PAGE FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1941 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Former Daily Man Gives Impressions Of Army Life ,s. pmioni rD resNYmednar -N4,........-.. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press . The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADieON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. ChICAGO * BOSTON * LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANcISco ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff Hervie Hauler . Alvin Sarasohn . Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Miltn Orshetsky Howard A.-Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtehafter Esther Osser Helen Corman . . . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director' . . . . . A City Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor * . . . Associate Editor . . . . . Sz-4 Editor . . . . .Women's Editor S . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager Assistant Business Manager Women's Business,)Manager Women's Advertising Manager . . . . Irving Guttman Robert Qilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: ROSEBUD SCOTT The editorials published in The Mici- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. 'Ste ps Toward Price Control ' P RESIDENT ROOSEVELT has cre- * ated a price-control authority. The Office of Price Administration and Civilian Sup- ply has been set up by executive order with Leon Henderson as its director. According to press eports OPACS must "take all lawful steps nec- essary or appropriate." 1. To prevent price spiraling, rising costs of living, profiteering and inflation resulting from marketing conditions caused by the diversion pf large segments of the nation's resources to the defense program, by interruptions to normal sources of supply, or by other influences growing put of the emergency. 2. To prevent speculative accumulation, with- olding, and hoarding of materials and com- nmodities 3. To stimulate provision of the necessary sup- ly of materials and commodities required for civilian use, in such manner as not to conflict with the requirements of the War, Navy and other departments and agencies of the govern- ment, and of foreign governments, for materials, articles, and equipment needed for defense. 4. To distribute equitably the residual supply pf such materials and commodities among com- peting civilian demands after military needs have been met. AR-REACHING, indeed, is the power of the new agency. Already it has stabilized the price of steel at the level of the first of this year. The unfortunate question of authority for price- fixing has, however, also already risen. The Steel industry itself is considering contesting he action, and many Congressional leaders have bxpressed their preference for Congressional ac- tion on price-fixing rather than control through the executive. Of course, the new agency, for enforcement of its rulings, will be able to depend on threats based on Section 9 of the Selective Service and Training Act and Section 120 of the National Defense Act calling for the placement of compulsory orders with the commandeering pf plants that do not comply, and Section 1 of Title 49, U.S.C., giving the President power to delegate priority to certain traffic in transporta- tion during war emergencies. 3 The most important thing, nevertheless, is whether the new governmental agency is a step in the right direction. Numerous experts have asked for a price-fixing authority. In addition Po Henderson, Bernard M. Baruch has long been an advocate of some such plan. Under the new set-up the spectacular rise in prices of all commodities evidenced in war-time can be stopped. The threat of inflation which like- wise always accompanies the rise in prices will be mitigated. Hoarding will also be prevented through the control OPACS will exercise over the distribution of supplies for the civilian population. PERHAPS even more important than any probable benefits and at first sight uncertain is the attitude of Labor towards the new price-1 fixing policy of the Administration. It would seem that Labor would oppose the establishment of a ceiling on prices for fear it would cut off wage increases. However, Sidney Hillman, Asso- ciate Director of OPM, has said that Labor ap- proves price-controls because it realizes rising living costs devaluate wages. The only possible threatening and impassable objection to the new This is the second in a series on selective service inpractice, written by a former Daily man now in the army. By JOHN SCHWARZWALDER PERHAPS the less any man now in the army says about the Induction Centers the better for him and for those he might wish to inform. The adjustment from civilian to army life i not by any means an easy sort of thing for most men to accomplish quickly and as a result the new soldier who finds himself for the first time under military discipline is not the best quali- fied nor the most impartial reporter. Little things like the derisive cries of older soldiers at the new group just off the train, the way one of the two-month-soldiers always yells "They can't do it to you," at the arrivals, the incessant cries of "Jeep" which the trainee will hear incessantly until he is fitted with a uni- form of his own-these are the things that stick in the memory after