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Cloudy and Warmer
---q PF
Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication
I iti
TNEC Reports
of Monopoly In Defense
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Senator Burton Wheeler WillAddress Peace Rally Here 1
To Oppose
Drama Season's Star
Irish In U
At Home
Golf Squad Vanquishes
Buckeye Team, 14-10, j."
In Big Ten Dual Meet Ta
Neil Muir To Hurl
Against Notre Dame
Michigan's varsity baseball nine concilat
will open the 1941 home season at ment of
4:05 p.m. today against Notre Dame in a spe
at Ferry Field. Coach Fisher's squad,
which returned Sunday from its most Town Mi
successful southern jaunt in eight I. L. Sh
years, won't start bidding for the partmen
Conference crown until the two-game jurisdict
series with Chicago here Friday and fusal of
Saturday. ognizec
Fisher, who was well pleased with as the ch
the Wolverines' performance at the fense st
plate on the Dixie trip, returned with S
his pitching problem still unsolved. Profes
He'll hold his two proven starters, of the
righthanders Mickey Stoddard and Strikes i
Cliff Wise, to throw against the Ma- with Dr
roons tlis weekend, and will probably Collegea
give southpaw Neil Muir the starting Office o
assignment today. Lernerr
The big lefthander hurled in three labor, B
contests in the South, although he Sharfma
did not receive crejdit for any 1winS as a med4
or losses, and showed enough to war- "o-
rant a shot at the Irish. Fisher plans may hav
to lok over two or three more of his fense in
moundsmen during today's tilt, and man sai
will probably have Mase Gould, his ever tha
other portsider and number one re- and fre
lief man, and Les Viegel in the box adcp
before the game is over, If Wise's arm cap
is right, he may also see service for wou dbe
a few frames yent. "I
Facing Muir for the Irish will be of life w
Sebastian (Subby Nowicki, tall the lot o
righthander. Nowicki, the Notre the lot c
Dame mound ace, is Coach Jake quately
Kline's lonedhurling veteran from last tself-help
the Irish will depend upon Bob Fish- mentedic
er, Joe Metzger or Vincent Jerry, all would "i
sophomore right handers.nwof t
The Irish will be on the short end one of ti
the dem
of the odds in the battle, chiefly hd
on the- basis of the six out of eight lPr
win record Michigan ran up in the He wa
South. Notre Dame has split a double- that acc
header with Iowa, swamped Chicago, ductionn
17-10, and tied Purdue in four starts to safeg
this season. democra
Lack of veterans and a weak mound thought
(Continued on Page 3) tent of
Golf Squad Takes settling
Big Ten Opener tive ba
(Special to The Daily) existed a
COLUMBUS, Ohio, April 21.l-The if the nai
Wolverine golf squad made an aus- are to be
picious beginning in its quest for Con-
ference honors today' at it defeated
the Ohio State team, 14-10, to takey
the first Big Ten dual meet of the j
Hampered by a wind of almost f
gale-like proportions, the Michigan
team still showed plenty of promise TI
in today's match for things to come.
Ben Smith, Coach Courtright's ace
sophomore who shot a four-under- Studen
par 68 at Beorgia Tech on the golf- of partc
ers' spring trip, paired up with Freddy session"
Dannenfelser in a best-ball foursome the war
match in the morning to post a 73 dent Se]
and defeat Gilbert and Steckle of Spring P
Ohio State, 3-0. "TheS
The Buckeyes got these points back Peace" h
in the next match, however, as John- of the p
ny Barr and Dave Osler shot a 75 the keyr
to the 73 of Ohio's Krisko and Si- Friday
mone, in another foursome play. In be divid
the only other match of the morning, f
ir.4t is
Bob Fife, another of Michigan's soph- structior
omores, posted an 84 to Montanaro's deal with
88 to annex three more points for The pro
Michigan and give the Wolverines ties or e
a lead of 6-3 going into the afternoon will be c
play. "Amer
In thea ,fternoon, Ben Smith de- Kampf"v
feated Gilbert of Ohio State, 3-0, panel.
