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April 29, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-29

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Fair and Warmer.
Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication

Board 'Packing'
And The Daily' .

Coal Mine Owners
Accept Settlement;
NLRA Expanded

Resigns Army Job

Supreme Court Forbids
Anti-Unionist Practices
In HiringEmployees
FDR's Suggestions
Form Peace Basis
WASHINGTON, April 28.-(A')-
The White House announced tonight
that the southern coal operators had
agreed to resume production of coal
Stephen Early, presidential secre-
tary, issued this statement:
"The President shortly after .11 o'-
clock tonight received a telegram
signed L. Ebersole Gaines, chairman
Southern Coal Operators Wage Con-
ference, advising him that "the 13
southern districts which have not yet
negotiated a wage agreement accept
your proposal without equivocation'
adding "we are ready to resume work
President Roosevelt's proposals,
which2he publicly recommended on
April 21, were :
"1. The miners and operatorsal-
ready in agreement resume coal pro-.
duction under the terms of that
"2. The operators and miners who
have not yet reached an agreement,
enter into wage negotiations and at
the same time reopen the mines, the
agreement ultimately reached to be
made retroactive to the date of re-
suming work."
At the time the proposal was ad-
vanced the Northern Operators and
the Union had reached an agreement
for wage increase, but the Southern
Operators and Miners were dead-
Supreme Court
Upholds NLRB;
Tax Plan Opposed
WASHINGTON, April 28.--(I)-
The Supreme Court held today the
Wagner Act prohibits anti-union dis-
crimination in the hiring of workers,
as well as in their firing.
Under this new and far-reaching I
rule the court upheld the power of

Stoddard Faces
Spartan Nine
This Afternoon,

Coach Ray Fisher will send his:
Varsity baseball team out after its
ninth win of the current campaign
today when the Wolverines meet Co. L I
Michigan State's Spartans in the
first of two games in two days. The Re
contest will start at 4 p.m. Michiganf sesrt r
faces Western State here tomorrow.
Mickey Stoddard, Fisher's veteran Inl Arjj
right-hander, is the starting choice
for this afternoon's tilt. The senior
moundsman will face either Frank NEW YORK,.
Mekules or Joe Skrocki in his quest les A. Lindberg
for his fifth victory. Colonel in the
The high-riding Spartans figure Air Corps Rese
to furnish a lot stiffer opposition his commander
for Fisher's squad than did Chicago Roosevelt -
in the series last'weekend. A slug- things about "m
ging outfit, Michigan State swept try, my motives,
five out of seven games on their re- Thus, the thi
cent southern tour, and have split a 25 historically f
double header with the strong Ohio came a world he
State squad and licked Michigan Nor- from captain to
mal in their only starts since coming tion of his feat, 1
North. ment at 39 to r
Coach John Kobs' mound choice, life, because he
whether it be Mekules or Skrocki, will alternative."
be made with an eye to knocking off In a letter to
the Wolverine§. Mekules, Kobs' top Lindbergh took
veteran right-hander, was the Spart- cation" he saidt
an's most effective pitcher last sea- concerning him
son, seeing action in the 5-4 win over conference.
Michigan, and has taken over the In this confere
top spot on the staff*this year. He tive criticized t
lost a tough one to Ohio State, giving who say the Axis
up but six hits in dropping a 5-4 deci- Great Britain.'
sion. Skrocki, also a righthander, pared them too
beat the Buckeyes in his start, 5-3, tionary and Civi
keeping 10 hits well scattered. Sisted defeat wa.
Michicgn State's power is well dis- peace should be
tributed over the lineup, and it was The President
heavy hitting that carried them plied," Lindberg
through the successful southern trip, no longer of use
(Continued on Page 3) reserve officer."

adber oh
9s Post
*my Corps
April 28.-(/P)-Char-
h resigned today as
United States Army
rve because, he said,
in chief - President
had implied certain
y loyalty to my coun-
and my character."
n young man who at
lew the Atlantic, be-.
ero, and rose at once
zcolonel, in recogni-
beseeched his govern-
eturn him to private
had "no honorable
President Roosevelt,
exception to "impli-
the President uttered
at last Friday's press
ence the Chief Execu-
he flier and others
spowers would defeat
The President com-
appeasers of Revolu-
il War Days who in-
s imminent and that
e sued for promptly.
t thus "clearly im-
h wrote, "that I am
to this country as a