the more unpleasant ad- justments have been made and army life has become a matter of course. The new routine starts immediately. There are preliminary physical inspections as the in- ducted group gets off the train. There is the business of the first army meal and the dawning of a realization that while the army supplies first class food its preparation may be good or bad depending on the ability 'and experience of the mess sergeant. And the first person with whom the new soldier tries to ingratiate himself is probably that same mess sergeant. The first morning brings with it the uncom- fortable knowledge that five forty five is an hour that actually exists. More than one selectee has known of it heretofore solely by hearsay. People invariably ask "what it feels like to get up at five in the morning." There isn't any answer to that question which can be printed in a respectable newspaper. For a long time it doesn't feel very well and it's best to let the matter go at that. But after a month or so the new soldier wakes up then even when he is on leave. Habit is still entirely relative. In other words a soldier gets used to anything if you keep him at it long enough. This new army is a democratic army so every- body helps to do the work. The business of po- lice duty (which has nothing to do with law enforcement) is likely to be brought to the new soldier's attention immediately after his arrival at camp. Police duty is called 'cleaning up' everywhere but in the army. It is surprising how careful a man can become about throwing away cigarette butts after he has had to clean up the company street the next morning. If one wonders how Winthrop Rockefeller or Sidney Parley Notes By MARTIN DWORKIS A "bull-session deluxe" . . . the Student Sen- ate's 11th annual Spring Parley . . . two days of talk and smoke of faculty and students alike on matters of current import. An-added feature .. . students in the various professional schools are receiving special invi- tations to attend this year's meetings . . . all for the purpose of stressing diversified campus rep- resentation . . . dormitory leaders are also ex- pected to attend in large numbers. In between the two panel sessions is another new feature . . . a Parley dinner . . . the speaker has not as yet been announced .. . he will, how- ever, be a well-known figure in Michigan politi- cal circles . . . scene: Union Terrace. Parley will center around theme of the pres- entrconflict . . , Title: "The Student Looks at War and Peace" . .. biggest discussions expected to involve questions of convoys and post-war reconstruction . . . more than 600 from all cor.- ners of the campus are expected to attend. Personalities . . . heading the panel on do mestic issues will be the most popular membe of the faculty . , . Prof. Mentor L. Williams of the English department . . . back from Detroit for the discussions will be Tom Downs, former law student and veteran of several past Parleys. Helen Corman . . . serving as "boss" of an- other Parley . . . this time with Bill Todd . . . Law School student and frequent contributo to The Daily columns, Fred Niketh . . . Sum- mary of Parley discussions, feelings, etc. to be given after last panel by political science pro- fessor, Harold Dorr. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To the Editor: I consider this May 2nd election for the Stu- dent Senate the most important of its career. This year the Senate instituted and continued many projects. It conducted a labor survey' for those who must earn or supplement their expenses, scheduled several parleys with faculty participation, and endeavored to obtain scholar- ships for those who deserve and need them. This election is decisive, because it must put over con- scientious and representative candidates, who are vitally interested in furthering its functions and extending its influences. There is no longer any cquestion as to whether or not a student sen- ate should exist. It is our responsibility to see that it goes forward in continuing credit to the student, body and to our university. Bill Ellman, Co-director of the Student Senate election Kingsley feels about this kind of be best to write to them direct. ever heard of liked it, but it has THE FITTING of a uniform is an afternoon's job. It is the duty of the commanding officer to see that his men are warmly and comfortably clothed. It is the duty of the quartermaster department to clothe men quickly from available stocks. That there is not more conflict than) there is between these two worthy aims is a matter of wonder to each successive selectee as he passes down the line where underwear (well, it's warm anyway), socks, shirts, trousers, shoes, and, a variety of other things are handed to him. You feel a little different as you step out of the building with a uniform on for the first time. There's a sense of permanence to you army experience that you hadn't felt before. Always before it was a little unreal. You ac- tually felt that "it couldn't happen to you" even though it was happening. But with the uniform on your back and with the suddenly changed appearance of the boys who were with you, you suddenly realize that you're in the army for a year, that these clothes or others like them are going to be your standard dress, that from now on you've got a job from which you