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April 25, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-25

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FRWiAY, A"itIL 2-5, 19i




.sILr. ..-O-..
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
or Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday ,during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
eights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by
carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative

Member, Associated Collegiate
Editorial Staff

Press, 1940-41

Hervie Haufler.
Alvin Sarasohn
Paul M. Chandler
Laurence Masctt
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
H3oward A. Goldman
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

. . . Managing Editor
* . . .Editorial Director
City Editor
. , Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. *,8,;.. Editor
.Women's Editor
. . . . Exchange Editor

Business Stafff

Business Manager . .
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager


Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Mess Of Talking,
But Little Doing...
"The spirit's willing, but the flesh is
weak."-Holy Writ.
A WEEK FROM TODAY 18 student
senators are to be elected and as yet
only seven people have become candidates.
. Sort of puzzling, discouraging, and a bit ironic
when one reads about this country "saving the
world for democracy," and there are but seven
people interested enough to participate in de-
mocracy on this very campus.
Now don't excuse yourself with the old stories
about how the Student Senate is "powerless any-
way," "an inane body of lazy publicity seekers,"
or "lacking in leadership," because we've heard
all those excuses before. Perhaps the Student
Senate is somewhat inane, but that's mostly to
be blamed on 'you, and you, and you who reside
in your glass houses and ivory towers - too
apathetic to do anything about it.
It'll probably take a lead "pipe over your head,
or some American brown shirts in the streets,
before you'll wake up and give a damn about
democracy strong enough to participate in it,
and then your action will be academic. , There's
a mess of talking about democracy, but very littM
doing it. One of these days you may be asked
to die for it; and you won't even know what it's
all about.
SO why not get six of your friends to sign your
nominating petition for the Senate; and bring
it to Room 302 of the Union today or early next
week. Anc then, if you're not too exhausted, you
might even drag yourself and those six friends to
the Spring Parley today at 3:30 p.m. and all day
- Robert Speckhard

[E PRINT the following letter - an attempt
V to answer one of our columns on the Ford
situation - because it is very, stupid and be-
cause it is very vicious and, therefore, to us very
funny. We will omit the Writer's obscenities and
only add that he did not sign his name to the
letter so that its only hope of being printed is
through this column.
Mr. Hervie Haufler,
Managing Editor, Michigan Daily,
Ann Arbor, Mich.
Dear Mr. Haufler:
Despite the fact that your editorial staff has
taken refuge behind the statement that edito-
rials represent the views of the writers only, it
is certainly your duty to prevent the publication
of statements which are un-American during
times such as the present, particularly if these
same statements do not reflect your own opin-
ions. I have particular reference to the article
entitled "Fire and Water,", by Mascott, appearing
in the Wednesday number of The Daily. This is
not the first time that articles of such a calum-
nious nature have appeared in The Daily; and
it is certainly a sad commentary upon an organ-
ization of students who live in a country claim-
ing to stand for democracy and liberty that such
trash be allowed in print. The authors of such
material together with the person or persons
responsible for the selection of articles to be
printed ought better to be back in Russia where
they properly belong.
AM OFFERING a very bitterly felt criticism
and should like to enlarge upon my reference
to the article named. Whoever Mascott may
be, I hope that this letter reaches his hands to
be read by him (if he has been in this country
long enough to know a little English.)
Whoever can criticize Henry Ford of a "violent
career of law-breaking," of "fighting its em-
ployes and of a "conspiracy against labor as a
large section of the youth, the army and
some of the wealthy upper classes are al-
ready pro-Nazi-increasingly so since the
conquest of the Western European republics.
The republic is, of course, merely the hub on
which a vast empire will, be built. The aston-
ishing wealth of all South America is particu-
larly tempting to the boys in Berlin, and the
underpopulated territories offer opportunity for
ACROSS THE ANDES in Chile there is a
stronghold of fifth columnists, working
quite openly with their own political party and
representativesin the chamber of deputies. The
head instructor of the national police force is
a former major in the German army and an
ardent Nazi. The Communists also have con-
siderable strength in Chile, and for the time
being at least openly favor the Hitler war ma-
On the other side of the picture are a few
more encouraging statistics. The majority of
the civilians are apparently pro-democratic and
intensely patriotic. In Chile 70 per cent of the
people have been estimated to be pro-ally, 10
percent really neutral and 20 percent-youth,
army, wealth-violently pro-Nazi. The republic
itself is officially neutral, and so avoids offend-
ing Germany, which has been buying Chilean
exports. Last year the Nazis bought 150,000 tons
of Chilean nitrate, aithough their own synthetic
product is all they need--an obvious attempt to
exercise economic pressure.
The majority of the civilians in all the
southern nations are, in fact, intensely pro-
Ally. Yet they are powerless to defend them-
selves against attack, having only slight
provision for military defense and being
somewhat skeptical about help from the
United States, which hasn't done too well
with its own defense program.
THE' PICTURE is the same all over South
America, with small but extremely active
fifth columnist groups working night and day.
Japan has a large colony in the heart of Brazil;
Italians are predominant in the population of
Argentina, though many, possibly most, of these
are patriotic Argentinians.
The situation should be pretty well known
up here by now. We should know the real
kind of warfare we are facing and we should

