughlin may be shown by the report of I. F. Stone in a recent edition of the Nation. "It is becoming increasingly difficult to believe that the resem- blance of such remarks to the rantings of Father Coughlin is wholly coincidental. A prominent New Dealer recently told me that when he was at the Senator's home a year ago, a telephone call came n from the Detroit priest and that the conversation was long and friendly, although the Senator, when it was over, seemed somewhat embarrassed." Through association and action Wheeler has shown himself to be a positive danger to Ameri- can democracy as a "transmission belt" for fascist ideology. In a radio speech on March 3rd, he said, "Now we find these same iternational bankers with their friends the royal refugees and with the Sassoons of the Orient and with' the Rothschilds and Warburgs of Europe in another theme song . . . 'Our investments in India, Africa and Europe must be preserved. Save democracy'." The rantings of Adolf Hitler could not be more meaningful and diabolical in implication.^ HERBERT AGAR says of Wheeler, "He con- stantly makes, statements, which his best friends must ascribe to over-excitement." Such things as the bland ignorance of the Monroe Doctrine that Wheeler portrayed in the Senate debate on aid-to-England measures, 'his state- ment that Canada is a "colony," that the Eng- lish king declares war "with Parliament not permitted to vote" are excused because of "ex- citement" and more important devastating and ignorant remarks are palmed off as "a slight touch of hysteria." No, the Anti-War Committee, a self-styled liberal organization, has not done the cause of democracy any good by bringing Burton K. Wheeler to this campus. And the student will not be deceived, nor will any American, by the lip-service given to democracy by its incipient opponents. THE American Student Defense League knows the desirability and the absolute need for the reconstruction of democracy in America but it knows also that democracy abroad must be championed as long asuthe Fascists and Nazis are unable to "wipe it out." To that end we call upon the students. faculty and townspeople to repudiate Wheeler and everything he stands for. Martin B. Dworkis, President, American Student Defense League Student Letter Criticized To the Editor: YOUR ISSUE of May 2 contains an attack on the English Department which constitutes such a violent breach of journalistic ethics that it cannot be allowed to pass without protest. In it you print a letter from Mr. Charles Miller, '41, making serious statements in disparagement of the English Department. In the first place a journal that is so deserv- edly respected as The Daily ought to know that such attacks on a branch of the University should not be published unless the officials at- tacked have received an opportunity of express- ing themselves. This is surely the first rule of courtesy to be observed by a University paper when University Officials are attacked. Secondly, we are told that last Wednesday a professor of English asserted in class that Auden is "a sexual'pervert and therefore should be ig- nored, his authority denied." There is not a word of truth in this story. The professor him- self indignantly repudiates it and his class backs him up. Mr. Miller is not a member of the class, he was not present on the occasion, and his account of what passed has therefore n authority whatever. THIRDLY, the attempt to represent this par- ticular professor as indifferent to modern poetry is absurd. He has consistently striven to bring contemporary poetry to the notice of his students. In order to teach literary criticism, a professor must +balance bad against good. He cannot ladle out whitewash all the while., Fre- quently the professor teaching contemporary literature is the only person in the classroom who has ever heard of, much less read, the poet criticized. This particular professor in calling attention to the beauties of modern literature is often a voice calling in the wilderness, if not a missionary in partibus infidelium. His col- leagues in the English Department might be indignant at the attack on this professor, were they not so amused at the picture of him as a childlike and unworldly innocent as compared with that man who has known cities and men and books. Mr. Charles Miller, '41. Lastly, do you think you have done one of the most distinguished of living poets any good by publishing this unfortunate letter? -H. T. Price Dominic Says THE RELATION of a private life to public conduct is a daily problem for all of us. When the national hero and a thrice elected president clash, the immediate effect on us is an ugly gash in the soul. The fact that one is commander-in-chief of the armed forces in an impending war and the other a private citizen may be accepted as "explanation" but it fails to