SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1941 TH.- MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE SEVEN a ASn Anson Project Petitioning Will1 Close Today Petitioning for central commit positions onnFreshman Project, nual dance and floorshow given women of the freshman class,v close today. Interviewing will bed next week. The general chairmanship and r sitions as costume, patrons, decoy tions, finance, dance, tickets, and pi licity chairmen and recorder will open. Petitionees are to bring tic eligibility cards at the time of tih interview, and may submit ideas the dance not included in their : tion at that time. Weeks To Pl.ay At Annual Assembly Ball James Hamilton, Tenor TEACHER OF SINGING Private and Class Instruction Monday - Thursday Tryouts For 'Jumping Jupiter,' Dance Ticket 1941 JQP, Will Begin Monday Sale Opening 7/e Iltite White4 Tryouts for parts in "Jumping Jup- or who can accompany for a variety T o Be T uesday (Editor's Note: This week Jeanne Navy advance is always better dressed iter," 1941 JGP, will begin from 2 of popular songs. Crump. '42, whose home is now in p.m. to 6 p.m. Monday and continue The room notice for tryouts will be Independent Formal, 'Garden Washington. D.C., will give you a than are the women at any other through 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday in posted on the bulletin board in the Gglimpse at capital society as it was at state reception, and the reason is thrug 2p~. o pm. ueda i pstd n he uletn oad n he Gavotte', Will Be Held Friday, one of this winter's white House re-f said to be because the wives have, the League. League. Junior dues, if not alreadyMarch cetions) sgot to biveu sthees h ai, wllbe olectd romtrout.h 7,In LegeBallroom P. "got to live up to there men." Those junior women whose last paid, will be collected from tryouts.L +~As n elhrcekrcit noi *ad. Do you have the same feeling aboutI this, the line proceeds names begin with A through M will Also any health recheck receipts Anson Weeks and his orchestra will The White House as you do about slowly through galleries lined with report for tryouts Monday; N through that have not yet been turned in are eturn to the campus to play forB n ms portraits of past presidents and their to e hnde inat histim. Asemly' anualsprng all "Gr-Buckingham Palace-perhaps you prriso atpeiet n hi Z will be taken Tuesday. Scenes to be handed in at this timeh fAiosebly's annual spring Ball, "Gar- wives. After ascending the large stair- from any play may be brought by Songs To Be Chosen den Gavotte," which will be given k of it as some ar away, im-way and entering the ballroom, young those who are trying out for speak- Songs for the play have not yet 1 m .pressive place full of dignity and for- military attaches take groups of six ing roles. If the tryouts prefer, they1 been decided upon, and any new m 9 p.m.to1 a.m. March 7 in the mality. Impressive and formal it is, -never more-into the Blue Room may use poetry instead of drama for songs will be considered with the rest. League Ballroom. but also beautiful and pleasant, and to meet President and Mrs. Roosevelt. their auditions. I If anyone has a song that has not Weeks, of "Let's go dancin' with the Roosevelts have a knack for mak- Th introduction is made by General Roles Are Varied yet been auditioned or handed in, Anson" fame, is now playing in Chi- ing each one of their guests feel Watson, secretary and aid to the This year's production includes al- either call Phyllis Waters, music cago and will make a special trip to as if they were being especially re- I President. It is amazing how the most every type of role, which makes chairman, at 2-2547, or leave a copy . ceived. Roosevelts can remember names and a place for every type of actor. Those of the song at the main desk of the Last week in Washington, at the speak graciously to each individual. who wish to participate in song or League. oloists with Weeks' orchestra are Army-Navy reception given by the They had a word to say to each per- dance choruses must also try out, The committee is especially look- Virginia Mathews and King Harvey. President and Mrs. Roosevelt for the son and there were 1800 people pre- even though they are already on the ing for more entries for the theme Weeks and -his orchestra were at high ranking officers of the Army, sented to them that night! song or dance committees. song, "Jumping Jupiter," but all types Michigan last spring when they Navy, and Marine Corps, among those Cabinet Received Tryouts for song choruses may sing of songs can be submitted for con- payed for the Capitalist Ball, who were present, and who found Members of the Cabinet were also whateversideration there what might be best described receiving. From the Blue Rdom it pianists provided who can read the "Jumping Jupiter" will be given "Garden Gavotte" is centered as charming formality, were Lt. Col. is but a few steps to the East Room sheet music that the tryouts bring, March 26, 27, 28 and 29. The open- around that lively dance originating and Mrs. Crump, who last year lived and the State Dining Room where ing night, according to tradition, will with the French peasants, and will in Ann Arbor. refreshments were being served in -lC <----o<---- o---- - be given, for senior women after be set in the atmosphere of old-fash- Affair Was Brilliant regal fashion, and in the ballroom their senior banquet. The script, hcned formal landscape. To use the words of The Washing- the Marine Band was playing. At the written by Frances Patterson, '41,Is Spring To Be Previewed ton Post, it was the "largest, most end of the evening, which had been a modern satire with a classic Greek Helen Culley, '41, general chairman colorful and by far the best dressed handled with laudable but quiet