know what weapons to use. Ten years ago
we missed the opportunity, when South
Americans were hunting for prospective-in-
vestors and Europe, hit by the depression,
had no money to invest. Few Americans,
however, were willing to take a chance in
the land of "gauchos, rhumbas and revolu-
tions," and a recovering Europe begged, bor-
rowed or stole the money to build a network
of airlines over South America, bribe many
of the republic governments into good will,
and lay the foundation for an economic war-
fare which we are just now beginning to feel.
WE have made a few loans and even fewer
trade concessions to our Latin neighbors.
Mostly we've talked. And Axis penetration con-
tinues insidiously every day while we smugly
discuss good neighborliness and college profes-
sors who have never been south of Illinois reveal
the real formula for inter-American cooperation.
And it hasn't been enough. It may be good
diplomacy, and may build up a lot of good will-
this business of exchange students and printing
American magazines in Spanish and showing
visiting dignitaries around; certainly it does.
But it isn't enough.
The strongest weapon which the Axis
powers have used in their fight for domina-
tion in South America is economic. Hence
--rrvhin ranainaQ nn h-ar nh f.-aa th

major threat to the defense program of the
U.S.A." cannot know very many facts about the
situation or else is wilfully distorting them to
suit his own particular views. Perhaps --* I'
Mascott does not know that it was Ford who
introduced the payment of a decent wage long
before labor laws had anything to do with the
situation. Perhaps he does not know either of
the millions of dollars returned to the needy
through charitable donations from the profits
of this great industry. It is well known by
many, (certainly not by Mascott) that Ford has
never considered his fortunes as belonging to
himself but to the people who are really pro-
ducing it. He has consequently acted in ac-
cordance and has attempted to distribute it
equitably. Despite all this, he is severely and
unjustly criticized for protecting the best in-
terests of his industry in a way which a govern-
ment which should provide justice has not done.
the following statement as "vividly describ-
ing -the record of the Ford Motor Co": "If two
or more persons conspire to injure, oppress,
threaten, or intimidate any citizen in the free
exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege
secured to him by the Constitution or laws of
the United States, etc. . . . It is apparently not
very obvious to the dull wit of Mascott that this
situation might apply to labor and its strike
agitator who do no more than beat in the heads-
of those wishing to work for their country's de-
fense. Yet one who has the vision and the cour-
age to resist such criminal offenses is himself
termed a "law-breaker" and should be perse-
cuted for his vile "conspiracy" against the U.S.
If -* *-Mascott has thought about the situa-
tion at all (it is perfectly obvious that he has
not), he would realize that 'there is something
entirely wrong with a situation which allows not
only protection but also encouragement to strik-
ers and saboteurs who are already receiving high
wages while the youth of the nation donate
their time and possibly their very lives to the
defense of the nation for a scant $21 a month.
There is something radically wrong when in-
dustry can be threatened into cooperation with
a national defense plan without profit and yet
labor can not only sit idle but can prevent others
from working and shed blood criminally and
damage property criminally in addition. I re-
peat that anyone condoning such a situation
does not belong in this country but in some other
where such a philosophy of things is accepted.
is the sort of rot that is going to be handed
out to the youth of this university, I personally
want none of it. I appeal to you to have better
judgment than to allow the printing of this
propaganda. If this sort of thing continues, I
can assure you that the Michigan Daily will no
longer continue to soil my desk-top.
Hoping for a better policy on your part, I re-
-A'*Better American than Mascott
which translated for us by the Tri-Delt House
means "Joe Stalin sends me money every Fri-
day." 0 Cheechornya.,

