THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1941 HE MICHIGAN DAILY I- Former Student, Managing Editor Discuss 'Packing' Board In Control DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ' " . ,I Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to tornot otherwise credited in this newpaper. All tightsof republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by " carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL AOVERTIJING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MAisoN A VE. NEw YoRK. N. Y. CHICAGO ' BOSTON " LOS ARGELBS - SAN FRANCisrCO To the Editor: Word has reached me that the University administration is considering a project for "packing" the Board in Control of Student Publications to insure a constant and invariable majority for the administration. I hope I may be assured that such a, plan, if ever seriously considered, has been discarded, for I can imagine no act short of genuine censorship which would have a more debilitating effect upon The Daily. I WAS EDITOR of the Sunday Magazine of The Daily in 1922-23, the second and last year of the Magazine as such. We had a stormy time of it, and learned that the Board nearly always had an administration majority in matters where there was a clear division. But sometimes the recommendation of the Managing Editor, as in our case, might serve to make a majority of a minority, and by and large The Daily was a free and independent publication. I suppose President Ruthven might say, with President Butler of Columbia, that academic freedom does not exist for students. But if the student body of Michigan is to be denied even the right to express its thoughts, however immature they may be, in public, then American higher education is on the road to a regimentation difficult to retrace without incalculable waste. The present administration at Michigan has made a start with the requirement that editor- ials be signed; if it now takes this; other step, The Daily might as well be discontinued. T SEEMS A PITY that the staff of the out- standing college daily in the country should not be permitted that minimum of intellectual expression required for intellectual development. If President Ruthven wants to rear a generation of automate , let him carry out his plans; if he wants Michigan to keep her head high in the community of American universities, let him pause and take thought. When America is on the verge of going to war to defeat a system which stands for compulsory uniformity, it is a sad commentary if the head of one of our great- est universities, in the name of democracy, es- pouses the very system he is said to oppose. Delbert Clark, '24, Manager, Washington Bureau of the New York Times Member, Associated Collegiate Editorial Staff Press, 1940.41 Hervie Haufier Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky' Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director . . . . . A City Editor . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . . 1 . Associate Editor S . . . Editor . . . . .Women's Editor . . . . Exchange Editor Business Stafff Business Manager . . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager. Women's Advertising Manager . . . . Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack . Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: DAVE LACHENBRUCH The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represnt the views of the writers only. TNEC Reports On Monopoly In Defense "What boots it at one gate to make defense, And at another to let in the foe?"-Milton W HILE recent headlines told of our latest de- fense efforts and more all-out aid-to-Britain steps, warning of an unguarded "gate" through which the foe of totalitarianism is already creep- ing was buried deep in the inside pages of our Amercan press. That warnng was the Tempor- ary National Economic Committee's official re- port of the concentration of economic power in American society. The Committee related its exhaustive two- year study to vital questions to all Americans- the defense program and the future of demo- cratic institutions. Both are dangerously men- aced by monopoly power wielded by a small inter-related number of industrial empires, the Committee said. .ONOPOLYholds the defense program in its grasp, and the defense program in turn feeds and strengthens monopoly control, the TNEC learned. By March 1 the OPM-itself an agency of vast power-had awarded $13,343,- "833,000 worth of defense contracts. How it had distributed them, the Committee found, "re- veals most dramatically the degree to which the concentration of economic power and wealth has proceeded in America." The report termed as "amazing" the concentration of defense con- tracts in the hands of a few big corporations 'and their subsidiaries. Six of the biggest closely inter-related corporate groups hold 45 percent of all defense contracts. Eighty percent of more than the thirteen billions in orders has gone to only 62 companies or inter-related groups. NOT ONLY does this mean that these cor- porations have vast power over our govern- ;ment today, but that power is steadily growing through the blessing of ever larger orders. "It is quite conceivable," said the TNEC, "that the democracies might attain a military