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April 30, 1941 - Image 12

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-30

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Sportwear Takes On Figure Flattering
Lines, With Gay Materials And Colors

In just about 1,250 hours June 21
will be here and that date means the
official beginning of summer, the
time of the year when (if we can
coin a phrase), a young woman's fan-
cy turns to thoughts of sport dlothes.
However, with the warm spring
weather many women want to be
dressed in the latest fashion creation
for sports. This year there are many
figure' fattering outfits. Let's dress
Mary Jones up in an ultra smooth
outfit for a game of golf. From head
to toe Mary must be glamourous, for
her golf partner must be impressed,
and so she plans her outfit with this
in mind.
She chooses a pair of navy and
white shoes. You see, Mary has just
read an article stating that while
shoes this season have dipped into
the beautiful colors of the paint pot,
active sports like golf and tennis re-
quire white, tan and white or navy
and white shoes.
Stripes Are Flattering#
Next Mary chooses a pair of white
anklets. Now she is ready to select
her figure flattering outfit. A navy
and white striped skirt just full of
crinkle gives her a start. Pleats add
the extra fullness for that leg action,
needed in a good game of golf. A
soft white blouse is worn underneath
a nautical red flannel jacket. (Could
be that Mary was to be out with one
of Uncle Sam's men.)
Our little fashion plate now looks
in the mirror and decides that her
hair should be held in.place with a

hat. She quickly remembers that her
skirt has a turban to match and she

puts it on as pert can be. Now she
is ready. Oh no, jewelry! While most
people feel that jewelry is unneces-
sary for sports, Mary feels that a
tight fitting bracelet of red, white
and blue will add the completeness
necessary for her costume.
Sun Dresses Needed
With the roofs of the various dorm-
itories and sororities full of sun-

bathers nowadays, appropriate cos-
tumes are much in demand. A two-
piece outfit is the most logical thing
to wear and fashion designers have
made up some very clever combina-
tions. Suits of this kind haven't be-
come any briefer but they have be-
come more pleasing to the eye.
Seersucker costumes made of Ha-
waiian prints are just the thing. The
top has short sleeves slightly puffed
and the tightfitting pants have a
full flare -skirt over them. A white
rayon jersey swim suit with a red
bolero jacket can be worn if you want
to look especially smart. These suits
have a red threaded lastex midriff
to add a flattering line to your
figure, which may have grown a. lit-
tle out of proportion during the win-
ter months.
White sharkskin is always a "must"
for your sport wardrobe. And it is
especially good when you have it
made into a three-piece play suit.
The shirt-waist top, and button-up-
the-front skirt can be worn into town
after that frisky game of tennis. The
shorts to the outfit have the fullness
concentrated in one spot in the front.

Mother's Day
Qift Suggestions
To Be Personal
In case it's just slipped your mind
in the midst of all the excitement that
accompanies spring in Ann Arbor,
this is a reminder that Mother's Day
is only a week away, the eleventh to
be exact. In case you are (not sur-
prisingly) uninspired about what to
give her, here are a few original (?)f
suggestions that ought to solve the
Your gift, and you have plenty of
time to get around to buying it if you
start now, should really be something1
personal, something that your Mother'
wouldn't think of buying for herself.'
Anything in the way of hankies or
perfume would be appreciated, of
course, but she probably is amply
stocked with both.
Clever Bags Please
Perhaps your mother has bought
all her spring clothes, but you can
always give her a really good pair of
white gloves or a hand bag, clever
and gay. If you get one of those vol-
uminous ones of bright stripes, she
can use it on into the summer, for
knittingor for taking all her beauty
paraphernalia to the beach.
If your mother spent all her time
while you were home for vacation,
trudging from store to store with you
while you assembled that essential
spring wardrobe, remember her with
something she really wants. Your
gift should be in the luxury class-
perhaps an appointment for a new
permanent with all the fixings, or if
you andyour father think you know
enough about her tastes, You might
be daring and collaborate, with him
on a silly new chapeau. One stu-
dent's father brings a new hat back
to his wife every time he goes to New
York on business, and he always
picks something daring and frivolous!
Suggest Souvenir Gifts
If your sorority is entertaining the
mothers over the weekend, you no
doubt all want to get gifts that will
serve as souvenirs for the occasion.
Perhaps matching compact and lip-
stick in smart new designs would
please them, or a bit of costume jewel-
ry, original, but not frivolous or
matronly. A gay pin featuring the
military motif would go well on your
Mother's new spring suit.
But if you are one who puts things
off until the last minute, who refuses
to tax the brain for ideas, or the legs
shopping for a suitable gift,t hen call
the florist's for a plant or corsage,
Stress Moonstones
As Costume Jewels
If you're looking for something new
in costume jewelry, don't pass by the
new simulated moonstones, made up
in necklaces, earrings, rings, pins, or
The pastel colors, all with the
beautiful sheen of the real thing,
range from lemon yellow through the
spectrum to dark blue. For a bit
of originality, try mixing the colors.

