Cloudy and warmer.
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Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication
Dance Orchestras
Create roblemm.
VOL. LI. No. 145
Dorr Praises
Spring Parley
As Discussion
Panel Closes
Post-War Reconstruction,
Other Important Points
Considered At Annual
Campus-Wie Meeting
Lowering Of Profits
In Defense Urged
The annual Spring Parley came to
the most triumphant close of its his-
tory yesterday, with profuse compli-
ments being heaped upon it by both
student and faculty participants.
In the closing session Prof. Harold
Dorr of the political science depart-
ment summed up what seemed to 5e
the general consensus of opinion. "It
was undoubtedly the best parley I
have ever attended and was probably
the best possible illustration of the
kind of society under which we live
- a society which still allows free-
dom o expression and still believes
in joint decisions."
Three Panel Discussions
Yesterday's session included three
panel discussions upon separate
phases of the general theme, "The
Student Looks at War and Peace.
Panel I considered the problem of
post-war reconstruction, both from a
long run standpoint and from the
point ofnview of the immediate for-
eign (policy of the United States. It
was the opinion of Prof. I. L. Sharf-
man of the economics department
that no definite blueprints for the
future are possible. Others felt, how-
everi, that plans should be made now
which should include freedom from
war, lowering of tariff barriers and
some form of international organiza-
pisagreement became more pro-
nounced when the discussion turned
to a consideration" of immediate
foreign policy. Views varied from the
"all-out" aid-to-Britain attitude to
one which opposed any aid whatso-
Country Must Be Improved
The members of the second panel,
who discussed "Democracy in De-
fense," were unanimous in agreeing
that the present situation in this
country is far from perfect and ef-
forts should be made to better it.
Suggestions as to how this should
be accomplished inluded one for
the lowering of all profits in war in-
dustries to the level of that obtained
from United States bonds and, also,
greater equalization of sacrifice from
all classes and groups.
Prof. Arthur Smithies of the ec-
onomics department expiressed the
opinion of the majority of members
when he asserted, "Whatever the
outcome of the war, the nation must
take measures to insure greater de-
mocracy or the defense effort will
be at least partially fruitless."
In Panel III, entitled "Education
in Emergency," the trend of discus-
sion centered about the proposed
"packing" of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Free Expression Needed
This conservative tendency was
held to be undesirable since it might
result in unnecessarily crippling The
Daily and in closing the avenues of
free expression to certain campus
It was agreed that support of all
students, faculty members and alum-
ni should be sought in preventing the
passage of such a measure and, on a
larger scale, in waging a battle
against all groups who wish to re-
strict civil liberties.
Truck Strikes
Fritz Kreisler
NEW YORK, April 26.-(A)-Fritz
Kreisler, the violinist, was struck by
a truck at Fifty-seventh St. and
Madison Ave. today and suffered a
fractured skull and internal injuries.
He was taken to Roosevelt Hos-
pital, where his condition was de-
scribed as serious.
The police report said that Kreis-
ler, who is 66 years old, was running
across Madison Ave. against the traf-
fic lights when he was hit by the
truck. The driver was held tempor-
arily for questioning.
Special Awards Created
To Help Needy Students
Committee Will Select Upperclassmen With Extensive
Extra-Curricular Credit; 'C' Average Required
e i -HO
2 ti te
American P alos gree
On Plan ih Seizure;
Announcement of a special stu-'
dent-faculty committee to present
awards to needy upperclassmen who
have participated extensively in ex-
tra-curricular activities was made
yesterday by Harry G. Drickamer,
'41E, acting chairman.
The awards, which will be offered
in amounts of one hundred dollars
or less, are particularly designed for
those students whose grades are not
sufficiently high to be eligible for
scholarships and who have been of
service to the University. A "C" av-
erage, however, will bc -equired.
Approximately $1,000 from the
proceeds of the J-Hop, Senior Ball
and Senior Class Night will be col-
lected by this year's committee and
the first awards will be made next
October. The 1942 J-Hlop Committee
has already contributed more than
In the future the members of the
Committee expect to obtain funds
from the profits of various campus
Workers Ease
General Motors
Mediation Relieves Threat
Of Automobile Walk-Out
As Negotiations Continue
DETROIT, April 26. -0?)- The
crisis in the General Motors labor
problem with the CIO1, United Auto
Workers eased tonight in response to
newly-hastened mediation steps, and
a walkout Monday, as once indicated,
appeared definitely avoided.
