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April 24, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-24

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Fair and Colder


Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


On A Picket Line .,.





U. S. Navy


-A-- - __

Greek Government Flees AsNazisNearAthens


Will Extend


Defenses Fall;
Allies Give Up
King George And Premier
Remove Headquarters
To Refuge On Island;
Vow To Continue War
BERLIN, April 23.--(P)--An arm-
istice between Axis forces in North
Greece and Greek armies of Epir-
us and Macedonia took effect at 6
p.m. (1 a.m. EST) tonight, Ger-
man press dispatches from Salon-
ika, Greece, reported.
(By The Associated Press)
ATHENS, April 23 - British and
Greek troops fought desperately and
unequally against the German steam-
roller north of Athens tonight after
the entire 'northwest Greek armies
collapsed and King George II and his
government hastily abandoned Ath-
ens for the Island of Crete.
British and Greek headquarters re-
ported intact their vastly outnum-
bered troops who had been holding
Thermopylae Pass and the Lokris
Mountains 100 miles to the north but
their exact disposition was not re-
vealed. These soldiers apparently had
these choices:
To fight and die on the spot; with-
draw slowly to southern embarka-
tion ports, or retreat into southwest-
ern Greece, the Peloponnesus area.
German Stuka dive-bombers
swa: med over Greek southern ports,
especially concentrating on the near-
by Port of Piraeus. Shipping, docks
and harbor installations were bombed
King George. and Greek Premier
Emmanuel Stouderos announced to
the people the news of the govern-3
ment's flight to Crete and Greek in-
tention to carry on the struggle "with
all the remaining forces with a view
to securing the supreme national in-
Capitulation of the Army of Epirus,
which threw the Italians out of,
Greece into Albania last fall, wasj
done without the government's know-k
ledge, the King told the people.
The collapse of that formidable
force, the Greek Premier said, appar-
ently was "precipitated by exhaus-

Nazis Crack Through Thermopylae
" .:I .: .."sEA:
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...ATRA...... I..............:
0 50
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BERLIN, April 23.-(AP)--Germany's military spok ismen announced tonight the virtual conquest of
Greece, claiming surrender of Hellenic armies of a qu irter of a million and the annihilation of a British rear-
guard at Thermnopylae, gateway to Athens. (One Italian report said the Germans were within 35 miles of
Athens When the British began mass embarkation.)

George Lichty
Draws Cover
'Grin 'And Bear It' Creator
To Contribute Cartoon
To MagazineHe Edited
Gargoyle's prize alumnus is fea-
tured in the April issue appearing
today as George Lichty, syndicated
cartoonist, has contributed the cover
cartoon. Lichty, especially known for
his series of "Grin and Bear It," is
a former editor of the campus maga-
The effects of Spring = or perhaps
there's always Spring at Mosher Jor-
dan - will be illustrated in the prize-
winning candid picture for this
month. The unusual shot was taken
with the camera looking down on a
good night in front of the girls'
dormitory, complete with all angles.)
These Are The People invades the
International Center this month and
throws the spotlight on Fahkri Ma-
luf, well known student from Syria,
while April's Preposterous Person hits
closer to hor ie - Detroit, Michigan,
to be exact - and introduces the
Daily columinst Touchstone.
Everything in spring sports comes
in for a play in the photo-montage
on golf, tennis, track, football, base-
ball and canoeing. Other photo fea-
tures take a tour through the Michi-
gan co-operative houses.
Due to a shortage of covers, the
Gargoyle will probably sell out and
al subscribers are urged to call for,
their copies early.