can't resign until the ;year is over. You definitely are not your own man any longer. It's a strange feeling. About this same time you get your vaccination and your shots against typhoid. Neither is pain- ful and almost everyone recognizes their neces- sity as a health precaution. It wouldn't do any good if you objected to these inoculations but almost nobody objects. The reason is too ob- vious. After these preliminary steps have been taken the new soldier gets his first taste of drill. The mild-mannered sergeants who have been so co-operative up to now suddenly develop the voices of enraged bulls and nothing the soldier does seems to be right. It takes quite a while to learn that "BAHRANN-MARCH" means to take one additional step in the direction in which you are moving and then turn sharply to the right. It takes a while but it generally is learned. When the men have been in camp a week (if they stay at the induction center that long) they can march more 'or less together and they have an idea of where and when they are supposed to turn or halt. Which, as one officer remarked, is something even if it isn't much. By the time this much has been done to the ex-business man, teacher, student, worker or what have you, he is usually, but not always, shipped off to another camp where his tenure will be more permanent. Where he is sent de- pends partly on the army's needs, and accommo- dations and partly on the results of the soldier's intelligence test scores and the interview he is given to determine his abilities and desires. Many disappointments arise from the fact that for many trades and professions the army has no need. A lawyer who earned four hundred a month is quite likely to become a basic soldier next to a ditch digger. On his other side will be either an opera singer or a school.teacher. This army is literally full of singers and school teachers., CARPENTERS, plumbers and welders are a step, up the ladder from the singers and teachers. Their talents are in urgent demand in the army just now and as a rule their pay is hiked as soon as the first four months are over. Trained mechanics and graduate engineers are also almost sure to be rated as specialists. But the poor lad who couldn't quite get the hang of drilling and who earnestly confided to me that he majored in English is likely to have difficulty making either a rating (as a specialist) or a non-commissioned officer's stripes. The army, like most employers, is primarily concerned with the employee's value to it. His value in another line is entirely irrelevant. This is likely to cause some small disquietude in the breasts of the intelligentsia but, almost in the nature of things, it cannot be helped. C'* ~E Tht DMPednm S.An Rob tSneU WASHINGTON-The President has taken no public stand on the Vinson anti-strike bill, but he dropped a clue to his attitude during his luncheon with AFL chief Dan Tobin. The genial, white-thatched boss of the team- sters' union is one of Roosevelt's closest labor friends. Also, one of the most outspoken. He bluntly denounced the bill as a reactionary at- tack on labor, and warned the President that if it became law it would have a bad effect on the defense program. "You can't legislate a working man into stay- ing on a job if he wants to quit," Tobin argued. "And that's just what this bill amounts to. It is neither constitutional nor necessary. I realize that a strike can be a serious hazard to the de- fense program, but restrictive legislation against unions isn't the answer. "Furthermore, the mediation board you have set up is performing splendidly. It has settled every major strike turned over to it without de- lay. What more can Congress ask? Actually, this strike situation isn't as serious as some anti-labor congressmen want the country to be- 1;,, L~t n - m~ i m .h m ^ - a h - 1 work it would No soldier I to be done. FIRE WT1 L by mascott WE DON'T KNOW how you spent vacation but we do know that our vacation consisted of dodging sleep and thumbing cars. Ours was a long nightmare of seeing eight states, countless prospective employ- ers. hitch-hiking in the rain of Illi- nois and the heat and wind of Mis- souri. We did gain some valuable knowledge, however. This Kansas City (Mo.) is a pe- culiar town. The first settlers must have searched all through Missouri and Kansas, found the spot with the greatest hills and most terrific wind and there built a town. Kansas City (Mo.) is a city of great hills, great winds and great illusions. The populace there still gets a cheap thrill everytime it hears "Home o the Range," REMEMBER THAT LINE of Rob- ert Louis Stevenson's about milady's skirts and the wind? Broth- er, go to Kansas City. We also learned that all the lead- ing bus companies maintain hand- some terminals in all the major ci- ties of the U.S. and that anyone, including a hitch-hiker, can walk into the terminal, use all the facili- ties, wash, shave, etc., check his stuff for only a dime, and can sleep in the waiting room. We are proud to announce that there was a cute little blonde in the St. Louis termi- nal who smiled at us-but "what dod hath wrought, let no man tear asunder ." IT'S AT THIS TIME OF YEAR that the urge to travel comes upon us. That urge usually reaches a climax at final time and explodes the day after the fast final. But we, who will graduate (we