THE MICHIGAN DAILY FR :,iDAY, APRf1W .I1i, a1941 Eastern Trip For Glee Club Begins Sunday Washington, New York City Among Stops Planned During Concert Tour Thirty-seven members of-the Var- sity Glee Club will pile into a spec- ially chartered bus at 1 p.m. Sunday and start on the first leg of their annual spring concert tour, which. this year takes them through the East. The Singers will arrive in- Wash- ington, D.C., Monday morning. A special sight-seeing tour of the capi- tal is among the diversions sched- uled to keep them busy until their concert Tuesday evening in the Wardman Park Hotel. A formal dance{ after the concert has been arranged. Leaving Washington Wednesday morning, the glee club will head for Trenton, N.J., where they will sing that evening in the Hildebrecht Ho- tel. They will be honored here also with a dance after the concert. The singers will arrive in Wash-t hop to New York City Thursday morning, arriving 'there in time for lunch. From then until Friday eve- ning, they will be more or less on their own. On Friday evening they will sing in the Savoy Plaza. Here, too, the evening will be polished off with a formal dance. The bus will pull out of New York Saturday morning, and the glee club will sing that evening in Bingham- ton, N.Y. The final concert is in Lewiston, N.Y., in the Lewiston High School auditorium Sunday evening. The glee clubbers will arrive back in Ann Ar- bor Monday evening, April 21. ! Expert Praises CfAA Adoption of INew-Plane Anthropologist's Book Reveals Intellect Of A meirican Indians ASSOCIATED P CTUIRE PR E S S N EWS By ItOBEiF SPEtsCIrojARDf The American Indians - styled "the white man's burden" by the white conquerors of the North Ameni- ,an continent to justify their theft f the Indian lands were really no burden at all, a book written by W. Vernon Kinietz of the University Mu- seum of Anthropology reveals. The intelligence of the American Indians was the equal of those who -onquered them, evidence compiled in the book just published by the University of Michigan Press proves. A letter written in 1645 by Lale- mant, a Jesuit missionary who; worked among the Hurons, is quoted in the book, entitled, "The Indiansj of the Western Great Lakes" as fol- lows: "Iscan say in truth that, as regards, ntelligence, they are in no ways in- ferior to Europeans and to those who dwell in France. I would never have believed that without instruction, na- ture could have supplied a most ready and vigorous eloquence, which I have admired in many Hurons; or more clear-sightedness in affairs, or a more discreet management in things to which they were accustomed. "In truth, their customs are bar- barous in a thousand matters; but after all, in those practices which among them are regarded as evil acts and are condemned by the public, we find without comparison much less disorder than there is in France, though here the mere shame of hav- ing committeed the crime is the of- fender's punishment." Cadillac, the explorer, writing Saunders MacLane Will Lecture Here Speaking on the general subject "The Extension of Groups and Their Applications," Professor Saunders MacLane of Harvard University will deliver the six Alexander Ziwet Lec- tures in Mathematics beginning April 21 and extending for a period of two weeks. The first of the six lectures,-to be given at 4 p.m., April 21, in Room 3011 Angell Hall on the topic "Group Extensions and Factor Sets." Prof. MacLane is internationally known for his work in the field of Mathematics, and is at the present time a member of the Department of, Mathematics at Harvard University. ,wout, the Otcawa who dwelt in tre Mackinac region about 1695, also is quoted in Kinietz's volume as fol- I lows "We may say without flattery that all Indians are naturally intelligent; but, as their intellect is not cultivat- ed, and they act only on their own inclinations in everything, their knowledge is entirely restricted to what takes place in their own village or among their nearest neighbors; so that they look upon what Europeans tell them as. so many fancies with which the imagination delights to feed and entertain itself. God has ,alsb given them the gifts of a very good memory." Milh*lodeon's Heads Named Carnival Features Booths, 'Doggy Derby,' Dancing A partial list of booth chairmen for the 1941 Spring Carnival, Michil- odeon, was announced yesterday by Bill Slocum, '42, of the Union staff. The five-cent carnival, promised to be the biggest in the University's history, will be presented May 2 and 3 in Barbour and Waterman gyms. Proceeds from the festival will go toward the women's swimming pool fund, a W.A.A. project. Some of the organization chair- men are Jim Snodgrass, Phi Gam; Dean Thomas, Delta Tau Delta; Er- win Heininger, Lambda Chi Alpha; Jack Averill, Alpha Sigma Phi; Jack Sherman, Phi Sigma Delta, and John Pierson, Acacia. Others are Eleanor Rakestraw, Del- tA Gamma; Lee Henderson, Alpha Gamma Delta; Cora Hackett, Zeta Tau Alpha; Barbara Lee Carritte, Kappa Alpha Theta; Katherine Lath- rop, Gamma Phi Beta; Barbara Mc- Laughlin, Alpha Chi Omega; Helen Garrels, Sorosis, and Marjorie Ashley Pi Beta Phi. Regular circus acts, dancing, a "doggy derby" for fraternity mascots, skits and booths will be featured at