.Zrnith r~rtt~ritt r Ffn4
Iks At Radio
own Meeting
ssible use of mediation and
ion services for the settle-
industrial strikes was urged
ech last week over "America's
feeting of the Air" by Prof.
iarfman, chairman of the De-
t of Economics, who named
ional labor fights and the re-
some industrialists to rec-
collective bargaining rights
iief causes of the nation's de-
ymposium Discussion
sor Sharfman was a member
symposium entitled "Why
n Defense Industries?" along
. Max Verner of Williams
and Wililam L. Batt of the
f Production Management.
represented the position of
att represented industry and
n the position of government
lled 'cooling-off' periods
re to be required in the de-
dustries," Professor Sharf-
,emphasizing strongly, how-
t a sense of national unity
s cooperation of both labor
ital in the defense program
impaired rathertthan aided
toal action by the govern-
t is of the essencesof the way
e are seeking to preserve that
f the common man be ade-
afeguarded, and that the in-
of a free environment for
be not destroyed," he com-
pointing out that govern-
tation of industrial relations
threaten the destruction of
he most vital expressions of
ocratic process."
oduction Must Go On
s equally insistent, however,
eleration of our defense pro-
must go on if the nation is
card the fruits of America's
tic heritage. Though he
that the "magnitude and ex-
defense stoppages have been
exaggerated," Professor
n stressed the importance of
differences through collec-
gaining machinery where it
nd other conciliation devices
tion's democratic institutions'
successfully defended.
-ng Parley
il Be Held
its Weekend
ts will have the opportunity
ipating in a glorified "bull
with faculty authorities on
this weekend when the Stu-
nate will hold its annual
Student Looks at War and
ias been chosen as the title
parley. The opening session
feld Friday afternoon when
ote address will be given.
evening's proceedings, will
ed into three panels. The
entitled "Post-War Recon-
Into the Night?" It will
the elements of the peace.
blem of whether personali-
conomic forces will prevail
onsidered at this time.
ica During Defense; Our
will be the theme of another
Leaders of this symposium
Drama Season
To Star Na gel,
Madge Evans
Headed by such outstanding actors
as Conrad Nagel, Madge Evans, Lu-
ther Adler and Sylvia Sydney, a gal-
axy of theatrical stars will bring to
Ann Arbor one of the finest Drama
Seasons held here in recent years.
The first play will open May 19 and
the festival will continue through
June 21.
Initial play of the group will be
the James Thurber-Elliott Nugent
comedy of campus life, "The Male
Animal," which was a Broadway hit
last year and an equally popular show
on the road. Conrad Nagel, former
screen star who has been devoting his
talents in recent years to the field
of radio, will play the leading role.
Ilka Chase To Appear
Ilka Chase, stage, screen and radio
star will appear in the Gertrude Law-
rence role in "Skylark," which will
run the second week of the drama
festival. The comedy by Samson Ra-
phaelson ran last year on Broadway
and will provide a new vehicle for
the versatile Miss Chase, who has re-
cently made many appearances on the
lecture platform throughout the
country. '
"Ladiestin Retirement," termed by
many critics the best mystery play
of latecseasons, will feature Ruth
Gordon, known for her screen ap-
pearances as Mary Todd in "Abe Lin-
coln in Illinois," Victoria in "Dis-
raeli" and Mrs.sEhrlich in "Dr. Ehr-
lich's Magic Bullet." Like the two
preceding plays, "Ladies in Retire-
ment" has enjoyed a successful sea-
son on Broadway and the road the
past year.
"Man And Superman"
George Bernard Shaw's work will
again be performed at the Lydia Men-
delssohn as "Man and Superman" will
be presented the fourth week of the
festival, Madge Evans, whose appear-
ance last year in "The World We
Make" brought requests for her re-
turn, will play a leading part, oppo-
site Hiram Sherman, who will be re-
membered by Ann Arbor audiences
for his portrayal of Autolycus in last
year's "Winter's Tale."
Concluding the season will be Clif-
ford Odets' hit "Golden Boy," with
Luther Adler playing the role he cre-
ated on Broadway. His co-star in the
recent success "The Gentle People"
- will play opposite him in "Golden
Boy," as Sylvia Sidney will appear in
the role of the prize fighter's girl
friend. She will be remembered too,
for her screen roles in "Dead End,"
"Fury" and "The Trail of the Lone-
some Pine," among others.
Windt Will Direct
Prof. Valentine B. Windt of the
speech department, who directed the
season last year, will return again
this year as director, with Mrs. Lu-
cille W. Walz as business manager
and James D. Murnan as company
manager. Counter sale of season tick-
ets will open Thursday, May 1, at the
Garden Room of the Michigan
League, with mail orders being filled
before that date.
Patrons will receive the complete
announcement with their order
blanks Thursday,
Law Grad
To Keynote
Local Meet
Sponisoring Group Invites
AlInterested Students
To General Meeting
Demonstration Plans
Will Be Discussed
A former student of the University
-Senator Burton K. Wheeler, '05L,
of Montana-will return to Ann
Arbor May 5 to address the annual
student peace rally.