Despite Secretary of Labor Perkins'
certification of the dispute to thel
National Defense Mediation Board,1
negotiations for a settlement here
were continued with both sides in-
dicating they still hoped to straighten,
out the issues without further Fed-
eral intervention.
Representatives of the corporation
and union resumed negotiations in
Detroit under the direction of James
F. DeWey, Federal Mediator. It was
reported Dewey wished to bring CIO,
chief Philip Murray here to help.
Murray took part in negotiations
which preceded settlement of the re-
cent 10-day strike at the Ford Mo-
tor Company's River Rouge plant.
The National Defense Mediation
Board, setting a hearing for May 2
and asking that production be main-
tained, acted after the UAW-CIO
had claimed "yes" votes on a strike
from 60 of the 61 General Motors
plants listed for a walkout.
Surprise Win
Gives Golfers
Fourth Mleet
iances, the Union Opera, Michigras
and certain athletic events, as decided
by the groups in charge of those
The number of awards will be de-'
cidedeby the members of the Con-
mittee who will give them out in any
manner and in any proportions which
they deem advisable.{
The nine-man committee in charge !
of the presentation of these awards1
will consist of five students, whot
will serve one-year terms begin-
ning in June, and four members of
the faculty, who will serve indefinite-
Student representatives at the(
present time include Drickamer;
Douglas Gould, '41, president of the
Union; Lee Hardy, '41, retiring pres-
ident of the League; Hervie Hauf-1
ler, '41, managing editor of The,1
Daily, and William Beebe, '41E, who
is acting for the "M" Club.1
Faculty members who are on the
committee include Dean Joseph A.1
Bursley, Assistant Dean Walter B.
Rea, T. Hawley Tapping, alumni see-
retary, and Prof. Axel Martin of the1
mechanical engineering department,1
who is representing the Board in !
Control of Athletics.1
Next year's student members will1
be the new editor of The Daily, the{
new presidents of the Union, League1
and "M" Club and a fifth student
who will he chosen by the retiring1
committee. If none of the first four
students are in the College of En-
gineering, an engineer will be chosen'
as the fifth representative.
Jewish Fund
Haber Addresses Meeting
At Hillel Foundation
The drive to aid the United Jewish
Appeal's campaign "offering renewed
hope, courage, and will to live to
millions of destitute Jews through-
out the world" was opened today fol-
lowing a meeting at the Hillel Foun-
dation addressed by Dr. William Ha-
ber, professor of economics and form-j
er director of the National Refugee
Outlining the huge scope of the
drive which has set a goal of 25 mil-
lion dollars, Dr. Haber explained that
the funds would be divided in order
to benefit three agencies: the Joint
Distribution Committee, the United
Palestine Appeal, and the National
Refugee Service.
It is the function of the Joint Dis-
tribution Committee or the JDC as
it is commonly known, to aid refugee
Jews all over the world outside the
United States both in providing for
immediate relief and in retraining and
education. The United Palestine Ap-
peal, or the UPA, is primarily inter-
ested in the rebuilding of Palestine
and the purpose of the NRS, Nation-
al Refugee Service, is to aid refugees
in this country.
Beta Kappa Nominates
juniors, 49 Seniors,
Graduate Students
Schiolrslip Activity
QUCCAl S Members
Seven juniors. 49 seniors and five
graduate students were nominated
for membership in Phi Beta Kappa,
national honorary scholarship fra-
ternity, it was announced recently.
Among the juniors who were
named are: Robert I. Alpern, Theo-
dore W. Hildebrandt, Henry Levin-
stein, Joseph S. Likovsky, William P.
Mallick, Robert N. Samuels and Rob-
ert G. Shedd.
The seniors include: James H.