the carnival when it makes its two- day stand here. Charles Heinen, '41E, is the gen- eral chairman, Anna Jean Williams, '41, is his assistant. I T H E M A N W H O 1 S N 'T T H E R E-Imagine the surprise of art patrons in St. Louis when they found in an exhibit above canvas by Artist Fred Conway who says it's his conception of "Pep- per" Martin, long-time Cardinal star now managing the Sacramento club on the Pacific coast. "Pepper" is that swirl of dust making a circuit of the bases and clouding up the home plate. F A N-.Nearness of spring can't keep this modish ski enthusiast, Mrs. Allison Stout of Easton, Md., from ski fun at North Con- way, N. H. Note her jaunty Al- pine hat, belt pouch. Synthetic Resin Adhesive Is Key To Construction Of Plywood Craft By MORTON MINTZ The recent acceptance of, the first laminated wood training plane by the Civil Aeronautics Administration may be 'the preview of great use of this form of construction in the future. especially in view of the defense pro- gram, Louis A. Patronsky. assistant in wood technology in the School of For- estry and Conservation, asserted in an interview yesterday. Constructed without use of defense metals, the new ship, a low-wing monoplane, was made with virtual elimination of the mach'ne tools so vital to most designs. Tests indicate that the trainer is strcnger than metal ships on the basis of strength-weight ratios with more efficient performance and ease of maneuverability, according to the manufacturer, the Timm Aircraft Corporation of California. Of aid to national defense is the plane's additional advantage of not requiring the usual skilled labor. In- stead, most of the men can be recruit- ed from cabinetmakers and wood- workers easily trained for the job. "The success of this design," Pa- tronsky maintains, "was largely made possible by the development of new synthetic resin adhesives. These new resins, easily obtained in great quan- tities from natural products, have been experimentally shown to be very satisfactory for use in both fuselages and wings. They protect the wood from fungus attacks, reducing con- traction and expansion due to mois- ture changes, thus making for great- er reliability. "Previous to the application of these resins," Patronsky explained, "adoption of laminated wood aircraft was hindered by the inadequacy of other glue materials which did not prevent the wood from separating, ex- panding or contracting over a period of time under conditions of moisture.' ' Water Colors Shown i I I I r i i 4 I a .ii j $ ,I The World's News Seen Through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily N. wspa per Publish, by 'rHE CfHRTS'T TAN SCIENCE PUBLISHING SOCH.TY is Truthful-Constructive-Unbiased-Free from Sensational- ism - Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year. Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents. Obtainable at CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 206 E. Liberty St., Ann Arbor, Mich. I T'S B E R R Y T I M E-Spring's in the air, and strawberries T A N K T E S T-spray flies as army's new M3 medium tank, are-on the vines at Hammond, La., where the crop is being picked 25 tons and carrying two cannons and five machine guns, is given to help bolster Hammond's claim as "strawberry capital." Refrig. a test in water basin at Aberdeen, Md. This is a "pilot model"; erator cars speed the berries tomarkets. accepted design will be pattern for mass production. . , r ± . .i I 3 t { yy r 1 7 F 7 .} e F L G ' i r i F 1 { i SPECIAL EASTER DINNER S-Choice of One- Blue Points In Half Shell Chilled Tomato Juice Fresh Shrimp Cocktail Grapefruit Maraschino Chicken Rice Soup Celery Radishes Mixed Olives Whole Broiled Live Lobster, Matre D'Hotel Planked Superior Lake Trout Beef Tenderloin Steak, Fried Mushrooms . Roast Vermont Turkey-Nut Dressing, Cranberry Sauce Roast Spring Chicken-Stuffed. Whole Spring Chicken, Fried or Broiled $1.25 $1.00 $1.25 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 .$1.00 $1.00 F I N A N C I E R-Secrecy sur- rounds the mission of Camille Gutt (above), Belgian minister of finance and of war with head- quarters in London, who arrived in N. Y. by plane. He only ad- mitted that he's here to discus. important financial questions E N S I C N -Wearing an en- sign's uniform, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., reported for duty aboard the,- destroyer Mayrant. He's a graduate of Harvard's naval reserve officers' course. An exhibition of one hundred fifty water colors, oils and paintings by John James Clarkson of Ann Arbor will be open today in the Rackham Building Galleries. The showing, sponsored by the Ann Arbor Art As- sociation, will continue through spring vacation until April 24. HORSES Ride at GOLFSIDE STABLES Free Transoortation Long Island Duckling, Candied Yarns Frog Legs Fried, Tartar Sauce. Sugar Cured Ham with Pineapple Sauce. Roast Easter Lamb with Mint Sauce . Allenel Special Steak. Mashed or Julienne Potatoes Fresh Peas or Fresh Asparagus In Butter Fresh Spring Salad,Drench Dressing $1.00' $1.00 X1.20 DESSERT5s Fresh Strawberry Sundae Fresh Strawberry Parfait Marshmallow or Chocolate Sundae Butter Pecan or Vanilla Ice Cream Orange Sherbert t ~Pies {},: ' Y. r mmMQ*11, RM'S .:.:..: