PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1941 I I Music Groups Will Give Two Mass Concerts Ann Arbor-Monroe District To Combine Musicians Into Orchestra Of 150 Plans are ,now being made for the mass civic orchestra festival of 150 players sponsored by the University Extension Service to be held in Mon- roe on Sunday, May 18, and on May 25 in Ann Arbor. Civic instrumental groups from Wyandotte, Monroe, Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti are to' be combined into the orchestra of 150 players with conductors of the participating groups directing. According to Prof. Joseph E. Maddy, of the radio music. department, plans for the music fes- tival are meeting with the enthu- siasm of music groups in the Ann Arbor-Monroe district and is the first project of. its kind in the coun- try. If the festival is as successful as anticipated, next year's program will include organizations from all south- eastern Michigan with a total en- semble of some 500 to 1,000 players. 'The Ann Arbor Civic Orchestra is increasing its. roster to 55, and an invitation is being extended to stu- dent players to join, Philip Potts, manager of the orchestra, announced yesterday. The Ann Arbor concert will be at 4:15 in Hill Auditorium and is ex- pected to be complimentary to the public. Foresters Will Journey To Cook County Preserve A group of 37 foresters enrolled in a course in forest administration under the direction of Prof. Shirley W. Allen will spend the weekend in Chicago in a tour of the Cook County Forest Preserve District. During the course of the trip, conferences will be held with officials of that pre- serve. Engine Council Petitions Due Next Tuesday Freshmen and sophomores in the College of Engineering desiring posts as class representatives on the stu- dent Engineering Council must sub- mit petitions to the Dean's office in the West Engineering Building by noon, Tuesday, May 6. The freshman election will be held at the '43E assemblies Wednesday, May 7, and te sophomore elections will be conducted on Thursday. b Petitions must include the signa- tures of 15 members of the candi- date's class, his qualifications and a list of proposed activities of the Council for the coming year. At the elections two representa- tives will be chosen from each class. The freshman receiving the high- est number of votes will serve for three years and the leading sopho- more will serve for two years while the runners-up will each have one- year terms. Burr J. French, '42E, editor of the Technic, and Robert E. Miller, '42E, vice-president of the Council, direc- tors of the election, announced yes- terday that all candidates would be required to have pictures taken be- tween 4:30 and 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 6, in Room 244 of the West Engin- eering Building. Coordinating body of all Engineer- ing College activities, the Engineer- ing Council annually sponsors sev- eral smokers and dances, directs the engineering honor committee, pulishes the Arch, freshman hand- book, and collects class dues. Price To Give Carillon Recital Composition By Sawyer To Be Concert Feature Prof. Percival Price, University Car- illonneur, will include a composition by Bill Sawyer on the carillon con- cert at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow, the fourth of the spring recitals. "Prelude 3" was composed on cam- pus and is written in a style not usu- ally associated with Sawyer's name. Other selections on the evening's program will include a group of May songs, three compositions of Stephen Foster, and selections of Harty, Rach- maninoff, Pierne and Stravinski. The May songs are old melodies which were played only during that one month, possibly for the purpose of giving the 'benefits of music to the crops. Harty's "Little Fantasy and Fugue" are written for the carillon of the Uni- versity of Sydney, Australia, which has taken the lead in developing modern music. The Stravinski number is a caril- lon arrangement of selections from the opening of his "Ballet Petrouch- ka." The scene represents a Russian fair. Mayor of Athens Surrenders To German Army Sunday Used For Sleeping, Poll Reveals More than one-half of the students cn campus use Sunday morning for sleep and attendance at religious ':ervices, the afternoon for study and loafing, and the evening for more study and movies-these were the results of a survey taken by the Bureau of Student Opinion of the Student Religious Association among men and women living in dormi- tories. Sleeping Popular Sleeping is the most popular pas- time among 52 per cent of the men and 43 per cent of the women. Six- teen per dent of senior men catch up on their sleep on Sunday morning while more than 60 per cent of senior women gain added rest. More than 28 per cent of students attend religious services Sunday morning. The largest number of any class attending church is among graduate students of whom 66.6 per cent attend. Studying, reading, working, writ- ing letters, reading and loafing ac- count for the other activities. During the afternoon 56 per cent of the men and 68 per cent of the women study. More than 70 per cent of freshman women concentrate on their books after dinner. More than 16 per cent of all students spend their time loafing. Only .3 per cent have dates during the day. Exercise accounts for 11 per cent. More Men Study Men take the lead in studying Sun- day evening with 66 per cent and the women place second with 46 per cent. Fourteen per