Two Separate'
Peace Rallies
Members Of Unrecognized
Group Stages Protest
At Dean's Home
University students will be offered
two different peace meetings next
month, one which has received offi-
cial approval and another which has
A clash over who should receive
official permission to sponsor peace
rallies has split the campus anti-war
group into two factions, and has
drawn a cry of "discrimination" from
one group which las the support of
many members of the recently-.
banned American Student Union.
As a result, Sen. Burton K. Wheel-
er will deliver an address May 5 un-
der the auspices of the University-
recognized Michigan Anti-War Com-
Another rPea cMeeting
On May 1, four days earlier, an-
other group will sponsor a meeting
headlining Rev. Owen D. Knox of
Detroit, but they will be doing it
without the sanction of the Commit-
tee on Student Affairs.
This latter group, the Campus
Peace Council, gave expression to
their protest last night byimarching
to the home of Dean of Students
Bursley in a body some 50 strong, and
requesting an explanation for the
Committee's failure to approve the
May 1 rally.
Earlier yesterday they had sought
both permission for the meeting and
recognition as an University organi-
The committee refused the request,
stating that the application had been
made by a "non-recognized organiza-
tion," and indicating that other Uni-
versity regulatons had not been met.
Bursley Speaks
Dean Bursley spoke to the group
from his front porgh for almost an
hour, assuring the students that they
were free to hold "any sort of a rally"
when the legal requirements had
been fulfilled.
"The Committee iefused your re-
quests today because you were not
a recognized organization and be-
cause you did not allow the Univer-
sity sufficient time to consider the
speakers which have been invited,"
he said.
Elman Service, a University senior
who dropped from school in 1936 to
enlist in the ranks of the Spanish
Loyalist Army, explained the action
of the Peace Council:
Peace Action Obligatory
"It was felt that the present drive
by the National Government to con-
voy shipments to England and the
speed with which the nation is being
pushed down the road to war made
obligatory that the traditional stu-
dent action for peace be held immedi-
The Peace Council was born about
a month ago when the Wheeler spon-
,ors refused to accept the support of
the ASU group. Inasmuch as it has
failed to obtain University approval,
the May 1 rally will be held on other
than University property, and will
not be advertised through the Daily
Official Bulletin, on campus bulletin
boards, and in other routine student

* * *


A~t - ..49

"~~ ~ * *'""'---

Now masters of ancient c
GU.S S. R. all indications point to Naz
quest of the Island of Crete a
V I EN NA UN A Ron the program. From here ti
portant British strongholds of
andria, Haifa, Port Said an
RMN Suez Canal could be endan
R UMA N IA From here also Hitler might 1
a pincher movement on the
- QA . / ack Sea danelles through Turkey,
UL G A RIAcountry might'also be the
BRAmat for conquest of the a
portant oil fields of Iran and
TA ENS 1160 M -I.--.. .
MeSerea - -

i con-
s next
he im-
d the
, Iraq.

Nazis Eye



French Mass In Africa

_ _


Carl Sandburg,
Eminent Poet,
To TalkToday
Adult Education Inst itute
Will Continue Sessions
On Current Topics
Featuring the eminent modern poet
Carl Sandburg, the ninth annual
Adult Education Institute will con-
tinue the sessions of its five-day
meeting today in the Rackham Build-
ing on the various aspects of the'
current scene.
Prof. John W. Riegel of the bus-
iness administration school will open
today's program at 9:00 a.m. in Rack-
ham Lecture Hall with a discussion
of "Current Labor Problems," and his
talk will be folowed by a musical
interlude under the direction of Prof.
W. H. Stubbins of the music school.
Carl Sandburg, noted American
poet and author of a recent biography
of Lincoln, will deliver a lecture on
"Lincoln and the Present Crisis" at
11 a.m. in the lecture hall.
Giving the second in a series of
five book reviews, Prof. Joe L. Davis
of the English department will dis.
cuss "The Pilgrim's Way," by John
Buchan, and Prof. Joseph E. Maddy
of the School of Music will deliver
a luncheon talk on "The National
Music Camp" at 12:15 at the League.
The afternoon session will open at
2 p.m. with a discussion of "The Unit-
ad States in Relation to Great Bri-
Lain and the War" by Prof. D. L.
Dumond of the history department.
Miss Adelaid Adams of the fine arts
department will give a talk on "Mod-
ern American Painting" at 3 p.m.

