TWO THOE MICHIGAN DAI.LY SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1941 U e zer To TaR Engine Council Petitions Due Tuesday NoonI Freshmen To Cast Votes Wednesday, Sophomore Voting To Be Thursday Sophomores and freshmen desiring posts on the student Engineering Council as class representatives must submit petitions by noon, Tuesday, to the Dean's office in the West En- gineering Building. The petitions should include 15 signatures of members of their class along with a list of the applicant's qualifications and recommendations of new activities that the student feels the Council should take up next year. Freshman voting will be held at the regular assemblies on Wednesday while the sophomores will cast their ballots on Thursday. There will be two representatives chosen from each class. The freshman With the most votes will be in office for three years and the leading soph- omore will serve a two-year term. Runners-up will bold positions for one year. Pictures of all candidates are re- quired to be taken between, 4:30 to 6 p.m., Tuesday, in Room 244 of the West Engineering Building, Burr J French, '42E, and Robert Miller, '42E election directors, have announced Professor Bachmann Receives High Honor Membership in the National Asso- ciation of Scientists, the highest hon- or for American scientists, was awarded to Prof. Werner Bachmann. University chemist, it was announced yesterday. Prof. Bachmann, who is the sixth man in the history of the University to receive the award, is well-known for his work in developing synthetic sex hormones and discovering cancer- producing substances. Student Work In Sculpturing To Be Shown Twelfth Annual Exhibition To Be Given Tomorrow In League Concourse Twelfth Annual Exhibition of Sculpture will open at 8:30 p.m. to- morrow in the Concourse of the League under the auspices of the In- stitute of Fine Arts showing the work of students done under the direction of Prof. Avard Fairbanks. Twenty-four pieces of work com- pleted during the past year will be placed on exhibition until Com- mencement. Carol J. Bundy, '43, will display her statue "Purpose.'' 'Hands in the Sail" is the piece finished by Samuel W. Bloom, '43. "Playmates" and "Saul and David" are the exhibi- tion statuary presented by Dorothy Munro, '41. Helen Neuberg, '43, will present "Study," and Doris L. Porter, Grad., will show "Juliana" and "Study." "Composition" is the statue com- pleted by Richard W. Stern, '43. Ruth D. Thompson, '43, has composed the piece, "Student," and Katherine Young, '43, the statue, "Newsboy." Mrs. Dorothy Foy, Grad., will pre- sent "Fountain Figure"; Mrs. Agnes McLean, "Judy," "Myrnie," and "Fountain Group," and Daniel G. Meikle, "Head." Studies by Professor Avard Fair- banks which will be shown include "Buffalo Group," "The Shark Killer," and "Lincoln the Frontiersman." The first is a model for a large monument to be erected in Nebraska. Churchill Makes Speech LONDON, May 3.-(AP via radio) - Winston Churchill, England's Prime Minister, told the Polish people in a special broadcast today that Germany's "brutal attack" on Poland in 1939 resulted from the German "alarm" at the success of the Polish nation, , These Men Will Head Daily, 'Ensian, Gargoyle For '41-'42 Prof. Johnston Urges School 'Unite People' Greatest contribution which the school can make to defense is the development of unity of the people within democracy to insure the pre- servation of common ideals, Prof. Ed- gar Johnson of the education school maintained in the leading article of the current issue of the School of Education Bulletin. Although the schools. have distinct uespcnsibilities in each phase of na- tional defense, the educator pointed out, they can do the most good by producing an unswerving devotion to democratic institutions. The schools must help to develop an appreciative understanding of the contributions of various cultures and to create respect among them. These contributions will add to the strength of America since it gives to the people of the United States a sense of self-reliance and a justi- fiable pride in their ancestry. Teachers in Michigan have a spec- ial cpportunity to take advantage of this fact because its population in- cludes representatives of various see- tions of the United States and recent immigration. The state also has an appreciable number of Indian tribes. Detzer To Ta HereMay 11 Roving Editor To Answer Isolationist Charges Karl Detzer, Roving Editor of the "Readers' Digest," will give a public lecture Sunday, May 11 at 4:30 p.m. in the Rackham lecture hall on "Let Us Face The Truth." Sponsored by the Ann Arbor chap- ter of the Committee to Defend Amer- ica by Aiding the Allies, Detzer's talk will be a reply to isolationists. A captain in the U.S. Infantry during the World War. Detzer served In the Division of Criminal Investiga- tions in 1919, the American secret police in Europe. He later turned to writing and has published a large number of fiction stories, besides serving as a screen writer and technical director at Hol- lywood. Detzer is an honorary member of the Michigan State Police in recog- nition of his stories about the force published in the "Saturday' Evening, Post." Born and schooled in Indiana, the Roving Editor served as a reporter and journalist at Fort Wayne during his early life. ROBERT SPECKHARD ALBERT P. BLAUSTEIN Editorial Director City Editor GERALD HEWITT ALFRED OWENS 'Ensian Editor . . ' Ensian Business Manager X %it CountryMust Defend Itself Flier eclares Lindbergh Asserts Nation's Arms Are Not Enough, To Wage War'Abroad ST. LOUIS. May 3.