cent of the 300 students interviewed go to the movies, nine per cent have dates, and four per cent listen to the radio. Among students in general 22 per cent attend a student religious or- ganization, Frank Bender, '42, direc- tor of the survey, announced. The largest number represented are grad- uate students with the junior women second.. Holloway, Noted Tenor, To Give RecitalFriday Former Michigan Student On Leave From Deanship Of Dakota Wesleyan Mr. Joseph Holloway, tenor, who is on leave of absence from the Dean- ship of Dakota Wesleyan University, will present a recital at 8:30 p.m. Friday in the Rackham assembly hall, George Faxon accompanying. Mr. Holloway, a student of Prof. Joseph Hackett of the School of Music faculty,-will present the fol- lowing program: "My Lagan Love," Old Irish, arranged by Harty; "Cra- dle Song" by Max; "The Water Mild" ly Williams; "Dicbterliebe" by Schu- mann; "A Chloris" and Trois Jours De Vendange" by Hahn; "Le Petit Grardeur De Chevres" by Lenormand; "Nocturne" by Franck, and "Le Bachelier De Salamanque" by Rous- sel. Dean Holloway will conclude the program with a group of songs by Halsey Stevens with the composer at the piano. The compositions are: "She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways," "Triad," "When I Am Dead, My Dearest," and "When Icicles Hang by the Wall." Dean Holloway holds the degrees of Music Bachelor and School Mu- sic Bachelor from the Oberlin Con- servatory of Music, and has been a student of John Harroun and John Conrad. SUMMER TRAVELING POSITION Can use young man with pleasing personality. Must be alert and ag- gressive. Capable contacting clubs in small towns explaining en- tertainment feature. Contracting sponsors and arranging dates, aud- itorium, etc. Expense allowance. Commission. Write National Pro- ducing Company, 3005 Harrison, I Kansas City, Mo. In negotiations for surrender of the Greek capital are shown here (1. to r.) the Mayor of Athens, Greek military commander of Athens, and a German officer (back to camera). This picture was sent to New York from Berlin by radio. Jones Declares Domestic Lac Supply Needs Greater Study Interscholastic Press Meet ng } CLASSIFIED] DIRECTORY TRANSPORTATION H. B. GODFREY MOVING - STORAGE -PACKING Local and Long Distance Moving. 410 N. Fourth Ave. Phone 6297 29c HELP WANTED BOOKKEEPER WANTED' Experi- enced; position requires office sec- retarial duties including typing and shorthand. Apply at Folletts Michigan Bookstore between 9 and 11 a.m. By ROSEMARY RYAN} Were the United States supply of lac from India to be cut off due to present war'conditions, the American Southwest would probably be able to supply enough for domestic consump- tion for at least a limited period of time, according to Valney H. Jones, University anthropologist. Lac, the basic ingredient of varn- ish, shellac, sealing wax and other necessary industrial products, has been used in India for centuries, ex- plained Mr. Jones. Because the sup- ply is plentiful and labor cheap, the Orient has been the chief exporter of lac. If a blockade or other war con- ditions were to threaten the importa- tion of this commodity, the United States would have to look to her own resources to satisfy her demands. Examination Suggested Whether or riot the supply is com- mercially profitable is at present dif- ficult to determine. Mr. Jones sug- gests an examination of the American lac, and possible means for increase as an important measure to meet any emergency that might arise in Europe. Mr. Jones, in his studies of the lac as used by the American Indians, has investigated the distribution of the lac producing insects in this, country. This material is widely spread throughout Arizona, New Mexico and California, but not very highly con- centrated in one spot. Although the United States will never be indepen- dent of India for the supply of lac, it ,would be profitable to determine the extent of the domestic supply, if, in'any case, the Oriental crop is not available. In 1880 lac was analyzed and was Famed Orator considered identical with that from India in its properties. However, that research was never fully completed. Mr. Jones stresses the importance of a thorough examination of the pres- ent supply and a comparison of the results. Insect Is Source The source of lac is a tiny insect that lives upon the twigs of certain trees and bushes, Mr. Jones explains. The Oriental and American lac in- sects, although differing somewhat in species, produce lacs that are sim- ilar in chemical and physical sub- stance. After the lacis removed from the bushes and refined, the residue is soluble in alcohol and is used es- pecially in wood finishing. Mr. Jones has found that the Amer- ican Indians of the Southwest region had used lac for several years for purposes other than those common- ly associated with it. It was a chief ingredient of many of their medi- cines. Melted, the lac became adhesive and strong enough to mend pottery and fasten shafts into arrow heads. As a plastic, it formed the handles for many instruments, and was shaped into ornaments and balls. This suggests a sealing wax quality rather than lac. Used By Indians In archaeological sites in the Southwest, it was used by the In- dians in their art work, according to Mr. Jones. Baskets were covered with lac and then paint. Later lac was utilized as an inlay. Clay ornaments or pottery were cut into groves of various designs, filled with lac and then painted. Here again it held