ef- setting. o the Ball, described the dance by reception at the White House this ficiency for such a large reception, o aying that it would be a "glimpse winter. .. " First step in the handling all members of the United States mil- } Sw I tr Club TO Meet of the spring that's just around the of this brilliant affair was when en- itary services, retiring in their bril- T corner." According to Miss Culley, graved and crested invitations in of- liant uniforms, had a feeling that the . Water ballet instruction will be in- it will be different from the usual ficial cars went out to the officers. President and his wife had arranged cluded in the program of the women's Assembly Ball in that the whole ball- They were accompanied by cards to and presided over an impressive and had at ________Swimming Club which has its first room will be made a part of the at- be used on the windshields of cars pleasant affair. ed a meeting at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at the mosphere. to be admitted within the White - ed, and our shoe bags an Union Pool. Individual instruction "Picturesque" was the word used House grounds. Once inside the Pres- orwhoic ful gifts and are very for non-swimmers will be given in the by Evelyn Kuivinen, '42A, co-chair- ident's home, guest's wraps were ef- hr whole handy to have around. Barbour Gymnasium pool to all those man of decorations, in describing the ficiently taken and tagged in a very who sign up in Room 15 in the gym- Ball which has been planned to short while. I SKIRTS- formerly $3.98 formerly $2.98 at $2.98 at $1.98 STUDIO: Bethlehem Evangelical Fourth Ave., South. Month-End SALE on all FALL and WINTER Merchandise DRESSES - 1/ ,to '/2 off Church, 423 SWEATERS - 1 lot at $1.49 BLOUSES - $1.50 values for $1.00 FORMALS - drastically reduced $5.95 and up HOUSECOATS - $5.98- reduced to $3.98 HOSIERY- 1 lot size 82, closing out at 59c. ANGORA-WOOL ANKLETS- 50c a pair, now 40c 3 pair for $1.15 COAT --Size 18 - closing out at $5.00 One lot COSTUME JEWELRY 79c 345 MAYNARD ST. James Hamilton, 831 Tappan Court, or Dial 8389, Ann Arbor, Mich. ~r *) o o<=:o<-y>oc-o<>Ce A WonderfuI tJClose-~ou~t WHICH YOU CAN ~ AFFORD TO MISS! Our beautiful bedspreads can be cost. They're soft, thick-tuft luxuriant-looking. They 're cm to relax on and brighten up you S room. "Always reaso GAGE LIN 10 NICKE .,_- ,,1nasium. Individual coaching will be nably priced" available all season. 4EN SH OPD LS ARCADE ReacTheds T.W O IMPORTANT SPRING QUESTIONS: What Lit? AND turn the ballroom into an old-fash- ioned garden, with appropriate flow- er displays. Daffodils and music, both sweet and swing, will be in store 'for inde- pendents and their guests on March 7, when the Assemblyites pay back for those J-Hop nights. Tickets To Be Sold Ticket sale for the dance will be- gin Tuesday in the League lobby. Members of the central committee will contact League houses and dorm- itories Wednesday evening, and tick- ets may be purchased from them at this time. The price of tickets for this year's Ball is three dollars, and they will be sold only to those with inde- pendent identification cards. Patricia Walpole. '41, was general chairman of last year's Assembly Ball. Freddy Martin and his orchestra pro- vided the music for the Independent Women's dance which featured as its theme the origin of Leap Year and its modern interpretation. The decora- tions revealed that Leap Year origi- nated in Scotland by proclamation of the Queen. It took much longer to get through the receiving line,-well over an hour for most to reach the Roosevelts. The time, however, went quickly be- cause officers, who are always chang- ing their addresses and are scattered about in the various branches of the service, were constantly greeting old friends which they had not seen in many years. Then too, the colorful- ness of the full dress uniforms and medals added much to the already beautiful and dignified White House halls. The women also brought in much of the brilliance. It is said that the feminine contingent at this Army- COATS TO HERALD Y1,001 a ' ,,i ., .1 " . " .4"- ____ 7/' WhatL?/RnIue. i y I (Our Ral Can be enhanced by regular appointnents n-i/h our experiencedi i l I It may well be a CASUAL suit (if it is, look for half a dozen shirts to wear with it, open at the neckline). It may equally well be a TAILORED suit with a new softness, (and you can accent that softness with a sheer, frilled blouse). It may be a suit that copies DRESS DETAILS and DRESS COLORS (and you'll repeat the idea with a blouse that has dress details). We highlight these as i 7outstanding types from our important new collections for a smart Spring wardrobe ASSEMBLY MEETINGS Helen Culley, '41, general chair- man of Assembly Ball, has an- nounced that there will be a meet-- ing of the central committee at 4:30 p.m. Monday in the League. There will be a meeting of the ticket committee of the Ball at 5 p.m. Monday in the League. operators. American Beauty Shop 338 S. State Ph. 8878 .1 s 7.. ANN ARBOR d nY down-town mmmmmwm Cf,/ f W', oXI7, 41~/ / / /7 '.7'' y 7i 5 y " 7 " " THIS CLEVERLY FITTED COAT with the fashion-right pockets is correct for campus wear on into Spring. And this is only one of a grand selection of new coats in many styles and colors, some fitted, some straight, variations on classics and others entirely diferent. Real craftsmanship means they will serve you longer, too. The "big" fashion note for the season is the military style and the fabric of the hour is twill. I I $16.95 to $495 the Sc )J for colle~e 17 and 12 to 20 Io $2/95 I X10 95 ~jA 'vciinit / /.J T/ 1/ I I A beautiful pump to send your spirits soaring. to give your figure that "spring slim look!" ELACttELASTICIZED lARitt e w Perry 1i10bowl. 495' Hawth ~A~t- I I I I I I I