E RS PEC TT VE-S ' ge:. five .sPERSPEv C vv s.TI ..VE.s" Fi.ge Five THE PHYSIO-PSYCHO-SOCIAL ASPECTS OF SMOKING1 By Cleora Forth 1. eprinted here through the :_ortesy of the following periodi- cpds: Psychological Review, The -esournal of the American Medical Association, The Voice of Tem- perance, Encyclopedia of the Soc- el Sciences and Superman. INTRODUCTION Whdce it is not exclusively the prob- lem _-i psychologists, the behavior pat- tern f inhaling the smoke of tobacco' 2. A American plant of the genus '-.;cotiana. See the history of Sir Walter Raleigh. rolled in white paper and exhaling it thr ough the nose and mouth, i.e., smok- ing. trs been more thoroughly and sci- entifitclly studied by psychologists than by o er branches of science. This be- havio: pattern of smoking often becomes habit of-, and the sociologists and tem- perar : leaders are more interested in this hattual phase of the behavior than are tie psycholosists. Until very recent- ly, lile scientific thought was given to smokog, and it was only after Bakunov and itin proved that the smoking pat- tern s the resut: of the entire neuro- mse tlature activity that psychology ev- en considered it as behavior. The history of this behavior is not yet complete in every detail. We do know that the smoking of tobacco probably started among the North American In- dians. Rts spread throughout the entire world was rapid after the colonization of North America. although it is still not settled as to how it spread. Ward believes it was by association learning, and many psychologists accept his theory'. 3. V. R. Skinner, in Intermediate Plology, claims this behavior is hereditary and was transmitted to the English only after Poca- hontas and Capt. John Smith married and had offspring Cool- cy, Angell and Carr deny this, of 'ourse. See Introductory Sociol- ogy for their discussion of envir- onment. As this type of behavior is so wide- spread today, it is important that we know why it occurs in the individual. how it occurs and its effects on the in- dividual and society in general. Among the recent experiments which have dealt with smoking, :te investigation of Hitchcock and Lao rence is one of the most thorough ard one of the most con- vincing, though tart specific conclusions can be drawn from it. Their work is significant not only because it provides us with additional information con- cerning this behavior common to so many people, but also because it exemp- lifies sound scientific methods of hand- ling the particular problem which it raises. A review of Hitchcock's and Law- rence's experiment follows. PURPOSE At the time of this writing, Hitch- cock and Lawrence still have not decided what the exact purpose of the whole ex- periment was. However, lack of purpose does not detract from the importance of the investigation, nor did it dampen the scientific zeal of the two men'. 4. Among some old papers found in a warehouse was a letter from Hitchcock to a friend, dated Jan. 28. 1938, in which he says he ev- er decides oct the purpose of an experiment until it is finished, thereby avoiding the embarrass- ment of a totally unexpected con- clusion. SUSBJECTS To codct this .. eimt = itchi- cock and Lawirence used fouo albino rats, all of whom had acquired behavior traits by both selective and association learn- ing. The experimenters thought that rats of intelligence would be better subjects than rats who had learned nothing. APPARATUS AND EXPERIMENTAL SETTING In addition to the four albino rats. Hitchcock and Lawrence used several popular magazines, four college girls, a sphygmomanometer, a Sumner pneumo- graph (see Plate XI), and a carton of Camels. At first the men considered us- ing Marvel cigarettes in the interest of economy, but feared that the rats might have been influenced by the extensive advertising of the four leading brands and would balk at an inferior cigarette. Besides, both Hitchcock and Lawrence smoke Camels. PROCEDURE The rats were placed in a wire cage, 5'x5'x5', in a room devoid of external stimuli. The first day popular maga- zines were scattered around in the cage, open at pictures and advertisements of people smoking. The object was to ac- custom the rats to seeing people smoke and to impart to them what a socially desirable habit it was. On the second day, two packages of Camels and a book of matches were placed in the cage. If the rats could associate the pictures they had seen with the actual cigarettes. by . ,. I /7 trial and error they might take a cig- arette and try to light it. The third day 5. At 11:19 a.m. Hitchcock went into the cage and opened both pack- ages and scattered 9 cigarettes on its floor. Before he left, at 11:23, he also offered cigarettes to all four rats from his own package. None of them accepted. the experimenters had four college girls sit around the cage and smoke and talk for two hours. They seemed willing. as the cigarettes were furnished them and all were excused from classes". The 6. One girl, a second semester soph- omore from Des Moines, Iowa. insisted on having a Coca Cola during the experiment. Then the other three wanted them, too. The men acquiesced and the in- troduction of the cokes may have complicated the situation for the rats. rats were encouraged to come to the sides of the cage to watch the girls and to enter into the conversation if they cared to. On the fourth day, the ex- perimenters, both smoking, hooked up the rats to the sphygmomanometer and Sumner pneumograph and tried to get them to smoke'. The rats did not seem 7. Tried to get the rats to smoke, not the instruments. to understand what to do. and Hitch- cock and Lawrence had to force smoke into their lungs by means of a small pair of bellows. During this last stage of the experiment, the rats were also ex- pected to learn how to hold a cigarette, light it and get the stain off their claws'. 8. The rodent equivalent of human hands. RESULTS In view of the elaborate preparations necessary for this experiment, the im- mediate results may seem disappointing to the beginning student. The results, both immediate and total, are disap- pointing to anyone. The reactions of the rats to the magazines placed in the cage are not uniform. Over a period of an hour, all four showed interest in them, and two showed interest in tie pictures and advertising. Rats A and B n turned to one or more magazines ni'r nies in an hour. Rat C revealed the most active interest and tore several pages up into narrow strips. Rat D looked at a maga- zine (Esquire) only once and retired to a corner for the whole hour, where he cleaned his paws and face. His be- havior must not be considered as lack of interest, but possibly a negative re- action. The cigarettes and matches placed in the cage stimulated various reactions. Rat C ignored the cigarettes but re- turned 18 times to examine the cello- phane on the package. Rat A ate of a cigarette and became sick. Rats B and D returned to the book of matches of- ten, and D nibbled at them until he re- alized what had happened to A for nib- bling indiscriminately". 9. Rats nibbling upon matches cause hundreds of fires annually. This information is always released to the public during Fire Prevention Week. All the rats except A showed great in- terest in the college girls. Rat A still felt rotten and didn't care how many women hung around the cage. The other three were very active, and moved around the cage and climbed the sides. None of the rats, however. begged for cigar- ettes. The last stage of the experiment was the most difficult. Haring Hitchcock and Lawrence in the cage, along with the in- struments, made things crowded and excited the rats. All four rats objected to being connected to the instruments. From th start the rats remained indif- ferent a. to how to hold a cigarette in either hand, although Lawrence spent four days trying to teach them"'. Using 10. The rats remained indifferent throughout their lives. the bellows to force the rats to inhale excited them, and then Lawrence got excited and accidently killed rat D. Hitchcock developed claustrophobia and after four or five hours in the cage, would suggest quitting for the day. Law- rence, stubbornly determined to teach the rats something about smoking, always refused to stop; whereupon Hitchcock would beat upon the sides of the cage and yell,. "For God's sakes. let me out of here! Let me out of here!" At the end of a week the laboratory was a shambles, and the experiment was closed. CONCLUSION What conclusion can be made? Sny Earth is stirred, air is stirred, Unjustifiable delight Awakens in the soul spurred By ancient primavere in sight Its life a wheel of many youths That bear freshly the old surprise. My wisdom that can cope with truths Relaxes at the world's disguise, Tempted to imitate in kind Though such skill be devine in gauge, And while rejoicing calls to mind That man's own cycles witness age, -Irving J. Weiss