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May 03, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-05-03

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Former Daily Man Discusses

Officers In

The New


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
tights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second cl ss mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, 54.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41

Editorial Stafff

Hervie Haufler

Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler
Laurence Mascott
Karl Kessler
ilton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

* . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. .' . . Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
* . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . 8 r Editor
S. . .- .Women's Editor
. . . . Exchange Editor

Business Staff

Business Manager
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager


Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bonnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
The Vice-President
Speaks For Labor . .
disputes has not yet lost all its sup-
porters in the United States government. Speak-
ing in New York Wednesday night, Vice-
President Henry A. Wallace placed himself
against the numerous current proposals for
government "cracking down" on labor and in-
Mr. Wallace's expressed views do not support
recent statements by his colleagues in Washing-
ton. For he declared, in the midst of all-out
production plans that, "There is as great patri-
otism in working overtime to settle a defense
contract or strike as in working overtime to rivet
the wing of a fighting plane.
SUCH AN EXPRESSION does not sound very
much like Representative Sumner's speech
in the House several weeks ago, wherein he advo-
cated tlhe electric chair for any striker in a de-
fense industry. Such an expression, from a max
in one of the highest posts in our government,
renews Aope for those who fear that democracy
and the rights of labor will be destroyed by pro-
duction for national defense. As Mr. Wallace
said, "There was only one nation prepared for
the pure horror of this present war." That na-
tion was Nazi Germany, and she achieved her
preparedness by eliminating any possibilities of
stoppage in her arms and munitions plants.
There is no conflict between labor and capital
in Germany, because the government has de-
prived both sides of any opportunity to express
dissatisfaction. "Cracking down" in the United
States would have exactly the same salutary ef-
fect on production, and would mean the same
violation of civil liberties and the right to strike.
The rest of Mr. Wallace's address was also
unusual, in that he neglected any hymns of hae
to remind us that it will be our responsibility to
assure a peace on the foundations of "freedom,
comradeship, good-will, and mutual service."
THUS HENRY A. WALLACE, second only to
the President, has expressed himself on
America's present effort. His position does not
allow him to make too specific criticism of the
men who are willing to sacrific democracy to
bring about a repetition of Versailles. That ma
be for the best. Any man who thinks settlement
of a strike as important as riveting the wing of
a fighting plane, is too impractical, and nobody
will pay any attention to what he says.
-Dan ehrman
State Trade Barriers
Obstruct Defense .
T THAS commonly been the policy of
thefederal government to let the
states handle their own problems as far as inter-
state trade regulation is concerned. Action has
been avoided or deferred in the hope that the
states themselves might see the light and re-
move the barriers which are choking much of
tihe interstate commerce of the nation.
The government has not failed to act due to
lack of power in such a situation. The govern-
ment does have powers which it could exercise,
not the least of which would be the denying of
aid grants to states until they come with certain
established conditions.,

N MY SQUIB on the high school students, I
made mention of the keep-off-the-grass
signs erected by Alpha Phi Omega, a society
which I probably treated rather brusquely and
perhaps not quite fairly. Here is a letter from
Irving Koval which may add something to my
presentation of the group, and then again may
It is apparent that you have no idea what
Alpha Phi Omega is all about, or some of the
remarks you made concerning our "Use the
Walks" campaign would have been noticed even
by yourself as out of place. "A bunch of ex-Boy
Scouts under the Greek letter name,"-well not
exactly. It is true that everyone of us have been
or presently are scouters. But we do not have
a Greek lettered name just because it sounds
nice. Alpha Phi Omega is dedicated to Leader-
ship, Friendship and Service on the college and
university campuses of America. A. P. O. is the
only National Service Fraternity acknowledged
by the National Inter-fraternity Council. Our
purpose on this campus is clear cut and we try
to live up to it.
We are not as you and your predecessor Young
Gulliver and a few others have depicted us as
twelve-year-old scouts. Scouts we are, but we
are attempting to fulfill the Scout Oath and Law
from an adult point of view. True our organiza-
tion at present is very humble on this campus
and maybe we want it that way; for if we should
come in with a boom, we would probably fizzle
right out as many organizations have done. If
we start on the bottom with a firm foundation
been appropriated by Congress for defense
and aid to Britain, and everywhere the question
is being asked, what is the status of this colossal
armament program? Are the planes, the tanks,
the guns, the ships, the munitions coming out
of the factories in the quantities the critical
world situation demands?
The answer to this biggest domestic question-
mark varies from different authoritative sources.
From President Roosevelt, Cabinet members,
and OPM Director General Knudsen have come
optimistic assurances. John Biggers, conscien-
tious OPM Production chief, recently told a
Senate committee, "We are within 100 days of
quantity output of defense production."
BUT FROM OTHERS equally informed have
come less cheerful opinions. Bernard Bar-
uch, tall, outspoken head of the World War In-
dustries Board, has bluntly told Roosevelt and
Defense chiefs that the progress of the defense
program is too slow and too lax.
Potent New Deal executives have added the
complaint that industry generally is still too
( intent on "business as usual."
Little has been said publicly, but this is a very
live subject in inner circles and has been dis-
cussed more than ever in recent weeks. Now it
appears that Hitler's productive capacity in
planes, tanks, guns and other vital arms is
double the maximum of our defense program.
state trade, or at least to impose certain regula-
tions on the states, may impair fatally the effi-
ciency of the defense program.
TAKE BUT ONE EXAMPLE. Kentucky, one of
the worst offenders in discriminatory truck
laws, is already a serious barrier to trade flowing
across the nation. The gross truck-load in Ken-
tucky is 18,000 pounds. States to the north per-
mit gross loads of 40,000 to 60,000 pounds. As a
result, loads must be broken into two, three or
four loads when they reach the Kentucky border,
creating a condition that might be called "Port-
aging across Kentucky."
The system creates vastly increased costs per