Armstrong, Constantine N. Bozion,
Russell M. Braga, Helen A. Breed,
Henry Brown, Jean B. Calkins, Ralph
G. Conger, Benjamin Czajka, Jean E.
Fairfax, Richard E. Field, Barbara
J. Fisher, James H. Follette, Helen
L. Foster, Howard A. Goldman, John
A. Huston, James Turner Jackson,
Also Karl G. Kessler, Jane L.
Krause, Jeanne M. LaForge, Eliza-
beth M. Lightner, Isabella H. Lugos-
ki, Elizabeth M. Lyman, Douglas A.
Lyttle, Doris E. McGlone, Dorothy I.
Munro, Betty M. Nixon, Philip B.
Ostrow, Seymour S. Pardell, William
A. Riner, Victor H. Schoen, Neal See-
gert, Horbrooke S. Seltzer and Elinor
M. Sevison.-
Also Glorence I. Signaigo, Robert
T. Swartz, Edward J. Trost, Margaret
J. .Van Ess, Donald E. Van Hoek,
Walter G. Wadey, Roland W. Carter,
Mildred G. Epstein, Elizabeth J.
Karshner, Dorothy I. Marquart, Al-
fred Melov, Robert E. Morrow, Sylvia
R. S. Neivert, Richard Neuberg, Wil-
liam W. Schottstaedt, Doris A. Scott.
The five graduate students are:
John T. Daling, Robert A. Gregg,
Raymond E. Johnson, Wesley W.
Riches and inilgohen wang.
I Men Initte
Into 1EdiZiaton
Honors Group
Five undergrauates and 19 grad-}
uates in education were initiated yes-
terday into Phi Delta Kappa, na-
tional professional education fratern-
ity, at a banquet addressed by Prof.
Preston Slosson of the history de-
Elmer Clark, '41, Maxel Kerby, '41,
Earl Radley, '41. Hercules Renda,
'41, and George Thompson, '41, are
the group of undergraduates.
The graduate students include Al-
bert Ammerman, Bruce Bennett,
Harrison Chase, Sven Eklund, John
Gwin, Emerson Hayvey, Tom Kin-
kead, Richard Karminska, Bernard
Levinson, Earl Place, Maurice Rich-
Editors Accuse President
Of Provoking 'Incidents'
Leading Toward War
Shipping Ban Lifted
In Suez Canal Zone
BERLIN, April 26.-(P)--Influen-
tial German editors tonight accused
President Roosevelt of seeking war
thousands of miles from home and
thundered a specific warning that
the Axis still considers the Red Sea
and the Suez Canal a zone of war.
Mr. Roosevelt has lifted the ban on
the entrance of United States ships
into the area.
An authorized spokesman at thea
same time said the American presi-
dent is "suffering from hallucina-
tions" if he thinks Axis forces have
landed in Greenland.
"Possibly he is joking," l;e added.
Attitude Assailed
In further comment on President
Roosevelt's statement of Friday that
American naval patrols would go any-
where on the seven seas where it is
considered necessary to protect the
Western Hemisphere, the spokesman
tsaid caustically: "Whistling instead
of shooting seems to be the American
policy. It's nothing new."
In obviously inspired editorials,
Adolf Halfield of the Hamburger
Fremdenblatte and Karl Megerle of
the Berliner Boersen Zeitung hoisted
danger signals, in large measure for
any American ships which may car-
ry war material to the British in the
Suez area.
Megerle also aided his opinion that
Mr. Roosevelt's record now "justifies
any Japanese policy:"
The recent speeches of Secretary
Knox and Secretary Hull, expressing
determination to insure that Ameri-
can supplies reach Britain, brought
another repitition of Hitler's phrase
that any ships on their way to aid
Britain will be sunk if they come
within range of German torpedoes.
President Picking Fighti
"The President is picking a quar-
rel." Megerle wrote. "He is seeking
out danger far from American coasts.
"He is seeking incidents. He wants
to provoke. The war is not coming to
America but the President is running
after war.
"He lifts the war zones in a mo-
ment when the war really approaches
these zones and when the German
submarine-mine-air-raider warfare is
just properly unfolding."