the material together rather than acting as a separate color. Archaeologically, lao in Arizona dates back to the 12th century. I Open Here Seven hundred fifty high school journalists from throughout the state will convene here tomorrow, Friday and Saturday for the twentieth an- nual meeting of the Michigan Inter- scholastic Press Association.' Opening its program tomorrow night With a Union dance and a talk by hitch-hiking king Bob Friers, the MIPA's schedule includes round-table discussions on newspaper work and talks by Professors John L. Brumm and Wesley H. Maurer of the De- partment of Journalism. Prof. Preston L. Slosson will ad- dress the convention's final genera assembly Saturday morning on -"The World Today." The annual M.I.P., luncheon will then close the meeting with the presentation of publication awards. Alpha Phi Omega Installs Of fieeris Officers for next semester will b installed by Alpha Phi Omega at 7:3( p.m. today in the Union. These officers were elected at meeting April 2, and include: Rich ard G. Schoel, '43E, president; Rob ert L. Brown, AlE, vice-president George D. Meier, '42F&C, recordin secretary; Frank O. Smith, '42, cor responding and alumni secretary John M. Duff, '43E, historian; an( John H. Hoglund, '42, sergeant-at arms. Ira M. Smith was chosen sen ior faculty adviser. The program will also include init ationopfective members.and pledgin 1 a g THE v~mEPICTUtOTH ER Produced and directed by PRESTON STURSES . A ParamoutPicture ; C I.A 1 WANTED TO BUY-4 CASH for used clothing; men and ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S. Main St. Phone 2-2736. 31c WANTED - ANY OLD OR NEW CLOTHING, PAY FROM $5.00 to $500 FOR SUITS, OVERCOATS. TYPEWRITERS, FURS - PER- SIANS, MINKS. PHONE ANN AR- BOR 6304 for APPOINTMENTS. SAM. TYPING TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen, 408 S Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or, 2-x.416. 14c VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal typist, also mimeographing. Notary' public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. LAUNDERING LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 3c Barbara Cahoon, Pianist, Will Give Recital ForDegree Barbara Cahoon, pianist, will pre- sent a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree at 8:30 p.m. today in the Rackham assembly hall. Among the numbers she will play. are the "Prelude, Fugue and Varia- tion" by Franck-Bauer, "Sonata, Op. 164," by Schubert and "Sonata, Op. 110,"' by Beethoven. Miss Cahoon will also perform the Moderato, Allegro, Scherzando, the three Andantes and the Allegro gio- coso of "Told in the Hills" by Lee Pattison. Before entering the University, Miss Cahoon was a pupil of Mrs. Audrey Cage of St..Johnsbury, Ver- mont. She is a student of Prof. Jo- seph Brinkman of the School of Mu- sic, and she received her Bachelor of Music degree in June, 1940. A member of Sigma Alpha Iota, she was the recipient of the 1940 Mary Cabot award given by the Alumni Chapter of that organization. Spanish Club To Meet The recipients of the two Univer- sity of Mexico Summer Session schol- arships will be announced at the meeting of La Sociedad Hispanica at 7:30 p.m. today in the League. Songs, piano music and Spanish rec- ords will feature the program. / HODT and , - BOTHERED STUDENT LAUNDRY-Special dent rates. Moe Laundry, South First St., Phone 3916. stu- 226 10c To Speak Here Pacifism Will Be Subject Of JohnHolmes' Talk John Haynes Holmes, famed orator, author and clergyman, will speak May 13 in th Rackham Auditorium under the sponsorship of the Inter- Guild Council and the Hillel Forum Series. "America's Part in the European War" will be the subject of Reverend Holmes' lecture. Reverend Holmes is a leading ex- ponent of pacifism and feels that since wars never accomplish any- thing for the belligerents, America should keep out of this war. He is one of the leading Protestant ministers in the country, and is at present pastor of the Community Church of New York. He graduated summa cum laude from Harvard University in 1902 and has been in. the public spotlight ever since. He is contributing edi- tor of "Opinion" magazine in New York and an editor of "Unity" in Chicago. Some of his works as an author include "New Wars for Old," "The Revolutionary Function of Religion," and the "Sensible Man's View of Re- ligion." OFF COOL 8 5 0 MISCELLANEOUS THESIS BINDING-Mimeographing. Brumfield & Brumfield, 308 S. State. 19c WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- Driveway gravel, washeid pebbles. Killins GravelCompany, phone 7112. 5c WISE Real Estate Dealers: Run listings of your vacant houses in The Daily. Dial 23-24-1 for spe- cial rates. 353 FOR RENT SUITE with private bath and shower. Also lovely double room with ad- joining lavatory. Available now, summer school, or September. Phone 8544-422 E. Washington. 342 LOST and FOUND Los'r-Small black memorandum book in or near the Michigan League. Please call League or 2-3251_ 4 With some delicious MILLER'S HIGH TEST ice cream. Available in Sundaes, Sodas, Malteds, Milk Shakes, Cones, Brick and Bulk - whichever way you like it. Below is a partial list of our five cent sale to help you keep cool in this warm weather. * CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM BARS * CHOCOLATE PADDLE POPS * CARMEL-CRISP PADDLE POPS * CHO-CHO FROZEN MALTEDS ALSO TWENTY-FIVE FLAVORS OF JUMBO ICE CREAM CONES. 4tt/or 5 c _. _ ._ DAILY 2--4-7--9 P.M. NOW PLAYING! CImM E tomE MN GLAD '