heal sensitive spirits. In such a world how shall we do our work? How keep ourselves sensitive enough to care, tender enough to be persons in a human world, and yet be tough enough to take the shocks of . public life and like it? Here is a field for the social psychologist, the religionist, the practical politician, the editor and each youth who hopes to become an efficient American. What will be your vocation? How will you invest your abilities? THE PHILOSOPHER will back away and rea- son upon the potential in its relation to the actual and become idealist or realist. So long as he can be philosopher only all is well. But he,'too, must be a citizen. Can he take it? On the other hand the executive will walk up to an event, survey major data, intuitively grasp a few immediate facts, see a score of implications, make his choice on a major and a minor point at issue, act, and then dismiss the transaction and move on to another social operation. He should be more sensitive, we say, have a heart, consider the persons involved. But the real issue is the welfare of his institution. Here, then, is your occupational choice, which is it to be? Be- fore you have more than a nickle's worth of 1experience you must consult the experience of others, get yourselfsappraised and decide. MANY FACTORS enter into the making of a positive citizen in a country trying to be democratic and to function in a non-democratic world. Native endowment when broken down asks about energy and its distribution between daily actions and the emergencies. Aptitudes turn out to be tastes taken on in the nursery and skills of eye and muscle acquired before you began to record, or at least before you were able to understand what was being recorded, in memory. Sociality, whether conditioned in the protoplasmic beginnings of the self or taught by your mother and the nurse associations, has been being built up all along. When you arrive at college "to begin life" you discover that life, as it will be lived, has already been rather fully established. How then shall I proceed to become both tough enough to be a good citizen during a problematic period and a highly honorable son of God in the march of the human family? ln zo t rn r fn caf f-ho r lnal cnnin1 ,t,.r Ii SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1941 VOL. LI. No. 151 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to meipbers of the faculty and other townspeople today from 4 to 6 o'clock. Cars may park in the restricted zone on South University between 4:00 and 6:30. Student Tea: President and Mrs. " Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, May 7, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Procedure for Deferment and Post- ponement of Military Service: Effec- tive May 5, 1941. Students who wish the University to participate in their request for deferment (Class 2-A, Oc- cupational Deferment) should seek the counsel of their faculty advisors. Students are not to be deferred or their induction postponed in groups, but the draft boards are authorized to consider each student's request and weigh the evidence presented by the University. Students who have filed their questionnaires and re- ceived their classifications are now classified in 1-D (all students). They are to be reclassified by their draft boards before the end of the college year, certainly before July 1. The authority to place a student in a par- ticular classification lies with the local draft board. It is the responsi- bility of the University to assist the students and the draft boards so that decisions can be made intelli- gently. The attitude of the Univer- sity authority may vary from a state- ment of fact with no suggestion as to deferment or postponement to a detailed interpretation of the stu- dent's record and a definite recoin- RECORDS v WHAT COMPETITION can actual- ly mean to the consumer has been indicated ideally in the recording world recently. Last month, for ex- ample, Columbia released the Chi- cago Symphony's interpretation of Brahms' Third, and Victor countered this month, with the National Sym- phony's version. Thus, there are now two modern recordings of a great, usually neglected symphony, where there was none before. In the same way Victor last month proudly issued the long-awaited Tos- canini and NBC Symphony recording of Beethoven's "Eroica," (M, AM, DM -765, six and one half 12-inch rec- ords) and this month Columbia's fea- ture set is the same symphony inter- preted by Bruno Walter (M-449, six 12-inch records). As is perfectly evi- dent from the calibre of the persons concerned, both recordings are wel- come additions to the catalogue of available symphonies. Both are lofty in conception, and noble in execution. Mr. Toscanini's reading, because of a scrupulous devotion to every dia- critical mark, is occasionally more brilliant, but