In Re:
Zara Dupont's
A BIT OF FUN was had yesterday
in an economics lecture with part
of the editorial on Zara Dupont
which appeared in The Daily. It was
said that the editorial showed a lack
of training in economics to hold that
important executives should not be
paid more than $50,000 per year un-
til the annual minimum wage of the
plant's workers is $2,000.
It is obvious to {us, too, that com-
petition for such executives among
all companies forces such high 'alary
payments, and we have had our
economics and know that $2,000 to
every worker would put the national
income at an impossibly high figure,
which therefore would mean thatj
real income would not rise but would
really hurt the stand of the edi-
torial in question, fQr it was about
an old lady who hasbeen trying to
get a squarer deal for all labor, and
lit is obvious that some government
control on all income distribution
would keep executive salaries within
sane limits, even while making ample
allowance for the reward of ambition
and enterprise.
Right now Miss pupont may seem
silly, but she is trying to hasten the
time when the whole country will
feel that labor should get a higher
proportion of the income. A re-
alignment of incomes could benefit
everyone by increasing the total pro-
pensity to consume of the country,
thereby encouraging investment in
the industries that produce con-
sumers' goods.
THE $2,000 figure may be out of
the question now, but what is
important is that there should be
some general raise in the income of
everyone. Perhaps; not $2,000, but an
increase of decent size in real income
is possible and necessary. The
dreamers are always impractical anc
unlearned, constantly shooting above
what sane reason and sound prag-
matism would advise. But, after
many years, what they aimed at sc
illogically is finally brought about,
and largely because of that wild
dreaming. Then people call then
heroes and heroines.
- Alvin Sarasohn

Engineers. Full details are posted on
the Aeronautical Engineering Bullet-
in Board, and a limited number of
application blanks are available in
Room B-47 East Engineering Build-
University of Mexico Summeri
Scholarships offered by the SociedadI
Hispanica examination will be held1
3:00-5:00 p.m. today in Room 106,
Ronmance Language Bldg.;
Physical Education for Women:
The following regular classes in phy-
sical education are open to a limited
number' of elective women students:
Elementary Riding, M.W. 2:30.
Elementary Archery, M.W. 2:30.
Elementary Tennis, Every after-
noon except Friday.
Elementary Swimming, T.T. 4:15,
Barbour Pool.
Intermediate Swimming, T.T. 7:30
p.m., Union Pool.
La Crosse, M.W. 4:15.
Register at Women's Athletic Build-
ing before Friday noon, April 25.
The following Friday afternoon
classes are offered for upperclass and
graduate women only :
Elementary and Intermediate Ten-
nis, Archery, Elementary Golf at 3:20.
Also Intermediate Golf at 4:30 on
Please register at the Women's Ath-
letic Building by Friday noon. April

(Continued from Page 2)

Drew Pw"
f3f qcbetiS All"


Latins 'Feel Axis
Econormic, Pressure


good will and let's-pat-each-other-
on-the-back diplomacy directed southward
across the Rio Grande and the equator has in
many ways obscured the real issues at stake in
Dur relationship with the Latin American nations
and the actual danger of Axis pentration in
those countries.;
We've been very neighborly and all that-or so
the editorial pages of a few pointing-with-pride
newspa ers tell us, and have more than done
our part in improving Pan-American relations.
But then have we?
In the first place it might be well to take
a look at some of the doings in South Amer-
ica in the past few months, in spite of our
effervescent good will. Take merely the
deeds of the worst of the Brother Rats of
Europe and Asia, Germany, and ignore for
the present' Italy and Japan. Nazi penetra-
tion into South America has continued at
great lengths, though in many places Der
Fuehrer has been stuck out ignominiously,
but not without three valiant swings.
N URUGUAY, for instance, officials quite re-
cently found maps in the possession of local
Nazi big-wigs revealing that that nation is to
be the core of the territory which the Nazis
1on +. +-ik nvaro+.+he nrnnpr +imYA wFifthconl

WASHINGTON-It is no exaggeration to say
that behind the scenes in the Cabinet, also inside
the National Defense Commission and among the
big industrialists now advising the Government,
the war picture appears gloomier than ever. This
gloom not only clings to the British situation, but
also to the American.
Ever since the fill of Salonika, it has sunk home
that British and American defenses have an
amazing similarity. This may not be apparent on
the surface, but here is how it looks to military
experts now examining every detail of British
moves and reverses.
In the first place, Great Britain, a peaceful
nation, started very late to bolster her national
defense. The United States started even later.
For years Britain sincerely supported the efforts
of Stimson, Hughes and 'Coolidge to limit both
,armies and navies.
Second, when the British arms program did
get started, it tried to keep within the limits of
the existing sytem - fair wages for labor, fair
dividends for capital, even the usual commissions
for middlemen (as the United States is trying to
do today). But Britain found itself pitted against
a nation which had scraped profits, property,
hours, and real wages.
British Pledges
Third-and this is the real crux of the situa-
tion-the British found themselves with import-
ant international commitments but no weapons
to carry them out.
In the Balkan crisis they pledged themselves
to aid Yugoslavia if attacked; also Turkey; also
Greece. Simultaneously they had two fronts in,
Africa to defend-the Libyan front in North
Africa and the Ethiopian front in East Africa.