The senior Democratic senator, an
outspoken foe of the President's for-
eign policy, accepted the invitation
of the Campus Peace Council to be
its keynote speaker at the traditional
spring peace demonstration after
weeks of negotiating to fit the local
rally into his crowded schedule.
Wheeler is at present on a national
barnstorming tour to personally bring
the position of Administration foes
before the people. ,
Nominal leader of the group
of approximately 75 Congressmen
pledged to opposition to the Presi-
dent's foreign policy, Wheeler will
bring to the campus the silver tongue
which friends say first elected him
a United States Senator in 1922. He
has been in the Senate continously
since then, ran for vice-president as
a Progressive in 1924 with the elder
LaFollette andt figured prominently
as a presidential candidate in the
last election.
Though he declined to oppose the
third term aspirations of the Presi-
dent, he has since become a bitter
foe, paralleling the leadership he
took in the battle over the court re-
organization in 197. Wheeler and
his associates beat the President on
that issue, but lost the first round
of the present bout when Congress
passed the lease-lend bill by substan-
tial majorities. According to his
own statement he is now taking that
fight before the American public in
a series of radio and platform ad-
dresses throughout the counry, son-
sored by the loose coalition of 'peace'
groups which have formed in recent
There will be a general meetipg
of the Campus Peace Council at 8
p.m. tomorrow in Room 304 of the
Union. Definite plans, including
program, finances and publicity. All
students interested in working on this
committee are invited to attend.
Co-Op Group
To Interview
The first interviews for men in-
terested in membership in student
cooperative houses next semester will
be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Room 306 of the Union, Laurence
Mascott, chairman of the Interco-
operative Council Personnel Commit-
tee announced yesterday.
All men students wishing to live
or board in one of Michigan's famous
cooperatives are requested to apply
by coming in person for an inter-
view. The interviews will be given
by the Intercooperative Council's
Personnel Committee.
The University of Michigan Cam-
pus cooperative movement now in-
cludes 13 residences, nine for men,
three for women and one for mar-
ried students, All of these organi-
zations are governed according to
the Rochdale principles of consumer
cooperation as non-profit organiza-
tions. The student members govern
the houies and do all of the work re-
quired for their operation. Students
gain experience in managing, pur-
chasing, dietetics, cooking, dish-
washing and democratic living.
Students who would like informa-
He'll Speak For Peace
Britain's Forces
Claimed Fighting
Dr. Wickenden
Will Address,
Honor Students
Classes To Be Dismissed
For Annual Convocation
In ill Auditorium Friday
Eight hundred twenty-three stu-
dents will be honored at the 18th
Annual Honors Convocation which
will be held at 11 a.m. Friday in Hill
Auditorium. All classes will be dis-
missed at 10:45 a.m. Friday morning.
Principal speaker at the Honors
Convocation will be, Dr. William E.
Wickenden, of the Case School of
Applied Science in Cleveland. After
greeting the honor students, Presi-
dent Ruthven will introduce the
Dr. Wisckenden has been president
of The Case School of Applied Sci-
ence since 1929 and has received hon-
orary degrees from many universi-
ties. He is also author of a "Com-
parative Study of Engineering Edu-
cation in the United States and in
Of the students who will be hon-
ored Friday, 226 are seniors, who are
in the upper 10 per cent of the gradu-
ating class; 73 juniors, 92 sophomores
and 108 freshmen who have at least
a 3.5 average; and the remainder
are graduate students and special
students who have received special
There were 91 students who have
been mentioned twice, four students
whose names were mentioned three
times and one student who was named
four times.
Campus Men,
Coeds Named
In Who's Who
Twenty Michigan students found
places in the seventh edition of
"Who's Who Among Students in
American Universities and Colleges,"
to be released the second week in
May. Upper class men and women
who have been outstanding in extra-
curnicular activities are included in
the volume.
Among the athletes mentioned are
Tom Harmon, ex-Captain Forest Ev-
ashevski and Ed Frutig of the foot-
ball team; Captain Jim Tobin of the
tennis squad; Warren Breidenbach
and Captain Don Canham of the
track team and ex-Captain Herb Bro-
gan of the basketball squad.
Publication staff members who also
gained places in the "Who's Who"
are Hervie Haufler, managing edi-
tor, Paul Chandler, city editor, and
Helen Bohnsack, women's business
manager of The Daily.
Other students included are Blaz
Lucas, president of Inter-Fraternity
Council, Douglas Gould, Union presi-
dent, Charles Heinen, secretary of the
Union, Doris Merker, former presi-
dent of Women's Judiciary Council,
Virginia Lee Hardy, retiring League
president, Jane Grove, president of
the Women's Athletic Association,
Patricia Walpole, retiring president
of Assembly, and L. Ward Quaal,
president of Men's Judiciary Council.
