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August 22, 1941 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-08-22

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11HE NII C ilfiGANX fi II

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(Continued from Page 5)

i i

made in the schedule for Mr. Neville's
lectures as originally announced.
The public is cordially invited.


THESIS Binding - Mimeographing.
Brumfield&Brumfield, 308 S State
B3EN THE TAILOR-More money for
your clothes-good clothes for sale.
122 E. Washington. ic
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, Phone
7112. 5c
DRESSMAKING and alterations.
Coats relined. Also sewing of all
kinds. Call Mrs. Ream, 8653. 23c
Suits made to measure-satisfac-
tion guaranteed-Alterations and'
repairing--i09 Packard. 2871
LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 3c
STUDENT L4UNDRY-Special stu-
dent rates. Moe Laundry, 2261
South First St. Phone 3916. 10C
STUDENT BUNDLES-3 shirts, 31
pairs of sox, 6 handkerchiefs fin-
ished, 2 suits underwear, 2 bath
towels, 1 pajama suit fluffed--99c.
Ace Hand Laundry, 1114 S. Uni- !
versity. 15t.
TYPING-Experienced. Miss Allen.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 or
2-1416, 14c,
VIOLA STEIN - Experienced legal'
typist, also mimeographing. Notary
public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland
TYPING and duplicating service.-
Dorothy Testa, M.A.. 625 E. Liber-
ty (at State), Rm. 1. 2-1835. Re-
ports, theses. dissertations, briefs.-

Biological Chemistry Lecture on
Tuesday, February 25, at 7:30 p.m., in3
the East Lecture Room, Rackham
Building. "The Significance of the
Sulfur-Containing Amino Acids in
Metabolism" will be discussed by Dr.
H. B. Lewis. All interested are in..
University Lecture: Owing to the
illness of Dr. Georg Steindorff, it has
become necessary to cancel the Uni-
versity Lecture by him which was
announced for Tuesday, February 25.
University Lecture: "Analysis of
Defense Issues; Dr. Richard Pattee of
the Division of Cultural Relations in
the Department of State will deliver
a University lecture on "Inter-Amer-
ican Relations as Affected by th
War" in the Rackham Lecture Hall
at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, February
25, under the auspices of the Uni-
versity Committee on Defense Issues.
This committee, consisting of Dean
S. T. Dana of the School of For-'
estry and Conservation, Chairman,
Professor W. W. Blume of the Law
Scvhool, Professor C. F. Remer of the
College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, and Professor M. H. Soule
of the Medical School, has been or-
ganized to help the University com-
nunity in analyzing the many com-
plicated issues involved in the coun-
try's defense program.
The Committee has been develop-
ing its plan in close cooperation wish
the Faculty Advisory Committee on
National Defense and with the lead-
ers of the principal student organiza-
tions on the campus. "Inter-Ameri-
can Relations" has been chosen as the
subject to receive first attention. It
is hoped that Dr. Pattee's opeiiing
lecture will be followed by talks by
ether authorities in this field. ihe
Committee also plans to distribute
°iiortly for faculty and student ase
analytical "work sheets" dealing wi h
inter-American problems. A read-
ing list on the subject is being pre-
}ared by the Library and :Jill be
helpful to those who wish to pursue
the subject further.
Dr. Pattee has taught at the Uni-
versity of Puerto Rico, has traveled
widely in Latin-American countries,
and through his position in the State
Department is active in the develop-
ment of friendly relations between
those countries and the United States.
In addition to his formal lecture,
arrangements will be made for him
to meet a number of groups for more

.__ .. , . ! the Michigan League. There will be
a musical program and conversation
Coming Events Igroups.
Dr. Richard Pattee will lead a I Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal Sun-
seminar discussion of his lecture on day at 4:30 p.m. sharp. All members
"Inter-American Relations as Affect- and freshmen who did not attend
ed by the War" in the West Confer- part-rehearsals between semesters
ence Room of the Rackham Building will meet at 3:00 p.m. to make up
at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February the rehearsal missed. Eligibility cards
25. All interested are cordially in- should be presented as all men sing-
vited. ing in Owosso on Thursday must
prove their eligibility by then. Bring
German Table For Faculty Meni- money for pictures.
hers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room, Michigan The Acolytes (philosophical soci-
Union. Members of all departments ety) will meet Monday, Feb. 24, at
interested in German conversation 7:45 p.m. in the Rackham Building.
are cordially invited. There will be Professor Sellars will discuss "Caus-
i brief talk on "Kunstfaelschungen" ality." Faculty members and stu-
by Mr. Richard Ettinghausen. dents are invited.