For A Free Press
To The Editor:
In view of the probable controver-
sy over future control of student
publications, the Executive Commit-
tee of the American Student Defense
League, affiliated with the Student
Defenders of Democracy, has passed
the following resolution, "Despite
the disagreements on foreign and do-
mestic policy that the American Stu-
dent Defense League has had with
many of the opinions expressed by
ksome editors of The baily, we feel
that it is absolutely necessary that a
free student press be maintained un-
controlled by faculty; or administra-
tion. We urge all our members and
the campus-at-large to oppose any
changes in the status of the Board in
Control of Student Publications for
the purpose of censoring The Daily.
THE ASDL, now as ever, stands for
the Democratic expression of stu-
dents and faculty and for the exten-I
sion of democracy at home and
abroad, through all-out aid for Bri-
tain in her fight against totalitarian-
ism and dictatorship.'
Martin B. Dworkis, President
American Student Defense League
Touchstone Criticism
To The Editor:
THERE IS a touchstone method of
criticism (no reference 'to your
columnist) with which I do not agree
because most statements have their
greatest significance only in context.
However, in attempting to find some
place tp take hold of Mr. Niketh's
letter, three tries brought up nothing
but a handful of loose platitudes. For
this reason I am tempted to resort
to a picture which appeared some
,time ago in The Daily, and to use
it as a touchstone. The picture
showed Mr. Niketh and friends en-
gaged in stealing an eight-foot slide
rule from the engineers. I feel that
this bird-brained activity on the part
of the local legal eagles may be
significant, context or no.
Most arguments are questions of
attitude rather than of fact, and facts
being a dime a dozen I don't care
to dispute those of Mr. Niketh. His
attitude, though, is another thing.
There are enough interven'tionists
among our elders' to get us into a.
war, of course, without Mr. Niketh;
but I was nurturing the idea that
those of us who would have to do
the work had better sense.
WITHOUT descending too far into
W criticism ad hominem, I'd like to

Orchestra and Choral Concert: The
Michigan School Vocal Association, in
cooperation with the Music Section
of the Schoolmasters' Club, will close
its Fifth Annual Solo and Ensemble
Festival in a joint concert by the
University Symphony Orchestra, Thor
Johnson, Conductor, and the com-
bined school choruses of nearly one
thousand participants, Saturday af-
ternoon, April 26, at 4:30 o'clock, in
Hill Auditorium.,
The program will include "Peter
and the Wolf" by Prokofieff, with
Hardin Van Deursen as narrator.
The public is invited without ad-
mission charge.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will present
a carillon recital from 7:15 to 8 p.m.,
Sunday, April 2', in the Burton Me-
morial Tower. Featured on the pro-
gram will be Prof. Price's own com-
position, "Second Rhapsody for Two
Carillonneurs," in which he will be
assisted by Mr. John Challis, from
Ypsilanti. Also included will be a
group of French folk songs, and com-
positions by Couperin and Holst.
Student Graduation Recital: Grace
Wilson, Mezzo-Soprano, will present
a recital at 8:30 p.m. Monday, April
28, in the Rackham Assembly Hall.
The program, in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the Master of
Music degree, will be open to the gen-
eral public. Miss Wilson will be ac-
companied by William Schottstaedt,
Exhibition: John James Clarkson-
Oils, Water Colors and Drawings. Ex-
hibition Galleries of the Rackham
School, March 28-April 26. Daily (ex-
cept Sundays) including evenings.
Auspices: Ann Arbor Art Association
and Institute of Fine Arts. University
of Michigan.
Alexander Ziwet Lectures in Math-
ematics: The third lecture of this
series being given by Professor Saun-
ders MacLane of Harvard University,
will be at 4:00 p.m. today in 3011 A.H.,
on the subject, "Crossed Characters
in Number Fields."
The Annual Dr. William J. Mayo
Lectureship in Surgery will be given
today at 1:30 p.m., in the second
floor amphitheater of the Univer-
sity Hospital. The speaker will be
hr. James Taggert Priestley, Assist-