Elaine Wood also won- a place in
the collegiate "Who's Who" for hav-
ing been the first Michigan woman to
complete the CAA training course.
Contest Enries
Due Thursday
All manuscripts for the 1940-41
Avery Hopwood and Jule Hopwood
Contest must be in the English Of-'
fice, 3221 Angell Hall, by 4:30 p.m.
tomorrow. Manuscripts submitted af-
ter that time will not be accepted.
With his manuscript each entry
should have a transcript of his past
grades as well as his grades from the
courses in which he is enrolled this
English Army Faciig Odds
'Worse Than Dunkerque
As Germans Advance
Frontier Battle
RagesIn Albania
CFSME, Turkey, April 21.-P)-
Against odds figured as worse than
those at Dunkerque a, British army
of between 50000 and 80,000 men to-
night was reported fighting a slow
retreat to the southernmost embarka-
tion point of Greece.
The heroic Greek infantry, with
little or no chance to escape the coun-
try, is sacrificing itself to cover the
British flank in an allied disaster
that has been inevitable since the
third day of te German Balkan cam-
paign, when a Nazi armored column
smashed southward through Bitol
Allied Forces Saved
Feats of legendary heroism by
Greeks and British alike saved the
Allied forces on Mount Olympus from
being cut off by German tanks fan-
ning out over the plain of Thessaly.
Unless a long rearguard action can
be fought in central Greece and the
Peloponnesus; it was feared there was
small chance for the escape of the
Australian and New Zealand divisions
and detachments of Britons and
A large amount of motorized equip-
ment, guns, munitions, and other
stores must be considered as lost.
A wound 9d British pilot said Stuka
bombers destroyed 17 British planes
at a big air base in Larisa before the
Germans captured that town. Fifty
of the ground crew were killed.
Other Stukas were said to have
fired 41 Yugoslav planes refuged on
Greek fields.
Battle Rages In Albania
Meanwhile, Italian dispatches
said a "big battle to wipe out the
Greek army" was in progress today
along the Albanian frontier, with 14
divisions threatened at their back by
the Germans and caught in a vise
between the Italians and the Ionian
The Greeks were declared to be vir-
tually helpless, partly because of the
clutter of their own impedimenta of
war, which they now have to aban-
don on the cloggedroads.
The greatest slaughter and destruc-
tion is taking place at the ruins of
Perati Bridge, which slianned* the
Viosa River gorge at the Greek-Al-
banian frontier, Il Popolo di Roma's
correspondent reported.
Fascist dive-bombers were said to
have blasted away at the structure,
trapping the Greek army on jammed
roads. Waves of 500 bombing and
machine-gunning planes and shell
bursts from Italian artillery were de-
clared working havoc among them.
FDR Orders.
Miners To End
(By The Associated Press)
President Roosevelt intervened in
the coal dispute last night, asserting
in a public statement that production
"must be resumed, and promptly" in
the interest of national defense.
He proposed that the northern op-
erators of the Appalachian area and
United Mine Workers, who came to
an understanding last week on a new
wage contract, resume production un-
der the terms of that agreement.
'WeMust Face The Problerz;'
Nazis Increase Latin American,
Good Will To U.S., Bryan Says
The one man who has done the
most to promote good will and friend-
ship between the United States and
Argentina has been, paradoxically
enough, Adolf Hitler, Julien Bryan,
photographer and lecturer, stated
here in an Oratorical Series illustrat-
ed lecture last night.
France's fall was a great blow to
the people of Argentina, whose clos-
est cultural ties were with that na-
Mr. Bryan will deliver the sec-
ond of his series of four lectures
in Hill Auditorium at 8:15 p.m.
today. His talk, illustrated with
motion pictures, will deal with
Peru and Chile,
tion, he continued, and since the
occupation of Paris, Argentinians
have begun to distrust Hitler more
than ever before.
problem now, chiefly by economic
Mr. Bryan proposed two remedies
to combat Axis penetration into Ar-
gentina and other South American
countries. The first involves not only
the increase in our sales to that
country, but more important, the in-
crease in the goods that we buy
from Argentina.
Our buying from Argentina will
not compete with producers of simi-
lar products in our country, he ex-
plained. In the case of beef, which
would be their main export, we would
buy only canned beef, and little or
no American beef is sold as tinned
meat. Cattle growers have admit-
ted that the importation of $50,000,-
000 worth of Argentine tinned beef
a year would in no way hurt their
In addition to this, he continued,
we must promote "three way trade,"