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April 11, 1941 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-11

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Ruthvens Head'TwoLeague Presidents Fly

To Texas

'Fresh Airs

To JAWS 'New Frontiers' Conference

Patrons' List
Freshman Project Date Bur'eau
To Open April 21; Tickets Ncvw
On Sale At League And Union
Participants in an evening of
freshman fun and witnesses to a
unique Skit Parade will be 22 faculty
men and women who will act as pa-
trons and patronesses for "Fresh
Airs," annual Freshman Project to
be held Friday, April 25 in the League
Heading the list are President and
Mrs. Ruthven followed by Dean Alice
C. Lloyd; Dr. and Mrs. Charles A.
Sink, Mrs. Byrl F. Bacher, Miss Jean-
nette Perry, Dean and Mrs. W. B.
Rea, and Dean and Mrs. Ira M.
List Is Continued
The list continues with Registrar
and Mrs. Ira MmSmith, Dr. Margaret,
Bell; Miss Ethel A. McCormick and
Prof. and Mrs. P. E. Bursley. Prof.
and Mrs. Arthur VanDuren, Jr., Miss
Elizabeth Lawrie, Miss Esther Colton,
Miss Hope Hartwig and Mrs. Martha !
L. Ray conclude the group.
A dating bureau will be opened
from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the League
and Union Monday, April 21 to con-
tinue through Thursday, April 24.
Such a bureau has been operated with
great success in the past, Mildredi
Otto, publicity chairman for the Pro-
ject declared, and it is hoped that
any dateless men or women who de-
sire to attend the project dance will
make use of its facilities.
Floor Show Is Skit Parade
Special floor show feature of the
dance will be a SkitParade composed
of freshman groups from all campus
houses who will each present a Mich-
igan take-off in competition for three
prizes to go to the houses represent-
ed by the three winning groups.
Ref ugee ir
Tells Of Life
In Nazi Vienna

Flying down to Texas - first as-
signment for Margaret Sanford, '42,
newly selected president of the
League, and last official duty of Lee
Hardy, '42, retiring president who
acted as co-representative with Miss
Sanford at the biennial conference of
the Intercollegiate Association of
Women Students meeting last week
in Lubboch, Texas.'
"New Frontiers for College Women"
was the theme of the three-day con-
ference at Texas Technological Col-
lege at which over 150 college repre-
sentatives met to discuss commonn
problems and interchange ideas. Said
Miss Sanford in describing the length
of the trip and the beauty of thea
Texas country, "We felt as if we werey
on the frontier of something."
Find l ichigan Progressive
The Michigan delegates found, Miss
Sanford said, the League work here"
very progressive in comparison to
that of other colleges. Many schools MARGARET SANFORD
had no actual-central activities build- - --
ing for women, she said, while others . "y
did not carry on any such extensive afer awl Miss
activities as the Michigan League, Sfd said.
nor did their ventures net compara-S
ble monetary returns. Some schools Weather Novel To Northerner
seemed to have political difficulties The "wind, sand, and stars" of
and intergroup friction, she con- Texas proved a novelty in weather
tinued. conditions for Miss Sanford who said
A the trip was her first south of Cin-
Among the. topics discussed at the t
five conference meetings held from cmnati, Ohio. Texas is so flat you
Wednesday to Friday were the organ- could bowl on it," she said. "The days
ization of the TAWS and the College are hot but the nights are very clear
Campus and Defense with special em- and cold." It was only two weeks ago
phasis on women's work in the that Texas had six feet of snow. she
scheme of national defense. The stated.c
first night of the convention the dele- Of considerable interest to Miss,
gates heard a speaker from the Uni- Sanford was the fact that the Texas
versity of Mexico at a formal dinner Tech students seemed to study so lit-
verit Mxicho spakrs foral derd tle. Dances were held every Wednes-
while luncheon speakers were heard day as well as week-end nights, Miss
Hathe other two days. Sanford skid, and everybody seemed
HaveChckWgonDinner tbdatin . th tim t it.

