PERSCI University Of Michigan Liter'4ry Magazine VOLUMNE IV, NUMBER 4 Supplement to THE MICHIGAN DAILY By Gerald Bui MAY, 1941 trns won't leave you being such that the neighbors' child- bout you." a spectacle," he said, begin- angry. "And who is writing roughs," she told him. "He's ut you in his book, and peo- ng to laugh at you." them laugh," he said, as a e. "Or if you want me t to make him stop it." at dressed and go to the show he repeated stubbornly. "I'll ou making a fool of yourself hole family." aphreys went to the show and to plan some revenge on the also determined not to bring home the next week. THE CIRCUMSTANCES in which the novel was produced were quite authentic; that is, the' room was a garret, though some- what :comfortably furnished, and the author failed to have his hair clipped over long periods of time. Whenever the author came down from the garret his mother commented, with some trepida- tion, on his untidyness, and he, with characteristic temperament, shouted at her to stop. irritating him. She would thereupon get genuinely angry herself and rush out into the kitchen, where, after a few moments of tears, she would prepare something for the artist to eat. He ate ,absently, as the saying goes, though with a great appetite, and as the novel grew so did the artist. In the kitchens anG parlors of the neighborhood there were some refer- ences made to the novel, and they were not always pleasant ones. Mrs. Hum- phreys, for instance, whose son had read part of the manuscript and had implied in certain conversations that the carpenter -with a propensity toward drink had a counterpart in real life, was not at all pleased. The facts of her husband's personal life were not, she felt, for the use of people who wrote books. She was determined to have a talk some day with the mother of the writer. It was quite natural that Mr. and Mrs. Olmstead should be suspicious 'of what was being included in the book. They remembered the writer as a young man who disliked them intensely; and to their minds books were written to strike at those whom you disliked. And if Will Burroughs should take it into his head to say something about their little domestic misunderstandings, which he must know about through his mother, the whole business would be very embar- rassing. The women of the neighborhood were given their first real friglt when Mrs. Kay, who had read or read of Look Homeward Angel, told them, in subtle terms, how powerful a writer could be if he chose to. The occasion was an af- ternoon tea at the home of Mrs. Hum- phreys, and Mrs. Burroughs was present. She, suspecting what was implied, re- marked, "Yes. I suppose a mean person can do a great deal of trouble in a book." And then she added as though it were a humorous afterthought, "Peo- ple like Will, though, are always saying things about people that are too nice." She was not certain that her comment had been adequate, but she -did not have the courage to try again. She no- ticed that nothing more was said about writing and that everyone went home earlier than was usual for them. As a matter of fact even she had no idea of the contents of the novel. She asked her son once at the dinner table when Mr. Burroughs had been there, and he had tried to parry the question by asking for more mashed potatoes. Then Mr. Burroughs, taking a temporary in- terest in the talk, put the question to him again. He said it was about people. Mr. Burroughs snorted anti said nothing more during the meal. W HEN THE PEOPLE in the neigh- borhood realized what Will Bur- roughs might be doing they tried first to show him their most beneficient qual- ities. Mrs. Olmstead baked a cake for him and brought it to the house, saying that he might like something especially good to eat while he was working. He was working at the time, and would not even come downstairs. Mrs. Burroughs accepted the cake, acting as his agent; she thanked Mrs. Olmstead profusely and invited her and her husband to have dinner with them the following Sunday. "I'm very sorry," Mrs. Olmstead told her coldly, "but my husband and I have accepted a previous engagement." When head. "Talk, talk, talk. You can't keep her quiet." She ran crying from the room, and her husband strode out of the house. Similar happenings occurred in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Humphreys. One Friday night, the day on which he was weekly paid. Mr. Humphreys came home with a bottle of rye whiskey and the intention of getting completely drunk, as was his habit every week. He had earned the right to the pleasure after some years of bickering with his wife, the agreement being that he might insisted. "I a spectacle ren write a "I'm not; ning to get about me?" "Will Bur writing abo ple are got "Then let last defens' I'll tell Sam "You'll ge with me," s not have yc and your w Mrs. Hum determined writer. He i his bottlel AND SO the determination of the neighborhood changed from that of being virtuous and noble characters to that of stopping, if such a thing were possible, the completion of the novel. It was inevitable that the pressure should be felt first by Mrs. Burroughs. She was sitting one afternoon in her living room, darning the last of the socks, when she heard footsteps on her porch and looking out saw the Baptist minister about to ring her bell. After hurriedly carrying her darning basket into the' kitchen she rushed back to the living room and, somewhat flus- tered, opened the door. "Well, good day to you," she said as pleasantly as she could. "I wasn't ex- pecting you. Do come in and sit down." "Thank you, Mrs. Burroughs," the clergyman said gravely. He settled him- self deep in Atr. Burrough's easy chair and crossed his black-trousered legs. "I will speak as directly as I can," he said. "It's about Will." "Why, has he done something wrong?" she asked. "It seems," the reverend gentleman began, "that he is engaged in the com- position of a novel of doubtful charac- ter." "What do you mean?" she blushed. "You know Will isn't the kind of a boy who thinks and talks about the wrong things." "You misunderstand me, Mrs. Bur- roughs," he said, raising a gentle hand in protest. "It has, though, been brought to my attention that your son is, per- haps without intending any real harm, defaming the character of certain of the members of the parish by misrepre- senting them in his book." "Oh, I'm sure," she said, "you must be wrong about that.' "I can only repeat to you what I have been told," she said. "I think, though, that in all fairness I might be shown that part of the book which has been completed so that I might judge for myself the truth or falsity of the charges." "Well," she said nervously, "Will won't let me see what he's done." "That is all I want to know," the clergyman said, rising from his chair. "I will go now." "But just a moment," Mrs. Burroughs cried to him. "I'm sure he would let you see it." "Apparently that isn't necessary," he (Continued on Page Nine) by CLIFF GRAHAM her husband came home that night she told him what had happened, and he was as nervous for the remainder of the evening that he could not eat his supper. "He'll be making laughing stocks of us all," he shouted, waving the eve- ning paper at his wife. "And it's all because of you." "Because of me?" his wife said. "What do you mean?" "You and your sharp tongue," he shouted at her. "If you'd kept your mouth closed all this time he'd have nothing to write about. But no! You have to argue with me until everybody in the neighborhood knows about it." "Indeed," his wife replied. "It's all my fault. You come home raging like a mad man and expect me to greet you with a smile on my face." "Oh, Holy Jesus," her husband moaned, putting his hand on his fore- drink once a week so long as he did it in the privacy of his own home and away from his children. He was content with the agreement and planned to go down into the basement to enjoy his evening alone. He was unpleasantly sur- prised, therefore, when his wife confis- cated his bottle and told him to dress himself for entertainment at the the- atre. "I don't like to see shows," he told her patiently, "but if you want to go I'll drive you up and call for you when- ever you want me." "You'll do nothing of the sort," she said. "There has been enough of this drunkenness. You are going to be a re- spectable family man." "I do not care to be a respectable family man if it means going to shows," Mr. Humphreys told her, jealously de- fending his rights. "You are going to a show," his wife