Michigan Schoolmasters Club
Will Convene Here Tomorrow

'Lindy' States
U. S. Supplies
Can't Win War
American Interventionists
Are Defeatists, Ex-Flier
Says In N.Y. Speech
Rioting, Picketing
Precede Address
NEW YORK, April 23.-(M)-Col.
Charles A. Lindbergh told an Ameri-
ca First Committee rally tonight that
the United States "cannot win this
war for England, regardless of how
much assistance we extend."
Branding American interventionists
as "the real defeatists, for their policy
has led to the defeat of every country
that followed their advice," Lindbergh
dclared in a prepared address that
the .British "hope they may be able
to persuade us to send another ex-
peditionary force to Europe, and to
share with England militarily, as well
as financially, the fiasco of this war."
Fifty detectives, fifty patrolmen,
and fifteen mounted police were as-
signed to the vicinity of Manhattan
center, scene of the rally, following
reports that several organizations,
including the Friends of Democracy,
Inc., the Youth Committee of the
Federal Union, the Student Defend-
ers of America, and some trade union,
planned to picket the meeting.
Despite the heavy police guard, a
flurry of fighting broke out in the
crowd-estimated by police at about
15,000 persons-they surrounded the
building several hours before Lind-
bergh spoke.
Men and women were kicked, beat-
en and felled when a group, resent-
ing the appearance of pickets dis-
tributing handbills and carrying
signs denouncing Lindbergh, rushed
at them, seized their placard sticks
and used them as clubs. The dis-
order was short-lived, ,,however, and
there were no arrests.
After L. M. Birkhead, National
Director of the Friends of Democ-
racy, had charged that the meeting
would be the "largest gathering of
Nazis since the German-American
Bund rallies at Madison Square Gar-
den," Lindbergh declared before his
address that "un-American factions
will not be welcome."
Lindbergh said in a statement that.
"pro-Nazis, pro-Fascists and pro-
Communists or any group favoring
un-American theories are certainly
not for the America First Committee."
WASHINGTON, April 24.-(P)
-Secretary Perkins turned over
the 23-day old soft coal stoppage to
the National Defense Mediation
Board for settlement early today.
The Secretary decided to let the
Board try to get the mines open
after the collapse of efforts to
bring the Southern soft coal pro-
ducers and the CIO United Mine
Workers Union into wage negotia-
tions in New York last night.

Miles OffShr
Commentators Believe - British, Canadian
Ship Patrols Will Be Dispensed With
Naval Quarters Deny Convoy Charges
WASHINGTON, April 23.--(P)-The United States Navy, it was believed
in informed quarters tonight, plans to establish a patrol of the North At-
lantic half-way to Great Britain on the main route of British supply ships.
A statement of Mayor F. H. aGuardia pf New York, chairman of the
joint American-Canadian Defense Board, that the Board had provided'for
the defense of North American waters up to 1,000 miles off the United States
and Canadian coasts, was interpreted here as meaning that British and
Canadian Naval convoys on this side of the Atlantic would largely or entirely
be dispensed with.
The recent acquisition of American defense bases in Greenland and the
decision of the American government to take over the protection of that
Danish colony appear to fit into a general plan to relieve the Brritish ship-
ping emergency.
Mayor LaGuardia's statement, made today during a speech in Ottawa,
was believed here to mean that the United States would establish a naval
and perhaps air patrol of the Atlantic waters extending out to the limits of
the Western Hemisphere, which includes Greenland.
Although this patrol was not expected to be strictly an American convoyl
of British supply ships, it would tend to serve an identical purpose in keeping'
German submarines away from the convoy routes. British naval vessels
could take up the convoy service at a point about midway across the Atlantic.
Naval quarters here, commenting on an interpretation made in Canada
that Mayor La Guardia's statement meant the United States would convoy
British supply ships half-way across
e ' P is nthe Atlantic, said there was "nothing
Men'sPetiions in it."



High School Debate Final,
Vocal Festival To Draw
Visitors To University
Michigan Schoolmasters Club, the
State Championship Debate, and Vo-
cal Festival will attract more than
8,000 to Ann Arbor to participate in
a variety of programs and to witness
evepts of state-wide interest.
Nationally-known educators will
address the seventy-sixth annual
meeting of the Michigan Schoolmas-
ters Club which will convene here to-
morrow and Saturday.
Dr. Judd To Speak
One of the deans of American ped-
agogy, Dr. Charles Judd, formerly of
the University of Chicago, will key-
note the theme of education for youth
when he addresses the Club banquet
on "Youth Education in America"
at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the Union fol-
lowing a conference reception and
Dr. Thomas Briggs of Columbia
University will outline the basis for