mile, increases traffic hazards with the increased
number of vehicles, and often causes serious
traffic delay. But now, with the military activit;:
at Fort Knox, Kentucky, these regulations arA
proving embarrassing to the army. Trucks car-
rying government supplies, construction materi-
als and munitions have been halted, and the
drivers fined, no matter how urgent was the
necessity of speed. Work has been held up on
government projects, and serious if not fatal
problems have been created.
Kentucky is cited merely as an instance. Other
states have discriminatory trade barriers as bad
or even worse. Virtually every state, many coun-
ties, and even individual towns and cities have
set up regulations, inspections, licensing laws,
and "quarantines."
THE WHOLE FABRIC of these barriers is con-
trary to the spirit of the Constitution and
contrary to the best interests of the nation. The
sates may not realize the precariousness of their
own position as a result of their actions. In
their blind obedience to the small pressure
groups they stand every chance of losing another
part of their freedom through national necessity.
The national government, it appears, at least
realizes the situation. Ineffectual action has
been attempted by Congress, with little success.
The only effective solution, it seems, is to cut
down partially or entirely on grants to states
until those states have met certain regulations
regarding interstate trade barriers.

there is always the prospect of looking up. Our
only wish is to be of service. We are continually
looking for new service projects without inter-
fering with any other organization. Three of
these examples which stand out the most are
our fingerprinting campaign which cost us, out
of our own pockets, $7.50 for materials; our "Use
the Walks Campaign," and our Information
booth during Orientation Week. As yet we have
no means for raising money and all our expenses
come out of dues. We have many more service
projects which would benefit the student body a
great deal, but are unable to carry them out due
to the lack of the necessary funds. Then again,
if we had great sums of money we probably
would be a little extravagant. So we are content
with a gradual growth. I want to tell you all
this because I want you to have a clear picture
of A.P.O. and not a hazy one for your imagina-
tion to run on. It is not an organization of a-
bunch of kids but rather an organization of stu-
dents like yourself with advisors such as F. H.
Yost, Ira Smith, F. N. Menefee, L. O. Case, Shir-
ley W. Smith and a few other professors to
guide us.
These so-called silly signs have been accred-
ited by a large number of students and faculty
and the Administration, even as silly as these
signs are. We have been told by the adminis-
tration that last year it saved the University a
considerable amount of money and will like-
wise do the same this year. The vice-president
told us that in the number of years he has been
here, this is the only campaign that the students
have cooperated so generously in regard to the
grass. We believe that in this project we are
helping to beautify our campus.
Very truly yours,
Irving Koval,
Corr. Sec'y.
NOW from the above letter I have learned sev-
eral things about Alpha Phi Omega, and
because I think it is right to give the -non-writing
public a chance to express themselves, I have
printed it here in full except for introductory and
non-pertaining paragraphs. I have many times
announced my firm intention not to feud with
anybody on this campus, and the letter is of the
factual, level-headed sort of objection I like to
get, better than the abusive and anonymous
writings that come in nearly every day's mail.
But I must point out that the motivation be-
hind my objection to the lawn signs does not
seem to be understood by Mr. Koval. To state
my case simply and succinctly, I shall only say
that the whole thing hinges on a question of
good taste, and a sense of fitness. To lawn signs
I have no objection, so long as they do not de-
tract from the beauty of the lawns they save.
However, since I have very little faith in the
sense of humor of the college boy, and since I
do not like billboards in the country or anywhere
else, and since these brash warnings and admo-
nitions are placed in juxtaposition to hundred-
year-old buildings, dignified structures covered
with ivy, I can only say that while not objecting
to service, and appreciating the salutary effect
Alpha Phi Omega's activities have had, I would
prefer some sort of small, low sign, polite and
not signed by a special group. Only one word
would, I am sure, be required. "Please." So long
until soon.
Last night the three traditional off-stage
knocks familiar to patrons of the annual French
play produced by Le Cercle Francais raised the
curtain of the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre on
Marivaux's Le Jeu de l'Amour et du Hasard.
When students of French venture once a year
to try on Thalia's mask it is wholly appropriate
that they should seek an outlet for their budding
artistic talents in an eighteenth century comedy
which has long found favor with theatre-goers
in France. Moreover, the date in this instance
doesn't really matter. Love, the reviewer has it
on good authority, is timeless. It will out wheth-
er it is externally dressed in the frills of another
age or in campus sweater and saddle shoes. It
will find a way, as in our comedy, even if a young