victory over the aggressors only to fnd themselves under the domination of economic authority far more concentratedand inflbentialathan that which existed prior to the war." What monopoly already means today to our military defense program was summarized in one of the Committee's monographs "Monopoly impairs democracy's ability to defend itself in time of war. National defense requires an ex- pansion of output; monopoly seeks to augment its profits by restricting output and maintain- ing price. It thus obstructs the procurement of arms and supplies, increases the cost of defense, adds to the burden of debt and taxation, and undermines the national morale. When the na- tion is attacked, it may even turn the balance from victory to defeat." Even while the wheels of industry are turning, capital is on strike. MONOPOLY spreads its domination of Ameri- can life in times of peace as well as of de- fense crisis, the Committee reported. It works its abuses on the American people in many ways. As one of the Committee's monographs put it, "A more nearly perfect mechanism for making the poor poorer and the rich richer could scarcely be devised." This ever growing inequality of economic goods and power is the key to political centralism, the report states. "The records of this committee prove that restrictive practices are used by some business organizations not only J.. Aac rn- i-in +hilt, fn 1epimant mnr- 'h CC The CIty Editor's £i0 cwatch PAd WHEN Forest Evashevski and Ruth Brown were married in St. Ignace April 12 the local gentry spared no effort to capitalize on the situ- ation. One 250 watt radio station even carted its special remote equipment 52 miles so Evy and Tom Harmon, the best man, could broadcast just an hour before the ceremony. * * * There is one varsity track man, propri- etor of a new automobile, who concentrated too well and not wisely on his girl during a Spring Vacation drive, and propelled the vehicle into a mail box. * * * LEST YOU THINK the end of school is still distant, President Ruthven has almost com- pleted preparation of his Commencement Ad- dress. * * * Two blessings came to lower Michigan during Spring Vacation: green grass and the settlement of the Ford strike. Or is it settled? already presented is sufficient for the Com- mittee's statement that, "Our business organiza- tion-in principle'designed only to serve men- has instead undertaken to order the lives of all for their own selfish interests." What to do about it, in the opinion of the committee, is to "decentralize industry, eliminate monopoly con- trol and stimulate competition." To accomplish these aims the Committee suggests: a national charter for corporations, repeal of the Miller- Tydings Enabling Act permitting resale price maintenance contracts, reform of patent laws, more funds to prosecute the anti-trust laws, and other more minor steps to stimulate com- petition. THE REFORMS set forth by the Committee are admirable ideals, though whether all are adequate or feasible in practice is questionable. Anti-trust laws have been on the books for years, and monopoly has flourished, though it is true that their effectiveness has increased under Thurman Arnold's tenure as anti-trust sleuth. But mere sleuthing and not enough of those very vital ounces of prevention seem to spell failure for these efforts in the face of such an immense problem. A national charter for cor- porations is a hopeful step, but the character of the provisions is the determining factor in judging ther adequacy. One cannot fail to be impressed by the testimony of two of the Com- mittee's outstanding economists, Commissioner of Labor Statistics Isador Lubin, and SEC's Leon Henderson, who said the Committee's program of reform would not have prevented the last depression and will not meet the problems of tomorrow. More disheartening still is the man- ner in which the Committee's suggestions-in- adequate as they may be-are being ignored by Congress. But the analysis and the great body of fact enllected in 20.000 pages of testimony by the Dear Mr. Clark: There is strong reason to suspect that the Board in Control of Student Publications will be "packed" with representatives of the older gfl- eration. It is apparently impossible to determine the status of the measure, but we know that various administrative groups have considered and have probably approved it. THE reason for the indefiniteness, apparently, is that there is a general re-organization of University rules underway and publications board plays only a small part. All of these rules will be submitted for approval en masse in June. Probably the change in our Board will be but one of many innovations. I agree with you that such a change would be a serious mistake. It would make a farce of the student vote on the Board. At present there are four faculty men and three students on the Board, but occasionally at critical times a fac- ulty'man wavers over to the side of the students and the balance is upset. The proposal to in- crease the older generation's representation to an eight-to-three ratio would remove any possi- bility of this. The student :members might just as well npt attend the meetings. THERE ARE a number of angles to this mat- ter, Mr. Clark, that you could not see