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April 27, 1941 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-27

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SUNDAY, APRIL 27, 1941



Board To HoldJ
Annual Spring
Meeting Today
Members Of Progressive
Educators' Association
To Discuss Conference
The regular spring meeting of the
Executive Board of the Progressive
Education Association will be heldt
in Ann Arbor today in the Rackham
The seventeen members of thec
Board - prominent educators from
all parts of the country - will be
shown the setting for the New Educa-
tion Fellowship conference and will
discuss the plans for the conference.
The Executive Board of the Pro-1
gressive Education Association in-
cludes: Walter Anderson, Professor of
Education, Northwestern University;f
Ruth Streitz, Professor of Education,f
Ohio State University; Grace Lang-
don, WPA Nursery School Program,
Washington, D.C.; Fred H. Blair,
Supt. of Schools, Bronxville, New
York; Laura Zirbes, Professor of
Education, Ohio State University.I
Mildred M. Ivins, Classroom Teach-
er, Oak Lane Country Day School,
Philadelphia, Pa.; Oscar Markey,
M.D., Child Psychiatrist, Cleveland,
Ohio; Laura Hooper, Head of the
Demonstration School, WellesleyCol-
lege; Willard Beatty, Director of In-
dian Education, Washington, D.C.;
Harold Rugg, Professor of Education,
Teachers College, Columbia Univer-
sity; Carleton Washburne, Supt. of
Schools, Winnetka, Ill., and President
of the Progressive Education Associa-
Engineers To Take
Tour Of Inspection,
An inspection tour of the StoutI
Engineering Laboratories, the airI
traffic control station at Wayne
County airport and the Stinson Air-
craft plant will be made Tuesday
by the Institute of Aeronautical Sci-
ences, leaving at 8:30 a.m. from the
East Engineering Building, LeslieG
Trigg, '41E, pesident, announced yes-
Junior and senior aeronautical
students will be excused from classesI
Tuesday for the trip which will be
made in a chartered bus accommo-
dating 35 persons only. The first 35
Institute members to pay the 90 cent
fare to Mrs. Anderson will be taken.t
Students wishing to drive must ob-I
tain permission from Prof. Edwardt
A. Stalker.-

Future Of Gold Values Will Depend
On War 's Outcome, Watkins Writes


"The future of gold is interwoven also, Professor Watkins' predicts, for
with the fortunes of war," Professor the primary needs of a "prostrate
Leonard L. Watkins of the economics world after the war will be for goods
department asserts in an article in rather than gold." Lending the Eur-
the latest issue of the Michigan opean nations gold will not solve the
Alumni's Quarterly.Review, problem, because the gold will return
He maintains there is still a func- back to this country to purchase
tion for gold in the world, if Britain America's much-needed goods, he
is victorious, through the institution says.
of a free world monetary agency. What is needed, Professor Watkins
The article, entitled "The Gold Di- asserts, is the establishment of a "free
lemma of the United States," dis- ipernational monetary agency to
cusses the future of gold in reference hold reserves, to make settlements
to the United States, which at the --
present time holds approximately
80 percent of the totai worla gold sup- ,
ply.renc h Play
'Worthless' Gold T Given
The United States would probably ' Be G ven
be left with a worthless metal - 22
billions and upward worth of gold Cerce Francais Presents
if the Nazis win, Professor Watkins
explains, for German trade is based Comedy Here Friday
on regimentation of trade through
the medium of German marks, which Sparkling wit of the colorful
would be worthless outside the Reich. eighteenth-century France will be
In such a dominant position Germany staged in "Le Jeu de L'Amour et du
might make use of gold (especially Hasard,' a French play by Pierre
if she controlled sources of gold pro- Marivaux, to be given under the
duction), but not to further world auspices of Le Cercle Francais Friday
commerce on the basis of free trade, in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
he points out. Known even at the present as
Though Germany "would certainly "marivaudage" in France, the light
not be willing to send goods to this witty satire has retained its popular-
countr'y in exchange for our present ity. The conversation of court life
gold holdings," the prospects of re- deals with the current political and
exporting them in the event of a social developments of the period.
British victory are of "little promise" The love story of chance portrays


between constituent free trade areas,
and to exercise final authority over
changes in the price of gold and ex-
change relationships." Such a pro-
posal "implies the voluntary surren-
der of those aspects of monetary sov-
ereignty which have given rise to
competitive practices inimical to
world trade as a whole."
Though he admits that it may be
argued "that an ideal organization
of wenid finance might dispense with
fold entirely," Professor Watkins be-
heves that "such a degree of per-
fection seems unlikely of early at-