hope) this June hung up our hitch-hiking thumb with this Easter Vacation trip. I was a +good thumb and it took us all over Canada, the U.S. and part of Mexico, but the stark reality known as permanent employment now writes a harsh "30" to our travels with the big "M" sticker and the little typewriter case stuffed with an extra shirt, an extra pair of socks a toothbrush and a razor. But to all those who at this time feel the way we do-who feel Just a bit fed up with "formal" educa- tion and very muchsdisillusioned and very much confused as to the future and very much disgusted with world conditions and with the stupidity and horror every- where-why not hit the road this summer? You may as well see America first, before you see Eur- ope and death. YOU can get a drive-away to th West Coast rather easily from any of the agencies in Detroit. O you can just "bum" all the way Take Route "10" to Seattle or "20 to Portland or "30" or "40" to Sa Francisco or just follow "66" to Lo Angeles. You can hitch-hike during the day and if the going is bad, ride freights at night. When you hit the West Coast there's a lot of things to see and a lot of things to do. For ex am- ple, you can stand all afternoon in front of the Broadway-Hollywood (plug) on Hollywood Blvd. in Hollywood and watch the women in shorts or in slacks stroll by. It's better than a burlesque, the women are much more beautiful, and it's free. And Aimee Semple MacPherson always puts on a good show and the Chinese food in L.A. or in 'Frisco is always good and always cheap. 'OSTS are not too high. If you'r a fraternity or co-op man yoi can hit all the college campuses and stay there for free. Then you can always pull up to a used car lot a night, find the oldest but most com fortable Cadillac and curl up in it rear and sleep. You can wash up a filling stations and bus terminals If you have money you can buy food and if you haven't you can alway talk business with some restaurant proprietors in which a deal is made- so many washed dishes for a meal The missionsIn' L.A., especially, are extremely hospitable and, if you work it right, are good for several free meals. It's really a swell country and it doesn't require too much money to see. People on the whole are rather friendly, especially to inno- cent looking, wide-eyed college boys from the East. And when you cross the country, when you see the bad lands of the Dakotas, the great plains, the Mississippi, Sun Valley and Coeur-d'Elaine in Idaho, the Dalles in Washington and Oregon, Bonneville Dam and the Columbia River Valley, the' fruitfulness of the San Joaquin Valley, San Francisco from the Oakland Bay Bridge, or Los An- geles from the top of Mount Wil- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1941 VOL. LI. No. 141 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices honors Convocation: The Eigh- teenth Annual Honors Convocation of the University of Michigan will be held Friday, April 25, at 11:00 a.m. in Hill Auditorium. Classes, with the exception of clinics, will be dis- missed at 10:45. Those students in clinicalclasses who are receiving honors at the Convocation will be ex- cused in order to attend. The facul- ty, seniors, and graduate students are requested to wear academic costume but there is no procession. Members of the faculty are asked to enter by the rear door of Hill Auditorium and proceed directly to the stage, where arrangements have been made for seating them. The public is invited. Alexander G. Ruthven Notice to all Members of the Uni- versity: The following is an extract of a by-law of the Regents (Chapter III-B, Sections 8 and 9) which has been in effect since September, 1926: "It will hereafter be regarded as contrary to University policy for any- one to have in his or her possession any key to University buildings or parts of buildings if such key is not stamped as provided (i.e. by the Buildings and Grounds Department). If such unauthorized keys are found the case shall be referred to the Dean or other proper head of the University division involved for his action in accordance with this prin- ciple. Any watchman or other proper t representative of the Buildings .nd Grounds Department, or any Dean, department head or other proper University official shall have the right to inspect keys believed to open University buildings, at any reason- able time or place. "--For any individual to order, 1 have made, or nermit to be ordered .or made. any duplicate of his or her University key, through unauthorized channels, must be regarded as a spe- cial and willful disregard of the safe- ty of University property." These regulations are called to the attention of all concerned, for their information and guidance. Any per- son having any key or keys to Uni- versity buildings, doors, or other locks, contrary to the provisions re- cided above, should promptlysur- render the same to the Key 'Clerk a the office of the Department o1 Buildings and Grounds. SHIRLEY W. SMITH Sophomore, Junior and Senior En- gineers: Mid-semester reports fo grades below C are now on file and open to inspection in the office of th Assistant Dean, Room 259, West En. e gineering Building. A. H. Lovell, Assistant Dean r . Staff Positions in the Residence Halls: Students who are interested in n applying for staff postions in th s Men's and Women's Residence Hall g for the