unless you were here in Ann Arbor. For instance, this board revision is supported-paradoxical as it may sound-by a number of men who sincerely want to help The Daily' For one thing, the revision would enable the two alumni members- both capable newspapermen-to have a vote. At present they may attend meetings in an ad- visory capacity, but have no voting power. A second point is that these men hope to see ap- pointed-to this new board faculty members who, instead of being opponents of The Daily, would be friendly and helpful counselors of the student editors. That, I fear, is a dream too good to come true. There is another group of men who favor the measure because they want these new faculty members to be guardians, whip-crackers, censors of The Daily. This latter group, by and large, has been having its way. WOULD LIKE TO CORRECT YOU in one thing: your venom against President Ruth- ven, I can sincerely say, is almost entirely mis- directed. Despite the ugly appearance of events here during recent months, Dr. Ruthven, still retains-and merits, we believe-the respect of the Daily editors and most of the campus./ The trouble lies not with one individual, nor one administrative division, but with a group of men broadcast throughout the administration, who, although they purport to be leaders and teachers of youth, have no sympathy for young people and do not try to understand their prob- lems. These are the men who want to see radi- cals and liberal organizations strait-jacketed, who forced the American Student Union to hold its "hearing" in a wind-swept ball-park, who want The Daily to be a 'ubmissive "house- organ," who desire the "compulsory uniformity" mentioned in your letter. THIS IS THE GROUP that has been having its way far too often, and that may have its way again if the Board in Control is tampered with. - Hervie Haufler %Te Rbet5 Ak% WASHINGTON - The CIO steel workers owe their spectacular wage-increase victory to a man who is one of their bitterest foes. HE IS ERNEST T. WEIR, former Treasurer of the Republican National Committee and head of the Weirton Steel Company, which is under charges before the National Labor Re- lations Board in the longest case on record. The story of how this militant anti-CIO battler broke the resistance to its wage demands is one of the most extraordinary in steel's turbulent history. The Steel Workers Organizing Committee (CIO's steel union) aimed its first shaft at U.S. Steel, mighty giant of the industry, which has had a contract with the SWOC for several years. Theory behind the strategy was that once "Big Steel" came to terms, the others would have to fall into line. IN HIS FIRST TALK with U.S. Steel officials, Phil Murray mentioned no specific figure. The company officers indicated willingness to con-, sider a pay adjustment and proposed a 5-cent an hour increase.. Meanwhile the CIO offensive had become hot on another front - the vast Ford plant in De- troit. In the midst of this battle, marchers sud- denly appeared before Weir's unorganized plant bearing signs reading, "Ernie, You're Next!" WEIR, OF COURSE, knew about the wage de- mand on U.S. Steel;' and realized he would have to duplicate any increase it granted. Fur- ther, it was no secret to him that U.S. Steel was talking 5 cents. If he acted first and volun- tarily granted a pay boost that topped the offer of his competitor, which had a union contract, the union would be at a disadvantage in trying to organize Weir's workers. Weir acted. He announced a 10-cent an hour increase. TUESDAY, APRIL 22, 1941 r VOL. LI. No. 140v Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin s constructive notice to all . members of the University. Notices Note to Seniors, June Graduates, and Graduate Students: Please file appli- cation for degrees or any special cer- tificates (i.e. Geology Certificate, Journalism Certificate, etc.) at once if you expect to receive a- degree or certificate at Commencement in, June. We cannot guarantee that the University will confer a degree or certificate at Commencement upon any student who fails to file such ap- plication before the close of business on Wednesday, May 21. If applica- titon is received later than May 21, your degree or certificate may not be awarded until next fall. Candidates for degrees or certifi- cates may fill out cards at once at office of the secretary or recorder of their own school or college (students enrolled in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts, College of Arch- itecture and Design, School of Music, School of Education, and School of Forestry and Conservation, please note thataapplication blanks may be obtained and filed in the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall). Please do not delay until the last day, as more than 2,500 diplomas and certificates must be lettered, signed, and sealed and we shall be greatly helped in this work by the early filing of applications and the resulting longer period for prepara- tion. The filing of these applications does Churlish _ By TOUCHSTONE WAITING ON DESK in Detroit, Mich., was my come and get your blood test card from Uncle Sam, tell- ing me to show up last Thursday at 2 p.m. and if I didn't they would throw me in the clink or fine me or put me in the