German Forces Pursue British And Greeks
In Racing Drive Across Peloponnesus;
De Gaullists Try To Enlist Colonial Aid

Donors Program Applicants
Are To Be Called For Soan

the labor board to compel a company
to hire men alleged to have been re-
fused jobs because of their union af-
filiations. The board also can direct
the company to give such men "back
pay" from the time of the rejec-
But the board may not take such
actions automatically. The court's
opinion, by Justice Frankfurter, was
careful to specify that the board must
find in each case that such orders
are necessary to effectuate the pur-
pose of the act -- that is, to abate
labor strife.
In another important case today
the Court decided negroes ,must be
furnished as good accomodations as
whites for interstate travel. Repre-
sentative Arthur W. Mitchell (D-Ill),
only Negro congressman, filed the
test suit after being removed from a
Pullman to a "Jim Crow" day coach
in Arkansas in 1937 during a trip
from Chicago to Hot Springs. ,
Also from Washington came word
that Secretary Morgenthau, who has
recommended stiffly increased in-
come taxes and other means of rais-
ing $3,600,000,000 had opened fire on
a rival revenue plan today by declar-
ing it would tax "the poor man's
He referred to a plan drawn up
by experts of the joint congressional
committee on internal revenue taxa-
tion- Among other things, these ex-
perts suggested levies on coffee, tea'
and sugar.
Rotarians To Hear
Youth Symposii
Four foreign students of the Uni-
versity will participate in a sympos-
ium, "Youth Looks Ahead" in today's
session of District No. 158, Rotary In-
ternational, meeting this year in Ann


Liberal Arts Curriculum
Gives Broader Education,
Dean Woodburne States
Applicants for admission to the
Degree Program for Honors in Liberal
Arts will be called for within the
next few days by the Board of Tu-
tors, Dean Lloyd Woodburne an-
nounced yesterday.
Under this program the University
is giving an improved liberal educa-
tion to certain students; the purpose
of the program is indicated by an
opinion expressed by Dean Wood-
burne, "Until the student gets to the
point where he is actually using his
mind on the material he is studying,
he is getting no education."
Five years ago a conversation be-
tween Prof. Charles F. Remer, of
the economics department, and Dean
Erich H. Walter, travelling together
from New York, formed the nucleus'
of Michigan's new ideal in education.
Result of the conversation was a dis-
cussion group of members of the fac-
luty, including Dean Walter, Pro-
fessor Remer, Prof. Burton D. Thuma,
Prof. Warner G. Rice, Prof. Ralph
Sawyer, and Prof. Joseph Hayden.,
At that time the group intendedj
to attempt to work out a new system
of education which would be nearerj
to the purpose of liberal education
Engineers To Hear
Petty john Lecture
On Draft Problem
Speaking on "The Engineer and the
Draft," Prof. Elmore S. Pettyjohn of
the chemical engineering department
will address the student chapter of
the American Institute of Chemical
Engineers at 7:30 p.m. today in Room
1042 East Engineering Building.
The group will also hold its annual,
election of officers at that time.

for all students. However, this was'
soon found to be impossible, since at
least 30 per cent of the students here
were studying pre-professional
courses; which, therefore, could not
be revised,
Liberal education 'Df this type beingI
impossible for everyone, it was still
considered an essential thing that the
superior student be given a chance to
(C'ozifti nucd on TPage 6)
Student Senate
Petitionis I)ic
Six Signatures Are Needed-,
Tuesday Set As Deadline.
Students who wish to run for the
Student Senate must file their peti-
tions by today for the Student Sen-
ate election Friday, William Ellman,
'42, announced yesterday.
The petitions, which must be signed
by six students, have to be submit-
ted along with a filing fee between
1 to 2:30 p.m. in the Senate Offices,
Room 302, at the Union. Candidates
may have designations after their
names on the ballot, not exceeding
three words, if they so desire,
'Twelve students had filed petitions.,
up to yesterday. The Senate is the
only representative o rgan i z a ti on
which is elected by proportional bas-
is on a campus-wide scale. It was
one of the sponsors of the successful
parley which was held last week.
Among other activities of the body
which its leaders take pride in is
the renewed campaign for alumni
Sen, Prentiss Browt
Opposes Convoy i'Iu
' n. Prentiss M. Brown of Mich-