Guild Council Prof. S. MacLane
Holds Retreat Talks Tomorrow
in Ziwet Lecture
Four Roundtable Sessions
Will Outline Program Discussing "Group Extensions and
Number Fields," Prof. Saunders Mac-
Inter-Guild Council is holding its ( Lane of Hafvard University will de-
annual planning retreat this weekend liver the fourth of the series of six
at Patterson Lake to evaluate the Alexander Ziwet Lectures in Mathe-
past year's program and to plan for matics at 4 p.m. tomorrow in Room
the religious programs of the Pro- 3011 Angell Hall.
testant student religious organiza- Professor MiyacLane is a graduate
tions represented at the conference. d.of the University of Chicago and re-
More than 90 students will attendcaived his Ph.D. at the University of
the meeting which will be subdivid- Gottmgen. At the present time
ed into four discussion groups. Jean ¢ssistnt professor of Mathematics
Wserm n4, r at H-,arvard, he was selected to deliver
esteran 42, Stuart Anderson.lexander Ziwet Lectures this
'43, Ndvillham Mt ehl, 41, Dorothy !Lle eaie ie etrsti
'3 .4 D y car. Six lectures are delivered every
Briddon, '43. and Bob Gelston. '42,
will lead the roundtables. year by a visiting mathematician un--
Gecrge Wills will report on a survey der the sponsorship of the Alexander


_ainment" and states that, by pro-
viding one of the general reference
paints for monetary policy, by serv-
ing as a final means of settlement in
international trade, by providing Am-
erica's much-needed goods, he says.
justify the faith of pracuical men,
if not of all theoretical economists."
Inflation Impends

which he conducted to determin the
most popular student ,eligiois pro.-
grams splonscred by the vacrious dc-
ncmiinations. The entire coferencej
is under the direction of William i
Clark, '42, retiring president of In-
ter-guild Council and newly-elected l
president of the Student Religious
The Sunday morning worship ser-
vice will be conducted by Kenneth
I Morgan, director of the Student Re-t
ligious Association and by Rev. H. L.
ceril, ussell Van Cleve. Grad.,

Ziwet Research Fund,
The fith lecture, to be delivered
wedrn,,day, will deal with Extensions
and Unit Groups, and the last lee-
Lure on Friday, May 2, will be on
"Group Invariants and p-Adic


The immediate danger of inflation,
because of the excess bank reserves,
Professor Watkins believes serious,
and concurs with the proposals of
chairman Eccles of the Board of
Governors of the Federal Reserve
System to sterilize new imports of
gold and to substantially raise present
bank reserve requirements.
Though he did not give a final an-
swer to the question of this country
continuing its gold imports, Professor
Watkins pointed out the argument
that a discontinuance of the coun-
try's gold purchases would hamper
the efforts of returning to an inter-
national gold standard after the war.

Dorothy Wiedm
Hetzler, '41.
Each student
Lion represented
10 new officers
&o the retreat.


an. '42A, and Lewis
religious organiza-
on the council sends
and representatives

Science, Faith
To Be Treated
By Dr. Holmes
Under the sponsorship of the Ann
Arbor Meeting of the Religious So-
ciety of Friends and the Student Re-j
ligious Association, Dr. Jesse H.
Holmes, Professor Emeritus of. Philo-
sophy and Religion at Swarthmore
College will speak at 4:15 p.m. to-
morrow in Lane Hall on the topic
"Can Religion Be Scientific?"
Doctor Holmes will also speak at
an informal luncheon to be given at
12:15 p.m. tomorrow at Lane Hall,
and at the regular meeting of the
Fellowship of Reconciliation at 7
A graduate of John Hopkins, the
lecturer taught at Swarthmore for
34 years prior to his retirement in
1934. He has served as president of
the National Association of Religious
Liberals, and in 1938 was a candi-
date for governor of Pennsylvania on
the Socialist ticket.