Both the Italians and Germans
consider, he said, that "in spite of the
Roosevelt decree the war zone in the
Red Sea and the Suez Canal still
icns, Radios
To el Off,,ered
At Michilodeon
oo -sevel
Scheme To Hit 96 Italian,
NazieVessels Held Idle
In Western Hemisphere'
ards and Cecil Roberts. Moreover, Megerle wrote, "all three
The list continues: Ronald Scatle- allies" - Germany, Italy, and Ja-
bury. Bryon Shipley, Roy Sommer- pan, - "are clear about the accessive
feld, Marinus Van Ameyde, Theodore character of Roosevelt's policy and
Van Dalen. Elwin Vanden Belt and are determined to meet it with a
Harold Vanden Bosch. suitable defense means."
Michigan's surprising golfers pulled
some more tricks out of the bag yes-
terday when they met 4nd conquered
a highly experienced Michigan State
team by a 12 to 6 score on the Uni-
versity Golf Course, gaining their
fourth win of the season.
In annexing their first home victory
of the year, Coach Ray Courtright's
boys were paced by Sophomore Ben
Smith and Senior Johnny Barr, who
carded the best scores of the day
with 74 and 76, respectively.
Smith blazed his way around the
Eighteen holes in the hot sun with
three birdies and twelve par holes to
down his senior opponent, the high-
ly-touted Stanley Kowal, by three
strokes. Smith started his blistering
pace on the first hole with a par 5
(Continued on Page 3)
Schoolmaster Club
Concludes Sessions
More than 25 conferences meeting
in connection with the seventy-sixth
Michigan Schoolmasters Club con-
cluded their two-day sessions here
Dr. Charles Judd opened the morn-
ing sessions with his discussion of
the most promising frontiers in the
education of American youth.
Hurls Shutout To Stop Chicago
As our-Mile Team Wins AtDrake
Ray Fisher has found his pitcher. (Special to The Daily)
He made his discovery yesterday af- DES MOINES, Ia., April 26.-A
ternoon as he sat back and watched :urprisingly strong, well-balanced
Cliff Wise, sophomore righthandei', four mile relay teamh nailed Michi-
tie up a helpless Chicago team for gan's lone Drake Relay crown here
nine innings, allowing them two hits todaybut collectively a total of only
and walking off with his first victory, five iches stood between the fight-
7-0. ing Wolverines and two more titles
The story of the big sophomore's 4> and a second place.
performance in his initial Conference For it was by no more than a
appearance is the story of the game. ""$fraction of inches that the Maize
Wise set the Maroons down in order and Blue quartet were nosed out in
xof te nine frames, t o both the half-mile and the two mile
in:relays. In addition big Bob Hook
three of them in the fifth, and issued runnerup booth in the shot-
only two bases on balls. Mixing only ereton' Al Bhozshby
. ... put to Georgetown's Al Blozis by
an occasional curve with iis blazing
>:: > Yonly one-half inch, and had to be
fast ball, he didn't give up a safetys
until Sy Hirschberg smashed a singlesth p
past Bud Chamberlain to open the { '$.The University of Texas Long-
seventh. ahorns, their torrid pace in events
Tt womodified only slightly, added two
Th kmore Drake Relays titles to the sprint
the pressure. The crowd had been medley crown which they won in
toying with the idea of a no-hitter
for the Wolverines until Hirschberg the first day of competition on the
connected with the only hard blow In the very first event of today's
- - _ -r, ,.,A - l1 rn., 1-1 I h vr irteen f to a '
A heterogenous mixture of prizes
from radios to bedspreads-that's
what Michigan studentswill compete
for when they go to Michilodeon,
WAA-Union sponsored five cent fes-
tival to be held in Waterman and
Barbour gymnasiums Friday and Sat-
Virginia Patterson, '42, and Dick
Strain, '42, co-chairman of prizes,
are storing away bowling balls, hams,
glassware, lamps, step ladders, floor
polish and stationery-all to be won
by students who can knock down
milk bottles or guess their date's
Regular circus acts, dancing, men-
agerie exhibits and skits will trans-
form the gymnasium into a awdusty
circus this weekend.
