Weather Y Continued Fnir Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication igattx Editorial The Peace Rallies.,. VOL. LL No. 147 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, April 30, 1941 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS I FDR Asserts Naval Vessels Are Permitted In War Zone President Says All Areas Are Open To Patrols For Americas' Defense; Jones Plans Investigation WASHINGTON, April 29.-()- President Roosevelt said today that American naval vessels were not barred from entering combat zones and strongly reiterated that American patrols would go as far as may be necessary for the defense of the West- ern Hemisphere. He made this statement at a press conference a short time after Admiral Harold R. Stark, the chief of Naval Operations, had said that at some points the patrols were operating as much as 2,000 miles offshore. The President remarked that that depend- ed on where you measured from. At the same time, Mr. Roosevelt told reporters: Requests Jones That he had requested Secretary Jones of the Commerce Department to institute a survey for the purpose of determining quickly how many civilian airplanes and of what types could be bought for the defense of democracy. He hope4 a sbstantial number could be acuired. The Civil Aeronautics Administration said that 17,351 civil aircraft were registered in the United States on Jan. 1, 1941, of which 358 were transports. That there probably would be an announcement soon concerning the transfer of coast guard vessels to the navy, a step taken usually only in time of war. That he was considering price con- trol legislation but was uncertain as yet whether such action would be recommended to Congress. Expresses Surprise The President expressed surprise at what he considered msinterpre- tations of his original announciement concerning the patrols, which are now combing the Atlantic (and the Paci- fic, too, Stark said) for Axis sub- marines or other Axis vessels for the purpose of reporting their presence to authorities at Washington and to vessels carrying war supplies. He had mentioned, he said, that in 1939 the neutrality patrol was op- erating as far at sea as 1,000 miles from the Maryland coast. This did not mean, he made it clear, that the present patrols would be limited to any stich distance, and he said repeatedly that they would go where- ever it was necessary that they should for the protection of the Western Hemisphere. Shirley Smith Will address Honors Dinner Honors Go To Over 100 Students For Activities At Speech Convocation Shirley W. Smith, vice-president and secretary of the University, will address speech students and faculty who will convene for the first Speech Honors Convocation Banquet to be held at 6:30 p.m. in the Union. More than 100 students will be hon- ored for their participation in speech1 activities throughout the year. The first banquet of its kind to bek held in the University will honor Professor Emeritus Thomas G. Trueblood, dean ofAmerican speech educators who founded the University speech de- partment. Prof. '. E. Densmore will open the convocation and Prof. Henry Moser will introduce the toastmaster, Wil- liam Muehl, '41. Burr-Patt trophies will be awarded to the winners Allen-Rumsey and the runners-up Wenley house for their victories in the men's intramural de- bate tournament. In the women's series Stockwell will receive the win- ning cup. The winner of the True- blood Scholarship will also be an- nounced. Winners of the Ethel Clay Ford Scholarships for women's debate will also be recognized. New pledges of Athena, Alpha Nu, Zeta Phi Eta, and 'Grand Old Man' Yost To Celebrate 'Oft-Dreaded' 70th BirthdayToday By DON WIRTCHAFTER Fielding Harris Yost celebrates his "oft-dreaded" 70th birthday today. 1 It's a sad occasion for Michigan's Grand Old Man, since University rul- ings require that the colorful ath- letic director, former coach of the historic "point-a-minute" gridiron juggernauts, inventor of the phrase -x " Field House" and originator of the "tackle-back play" must retire in June from a desk that 40-years of distinguished service have taught 'X .him thoroughly to love. According to a longstanding cus- tom, Yost will be in his office =today. As far back as he can remember, birthday afternoons are always spent there when health permits. "And I feel better now than I did when I quit coaching 20 years ago" he ad- mitted yesterday as he awaited with apprehension this milestone in his brilliant career. Plans for tonight have been left in the hands of his friends and fam- ily "who. are pijoving genuine shock absorbers." They have given him no hint as to what may occur. Forty years have passed since Yost