ing tickets for membership dance,
please make final returns to Mem-
bership Committee at the Chapel to-
The Public Health Women's So-
cial Club will not meet today because
of the Washington's Birthday holi-
day. The first meeting will be Sat-
urday, March 1. Watch for further i

bers in Economics and Business Ad-
ministration are cordially invited.
Sigmna Xi rine ting on Tuesday, Feb-
ruary 25, at 8:00 pI.. in Room 1042'
East Eng Bldg.. Professor O A Bos-
ton wi conduct a visit of the shops
of the Department of Metal Pro-
Grover Loening, famous aviation
pioneer and engineer,mwill give a talk
as guest of The Student Branch of
The Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences on Tuesday, February 25, at
8:00 p.m. in The Kellogg Auditorium
in the new Dental School Building.
La Sociedad Hispanica will meet
Tuesday. February 25, at 7:30 p.m. in

at the University of Wisconsin, will
deliver a short talk.
M viehigan Darmes; The Mu sic Group
w ill m eet Mi onda , tieb. 24, tat :00
pm. at tue Lague
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Sunday, 8:00 a.m. Holy Communion;
9:30 a.m. High School Class, Harris
Hall; 11:00 a.m. Morning Prayer and
Sermon by Rev. Henry Lewis; 11:00
a.m. Junior Church; 11:00 a.m. Kin-
dergarten,Harris Hall; 7:00 p.m. Col-
lege Work Program, Harris Hall.
Speaker: Mr. Paul B. Cares of the
History Department of Allegheny Col-
lege. Topic: "The Reformation," a
continuation of the main topic, "At-
titudeof the Church in Times of
Ann Arbor Friends: Meeting for
worship Sunday, 5:00 p.m , Lane Hall.
Business meeting at 6:00 p.m. All
are invited. Members are urged to
attend. The Study Group meeting
has been postponed until next weeek.
Choral Evensong at the First Meth-
odist Church on Sunday, Feb. 23, at
8:00 p.m., by the Senior Choir of
the Church under the direction of,
Prof. Hardin A. Van Deursen, Mary
E. Porter, Organist, assisted by the
U. of M. Women's Glee Club, Donna
Baisch, director, and the Tappan Jun-
ior High School Studio Choir, Chris-
tine McDonald, director. The public
is cordially invited.
First Church of Christ, Scientist:
Sunday morning service at 10:30.
Subject: "Mind." Sunday School at
11:45 a.m.

son, Credentials and Message." Fri-
days during Lent, Way of The Cross,
acd Benediction of the Blessed Sacra-
ment, 7:30 pim. Saturday, Confessions
3:30-5:30 and 7:30 to 9:30.
itar'ian d urchii 11:00 an. "The
Pesent Revolu lion in England," Ser
mon by Rev. Marley.
7:30 p.m. Professor Kenneth Rowe,
Dept. of English will speak on "The
Greatest Contemporary Diramatist in
the Modern Scene."
Zion Lutheran Church: Sunday
morning services will be held at 10:30
Sermon by Mr. Roland Wiederanders
on "A Small Life Becomes Big."
Trinity Lutheran Church: Sunday
morning services will be held at 10:30.
Sermon by Rev. H. O. Yoder on
"Small Beginnings But Big Results."
First Presbyterian Church. Dr. W.
P. Lemon will speak on "Living up
to our Means" at the Sunday Morn-
ing Worship Service.
At the Westminster Guild on Sun-
day evening there will be a student-
led discussion on "The Meaning of
Lent.", A cost supper precedes the
meeting at 6:00 p.m.
At the Sunday Evening Club Mr.
Kenneth Morgan, Director of the
Student Religious Association, will be
the guest speaker at 8 o'clock.
First Congregational Church: 10:45
("Beat Me Daddy 8 to the Bar")
Fuesday, Feb. 25th, 9 to 11
Michigan League
Informal - $1.50 couple
Tickets At League And Union
Sponsored by Young Ladies'
Sodality and Catholic Youth