Dr. Moore To Give
Guidance Address
On Music Careers
Michigan students interested in a
music career of public performance
or teaching will have an opportunity
to hear an expert in this field at
4:15 today when Dr. Earl V. Moore,
director of the School of Music pre-
sents a vocational guidance talk in
the small ball room' of the Michigan
it is the tenth in a series of 12
Union-sponsored vocational talks.
Dr. Moore has chosen for his topic,
"Differences And Preparation Re-
quired For Professional Careers In
Public Performance Or In Teach-
ing." He will be introduced by Dr.
C. M. Davis, director of admissions
on advanced standing.j
In his lecture Dr. Moore will illus-
trate patterns of major and minor
chords which are most frequently
asked for by college students.
New Peace Strike
Scheduled May 1
Following discussion in which it
developed that the Michigan Anti-
War Committee would be the exclus-
ive sponsor of the Senator Burton
K. Wheeler peace rally on May 5,
the Campus Peace Council decided



petitions For Senate
Due In Office Friday

Tomorrow is the deadline for Stu-
dent Senate petitions which must be
submitted to the Senate office, room
302 of the Union,,between 4:15 p.m.
and 5:15 p.m.
Petitions must have six signatures
and candidates may have a desig-
nation of not more than three words
printed after their names. No student
may sign more than one petition.

discussion of problems in high school
curriculum at the opening session to
be held at 9 p.m. in the Rackham Lee-
ture Hall.
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky of the
education school faculty, who is on
leave as associate director of the
American Youth Commission will re-
turn to address the meeting of the
social studies and geography con-
ference on "Work Program in the So-
cial Studies Curriculum."
Detroit vs. Albion Debate
Other features of the meeting will
be the State Championship Debate
finals between Detroit Mackenzie
High School and Albion at 8 p.m. in
Hill Auditorium. The University band
will present a concert preceding the
More than 4,000 are expected to at-
tend the tournament finals which
were determined by elimination de-
bates held throughout the state. More
than 200 high school squads partici-
pated in the forensic meets on the
national high school debate proposi-
tion, "Resolved: That the powers of
the federal government should be
Prizes for the state finals will be
gold watches for all the participants
and a silver cup for the winners.
To Hold Concert
Educators of secondary schools
will also attend the Honors Convoca-
tion as special guests.
The combined choral groups of
more than thirty high schools will
be accompanied by the University
Symphony Orchestra in a concert at
4:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditor-
ium under the direction of Thor
Johnson. The program will climax
the orchestral and'choral program
held annually under the auspices of
the Michigan School Vocal Associa-
tion. William D. Revelli and Dr. Char-
les Sink will also participate in the
Lawyers Will Hold
Founders Day Fete
In Quad Tomorrow
Founders Day - the annual cele-
bration in honor of William W. Cook,
founder of the Lawyefs' Club and the
donor of all buildings on the Law
Quadrangle, will be held tomorrow.
It will be the sixteenth annual tri-
bute to Cook and will bring here the
Honorable Henry P. Chandler, direc-
tor of the administrative office of the

For Judicar
Are Due May 1
Eligible Undergraduates
Will Fill Seven Posts
On Supervisory Board
Petitions for membership in the
Men's Judiciary Council will be ac-
cepted today through May 1.
Eligible undergraduate men stu-
dents who will be seniors on the cam-
pus next fall should submit their pe-
titions in sealed envelopes at the Stu-
dent Offices of the Michigan Union,
according to Ward Quaal, '41, presi-
dent of the Council. No signatures,
need to accompany the petitions.
The council, composed of seven
senior men, is the success of the
Men's Council and supervises all stu-
dent elections as well as acting as a
judging board in some disciplinary
cases involving men students.
The selection of the new members
will be made by a committee compris-
ing Dean Joseph A. Bursley; Hervie
Haufler, '41, managing editor of The
Daily; James Harrison, '41, presi-
dent of the Interfraternity Council;
William H. Rockwell, '41, president of
Congress and Quaal.
The appointments to the Council
posts will be axinounced on Saturday,
May 3, Quaal said yesterday.