Sanford and Miss Hardy were accom-
panied by Dean Alice C. Lloyd, the
trio drove through the Little Grand
Canyon of Texas which Miss Sanford
said was 100 miles long, 3 miles
wide, and over 100 feet deep.
Of the delegates at the Conference,
the majority were from Western
Schools while the Farthest Eastern

Annual Meet
To Be Attended
By Professors
Prof. Julio del Toro and Prof. M.
S. Pargment, of the Romance Lan-
guage Department, will travel to
Chicago this weekend to attend the!
twenty-fourth annual meeting of the
Association of Modern Language

'Non-Activity' Clubs Are Founded
By Lethargic Dormitory Women


)llege to be represented was Cor- Teachers of the Central West andt
ell University. Many delegates rep- South, which will be held April 18
?sented colleges in California, Wash- and 19.
igton and the western state univer- Prof. del Toro is secretary-treasur-
ties. er of the association as well as being
The IAWS which holds national a member of the executive council.
eetings every other years and reg- At a section meeting of Spanish
nal meetings the alternate year will teachers, he will discuss "Carlos Ma-
ave its regional conference for the ria Ocantos y la Novela Argentina."
°ntral unit next year in Columbus, At the general session on Satur-
hio. day, Prof. Pargment will talk on
"What Constitutes a Reading Knowl-
- edge in a Foreign Language, and
4 Cato es Plan (ow to Acquire It."
The convention will be held at1
L theDrake Hotel, in Chicago and willI
-1 c sconsist of exhibits, foreign language
films, business meetings, general ses-
International Group To Confer sions, section meetings and dinners.
On Student Residences In July
One of the meetings of the Eighth Easter Bonnets

Social activities of the trip, Miss
Sanford said, included a chuck wagon
dinner ranch style replete with bar-
beques, beans and stewed prunes
Laten out of one big bowl. Miss San-
lord described the affair as "lots of
un but the food very peculiar." In
addition the delegates were guests at
a dance held at the college as well
as at a real Mexican dinner.
The women of the dormitory where
Miss Sanford and Miss Hardy stayed
were described as very charming and

w U U,1g 11 le 1m111. k uaenus
aren't considered late, she said, if
they get to class by a quarter of
the hour. The plane trip, Miss San-
ford declared, was a bit rough on the
way down, while on the return trip
the plane had to circle the field in
Chicago for an hour before landing
through the fog was possible. Only six
hours were required by plane from
Chicago to Amarilla, Texas, where
the women boarded a bus to Lubboch.
Drive Through Canyon
On the return trip on which Miss

"I love America. From the time
that I was young I have dreamed that
someday I would be able to come to
this paradise." This sincere statement
came from Esther Torczyner, Grad.,
refugee from Vienna.
Miss Torezyner has been here on
a Hillel scholarship and has already
formed many definite opinions about
the American women. "They aren't
too different except that they wear
more make-up than we do in Vienna.
We never see to it that our hair bows
match our socks. Whatever we hap-
pen to find most easily we put on."
Hitler Dislikes Make-up
Hitler's regime does call for less
make-up than formerly. "You see,
Hitler wants more naturalized wo-
menhood. Miss Torczyner also men-
tioned that in the high schools the
women are never permitted to wear
make-up, and it- wasn't unusual for
a woman teacher to send a student
out of the roomto wash her face.
Women smoke in Vienna just as
they do here. While smoking is per-
mitted in subways, any woman who
would ask a man for "fire" would
be frowned upon, and the case would
be written up in the daily paper."
If a man asks you to stop smoking
you must oblige." Otherwise the soc-
ial life is just about the same. "I
had a formal made for me just before
I came and the women say that it
is still in good taste."
School Unnecessary
"We don't have to attend classes
all of the time either." Still another
difference pointed out was that stu-
dents attending the University could!
not be employed or earn any of the
money necessary for an education.
It is up to your parents to support
you and if they can't then you can't
attend school. Private teaching was
not included in the category of work,
Miss Torczyner intend to teach
German in a private school until
she is granted citizenship. At this
time she plans to teach in a public'
high school. "My fathei' and mother