ant Professor of Surgery at the Mayo
Members of the Junior and Senior
;lasses will be excused in order to
,ttend this lecture.
Events Today
Biological Station: There will be an
nformal reception for all former
nembers of the Biological Station at
;he Rackham Building tonight from
3:30 to 10:30, following the banquet
nd address at the 'annual meeting
>f the Schoolmasters' Club. All for-
ner members and their families are
invited. ' Please pass the invitation to
others who may not see this notice.
A. H. Stockard, Director
The opening session of the eleventh
annual Spring Parley takes place to-
day at 3:30 p.m. in the North Lounge
of the Union. Three vertical panel
sessions will be held at 2:15 and again
at 7:30 Saturday. The last general
session will be held in the lounge
Saturday at 9:00 p.m.
Westminster Student Guild joins
with the Guild from other Churches
on campus in an Inter-Guild Party
at Lane Hall tonight from 9-12:00.
Wesley Foundation: Bible Class to-
night with Dr. Brashares in Room
214 in the First Methodist Church at
7:30. At 9:00 p.m. the group will
attend the Inter-Guild party which
will be held at Lane Hall. Make
reservations by calling 6881.
Inter-Guild Party: Members of the
Church Student Guilds are invited to
a party at Lane Hall tonight at 9:00.
Tickets may be obtained at your
Guild headquarters or at Lane Hall.
Harris Hall: Tea will be served to-
day, 4:00-5:00 p.m. All Episcopal
students and their friends are cord-
ially invited.
Coming Events
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room, Michigan
Union. Members of all departments
interested in German conversation
are cordially invited. There will be
a brief talk on "Schnitzlers Einakter"
by Mr. H. W. Nordmeyer.
The Acolytes (philosophical society)
will meet Monday, April 28, at 7:45
p.m. in the Rackham Building. Pro-
lessor L. A. White will speak on
"The Junction of Philosophyin Cl-
ture." Faculty members and stu-
dents are invited.
Phi Delta Kappa will hold two
meetings on Saturday, April 26, both
at the Union.. At a 12:30 p.m. lun-
cheon Dr. Morgan of the Cleveland
Public Schools will discuss "The Place
of Music in Education.". At 6:00 p.m.
Dr. Preston W. Slosson will speak at
the initiation banquet on the topic,
"World Crisis."
German Play: Two of Schnitzler's
one-act plays, "Literatur" and "Grosse
Szene" will be presented Monday eve-
ning at 8:15 at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater. Reservations may be
m de at the German Office,' 204 U.H.
Petitions for House Committee
Chairman of the Michigan' League,
open to all girls of the class of 1942,
are to be turned in to the Under-
graduate Office by Saturday, April
26, at 12:00 noon. This League Coun-
cil position has been substituted for
the Publicity Chairman; Interview-
ing will be Tuesday, April 29, by ap-
International Center: On Sunday,
May 4, the International Center will
close its series of Sunday evening
programs with a song recital by Har-
din Van Deursen in the Ball Room
of the Michigan Union. Admission
will be by ticket only. The tickets,
which are, complimentary, mnay be
obtained at the office of the Center.

The public is invited.
JGP Central Committee hncheon
meeting at noon Tuesday, April 29, in
the Russian Tea Room of the League.

760 KC - CBS 800 KC - Mutual 950 KC - NBC Red 1270 KC - NBC Blue
Friday Evening
6:00 Stevenson News Rollin' Ty Tyson Bud Shaver
6:15 Hedda Hopper Home Newscast; Music The Factfinder
6:30 Inside of Sports Case de Dick Himber Orch. Day In Review
6:45 Melody Marvels Amigos Lowell Thomas Baseball Extra
7:00 Amos 'n Andy Happy Joe Fred Waring To be Announced
7:15 Lanny Ross Val Clare Evening Melodies Rhumba Rhythms
7:30 Al Pearce's vogue Ranch Frolic Heritage The Lone
7:45 Variety Show Dream Awhile of Freedom Ranger
8:00 Kate Smith Symphonic Cities Service Jdhn Gunther
8:15 Program; Strings Concert Bethancourt Orch.
8:30 Guest Stars Laugh 'n' Information, DeathValley
8:45 News at 8:55 Swing Club Please Days
9:00 Great Moments Sen. Ludington Waltz Ben Bernie
9:15 From G't Plays Interlude; News Time Orchestra
9:30 Campbell To Be NBC Your Happy
9:45 Playhouse Announced Feature Birthday
10:00 Hollywood National News wings Raymond G. Swing
10.15 PremiereB ritain Sneaks of Destiny News

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