It was noted, however, that 1,000
miles off the North American con-
tinent was approximately half the
distance between Newfoundland,
where the United States already has
established defense bases, and the
British Isle.
Greenland lies considerably north
of the main convoy route between
Canada and Great Britain but May-
or LaGuardia's declaration that the
waters would be defended 1,000 miles
off the North American shores still
would allow for naval projection
about half-way to Great Britain from
Halifax, where most of the convoys
for Britain are made up on, this side
of the Atlantic.
Mayor LaGuardia was believed to
have spoken for President Roosevelt
in making the announcement in Can-
ada today. The Mayor is chairman of
the joint defense board.
Women To Collect
Money ToPrevent
Spread Of Cancer,
Funds for the treatment of cancer
will be collected Saturday as the
Women's Army for the Control of
Cancer holds its annual Tag Day in
an endeavor to raise sufficient money
to combat the disease which last year
took more American. lives than did
automobile accidents.,
Last year's drive netted enough
donations so that the local group
could contribute $275 to the Univer-
sity Hospital and to St. Joseph's
Mercy Hospital. Proceeds from this
year's drive will also be given to these
two institutions to provide X-ray and
treatment for sufferers from the dis-
The Army has been carrying on
a nation-wide campaign this month
in order to educate people to pre-
vention methods for cancer. Mrs. H.
Marvin Pollard has been in charge
of distributing information in this
Warner Discusses
Values Of Folk Art
Folk art, although it is unable to
employ famous artisans and expen-
sive materials, nevertheless possesses
a genuine craftmanship and sensitivi-

Faculty, Students Will Discuss
War Effects At Spring Parley

Turkey Will Oppose Nazi Drive
Within 10 Days, Bryan Predicts

Michigan's "bull-session deluxe,"
the Student Senate's annual Spring
parley, will begin tomorrow on the
vital and provocative topic "The Stu-
dent Looks at War and Peace."
Leading members of the faculty
and the student body will gather in
the Union to discuss the subject at a
general meeting tomorrow afternoon
and in three panels Saturday. Prof.
George S. Benson of the political
science department will be the key-
note speaker at the opening session
at 3:30 p.m. tomorrow.
Following his speech four student
commentators will present varied
points of view on the parley theme.
They are Jean Fairfax, 'Grad., Frank
Ryder, Grad., Fred Niketh, '41L and

Into the Night " Faculty men who
will express their opinions at this
discussion will be Prof. I. L. Sharf-
man, Professor Benson, Prof. H. S.
McFarlan, 'Prof. Preston Slosson,
Morris Greenhut and James Dusen-
Can we have democracy while de-
fending it? Members of the second
panel which is entitled "America Dur-
ing Defense - Our Karepf," will con-
side this problem under the lead-
ership of Harold Osterweil, '41. Fac-
ulty members who are expected to
be present are Prof. Arthur Smithies,
Prof. Norman Maier, H. V. Ogden,
Prof. John Riegal and Prof. Shorey
At the third panel, "Education in

Within the net 10 days, the people
of Turkey will be called upon to make
a definite decision regardipg that
country's relationship with the Hitler
regime, Julien Bryan, reporter-pho-
tographer, declared last night in Hill
Auditorium in the third of his series
of Oratorical Association lectures.
When that time does come, Bryan
predicted, the Turks will not give in
to Hitler, but will meet the issue in
Julien Bryan will deliver the
fourth and last of his illustrated
lectures at 8:15 p.m. today in Hill
Auditorium, speaking on the
siege of Warsaw. Single admis-
sion ticke will h en sal. from

which have come about since the
Turkish revolution in 1923. In his
visits to nearly all countries, in the
world, he asserted, he found in Tur-
key the most radical and amazing
social revolution of all.
The veil and fez, symbols of fold
Turkey, have completely disappeared,
he said. Modern methods in agri-
culture, new ideas' in education and
Western architecture are but a few
of the innovations of the past 20
years, he added, and although the
change is far from complete, an ulti-
mate goal has been established.
Largely through the efforts of one
man, the late dictator Ataturk, have
the advances been made, Bryan em-

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