man of good birth seeks to conceal his identity
by exchanging roles with his lackey, and a young
woman, his equal in social status, resorts to a
similar exchange of roles with her maid, each re-
maining unaware of the other's ruse until the
close of the second act and the-girl persisting in
her strategem a while longer.
If love will have its way in all ages and circum-
stances, its language is not always the same.
Other times, other manners. In Marivaux's
comedy love speaks in far-etched metaphors and
conceits. Perhaps this need not surprise us in
an author who, it is said, never failed to be in
full dress, ruffles and all, when he sat down
at his desk.
In last night's performance of the comedy
most of the responsibility rested squarely on the
shoulders of four members of the cast. Silvia,
the heroine of the piece, found an able interpreter
in the charming person of Elsie Jensen. The
delicate sentiments of a love afraid of itself were
well expressed by her. Jeanne Bolgiano played
the role of Lisette with self-assurance and verve.
Her personification of the practical and witty
soubrette transformed into a lady for a day
showed considerable talent. Kenneth Marble
as Dorante in his assumed role of man-servant
convincingly expressed his love for Silvia in the
refined language of the gentleman that he was.
Henry Barringer as Arlequin portrayed with
great relish the pseudo-gentleman in the un-
mistakable manner of the lackey.
The lesser characters contributed their share

WHEN people ask what kind of
men are in the new army I al-
ways think first of Sergeant O'Han-
nigan. O'Hannigan is not his name
and he is not a sergeant. Moreover
I very much doubt if he ever will be
a sergeant or even a lance corporal.
This lack of rank and station does
not however keep the sergeant from
being the most important man in our
regiment, the commanding officer to
the contrary notwithstanding. For the
C.O. only gives the orders. It is O'-
Hannigan who makes life livable.
The O'Hannigan is over thirty and
carries not less than two hundred
and twenty pounds on his tremend-
ous' frame. When asked what he did
before he was prevailed upon to save
his country he quite freely admits
he was a ward heeler. He is copious
in his comments on municipal poli-
tics and their practical application
and the young lawyers in the outfit
gather round his bunk at night 'o
contrast« their training with his all-
too pragmatic knowledge. The army
is educating a lot of lads who thought
books contained most if not all of
the essentials of learning.
But it is not of the sergeant's past
life but of his present efforts that
this article must speak. Because his
daily activities.are so diverse and so
all-inclusive that the past seems very
vague indeed when he is present.
And he is around all the time.
It is O'Hannigan who storms into
the barracks fifteen minutes before
Saturday morning inspection and an-
nounces that he is going to give a
preliminary inspection of arms and
equipment "just so my boys will: be
sure to get by this inspection without
fetching extra fatigue duty for dirty
rifles." He selects the rifle of the
most conscientious man in the bar-
racks, the man who has been cleaning
his rifle all morning and most of his
spare time for a week past. This rifle
Mr. O'Hannigan examines with great
care. Whether or not a speck of dust
is on the gun the sergeant always
finds grave fault. "This, Private
Rhoades," he announces in his best