came here as a husky, gawky-looking school teacher from the rugged hills of West Virginia. He still is quick to recall those early days, the second- hand jersey and year-old shoes they gave him to use, the empty athletic treasury, the $2 contributions to help the "good cause." "How well I remember the day I stepped off the train and there was Charly Baird to meet me with a bi- cycle. He made me walk all the way to the Union with my heavy suitcase. However, I have quite forgiven his frugality . . . He hired me, and here I've been ever since." IFC Elects. New Heads For 1941-42 Donald Stevenson Chosen President; Porter To Be Secretary-Treasurer Juniors Are Named As Committeemen Donald C. Stevenson, '42, of Grosse Pointe antl a member of Beta Theta Pi fraternity was chosen last night to head the Interfraternity Council for the coming school year. Robert Porter, '42, of Birminghom, Supplies To Nazis FromJapan Halted By Russian Decree .In those 40 packed years, Yost has built up a plant that ranks second to none in the world. His untiring efforts have been responsible for Yost Field House ($474,000), the Colieum ice rink ($112,000) the WAA build- ing and field ($294,000), the Sports Building ($754,000), the mammoth f Stadium ($1,245,000) and the excel- lent University golf course ($365,500). -Daily Photo b will Sapp But like all mortal things, the (Continued on Page 6) DONALD C. STEVENSON is the new secretaiy-treasurer. He is a member of Delta Kappa Epsilon. Stevenson is a member of Sphinx, Toastmaster's Club, a speech organi- zation, and is vice-president of Mimes, honorary dramatic fraternity. Stevenson and Porter succeed James Harrison, Phi Gamma Delta and John DeVine, Sigma Phi. Five junior men were elected dis- trict representatives and will serve on the executive committee of the council. Besides Stevenson they are Muir Pitches 4-3 Victory Over State By GENE GRIBBROEK Three hits in the clutch and a beautiful pitching job by southpaw Neil Muir brought Coach Ray Fish- er the victory he wanted most yes- terday as his Wolverine Varsity baser ball team took a 4-3 thriller from Michigan State's Spartans. The game reached its climax in a two-run ninth inning splurge by a battling Michigan club that overcame the lead the Spartans had been cling- ing to since the fifth, and ruined a good days work for State hurler Frank Mekules. It was Dick Wake- field, Bud Chamberlain and George Michigan will meet the West- ern State Teachers College nine at 4 p.m. today at Ferry Field. Cliff Wise will face Frank (Stub) Overmire, the Bronco's sensational left-hander, in the Wolverines last home game: until they play Michigan Normal here next Tues- day. Harms who reached the tall Spar- tan for bingles in that big ninth frame, and to them goes much of the glory. The story-book finish was set up after Muir had entered the game in the fourth and tangled with Mekules in a tight mound duel for five inn- ings. The'score was knotted at one- all when Muir took over from Mickey Stoddard and the senior left-hander had limited the heavy-hitting Spar- tans to four singles, two of them in the fifth that resulted in a pair of runs. Those two encounters looked big, though, going into that last half of the ninth, becausedMekules had used a good head and a fair fast ball for eight frames that Michigan (Continued on Page 6) Student Senate 'Battle Page' Deadline Today Students will choose 16 members for the Student Senate Friday when the annual Spring election will be held. Voting will be conducted under the Hare system of choice ballting', sometimes known as the Single Transferable vote, the voter mark- ing the figure "1" in front of his choice for student senator, the figure 12" in front of his second choice and so on for as many choices as he wishes. The Daily will publish its regular Senate election feature, The Battle Page, tomorrow in which the candi- dates will announce their views. All platforms must be brought to The Daily office before 5 p.m. today. Thirty students had filed petitions up to yesterday and several others are expected to be placed on the bal- lot today. FIELDING H. YOST Spring Jubilee Will Be,.Given ThisWeekend Waterman and Barbour gymna- siums will be transformed into a sawdusty and gay carnival Friday and Saturday when Michilodeon, the 1941 Spring Jubilee puts on its tWo night stand in what promises to be the biggest carnival held on the cam- pus since the turn of the century.I "It's truly to be a nickel-carnival," General Chairman Charles ieinen, '41, said. yesterday, "with nickel ad- mission, nickel concessions . . . noth- ing over five cents." Fraternity and sorority skits, booth displays, menagerie exhibits, dancing and a doggy derby are