coming University year wil e find application blanks available i the office of the Director of Resi- dence Halls, 205 South Wing. Appli cations will be received for Women' Residence Halls assistantships fronr graduate and professional students juniors and seniors. A limited num ber of graduate counselorships an undergraduate staff assistantship will probably be open for the com ing-year. Applications will be receive for Men'ka Residence Halls assistant ships from graduate and professiona students, and from men who will b seniors during the coming Universit year. Present Staff Assistants, Assistan Resident Advisers, Resident Counsel e ors, and other student members o u the Residence Halls staffs for mer d and women should inform thei n House Directors or Resident Adviser t at the present time if they wish to b - reappointed to their Residence Hall staff positions year 1941-42. for the University Karl Litzenberg Wanted at Once: Men students who are willing and able to do inside and outside work, such as housecleaning, painting, yard and garden work. I have a considerable number of odd jobs listed at the Employment Bureau available to young men who wish to earn some extra cash. Apply to Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, Employment Bureau, Room 2, Uni- versity Hall. Telephone 4121, Ext. 2121. May Festival Tickets: All unordered May Festival tickets are now on sale over the counter at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower. In due course a limited number of standing room tickets for individual concerts will also be placed on sale. Candidates for the Teacher's Certi- ficate for June 1941 are requested to call at the office of the School of Education, 1437 UES, this week (no later than Friday) between the hours of 1:30 and 4:30 to take the Teacher Oath which is a requirement for the certificate. All, manuscripts for the 1940-41 Hopwood Contests must be in the English Office, 3221 Angell Hall, by 4:30 p.m. today. Manuscripts sub- mitted after that time will not be accepted. R. W. Cowden A representative of Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company will give an illustrated talk on Thursday, April 24, at 5:00 pm. in Room 229, West En- gineering Bldg., to Senior Engineers interested in employment with this Company. Interviews will be held on Friday, April 25, in Room 221 West Engineering Bldg. Change of Address: Students who have moved since the beginning of the second semester are urged to report their new addresses to the Office of the Dean of Students at once. Office of the Dean of Students Attention All Seniors of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Senior class dues must be paid be- tween April 23 and April 30. This is necessary for any senior's name to appear in Commencement announce- ments. Dues may be paid in Angell Hall lobby between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. daily. f Advanced R.O.T.C. Students: Com- mutation checks available at Head- quarters Thursday, April 24, between the hours of 1:30 and 4:15 p.m. r Advanced Corps students of 'the I ROTC and Reserve Officers can ob- e tain their Military Ball tickets at - ROTC headquarters starting Thurs- day afternoon, April 24; the sale will be continued through Friday and Sat- urday. The remaining tickets will e go on sale to basic students Tues- a day, April 29, also at ROTC head- e quarters. s l All scripts for next year's Union n Opera are due Monday, April 28. $100 - will be - paid to the authors of the - script that is choserl. n Summer Work: The following coun- , sellor positions are open, most of - them in Michigan camps. Students d who are interested should call at the s Bureau of Appointments and Occu- - pational Information at once. Hours d 9-12, 2-4 -5 waterfron-t_ men, 4 waterfront l women, 1 woman- Phys. Ed. -major e with R.C. Water Safety Inst. and y handicraft, nature study counsellors, 4 handicraft men, riding counsellors t both men and women, camp doctors, - camp nurses, 1 sailing counsellor for f girls' camp, 1 canoeing and boating n counsellor for girls' camp, head coun- r sellor, man, for Jewish camp in New s York, Scoutmasters for provisional e troops and Unit Leaders for Girl s (Continued on Page 6) I j RADIOSPOTLIGHT WJR CKLW WWJ WXYZ 760 KC CBS 800 KC - Mutual 950 KC - NBC Red 1270 KC - NBC Blue Wednesday Evening 6:00 News Rollin' Ty Tyson Bud Shaver 6;15 Hedda Hopper Home Newscast; Tune The Factfinder 6:30 Inside of Sports Casa de Dance Music Day In Review 6:45 Melody Marvels Amigos Lowell Thomas Baseball Extra 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Happy Joe Fred Waring Easy Aces 7:15 Lanny Ross Val Clare Evening Melodies Mr. Keen-Tracer 7:30 Meet vogue ranch frolics Down The Lone 7:45 Mr. Meek Shopper Hints South Ranger 8:00 Ed. G. Robinson Melody Vignettes Tony Martin Quiz 8:15 in 'Big Town' Interlude; News How Did You Meet Kids 8:30 Dr. Christian To Be Plantation Manhattan 8:45 News at 8:55 Announced Party At Midnight 9:00 Fred Allen Star of Hope Eddie Yukon Challenge 9:15 Star Theatre; Tabernacle Cantor The Old Traveler 9:30 Portland Hoffa, Canadians Mr. District Spin & Win With 9:45 Goodman Orch. All Attorney Jimmy Flynn 10:00 Glenn Miller National News Kay Kyser's Michigan Highways 10:15 G. Smith Britain Speaks Kollege of News Ace - ir.1 Ah-.- 'i'.,Irn nB CRai n f.. a1 DitnrN