Need Entirely'
New Approach
Classic Suit In Gabardine Wins
Approval For City Wear Now;
Frills Undermine Practicability
There's no doubt about it - the
eternal skirts and sweaters and drag-
ging sweat socks so popular with
college girls do undermine your mo-
rale so far as sophisticated clothes
go. It's really hard to know just what
to wear into town to shop oi to
a tea after a solid month or two of
rugged tweeds and run-over-at-the-
heel saddle shoes; you get into a
rut and there you are!
Butpull yourself out of it before
you step into the neighboring me-
tropolis for a buying spree; step into
the smartest outfit you have - to
make you feel that you're starting
right and then whip right out and
get something even more up to the
Classic Suit Rates
The good old classic suit can't be
beaten for town wear right now, and
one of the new light-weight gabar-
dines will carry you through the
summer in tailored smartness. If you
think that even gabardine might
be heavy in the sweltering day3
ahead, then cast your eyes over to
that counter - yep, that one - where
seersucker suits are being featured.
Popular last year, they have become
an even brighter light in the fash-
ion sky this season, being made in
colorful plaids as well as stripes.
All sorts of the "change-around"
type of costume are being produced
these days by manufacturers; basic
dresses, for years a standby, are being
joined by "dickey dresses" and by
mixed skirt and jacket combinations
made extra-special by their materials
of soft crepe and fine wool.
Try Frills
Sometimes, though, a lot of us
get sick of being practical and buying
the "you'll be able to wear it for
years, dear" kind of dress. This sea-
son, more than ever, frilly and color-
ful frocks are making it even harder
for us to stick to our "be practical"
guns. And don't let it bother you too
much if you do find your resolutions
slipping. Satsify your yen for ruffles
with a navy rayon crepe dress whose
fine fluted organdy collar can be had
in either pink (luscious!) or in white.
Color a'plenty, and enough to grat-
ify any maiden's heart is found in
those nifty little brightly starred-
and-striped silk, tailored numbers
whose claim to practicality lies in
the way that they can be laundered
in a jiffy.

Cheerful Closet Sets
Are Suggested Gifts
To Suit Personalities
Closet sets make. charming gifts-
they can be procured to suit any
personality. Gay cheerful colors will
brighten anyone's personal ward-
robe, or slinky satins will add glam-
our to anyone's estimate of herself.
For a younger person, quilted
chintz sets are perfect. The set in-
cludes stocking boxes, glove boxes,
cases for underwear to lie flat in
drawers, hat boxes, hangars, shoe
boxes, handkerchief boxes, clothes
bags and hat racks.
Figured or plain sets are both to
be found, depending on the type of
bedroom they are designed to ac-
company. Some would fit in a closet
opening off a room done in rag rugs
and maple, others are designed for
a room of the satin and lace type.t

Newest Coiffures
Are Gayly Versatile
"Pomp-adorable" is the password
for spring coiffures. This season they
are casual and soft for the daytime
or ringletted and be-bowed for the
evening dances.
A feathery pompadour top-piece
that combs into place quite readily,
soft, upswinging brush curls on the
sides and the back make the perfect,
easy-to-do hairdress for daily work
or study.
In the evening, start from a V-
shaped part with a pompadour wave
and curl in front and sides whirling
upward, then tie the cluster of curls
at the nape of your neck with a perky
bow to match or contrast with your
A more eccentric version of this
style is a pulled back pompadour on
one, side of the head and a pushed-
forward set of ringlets on the other

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A FORMAL to suit the fancy of any girl.
Whether you prefer a dress which places its
accent on youth or one which f avors sophist-
ication, we have what you want. You will

find all types of summer formals,


dangerously demure cottons to smooth silks.
345 Maynard
f 7,





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we suggest*.
that you conc and visit our complete and
individualized selection of beautiful things
for Summer. Look for the distinctive styles
that Marilyn will show for summertime:
A fashion review. Our models select their
clothes right out of our own assortments.
No special purchases were made for this Cx-

bibit. Our conliments and congratuLa-
bons to the staff of The Daily and the
models who have worked most assiduously
to produce such a super e ntcrtainIu t of
American 1ashions.

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We want you to enjoy every minute you spend in
Ann Arbor this spring. We have noted some special
short cuts to new spring beauty for you.. We hope
you come to see us about your summer wardrobe,

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