often tends to appear labored and strained, because that same devotion leads, at times, to distortion. Technically, the Columbia record- ing seems a better job. The Victor was done apparently in Studio 8-H in the NBC Building in New York dur- ing an actual concert with the re- sult that the peculiar deadness and abruptness of sound that have come to be associated with Studio 8-H are unfortunately apparent. Occasionally, some of the audience coughs and throat-clearings have not been per- fectly synchronized with the swell of the music, so that all the effects -and some of them are incongruous -are not always musical. And be- cause Maestro Toscanini is not the one to wait for the best breaking of the music into seven records, some of the cuts that RCA engineers have been forced to make are painfully injudicious. On the other side, the Columbia recording is rough and ragged in spots, and Mr. Walter's musicians shave not been so thoroughly impec- cable as Mr. Toscanini's. In short, -to coin a cliche-pay your money, and take your choice. FOR THE RECORD: For one of its high spots in the Mozart Anni- versary Year, Victor has released this month another indication that the Budapest String Quartet is as fine an ensemble group as we have today. The recording:Mozart's "Hunt" Quartet, No. 17 in B flat major (M, AM, DM-763, three 12-inch records). One of a series of six quartets com- posed from 1782 to 1785 and dedicated to Haydn, it has the characteristic Mozart clean and cool elegance, re- produced here in a superb technical achievement . . . Following up Robert Casadesus' recent recording of the Ravel Sonatine, Columbia has issued The student should prepare a state- ment of his request in affidavit form addressed to his draft board and pre- sent it to his advisor as indicated in the following schedule: f College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Students who have been admitted to concentration should con- sult their concentration advisors, whose statement or recommendations after being approved by the depart- mental chairmen will be forwarded to Dean E. H. Kraus for review and preparation for transmittal to the draft boards. Students not yet eli- gible for admission to concentration should consult Professor Arthur Van Duren, whose statements or recom- mendations will be forwarded to Dean E. H. Kraus for review and prepara- tion for transmittal to the draft boards. - College of Engineering: Students should consult the heads of their chosen professional departments, who will forward their recommendations to Dean I. C. Crawford for ieview, action and transmittal to the draft boards. Medical School: Students, internes, and those accepted for admission to the Medical School for the fall of 1941 should consult Dean A. C. Furs- tenberg, who will forward his recom- mendations to the draft boards. Law School: -Students should con- sult Dean E. B. Stason, who will for- ward his statements or recommenda- tions to the draft boards. College of Pharmacy: Students should consult Director H. B. Lewis, who will forward his recommenda- tions to the draft boards. School of Dentistry: Students and those accepted for admission to the School of Dentistry for the fall of 1941 should consult Dean R. W. Bunting, who will forward his recom- mendations to the draft boards. College of Architecture and Design: Students should consult Dean W. I. Bennett, who will forward his state-, ments or recommendations to the draft boards. School of Education: Undergradu- ates should consult Dean J. B. Ed- monson, who will forward his state- ments or recommendations to the draft boards. School of Business Administration: Students and'those accepted for ad- mission for the fall of 1941 should consult Dean C. E. Griffin, who will forward his recommendations to the draft boards.I Graduate School: Students should consult their advisors, whose state- ments or recommendations, after be- ing approved by departmental chair-' men, will be forwarded to Dean C. S. Yoakum for review, action, and transmittal to the draft boards. School of Forestry and Conserva- tion: Students and those accepted for admission for the fall of 1941 RAbIO SF WJR CKLW 760 KC - CBS 800 KC - Mutual mendation for his deferment. The individual consideration of each stu- dent's request will be based upon three factors: scholarship, time of graduation, and relation of field of study to National Defense as it concerns the national health, safe- ty, and interest. The better the scholarship, the shorter the time be- fore receiving a degree for which the student is registered, and the closer his work is to the needs of the Na- tional Defense program, the stronger will be the recommendation of the University authority to the local draft board. The National Headquarters of the Selective Service System has an- nounced a list of fields of study in which