Yale Scientists Claim Feminine
Liquor Capacity Equals Men's

International Conference of the New
Education Fellowship, which will con-
vene here from July 6 to 12, will hear
a report of a committee which will
survey the capacity and availability
of the University residences, in which,
probably, the majority of delegates
will be housed; a similar report will
be given on Michigan State Normal,
College at Ypsilanti.
The chairman is Mrs. Byrl Bach-
er and acting on her committee is
Mrs. Henry S. Curtis, Mt's. Susan Hill,
Dean of Women at Michigan State
Normal College, Mrs. Esther Griffin,
secretary in the office of the Dean of
Students, Dean Joseph Bursley, Mr.
! H. Segar Slifer and Professor Karl
Mrs. John Clancy is chairman of
the committee to report on housing
facilities for foreign delegates) with
Mrs. Donald K. Anderson and Mrs.
Roger Morrison assisting her.
The committee to find housing ac-
comodations for speakers and other
distinguished guests has as its chair-
man Mrs. Charles Sink.sThe commit-
tee members include Mrs. Frederick
Coller, Mrs. James Inglis, Mrs. R. E.
Drake, Mrs. Harley Haynes, Mrs.
Clarence Yoakum, Mrs. Bishop Can-
field, Mrs. Harold Seeley, Mrs. Bert
Green, and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruth-
Assisting Mrs. Emil Arnold, chair-
man of the committee to find hous-
ing for leaders of discussion sections
and study groups will be Mrs. George
Moe and Mrs. Lawrence Stewart,
while the work of coordinating all of
these groups will be done by a com-
mittee guided by Mrs. Arthur Stace,
chairman, Mrs. Dean Myers and Mrs.
Harold Seeley.
Ann Arbor Couple,
To Wed Tomorrow
Ruth Brown, Grad., daughter of
Senator and Mrs. Prentiss M. Brown,
of St. Ignace, and Forest Evashevski,
'41, son of Mrs. A. Evashevski, of
Hamtramck, will be married tomor-
row in St. Ignace. Thomas Dudley
Harmon, '41, will be the best man.
Miss Brown was graduated from
Albion College in 1939, and took
graduate work at the University. Mr.
Evashevski, a member of Phi Gamma
Delta, was elected president of the
Senior Class. He is a member of
Sphinx, Michigamua, and Druids
honor societies.

That women can hold as much
liquor as men has been scientifically
ascertained by three Yale University
scientists, the Yale Daily News re-
veals in an article shattering the
popular myth of male supremacy in
the consumption of alcoholic bever-
"Unless you weigh a lot more than
your girl-friend, technically it won't
take her any shorter time to become
inebriated than you, even though
she's younger and less experienced,"
the News points out.
Straight Shots Have Less 'Kick'
The threeYale scientists, Dr. How--
ard Haggard, Dr. Leon Greenberg,
and Dr. Giorgio Lolli, of the Medical
School faculty, wrote research articles
on "The Absorption of Alcohol" which
were published in the Quarterly Jour-
nal of Studies on Alcohol issued from
Yale headquarters March 21.
"Contrary to popular opinion,",
said the News, "the scientists disclosed
that the 'straight shot' of liquor tak-
en on an empty stomach doesn't carry
as much 'kick' as the same amount
of liquor in cocktail or highball form."
Dilution Hastens Absorption
This amazing statement was furth-
er elucidated by the explanation that
the diluting Agent in the drink has-
tens the passage of the beverage into
the intestines where the liquor is ab-
sorbed into the blood stream-the
amount absorbed determining the po-
tency of the "kick."
Ann Arborites will no doubt be in-
terested in the fact that beer has a
less powerful effect than both cock-
tails and whiskey. There is a much
weaker concentration of alcohol in
the blood due to beer as "the food
action of beer taken on an empty

years of age. The Yale paper related
that none of them received alcohol
more than three alternate days a
week; and each came to the labora-
tory without having had breakfast.
The doctors gave the groups a cer-
tain amount of "firewater" and then
the concentration in the bloodstream
was determined at intervals. "The
subjects varied in weight from 100
to 250 pounds and varied still more in
their emotional reactions," the News
(Continued froin Page 4)
>ach lecture for the purchase of single
Events ET'oday
St, Andrew's Episcopa~l Churh-