Honor Sorority
Qi_ . i 1 ion
HoldS itiation
Pi Lambda Theta Selects
28 Education Students
Twen\ty-eight women were initiated
into Pi Lambda Theta, national hon-
orary and professional education so-
rority yesterday in the League.
There graduate students were chos-
en for membership in the education
"Phi Beta Kappa." They were Vera
Geoffries, Eleanor Griffen, and Mary
Rath Alenik, Lois Booker, '41, Bar-
bara Fisher, '41, June Frederick, '41,
Jean Funkhouser, '42, Margaret Gose,
'41, Helen Grant, '41, and Thelma
Greshman, '41, were nitiated.
Jane Guninnane, '41, Laura Hat-
field, '41, Dorothy Haydel, '41, Verne
Holtman, '41, Marcia Karn, '41, Ger-
trude Klaver, '41, Elizabeth Lightner,
'41, Mary Ellen Robinson, '41, Lucy
Royster, '41, Mary Jean Sanford, '41,
Naomi Seelye, '41, and Betty Sikkinga,
'41, were selected for membership
in the organization recognizing out-
standing and professional interest.
Delores Sterzik, '41, Claudia Wag-
stass, '41, Marcia Webb, '41, and
Charlotte Woody were nominated for
Wednesday Is Deadline
For Senate Petitioning
Wednesday is the deadline for eli-
gible students to file their nomina-
ting petitions for the Student Senate
election, Friday, May 2, Ruth Basye,
director of Student Senate elections,
Countries To Pay
For Boats Taken
WASHINGTON, April 26.-R)P)-A
committee representing the 21 Amer-
ican republics agreed today upon a
plan for commandeering foreign ves-
sels war-immobilized in their ports-
with every prospect that a portion of
the tonnage involved would be used
to ease England's shipping shortage.
Idle in Central and South Amer
ican harbors are 96 German and Ital-
ian ships, plus an unreported number
of French and Danish registry.
Latins Cooperate
Under the recommendations of the
committee, the Latin-American gov-
ermnents would seize these vessels,
make compensation for them to their
owners under international law and
use them to "promote the peace and
security of the continent."
The general plan is that a "pool"
>f ships, sufficient to mheet the re-
quirements of inter-American trade
shall be established. Tonnage over
and above what is needed for that
commerce could then be sold or chart-
ered to the British.
The plan was drawn up by a sub-
committee of the Inter-American
economic and financial advisory com-
mittee at the suggestion of foreign
minister Guani of Uruguay. Present-
ed to the full committee, which met
today with Undersecretary of State
Sumner Welles presiding, it quickly
won unanimous approval.
21 Nations Take Part
The recommendations will now be
transmitted to the 21 governments.
Three points were embraced in the
(1) That the governments declare
that foreign vessels immobilized by
the war in their ports are subject
'o seizure under international law and
may be utilized through agreement
with their owners or under the right
of each government to take control
of the vessels "as they may deem it
convenient to satisfy their own re-
(2) that adequate compensation be
paid to the owners of the ships, in ac-
cordance with international law and
the national legislation of each coun-
(3) that the nations "reaffirm their
Lull right to navigation of those ves-
sels both in their national and in-
ternational trade."
French Status Unknown
Although the proposal did not dif-
ferentiate between ships of various
nationalities, there appeared to be
a question whether the French ships
in ports of both the United States
and Latin America would be seized.
Gaston Henry-Haye, the French am-
bassador, said recently after a talk
with Welles that seizure of the ships
was not contemplated.
Meanwhile, legislation, requested
by President Roosevelt covering the
use of Axis and Danish ships prev-
iously seized here was ready for ac-
tion in the house. These ships, 69 i
number, have been held in "protective
custody" for several weeks.
German Club
Will .Produce
One-Act Plays
Curtain time for the annual Ger-
man play, to be given in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, is 8:15 p.m.
Deutscher Verein has chosen to
produce two one-act plays by Arthur
Schnitzler, "Literatur" and "Grosse
Szene." The former deals with the
literary "pretensions" of two Bohem-
ian artists. Amusing complications
arise which threaten the lave life of
Margaret, played by June Larson, '41.
Principals in "Grosse Szene" are