imitation of the inspecting officer,
"is regrettable. Extremely regretta-
ble. You have been a soldier long
enough to understand that your rifle
must be clean." O'Hannigan then
drops the commander's manner and
assumes that of the toughest ser-
geant in the regiment. "What in the
name of all the devils in hell do you
call this? A rifle?. It looks like a
mud puddle to me. A rifle, A rifle
hasn't got mud in the bore. Did you
hear of anYsnew regulations that say
all rifles presented for . inspection
should be crammed full of mud. Did
you? Oh, you didn't? I was wonder-
ing. Seventy four days of K.P. for
you, soldier, and it's only my good
nature that you don't get seventy-
This comedy is not lessened by the
fact that when inspection comes O'-
Hannigan's rifle is more likely than
not to be found not as clean as it
might be. "It's a conspiracy" O'-
Hannigan will say coming back from
an inspection where he has been
found in fault. "It's a conspiracy.
Somebody was jealous of me rank
and privileges and threw mud at me.
It's a conspiracy."
IT HE SERGEANT is a great believ-
er in the merit system. In fact
that day is wasted when he cannot
find at least four good excuses for
pointing out to his friends (which
term includes the entire regiment
and huge segments of all the other
regiments on post) that the reaso7
that a man was promoted in spite of
what tote rest of us know to be faults
in his soldiering is that the merit
system got tired and finally broke
down. "You can't expect the merit
system to hold up forever," the ser-
geant will tell us, "when you consider
the beating it's been taking lately."
But the next bunch of K.P.'s will un-
doubtedly hear that their troubles
can inevitably be traced to the oper-
ation of that same system which
governs the sergeant's life.
Another of the little foibles to
which O'Hannigan is subject is the
constant repitition of the command

"Report." This simple order, usually
given to platoon sergeants, has in-
trigued O'Hannigan from the first.
There is no situation too strange for
O'Hannigan to breeze in wanting a
report. When some of the lads' best
girl friends visit the post and stand
talking on the parade grounds the
sergeant inevitably wanders over
(with a stride rather reminiscent of
that of a lost grizzly bear) and de-
mands a report. The report is gener-
ally freely given because the sergeant
is, apiprently as popular with women
as with men.
EPORTS are demanded of prog-
ress in the kitchen, of the room
orderlies, of special details and of
men who have been marching behind
the sergeant all morning, and, in-
cidentally, having a difficult time
adapting their gait to his lumbering
stride. And forced and strained as
this humour may sound on paper it
has yet to become either a strain
or an annoyance to the men around
the sergeant.
There is another side to O'Hanni-
gan 's character which well merits a
word here. Whether or not he ever
had a nickel he did not share with
anyone, friend or foe, who happened
to need it is a moot point. It is cer-
tain, however, that he never had a
dime he did not willingly share. He
was the one who lent money to the
whole battery the week before pay-
day, he was the one who took the
sudden appendicitis case to the hos-
pital, he is the man who protects
smaller men from any trouble that
might conceiveably be caused them
by others.
And because of all this it is easy
to forgive him 4when he insists upon
singing his own ungentle parody of-
"In The Shade of the Old Apple Tree"
when everyone else wants to sleep.
Because of all this we forgive the
necessity of making an extra-curric-
ular report on Sunday mornings when
we want to rest, because of this\ we
hope and pray that whatever else
happens to the regiment O'Hannigan
will not be transferred. Things would
not be the same. Report.


VOL. LI. No. 150
Publication in the Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
President and Mrs. Ruthven will
be at home to members of the faculty
and other townspeople on Sunday,
May 4, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Cars may
park in the restricted zone on South
University between 4:00 and 6:30.
Procedure for Deferment and Post-
ponement of Military Service: Effec-
tive May 5, 1941. Students who wish
the University to participate in their
request for deferment (Class 2-A, Oc-
cupational Deferment) should seek
the counsel of their faculty advisors.
Students are not to be deferred or
their induction postponed in groups,
but the draft boards are authorized
to consider each student's request
and weigh the evidence presented by
the University. Students who have
filed their questionnaires and re-
ceived their classifications are now
classified in 1-D (all students). They
are to be reclassified by their draft
boards before the end of the college
year, certainly before July 1. The
authority to place a student in a par-
ticular classification lies with the
local draft board. It is the responsi-
bility of the University to assist the
students and the draft boards so
that decisions can be made intelli=
gently. The attitude of the Univer-
sity authority may vary from a state-
ment of fact with no suggestion as
to deferment or postponement to a
detailed interpretation of the stu-
dent's record and a definite recom-
mendation for his deferment. The
individual consideration of each stu-
dent's request will be based upon
three factors: scholarship, time of
graduation, and relation of field of
study to National Defense as it
concerns the national health, safe-
ty, and interest. The better the
scholarship, the shorter the time be-
fore receiving a degree for which the
student is registered, and the closer
his work is to the needs of the Na-
tional Defense program, the stronger
will be the recommendation of the
University authority to the local draft
The National Headquarters of the
Selective Service System has an-
nounced a list of fields of study in
which there is a shortage of pre-
pared men and of those in training
as follows: chemistry, engineering,
dentistry, pharmacy, physics, medi-
cine, biology and bacteriology, geol-