(By The Associated Press)
BERLIN, April 28.-German bombers blasted British and Greek troops
racing across the Peloponnesus for possible escape by sea today, but German
observers declared major military action in Greece was ended and that'
Adolf Hitler's army was poised for new tasks in a larger sphere.
These new tasks were not specified. A military spokesman, however,
said action in the Mediterranean theatre would continue. Conquest of
Greece was regarded here as just a phase of a larger plan now unfolding,
British shipping losses off Greece were said to total 287,000 tons, or
25,000 tons more than were lost in the Dunkerque debacle a year ago. (Lloyd's
has listed 443,904 tons of shipping lost in the Dunkerque withdrawal, of
which 280,556 were British and the remainder were under Allied flags.)
Those tallies were chalked up by Nazi bombers in the last 11 days and
another 400,U00toris of shipping was claimed to have been damaged, Week-
end British shipping losses were set
e at 13 ships totaling more than 53,000
al Is Given tons, including a British cruiser.
Authorized circles did not attempt
NSPA A ward to estimate at this time British troop
casualties in the Balkan campaign.
But Stuka dive-bombers relentless-
For Colleges ly attacked Allied lines retiring over
the rugged terrain in the Peloponne-
sus and ships plying in the area be-
All-American Pacemaker tween the mainland and the Island
Recognition Is Received; of Crete, where the Greek government
has set up new quarters.
Ten Papers Honored Occupation of the Athens ara was
accomplished by noon after the first
Highest rank among college news- German motorcycle units rolled into
papers - All American Pacemaker - the city at 9:25 a.m. Sunday, news
was again awarded to The Daily this dispatches said.
year by the National Scholastic Press . The demeanor of Athenians was
Association, Out of a possible score of described as "reserved."
1130 points, The Daily was given The British had mined the Athens
1060, judged on various departments airport and offered other last-minute
of newspaper publishing. resistance.
Four hundred and twelve college German parachutists dropped on
papers, of varying frequency of pub- the Isthmus of Corinth, the narrow
lication and from schools of all sizes land bridge leading from the Athens
were submitted for judging. Those of region westward to the Peloponnesus,
each class recejving 600 points or and captured 900 British soldiers, a
more were given All American rating, military spokesman said,
superior, From 15 of this class, 10 German land forces were reported
were selected by the judges for the pursuing the British toward the sea,
added honor of Pacemaker, four more but all this was described as mere
than were picked last year. "police action," and German atten-
Those chosen this year are: the tion increasingly was centered on fu-
University of Akron Buchtelite; the ture developments in the Mediter-
Fenn College Cauldron;: the Univer- aen


Daily Editor Explains
Committee Disapproves Of Peace
.Strike' Because Of HastyAction

Note: Hervie Haufler, managing
editor of The Daily, is a member of
the Student Affairs Committee, the
body which approves officially recog-
nition o fcampus organizations. ie
jpresents herewith his point of view
on the committee's action on the
Campus Peace Councl.)
You will probably be handed
mimeographed sheets today that
will tell you that the University is
denying freedom of assembly, free-
dom of speech, etc., in denying per-
mission to the All-Campus Peace
Committee to hold a peace "shrike"
Thursday, May 1.
If so, I, as managing editor of
The Daily and a member of the
Committee on Student Affairs which
denied the request, will tell you that
such declarations are simply not
Rally Plans Haphazard
The Committee felt that the pro-
posed peace demonstration is being
planned so haphazardly and so hur-

Such groups as the Karl Marx So-
ciety have been able to gain recog-
nition. If and when the All-Campus
Committee is able to comply with
these rules, it will be allowed to hold
a peace demonstration.
Committee Acts Too Late
This peace committee was formed
in an exceedingly great hurry and
made no effort to gain recognition
until it was too late for the Affairs
Committee to grant it.
I personally feel that the type of
peace program desired by the All-
Campus Peace Committee should be
held.' I have signed petitions to that
effect. The 1urton K. Wheeler ad-
dress, to be sponsored by the Anti-
War Committee on Monday night,
May 5, is more of a lecture than a.
peace rally and will have no student
participation. , It does not answer
the need for the out-of-doors morn-
ing rally that has become traditional.

L'hC11 i11 C ,ilr1Lv1WL, 1111 L T1vCre rnen
sity of Wisconsin Daily Cardinal; The
Daily Texan, University of Texas;
The Emory Wheel, Emory University;
The Daily; The Michigan State News;
The Minnesota Daily; The Red and
Black, University of Georgia, and The
Utah Chronicle, University of Utah.
With this award, The Daily retains
a perfect record, having achieved
Pacemaker each year since 1934, the
first time it was entered in compe-'
tition, except for 1938, when it was
not entered.
The general opinion of the paper
stated that it is "an excellent stu-
dent newspaper. It is unnecessary to
point out picayunish faults and mis-
Prof. Haber Addresses
Adult Education Group
Likening the defense effort of the
United States to "a situation where
most of our economic eggs are in
one basket," Prof. William Haber o%.
the economics department declared
in a speech before the Adult Educa-

Free French, British
Threaten Colony
(By The Associated Press)
VICHY, France, April 28.-Backed
by British mechanized units, free
French forces were concentrated in-
side the southern frontier of French
Somaliland tonight in an attempt to
persuade that East African colony
to join the De Gaullists fighting with
Britain against the Axis.
The French government's an-
nouncement of the massing of troops
said instructions had been given to
the Governor of French Somaliland
to prevent its desertion of the Ger-
man-conquered mother country.
(London heaquarters of the "Free
French movement termed the an-
nouncement a report of an attack
of which it had "no knowledge."
The report, De Gaullist headquarters
added, "has every appearance of be-
ing news of a spontaneous movement"
in a colony "known for a long time to
be favorable toward free France.")
The 8,492-square-mile colony is on

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