the case of mistaken identity. At
young girl is betrothed to a man she
does not know. She decides to trick
her fiance by dressing as her maid
so that she may observe him better
when he comes to visit. Elsie Jensen.
'42, wil' take the role of the clever
deceiver. Her maid will be played by
Jean Bolgiano, '43.
Dorante, the son of a wealthy mer-
chant who comes to see his bride-to-
be, also disguised as his lackey, will
be played by Kenneth Marble, '41.
The role of his servant, who sub-
stitutes for his master and falls in
love with the disguised maid., will be
played by Henry Barringer, '42.
The part of Mr. Organ, Silvia 's
father, will be taken by Robert
Langlois, '44, and Warner Heine-I
man, '43, will enact the role of hisj
son. Ernest McCarus, '43, will play
the part of a servant.
Tickets for the play will go on
sale in the Lydia Mendelssohn box
office Thursday and Friday. They
are priced at 50 cents. Holders of the
French lecture series tickets may ob-
tain them for 25 cents.


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i I

Debate Team
To Meet Iowac
Here Tuesday
A semi-final round of the National
Hillel Debate Tournament will take
place Tuesday at the local Hillel


The Michigan Hilel debate team of
Irving Zeiger, '41, and David Crohn,
'43, will oppose representatives of the
University of Iowa Foundation.
The two members of the Iowa team
are also on the varsity debate squad.
They will take the negative on the
question, "Resolved: That those who
advocate racial and religious discrim-
ination should be denied freedom of
speech and the press.''

Dinner Ticket

The Iowa team is Marvin Chapman
} f Iowa City and Samuel Golden-
S ale To Close er"" ur-1Gle"
burg of Burlington, Iowa. Chapman
has won several Big Ten and national
Tickets for the Speech Convocation championships in debating.
Banquet, to be held Wednesday in Zeiger and Crohn defeated the Uni-
the Union, must be reserved by 4:30 versity of Kentucky Hillel debate
p.m. tomorrow in the speech depart- team in a contest at Louisville recent-
ment office, it was announced. ly to gain the semi-finals.
With Shirley Smith as speaker, the
banquet will honor the winners of
speech events and their participants.
Varsity and intramural men's and
women's debate teams will be hon-
ored. Sa l11011.
Announcement will be made of the
Trueblood Award given for outstand-
ing work in speech. Winners of the
Eleanor Clay Ford scholarship for
women's forensics will be recognized.
To the winners and runners-up of
the intramural debates will be pre- ,
sented the Burr-Patt trophies. Win-I D I N I NG
ners of the class sections, prelim-
inaries, and finals of Speech 31 and
Speech 32 contests of both semesters DANCING
will be honored.

Don't Throw Them Away!
There's still a lot of service in those old, weary look-
ing shoes. They can be rebuilt so you'd scarcely know
them from new. Bring them here, where we use
original factory methods in repairing and reshaping.
You'll be delighted with the results..
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vice. Rates to points not
shown may be obtained
from the telephone directory



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"Long Distance" (dial 0).
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Station-to-Station Calls



SUNDAY ... the day for family dinner out.
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+jrm Honeor y"o
ro miitaae ,Jimowx
Climaxing a week of preparatory
activity, ten junicr squires will be
initiated into Scabbard and Blade at
9 p.m. today in front of the flag
Those chosen in the spring initia-
tion period are: H. C. Loud, '42E,
T. W. Kucharski, '42E, R. B. Radkey,
'42E, L. A. Shipman, '42E, R. A.
Orndorff, '42, P. B. Case, '42E, R. L.
Carlson, '42, I. R. Schafer, '42E, D. G.
Knight, '42E, and R. A. Collins, '42E.
Beside the lighter aspect of he
initiation period a'more serious in-
struction in interior guard duty and
extended order drill was undertaken,
culminating in a ten mile hike to
Loch Alpine, informal guard mount
and twelve hours guard duty last
Mezzo-SopranoTo Give
Musical Degree Recital
In partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Masterl
of Music, Miss Grace Wilson, Grad.,
will present a recital at 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow in the Rackham Assembly
Miss Wilson, a mezzo-soprano, will
include on her nrnoiram the follow-


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