army right away, so I did, scared as hell - the doctor wasn't there. A good guy, the doctor, but if you know what I mean, how's about a lit- tle two-way license in this business? Perfectly valid excuse to say that wo- men having babies can't wait for some small fry draftee to get his feet looked at and needles stuck in him. On the other hand, an equally valid excuse for potential draftee to have business which keeps him away, and is just as important in his life as an obstetrics fee is to the M.D. WE ARE GETTING a rooking on every side, gentlemen. Watch the newspapers carefully and find out what Frank Knox, F.D.R., et al are doing about a good old red-blooded American form of censorship. In Sun- day's Free Press, apparently the only paper in Detroit which is editorially bucking the quick rush toward war in Washington, on page one there ap- pears a story concerning the plans o1 the government, including what the brass hats intend in the heretofore unexploited field of censorship. The deal is for the fiery patriotism o editors to crop up and the newspap- ers to censor themselves. Doesn' sound so bad, but last week Life' picture of the week was' of a British battleship in New York harbor for re- pairs, and an acc6mpanying stor telling how the President rebuked the ' New York Daily Mirror for being un- gentlemanly in having taken anc printed it after M. Knox had issuedra communique three or four days prev iously requesting that no shots of the sort be published. Unfortunately, as Life points out, there is a swell ques- tion as to just whose definition of a gentleman is to hold force. You car expect the government to abandor the Marquis of Queensbury rules any day now. And as to the gentlemanli- ness of the powers that are turning this country into just what we ar supposed to be fighting, talk of hon- or from them is the most ridiculous farce imaginable. Just remember back to Chicago - "You hate war - hate war - America hates war.' There's a rather unpleasant, short word for you, Mr. President Roose- velt, and though I can't print it, you can't stop me from thinking. Only encouraging note in the mess is the flag waving Mr. Gallup's poll Sunday, which shows that despite all the skillful pressure being put on the public, the country still opposes any expeditionary force - either army, navy, or air force, in spite of what Mr. Gallup thinks is an indication of wavering on the last two - but what the hell, since when have the people been running this country? Anyhow, keep your eyes on the Big White Father, and try to divorce the of.a ~ a " reas . P +-inte +frnm not involve the payment of any fee A wh atsoever. pr Shirley W. Smith d in To Students Graduating at Com- r mencement, June 21, 1941: The bur- t] den of mailing diplomas to mem- s bers of the graduating class who do c not personally call for their diplomas R has grown until in 1940 it cost the f University over $400 to perform this lt service. The rule has been laid down, r as a result, that diplomas not called s for at the Sports Building immedi- A ately after the Commencement Ex- g ercises or at the University Business Office within three business days after Commencement will be mailed h C.O.D. The mailing cost will be ap- t proximately 30c for the larger sized r rolled diplomas and 45 cents for the O book form. 0 Will each graduate, therefore, be certain that the Diploma Clerk has his correct mailing address to insure delivery by mail. The U.S. Mail N Service will, of course, return allo diplomas which cannot be delivered. 1 Because of adverse conditions abroad, foreign students should .leave ad- i diesses in the United States, if pos' t sible, to which diplomas may bea mailed.} It is preferred that ALL diplomas be personally called for. t Herbert G. Watkins, v Assistant Secretaryf Home Loans: The University In-c vestment Office, 100 South Wing,h will be glad to consult with anyoneA considering building or buying at home or refinancing existing mort-s gages. The University has money toI loan on mortgages and is eligible tot make F.H.A loans.t Senior and Graduate students: Those senior and graduate students2 who have been invited to be guestst of honor at the Eighteenth Annual Honors Convocation of the University of Michigan are requested to order1 caps and gowns immediately at the4 Moe Sport Shop or Van Boven Inc. It is necessary to place these orders at once in order that the caps and gowns may be delivered in time for1 the Convocation, April 25. ' Ira M. Smith, Secretary 1 Committee on Honors Convocationt Staff Positions in the Residence Halls: Students who are interested in applying for staff postons in the1 Men's and Women's Residence Halls for the coming University year will find appliation blanks available in the office of the Director of Resi- dence Halls, 205 South Wing. Appli- cations will be received for Women's Residence Halls assistantships from graduate and professional students, juniors and seniors. A limited um- ber of graduate counselorships and undergraduate staff assistantships will probably be open for the com- ing year. Applications will be received for Men's Residence Halls assistant- ships from graduate and professional students, and from men who will be seniors during the coming University year. Present