-UAP-)-Charles1 k. Lindbergh declared tonight Amer- ca was not prepared to wage war ibroad successfully, but pleaded thatj we must defend our own nation. He stressed particularly, in a speech prepared for an America First Com- mittee rally, what he said was our in- adequacy in the air. He said that no matter how many planes we built and sent to England, we could not make the British Isles stronger than Germany in military aviation. "Not only is the performance of some of our vital, types of service aircraft inadequate, but our total air force in the United States today, in- cluding both the Army and Navy, both modern and obsolescent types, is not more than Germany can pre- pare in a few weeks," he said. "It is a small fraction of her present airforce. To enter a European war today with our air force would be almost as great a folly as that committed by France when' she declared war on Germany in 1939." It was Lindbergh's first speech since he resigned his Colonel's com- mission in the Air Corps Reserve last Monday. The resignation followed President Roosevelt's press, conference statement grouping Lindbergh with appeasers of the Revolutionary War and the copperheads of the Civil War. Lindbergh referred to this early in his talk. He said: "I resigned because I felt that the statements of the President left me no honorable alternative. This situation arose because L together with mil- JuItr Math Club Attends 2nd Annual Members of the Junior Math Club attended the second annual Under- graduate Mathematics Conference at Michigan State Normal College in Ypsilanti yesterday. b YV ~1L-ra !. . Tar y, ± 'd'3 taa c t 1P7J Ili CHANDLER SIMONDS RALPH MITCHELL Gargoyle Editor Gargovle Business Manager lions of Americans, believe that our country should not enter the war in Europe while the President, and many with him, believe we should take part in that war." "This is the third great nation that I have watched being led into warl without adequate preparation and without the true facts and issues of the war being placed before the peo- ple," he continued.t "In England, in France and now in my own country, I have listened to politicians and idealists calling upon. the people for war without hardly a though of how that war is to be, fought or won. "I have seen France fall; I see England falling, and now I see Amer- ica being led into the same morass." lookfirin Appoints Hopwood Winner Donald B. Elder, '35, has been ap- pointed Latin-American editor of the Doubleday, Doran trade department, it was announced recently by the company. Elder, a co-winner of an Avery Hopwood fiction award while at the University, has been a close student, of Latin-American literature for sev- eral years and has passed consider-# Walter G. W adey, 4 z, reau a pa per on "Mechanical Integration" at the morning session of the conference. The conference, an annual event, was sponsored by the Michigan State' Normal College Mathenatics Club this year with many of the state's colleges sending representatives. Attending the conferencle with the Math Club were Professors John D. Elder and Theophil H. Hildebrandt of the mathematics department. Members of the Math Club who attended are Harry F. Gilmore, '44, W. G. Wadey, '42, Fenton E. Bassing- er, '44, N. Knight, Leon Madansky, '43, Henry W. Bloch, '43, Bernard Larner, '44, Alfred Reifman, '44, Jack I, Northam, Grad., Anson Solem, '41, and Max A. Woodbury, Grad. Msgr. Babcock Will Talk At Newman Club Today Newman Club will hold a meeting at 3:30 p.m. today at St. Mary's Chapel. At this time they will hear Mon- it willpray yolk ti e L0119 IM :rra FLORSHEIM They re not just "one-summer knockabouts" that will be ready for the discard by fall . . Every pait is built for extra service ... the ones you weat this summer will be ready for an encore in 42. Most Genuine Buckskm Styles, 0 Most Regular Styles i n fqo CAMPSBOOTERY , 304 South State r a asamrmams en. "wn~s : ::: "4Jr: Yw5{"i ""nseasess#a seigneur Allen V. Babcock, gseaking able time in Mexico and other Latin- on the Vatican. There will also be American countries, an election of the nominating com- Elder joined Doubledays immed- mittee to select candidates for next iately following his graduation from year's offices. The final voting will the University. Guess Wins $95,000 - --r- NENANA, Alaska, May 3.-uP)- Fred Miller, Lone Eagle mining me- chanic, won a $95.000 cash prize today by guessing the exact day, hour and W aT t minute the thaws broke up the Ta- nana River ice; It is the official sign of spring in interior Alaska. take place next Sunday. ,.1 a r's Bargain Books ' 1 tl "This reviewer believes that if he was running a theatre playing "Road to uanzibar" he would want to stand pompously in his lobby under a spotlight, a sign beside him reading "I am the manager," and take bows! . .......... of COLUMBIA MASTERWORKS SYMPHONY No. 3 IN E FLAT ('"Froica") Bruno Walter and New York Philharmonic ALBUM M-449 $6.50 lOVE MUSIC FROM TRISTAN UND ISOLDE Leopold Stokowski and The Al American Youth Orch. ALBUM M-427 $3.50 r ,A