making recommendations in accord-
ance with their judgment.
The student should prepare a state-
ment of his request in affidavit form
addressed to his draft board and pre-
sent "it to his advisor as indicated in
the following schedule :
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts: Students who have been
admitted to concentration should con-
sult their concentration advisors,
whose statement or recommendations
after being approved by the depart-
mental chairmen will be forwarded
to Dean E. H. Kraus for review and
preparation for transmittal to the
draft boards. Students not yet eli-
gible for admission to concentration
should consult Professor Arthur Van
Duren, whose statements or recom-
mendations will be forwarded to Dean
E. H. Kraus for review and prepara-
tion for transmittal to the draft
College of Engineering: Students
should consult the heads of their
chosen professional departments, who
will forward their recommendations
to Dean I. C. Crawford for review,
action- and transmittal to the draft
Medical School: Students, internes,
and those accepted for admission to
the Medical School for the fall of
1941 should consult Dean A. C. Furs-
tenberg, who will forward his recom-
mendations to the draft boards.
Law School: Students should con-
sult Dean E. B. Stason, who will for-
ward his statements or recommenda-
tions to the draft boards,
College of Pharmacy: Students

should consult Director H. B. Lewis,
who will forward his recommenda-
tions to the draft boards.
School of Dentistry: Students and
those accepted for admission to the
School of Dentistry for the fall of
1941 should consult Dean R. W.
Bunting, who will forward his recom-,
mendations to the draft boards.
College of Architecture and Design:
Students should consult Dean W. I.
Bennett, who will forward his state-
ments or recommendations to the
draft boards.
School of Education: Undergradu-
ates should consult Dean J. B. Ed-
monson, who will forward his state-
ments or recommendations to the
draft boards.r
School of Business Administration:
Students and those accepted for ad-
mission for the fall of 1941 should
consult Dean C. E. Griffin, who will
forward his recommendations to the
draft boards.
Graduate School: Students should
consult their advisors, whose state-
mentsuor recommendations, after be-
ing approved by departmental chair-
men, will be forwarded to Dean C.
S. Yoakum for review, action, and
transmittal to the draft boards.
School of Forestry and Conserva-
tion: Students and those accepted
for admission for the fall of 1941
should consult Dean S. T. Dana, who
will forward his recommendations to
the draft boards.
School of Music: Undergraduate
and graduate students should con-
sult Director E. V. Moore, who will
forward his statements or recom-
mendations to the draft boards.
(Continued on Page 6)

760 KC - CBS 800 KC - Mutual I950 KC - NBC Red 1270 KC - NBC Blue
Saturday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News First Ty Tyson To Be Announced
6:15 Inside of Sports Offender Studio Feature Sandlotters
6:30 wayne King's Sons Of Excurs. In Science To Be Announced
6:45 Orchestra = The Saddle Parade Fan On The Street
7:00 The Marriage Between Ourselves Of Town Talk
7:15 Club val Clare; News Sports Organ Favorites
7:30 News Comes Hawaii' Truth Or Bishop &
7:45 To Life Calls Consequence the Gargoyle
8:00 Your News; Marching National Broad- Song Of
8:15 Hit In Swingtime casting Company Your Life
8:30 Parade Contact Barn NBC
8:45 Saturday Night Mutual Dance Summer
9:00 Serenade Chicagoland Uncle Symphony
9:15 Gale F. Johnson Concert Ezra Concert
9:30 Duffy's of Light I want A Job Blue Barron
9:45 Tavern; News Music Michigan Highways Orchestra
10:00 Dance National News Dance Music News Ace
10:15 Orchestra Britain Speaks S. L. A. Marshall Dance Music

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