all on the schedule. Jointly sponsored by the Union and the W.A.A., the proceeds from the show will go toward the fund forj the women's swimming pool. Anna Jean Williams is the assistant chair- man. Fraternity dogs and mascots have been entered in a "Doggy Derby" to be judged Friday night by a group of faculty men. Wallace To Head Tani Beta Pi Robert T. Wallace, '42E, of Roches- ter, N.Y., and Donald R. Whitney, '42E, of Trenton, N.J., were elected president and vice-president of Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering scho- lastic society, at a meeting of -the organization last night at the Bar- ton Hills Country Club. Other newly elected officers were Harper H. Hull, '42E, of Ann Arbor, corresponding secretary; Kenneth M. Earl Stevens Will Play At 'Heads Together' Tea Earl Stevens and his orchestra will supply the music for dancing at "Heads Together," a special informal open house for the heads of campus organizations, sororities, fraternities and dormitories from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. today, atnMartha Cook, Jean Eliot, '42, general chairman, an- nounced yesterday. Infof'mality will be stressed in this tea for campus leaders and those in- vited may come and leave as they wish. Refreshments will be served, and those attending have been re- quested to bring their invitations. Nelson, '42E, of Westfield, N.J.,i'e- cording secretary; Arthur W. Clifford, '42E, of Schenectady, N.Y., cataloger; and George D. Gotschall, '42E, of Cleveland Heights, Ohio, Engineering Council representative. Outgoing president Robert Morri- son, '41E, said that the group would hold its Spring Formal on Friday at Barton Hills and that a special week end affair would be conducted in the last week of May. The new president, who was elect- ed treasurer of the Engineering Coun- cil last week, is senior manager of the basketball team, a member of Triangles honor society and presi- dent of Theta Delta Chi fraternity. Whitney is a member of the Glee Club and Phi Sigma Kappa fraternity. Congregational student president, Clifford is a member of Sigma Rho Tau speech society, the University SymphonyhOrchestra and Quarter- deck honor society while Nelson, a member of Alpha Sigma Phi, is on the Interfraternity Council. Gotschall, a member of Theta Xi fraternity, has been elected to Tri- angles, Eta Kappa Nu honor society, the chairmanship of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers stu- dent branch here and Scabbard and Blade military organization. Hull is former advertising manager of the Michigan Technic. Outgoing officers include Morrison, Robert Buritz, '41E, Orrin Young- quist, '41E, Allen Gilliard, '41E, John Strand, '41E, and E.M. Hindert, '41E. Old Fairbanks Film To Appear Saturday "The Mark of Zorro," one of Doug- las Fairbanks' swashbuckling, sword- flashing thrillers of the silent film era, will be shown at 0:15 p.m. Sat- urday in the Lydna Mendelssohn Theatre. Presented under the auspices of the Art Cinema League, the film will be shown free to ticket holders from the last series of Fairbanks' films. Admission to others will be 35 cents. The film is built around the origi- nal plot from which the recent 'Mark Foreign Observers Indicate Action May Be Answer For Balkan Occupation Churchill Demands Vote Of Confidence LONDON, April 29.-(P)-A Reut- ers (British) News Agency dispatch from Moscow said tonight thatthe Soviet Union had decreed that hence- forth no war , material would be al- lowed to pass in transit through the U.S.S.R. (Germany is reported to have re- ceived considerable war material from Japan via the Trans-Siberian Rail- way, as well as raw materials from the Western Hemisphere). Munitions, aicraft parts aid ac- cessories, machine tools for making munitions, explosives and poisons come under the decree, sine by foreign trade commissar Anastas I. Mikyan. Transit of other goods will be al- lowed, but only with special author- ization or under a specific trade agreement. Foreign observers here expressed the opinion that Russia's ban on the transportation of material was "pro- bably more window dressing than anything else." They indicated, however, that "it might be Russia's answer to Ger- many for occupation of Balkan coun- tries," since Russia's major exports of war materials in the past have been going to Gerhany and this move might cut off supplies needed by the senior Axis partner. Most observers did not think that the movehwould have any tendency to stop shipments of supplies from Japan to Germany, since "Russia's transportation system is so bad" it seldom is used by the Japanese. Churchill Demands Vote Of Confidence (By The Associated Press) LONDON, April 29.