a.m. Services of public worship. Dr.
L. A. Parr will preach on the subject,
"From Moon to Moon,"
5:30 p.m. Axiston League High
School group will meet for supper
with the Presbyterian High School
group, Miss Ethel McCormick will
speak on a general summation of
their past discussions on the topic,
"Boy and Girl Relationships."
7:00 p.m. Student Fellowship with
Dr. Mary Van Tuyl leading a discus-
sion on "The Psychological Basis
for Religious Fxperience."
Disciples Guild (Christian Church)
10:00 a.m. Students' Bible Class, H.
L. Pickerill, leader.
10:45 a.m. Morning Worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, Minister.
6:30 p.m. Disciples Guild Sunday
Evening Hour. The Guild will pre-,
sent the second program In observ-
ance of Brotherhood Month. A stu-
dent panel will discuss problems of
brotherhood on the campus, in the
United States, and in our relations
with the races and nations of the

. . .

The Romance Languages Journal
Club will meet on Tuesday, Febru-
iry 25, at 4:15 p.m. in the West Con-
erence Room of the Rackham Build-
ng. Professor Marc Denkinger will
discuss "L'Etat present HdesetudiP -mi

Theta Sigma Phi meeting on Tues-
day, Feb. 25, at 7:30 p.m. in the
International Center: The Sunday
evening program will be opened with


iauua .uruuu nuaeu, ue ebues su r'",""
t r .s a recital by Mrs. S. W. Mower, pian- I
mhateaubriand." Professor N. S. Be- ist, and Mrs. Waldo Johnston, Violin- St. Mary's Student Parish: Sun-
ment will make the third annual re-.,
port of the Foreign Language Study 'st, at 7:30. This follows the usual day Masses: 8:00, 10:00, 11:30 a.m.
Committee on its progress in the ISundaysupper.Daily Masses 7:00, 7:30 and 8:00. Ash
study of the foreign language cur- AnWedneday, distribution of Ashes after'
:culum in Michigan accredited high tudent Zionist organiza- 17:00, 7:30 and 8 o'clock Masses and
;chools, and of the foreign language tion, will meet on Sunday, February after Devotions. Devotions Wednes-
n23, at 8:30 p.m. at the Hillel Founda- day evening during Lent at 7:30 p.m.
entrancecedits anhe iteray co - tion. A speech on "Trends in Modern Sermons by the Rev. Emmett P. 0'-
ege. Members of other departments Jewish Life" will be given. Connell, S.J. "On Christ, His Per-
who are interested are cordially in- Catholic Study Groups: An organ-
vited. ' ization meeting of the class in Schol-
astic Ethics will be held at 4:15 p.m.
Botanical Journal Club will meet Monday in the club rooms of St.
on Tuesday, Feb. 25, at 7:30 p.m. in Mary's Chapel. The class in History
Room N.S. 1139. Reports by, of Philosophy will meet at 7:30 Mon-

Inside and out, this camera
is quality-built. It's equipped
with Kodak Anastigmat Spec-
ial f/3.5 lens, precision-built
Kodamatic shutter with speeds
to 1/200 second, plus an ex-
ceptionally accurate split .field
military type range finder
coupled with the focusing
Price, $47.50
We are headquarters for East-
man Kodaks and supplies. Film;
for every purpose-Verichrome,
Panatomic, Super xx. Let us do
your developing and printing.
Drug Stores