there is a shortage of pre- pared men and of those in training as follows: chemistry, engineering, dentistry, pharmacy, physics, medi- cine, biology and bacteriology, geol- ogy, geophysics, meteorology, hydrol- ogy and cartography. Another list is in preparation which will be pub- lished as soon as it is received from Washington. No doubt there are many other fields than those named above which are necessary for na- tional defense. The University ad- visors are charged with the task of making recommendations in accord- ance with their judgment. DEFERMENT: tl a t I, ;hould consult Dean S. T. Dana, who vill forward his recommendations to ;he draft boards. School of Music: Undergraduate nd graduate students should con- clt Director E. V. Moore, who will forward his statements -or recom- nendations to the draft boards. POSTPONEMENT OF INDUCTION For those students to whom it would be a hardship to be inducted in- to the national service at a particu- lar time, there is announced a pos- ible postponement of induction for a period of about sixty days. Stu- dents who decide to make request for such postponement should con- sult with the advisors as listed in the schedule above. Louis A. Hopkins, Chairman University Committee on National Defense To members of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: The seventh regular meeting of the Faculty of the College of Liter- ature, Science, and the Arts for the academic session of 1940-1941 will be held in Room 1025 Angell Hall, Mon- day, May 5, at 4:10 p.m. Edward H. Kraus AGENDA 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of April 7, (p. 725), which were distributed by campus mail. 2. Consideration of the reports sub mitted with the call to the meeting: a. Executive Committee, prepared by Professor W. G. Rice. b. University Council, prepared by Professor W. B. Pillsbury. c. Executive Board of the Graduate School, prepared by Professor A E. R. Boak. d. Deans' Conference, prepared by Dean E. H. Kraus. (During the month of April there was no meeting of the Senate Advis- ory Committee on University Affairs) 3. Report of progress-Evaluation of Faculty Services, Professor W. G. Rice. 4. New business. 5. Announcements. Senior Literary Students: Place cap and gown orders now at Moe Sports Shops. Be prepared for Swing-Out. No deposit required when placing order. School of Education Cnvocation The sixth annual Convocation of un- dergraduate and graduate students who are candidates for the Teacher's Certificate during the academic year will be held in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater on Tuesday, May 6, at 4:15 p.m. This Convocation is sponsored by the School of Education; and members of other faculties, students, and the general public are cordially invited. President Ruthven will pre- side at the Convocation and Dr. John W. Studebaker, United States Com- missioner of Education, will give the address. LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Pres- ent holders of these scholarships who desire to apply for renewals for 1941- 42 should call at 1021 Angell Hall and fill out the blank forms for applica- tion for renewal. Frank E. Robbins Glover Scholarship in Actuarial Mathematics: Applicants must have completed all requirementsset by the University for the A.B. degree, and all the prerequisites for Mathematics 221 by the end of the coming summer session. Blanks and information may be obtained from the Mathematics Department Office, 3012 A.H, and applications should be filed by May 10. Freshman nd Sophomore Engin- eers: Engineering Council represent- atives from this year's freshman and sophomore classes will be elected on Thursday, May 8. Petitions to be placed on the ;ballot should be in the Dean's Office by noon, Tuesday, May 6. Petitions must include fif- teen signatures from your own class, the qualifications of the candidate, and a proposed plan of class activi- (Continued on Page 6) )OTLIGHT wwJ wxYZ J 950 KC - NBC Red 1270 KC - NBC Blue GEwii r aunuay cvening 6:00 5:55-sDarMom' Russell Bennett's Jack Benny's The News 6:15 Rev. Smith Notebook Program From Europe 6:30 World News val Clare-News Fitch To Be Announced 6:45 Tonight R.C.A.F. Talk Bandwagon Lithu. Pres. Dinner 7:00 Helen ,layes' Detroit Charlie Message 7:15 Theatre Bible Mccarthy of Israel 7:30 Crime Class One Man's Inner Sanctum 7:45 Doctor; News Week-End Revue Family Mysteries 8:00 Sunday Old Fashioned The Manhattan Walter Winchell 8:15 Evening Hour; Revival Merry-Go-Round Parker Family 8:30 Political Talk Hour- Album of Irene Rich 8:45 and Music Services Familiar Music Bill Stern 9: 00 Take It or We Have Hour of Charm (Goodwill Court 9:15 Leave It Been There -Spitalny Orch. -Interviews 9:30 Liberty Short To Be Deadline With Unhappy 9:45 Masterworks Announced Dramas People 10:00 Of Music National News Russell Barnes News Ace i