-Prime Min- ister Churchill told a cheering House of Commons today that debate would be held next week on the Greek cam- paign and the conduct of the war, and he demanded a vote of confi- dence for his government. Suggestions for creation of a small supreme war cabinet and for debate on war and peace aims drew a flat "no. Having stood off, impatient de- mands for more information about the Balkan campaign, which for the Allies was a Greek tragedy, Churchill thus invited his parliamentary critics to find flaws in "his war policy and called for a verdict when debate ends, The open discussion was scheduled for the first sitting day after this week.. (If Parliament follows custom, this will be next Tuesday). Churchill' indicated that Foreign Secretary An- thony Eden might report on his dip- lomatic efforts in the Middle East. President Ruthven, Prof. Stout Tapped By Triangle Society President Ruthven, Prof. Melville B. Stout of the electrical engineer- ing department, and ten sophomores. in the College of Engineering were tapped last night by Triangles, junior honor society. The sophomores who were tapped include Bruce Allen of Milwaukee, Wis.; Robert Fife of Grosse Pointe; William Hutcheison of Detroit; James Kline of Erie, Pa.; Jack Patten of Carbondale, Pa.; James Pierce of Elk Rapids; Theodore Sharp of De- troit; Carter Taylor of Rochester, N.Y., Charles Thatcher of Escanaba, and Don West of Westfield, N.J. President Ru hven and Prof. Stout will be awarded honorary member- ships. Journalism Fraternity Initiates Five Students Five students who have done out- standing work in journalism during the past year were initiated into Sig- ROBERT PORTER Reed Cramer, Psi Upsilon; Aron Kahn, Zeta Beta Tau; Bernard Can- non, Alpha Tau Omega, and Roy Fairlamb, Phi Kappa ; Sigma. The executive committee acts as an informant agency of the council and includes four faculty members, Dean Joseph Bursley, Mr. Herbert Watkins, Mr. Charles Graham and Prof. Carl G. Brandt. There will be a meeting of all sophomore members of the Inter- fraternity Council in the Council offices at 4:30 p.m. Monday. -- Don Stevenson Sandburg Decries Passivism In Describing American Policy __ __4- --- -- -- -- - Reorganization Of Congress, To Be Instituted Next Semester By rMILE GELE Remaining aloof from the Euro- pean war with our fingers crossed will mean "the American eagle will be- come a scared parrot and Yankee Doodle yes-man," Carl Sandburg, famed American biographer and poet. asserted at a luncheon session here yesterday of the five-day Adult Ed- ucation Institute which is holding its ninth annual meeting here this week. "Suppose it should happen that Hitler and Goering ride through the ashes of what was London - if we still know peace, it will be merely an interlude," Sandburg declared. Earlier, in a morning session of the Institute, Sandburg stated that were and are too many inflexible minds in the British military, just as there are in the United States Army and Navy. , Sandburg noted, however, that Lin- coln would also consider the origins and uses of Hitler's powers; and "as a lover of freedom and the Union, would throw in with Britain." Explaininghis meaning of "inflex- ible minds," Sandburg pointed out (Continued on Page 8) Sigma Xi To Meet The Society of Sigma Xi, national scientific organization, will hold its annual banquet and initiation at 6:30 p.m. today in the League Ballroom Sweeping changes in the organiza- tion of Congress, Independent Men's Association, will'be put into effect next semester as a result of an in- vestigation and report made yester- day by the Organization Committee, headed by Richard Shuey, '42E. The plan, according to the com- mittee report drawn up by Shuey and J. W. Middleton, '42, is as follows: Membership cards will be distrib- uted free to all independent men, and will entitle independent men to substantial discounts on cleaning, pressing, shoe repairing and laun- dry free of charge. Each committee of Congress shall submit weekly and semesterly reports to the Executive Committee. The nresident shall nrenare a sem- cial, Student Welfare, Scholarship, Sports and Publicity. It shall in- clude the following representatives: Michigan Daily, Rooming Houses, Dormitories and the Intercooperative Council. There shall also be a re- cording secretary. There shall be representative elec- tions in the dorms and rooming houses for council members. The Advisory Board shall be com- posed of the Dean of Students and two other faculty members, the latter to be selected by the executive com- mittee for two years; one to be chos- en each fall. The president and the secretary treasurer shall be selected by the four outgoing serior officers and the Ad-