Francesca Thivy: L"I. Algal colon-
ization at Munibles Head. II. Studies
in the periodicity of the algae in
Beauchief Ponds, Sheffield. III. Al-
gae in the bed of the Dead Sea."
C. K. Tseng: "Review of some
papers on the reproduction of Caul-
Ruth Chen-Yinz Chou: "Recher-

day evening.
The Monday Evening Drama See-
ion of the Faculty Women's Club
will meet at the Michigan Union on
Monday, Feb. 24, at 7:30 p.m.
A Lutheran Student Association: The
A. Cappella Choir will meet Sunday,

informal seminar discussions.
LOST-Lady's small round gold .-
watch on gold bracelet. Reward. University Lecture: Charles E. Kel-
Phone 9710. 3 logg, Chief of Soil Survey Division,
___IU.S. Department of Agriculture,
LOST-Gold and black earring Sat- Washington, D.C. and member of
urday night at J-Hop. Reward. ; Association of American Geographers,
Phone 2-4933. 285 1 will lecture on the subject, "The Sci-
RREN-- --' - entist and Agricultural Policy in a
FOR RENT Democratic State" under the au-
CLEAN, light, warm, single room and spices of the Department of Geogra-
suite. First house off State. 615 phy at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, Febru-
Monroe St. 278 ary 27, in the Rackham Amphithe-


:hes cytologiques sur les Bacteries et Feb. 23, at 4:00 p.m. in the Zion Par-
les Cyanophycees.'' ish Hall,
William J. Gilbert: "I. The influ- The Association will have a regu-
ance of environmental factors upon lap meeting Sunday in the Zion Par-
;he development of algae and other ish Hall at 5:30 p.m. Supper will be
micro-organisms in the soil. II. The served and then Dr. Carroll J. Rockey,
ole of algae in the nitrogen cycle of pastor of Hope Lutheran Church at
the soil." Detroit and former Student Pastor

354 S. State'

818 S. State

Reah heD )/y lasiies

Economics Club: Dr. Trygve Haa-
velmo of Oslo will discuss "Influence
f Interest on Prices and Invest-
ment" at 8:00 p.m. in the East Lec-
ture Room, Mezzanine Floor, Rack-
ham Bldg., on Monday, February 24.
3radpate students and staff mem-


Double Special for February!



for spring. Cross-draft ventilation,
shower, very quiet. Phone 6152.
FOR RENT-$35-Couple to sublet
furnished house through June.
Two bedrooms. Bus line. Nice
yard. Ph. 8846.

atre. The public is cordially inyited.
University Lecture: Dr. Reinhold
Schairer, formerly Lecturer in Com-
parative Education, London Univer-
sity, will lecture on the subject, "Re-
construction of Europe by Education"
under the auspices of the Depart-
ment of German at 4:15 p.m. on
Thirsac,''v Fehruary 27 in the Rack-




S11L..5uuy,4S U~l U J y / , 0, 111 411C nv a
NICELY FURNISHED double room. ham Lecture Hall. The public is cor-
Steam heat,\shower bath. Students dially invited.
r ,'huinin~e, orne. 422E. Wash-I

017 {JU iillC+ i.5 jJt iUPIG. 'YG6 J.U. rr aoli-

ington. Phone 8544.


FOR RENT-$1.75 per week. Com-
pletely furnished factory built
house trailer. Excellent condition,
accommodates four. Electric, oil
and gasoline stoves. Suitable for
trips or permanent residence. Call
2-1612 after seven. 281

Events Today
Rooming House Council: There will
be a meeting of the Executive Com-
mittee and the Zone Heads at 3:00
p.m. today in the Congress Room
of the Union.
Newman Club: All members sell-

February 23, 1941
Bowl of Oyster Stew
Cole Slaw
Chilled Grapefruit
or Apple Pie
Club Sandwich on Toast
White House Ice Cream
or Lemon Meringue Pie
Grilled Lamb Chop,
Pineapple Glace
French Fried Potatoes
Fresh Peas
Angel Food Cake
or Strawberry Sundae
Cream of Mushroom Soup
Baked Ham, Cherry Sauce
Escalloped Potatoes
Waldorf Salad
Lemon Moringue Pie
or Chocolate 'Mallow Sundae
Excellent Service
6 to 7:30 o'clock



. , ,5






I each



RELAX in the knowledge that your private papers and
valuables are secure from fire, burglary or loss of any kind.
Rates submitted on request. Large and small boxes.

v !








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