Staff Assistants, Assistant Resident Advisers, Resident Counsel- ors, and other student members of the Residence Halls staffs for men and women should inform their .House Directors or Resident Advisers at the present time if they wish to be reappointed to their Residence Hall staff positions for the University year 1941-42. e Karl Litzenberg e f Candidates for the Teacher's Certi- fleate for June 1941 are requested to t call at the office of the School of s Education, 1437 UES, this week (no later than Friday) between the hours of 1:30 and 4:30 to take the Teacher y Oath which is a requirement for the e certificate. The Detroit Armenian Women's aClub Scholarship: Young men or wo- men undergraduates students who are enrolled this year, who are of Armen- isan parentage, and whose residence - is in Detroit may apply for the schol- n arship of $100 which the Detroit rmenian Women's Club intends to rovide for the year 1941-42. Candi- ates must be recommended by the nstitutions in which they are en- lled. Selection, which is made by he donors, is on the basis of high cholastic ability in the field of con- entration, together with character. ecommendations must be made be- ore May 1, 1941. Students who be- ieve themselves qualified and seek ecommendation by this University hould apply to Dr. Frank E. Robbins, ssistant to thePresident, 1021 An- ell Hall. Change of Address: Students who ave moved since the beginning of he second semester are urged to 'eport theirnew addresses to the office of the Dean of Student at Knce. Office of the Dean of Students May Festival Tickets: All unordered May Festival tickets are now on sale over the counter at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tower., In due course a limited number of standing room tickets for individual\ concerts will also be placed on sale. All house managers who desire to take advantage of the 9%2 % discount in meats established by the Inter- fraternity Purchasing Agency (which is part of the Interfraternity Coun- cil) can call 2-5551, the Fraternity Market, for a contract by asking for Mr. Louis Lipnik. The above men- tioned discount will go into effect as soon as the contract is signed and price lists will be furnished at that time. This trial offer will extend to the end of this school year. Summer Work: The following coun- sellor positions are open, most of them in Michigan camps. Students wo are interested should call at the Bureau of Appointments and Occu- pational Information at once. Hours 9-12,2-4. 5 waterfront men, 4 waterfront women, 1 woman Phys. Ed. major with R.C. Water Safety Inst. and handicraft, nature study counsellors, 4 handicraft men, riding counsellors both men and women, camp doctors, camp nurses, 1 sailing counsellor for girls' camp, 1 canoeing and boating counsellor for girls' camp, head coun- sellor, man, for Jewish camp in New York, Scoutmasters for provisional troops and Unit Leaders for Girl Scout Camps. There are also several openings for general counsellors, and one camp would like to have a couple, the man to take charge of the older boys and the woman to care for small- er children. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received 'notice of the following Civil Service Examinations. Last date for filing application is noted in each case: UNITED STATES Assistant Curator (Mammals), sal- ary $3,200, May 14, 1941. SInspector of Coal, salary $3,800, December 31, 1941. Social Worker, salary $2,000, May 14, 1941. Regional Agent, Trade and Indus- trial Education, Salary $4.600, until further notice. - Special Agent, Trade and Indus- trial Education, Salary $3,800, until further notice. DETROIT CIVIL SERVICE Veterinary Inspector, Salary $2,220, April 28, 1941. Gneral Staff Nurse (permanent) $1,680 without maintenance, May 2, 1941; '$1,080 with maintenance, May 2, 1941. MICHIGAN CIVIL SERVICE Social Worker B, salary $105, April 28, 1941. This examination is open to this year's seniors who are 21 years of age. Applications may be obtained at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Academic Notices Professor Carver will not meet his (Continued on Page 5) n n y 9 e .s k x t u s tl u e y r, .t f .t e 9 e n R ADI O SPOTLIGHT WJRCBSCKLW WWJ IWXYZ 760 KG CBS I800 KC - Mutual ,1950 KC - NBC Red1 1270 KC - NBC Blue Tuesday Evening 6:00 News Rollin' Ty Tyson Bud Shaver 6:15 Shirt Sh'rt Story Homg Newscast' Rhumiba Band 6:30 Inside of Sports Casa de Piano Recital Day In Review 6:45 Musical Amigos Lowell Thomas Waltz Serenade 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Happy Joe Fred Waring Easy Aces 7:15 Lanny Ross Val Clare Sports Parade Mr. Keen Tracer 7:30 Gus Haenschen Evening Serenade Exc'rs'n in Science Ned Jordan 7:45 Orchestra Doc Sunshine Salon Orchestra - Secret Agent 8:00 Court of Gratiot Avenue Johnny To be 8:15 Missing Heirs Baptist Church Presents Announced 8:30 First Your Job Horace Heidt's Uncle Jim's 8:45 Nighter; News Interlude; News Treasure Chest Question Bee 9:00*We, Army Battle of Grand Central 9:15 the People Sing Song the Sexes Station 9:30 Invitation viscount Fibber McGee John B. Kennedy 9:45 to Learning Halifax And Molly To be Announced 10:00 Glenn Miller National News Bob Hope's Wythe Williams - .- -- .. B ritain Sn;Saks Program News, Unemploym't