Uphold Tradition
Of Chic Frivolity
"In your Easter bonnet with all the
frills upon it" and there will be frills
on the Michigan coed's bonnet in the
form of veils and flowers this Sunday
as she strolls in the Easter parade
down Fifth Avenue in New York,
Michigan Blvd. in Chicago, Woodward
Avenue in Detroit, or good old Main
Street in Ann Arbor.
Topping her outfit will be one of
those silly but scrumptious things1
that designers call hats. This Easter,
Sunday it will be composed mainly ofI
flowers, will be small with wisps ofi
veiling encircling it and will probably{
sit far forward on the head. If cam-
pus fashion has saturated her sense
of style, however, our coed will join1
the throng, bedecked in a big broad
brimmed straw of navy, the most
tailored thing she could find.-
Beneath all the veiling and frillsi
pastel plaid suits in rose and blue
will shine forth. They will have longt
jackets with big pockets while theI
plain pastel wool twill suits will be,
fashioned on the dressmaker line. x
If a suit doesn't appeal to you,
mademoiselle promenader, amble
along the avenue in a navy silk print
with a vividly red short-sleeved jack-
et and navy accessories, or in case-
the day is chilly, play safe and choose
another navy print with a light blue
wool redingote coat and turban.
"Down the avenue, Fifth Avenue,
the photographer will snap us" es-
pecially if milady is wearing the very
latest shirtwaist dress in a softly
clinging silk jersey with the new ac-
cessories in beige or brown, more ro-
mantically termed, "turf tan."
Chemistry Student
Is Given Fellowship
The Award Committee of the Alum-
nae Council named Mary Louise
Quaife, A.B. '38, recipient of the Lucy
Elliot Fellowship. Miss Quaife's field
of specialization is chemistry in
which she is now doing predoetoral
work at the University of Illinois.
Elizabeth Wurster, A.B., '40, of Ann
Arbor, now a student in the School
of Business Administrationwas
named alternate.
Kappa Sigma Pledges
Kappa Sigma has recently pledged
James H. Voult, '44E, of Sault St.
Marie: Robert Vibbert, '43, of De-
troit; Robert L. Jones, '43, of Detroit;
John Babington, '44, of Sault St. Ma-
rie; William S. Johnston, '44E, of
Willamette. Ill.: Robert W. Holland.
'43SM, of Pittsburgh; Bruce Kleber,
'44E, of Chicago; James C. Davoli,
'41E, of Buffalo; Russel H. Auten,
'43A, of Milan, John Griel, '42, Pitts-
burgh, Mich., and Albert D. Engl-
strom, '44, of Detroit.

Attention! All Activity women,
League workers (and we might even
mention activity men if there are
any such things), BEWARE of the
crop of new clubs springing up in
the dorms and houses, because they're
out to steal your stuff!
We were visiting in one of the wo-
men's dormitories the other day and
what did we come upon but several
young ladies apparently engrossed in
a meeting of what they said was the
"Evaders' Club." These gals described
themselves as being of an unusually
lethargic nature, which translated
Annual Spring
Horse Show
To Be May 17
Crop And Saddle Reelects Mary
Hayden President; Military Drill,
Jumping Highlight Club Event
Crop and Saddle, University wo-
men's riding club, recently elected
officers for the coming year as well11
as apponted committee chairmen to
take charge of the annual horse show,
to be held May 17.
Mary Hayden, '42. was reelected
president while Nancy Chapman, '43,
was reelected treasurer. Other offi-
cers are: Charlotte Thompson, '43,
vice-president and Betty Johnson,
'42, secretary.I
Miss Hayden said the military drill
consisting of 16 riders will highlight
the show. While exact drill forma-
tions have not been completely
worked out, the horsewomen have
been practicing throughout the win-
ter in order to acquire the precision
and timing which, Miss Hayden add-
ed, is necessary for a successful drill.
University women's open events,.
university men's open, and exhibition
jumping will all be features of Crop
and Saddle's annual spring horse
show. Plans for ether events have
not been completed as yet.
Chairmen named to head commit-
tees for the horseshow are: Nancy
Drew, '42, publicity chairman; Anita
Alexander, '44, awards; Miss Chap-
man, finance and Yvonne Westrate,
'41, events.
Campus Vacationites
To Keep College Spirit
With Dance At Union
You can't keep a godd college town
down nor a good band - vacation
won't prevent a dance which will be
given from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Thursday,
April 17, in the Union ballroom, by
St. Thomas church.
Bill Sawyer and his orchestra will
play for the-dance, which will be at-
tended by all students in town as well
as by the members of St. Thomas.
( ( _

means lazy, and their main purpose
in life right now is to evade any or
all activities which come their way,
They groan when they hear the words
"League points," so anyone who is
tired of it all and wants to relax
through thick and thin, just contact
the prexy of the Evaders.
Roosevelt Started Fad
Roosevelt and the New Deal really
started something by having all those
lengthy initialed committees. We've
found two or three of them on cam-
pus, but we can say here and now
that they've nothing whatever to do
with the government. Ye Ed. has
already mentioned the H'.T.U.O.GP.
Club in his Scratch Pad, you know,
the club that specializes in making
deprecatory remarks about a certain
young gentleman who hands out free
gum, but you probably haven't heard
of the H.T.K.O.P. Club so we'll tell
you about it. It could be described
as the male equivalent of the Evad-
ers Club, but actually the initials
stand for the words, How To Keep
On Pro. Need we say more?
College women seem to like to
form clubs of one sort .or another,
(mostly another), but th most pecul-
iar one we've heard o yet is the
R.C.A., which ,translated, means the
Repulsive Club of America! The
worthy members tell us that the
word repulsive does not refer to
physical appearances, so gather what
you may from that!
One-Member Club Is Found
Somewhere or another you're -al-,
ways sure to find a club that has
but one member. The one-member-
club for this week is entitled the
I.C.A. which the president, founder,
and pole supporter, informs us means
the Infallible Club of America In
other words, she can't be wrong and
she won't let anyone else belong any-
way so no one ever knows if she is,
Enough of initials! Here's a club
that might interest any of you peo-
ple who are tired of drinking cokes.
It's called the Thank-God-It's-Fri-
day-Club, (also Saturday), and the
members repair to a certain well-
known eating (?) establishment
downtown every Friday afternoon to
praise Allah for another weekend.
From all reports it's quite a suc-
cessful undertaking.
Club Persecutes Joke-Tellers
If anyone hates people who tell
jokes that just aren't funny, here's
the club to join. The members resolve
to persecute all individuals who tell
such jokes and consequently they call
their organization the Lead Balloon
Club, you know, something that
doesn't go over? Yes, those were
their very words, so don't blame us.
Last but not least, we'd like to warn
all you people who go steady to be-
ware. There's an underhanded group
on campus who call themselves the
Club for Preventing Steadies and al-
though we don't know what they do
to prevent them, it might pay to be
on the look-out.
Oh yes, we almost forgot to men-
tion a certain group of cynical young
women who have formed an organ-
ization which they call the "If-We-
Can't-Turn-Their Heads-We'll - Turn
Their-Stomachs-Club." They seem
to think it's long but apt!

Three-Hour Service from 12 noon to
3 p.m. today. Those attending this 2:30 p.m. Sunday, April 13. Pl
service are asked, as far as possible, will be made for a special out
to enter and leave the church at 12 during the holiday. All gradu
noon, 1 p.m. or 2 pm. If this is not students spending the holidays
possible, enter and leave the church Ann Arbor are cordially invited.
during the singing of a hymn. The
Easter services will be held as follows: 'The am a Deltattdent C
7:00 a.m. Choral Holy Communion;' has been vited to attend a pa
9:00 a.m. Choral Holy Conmunion: given by the Wayne University s
11:00 a.m. Choral Holy Communion; dent group on April 21. All memo
4:00 p.m. Junior Church Sei'vice. o;interested in attending will meet
:00 ~ m.JL~nOT'Chuch Srvie. 14. ].-~ r, r 4- , . r« ...t '


are still in Vienna and when they stoarich makes it less effective than
have one more signature from some- spiritous liqucr."
one in America saying that they will The tast5 showed that when drink-
see that my parents are not a burden iug on a full .stomcih, oi during a
to the country, they will join me meal, complete absorption takes three
here." She added that her brother times as long and that the effect is
is now in England after just having considerably less.
graduated from one of the high Experiments Involved 112 Persons
schools. "I don't know when they will For the scientific survey, experi-
get here, but I'm not lonesome. Every- ments were conducted with 112 men
one is so nice to me." I and women ranging from 25 to 50
Miss Torczyner gathered up herI
books with difficulty. "In Vienna we
have cases to carry our things in.
I'm always afraid that Ishall drop

- - - St.
Comin Events, an
Research Club: The Annual Me-
morial Meeting will be held in the
Rackham Amphitheatre Wednesday
evening, April 23, t eight o'clock,
The meibers of the Women's YR,-
search Club and of the Junior Fe-
search Club are cordially invited.
Dean Henry M. Bates will read a pa-
per on the late Associate Justice
Oliver Wendell Holmes and Prof.
Hf. H. Willard a paper on the noted
chemist and physicist, Robert Boyle.
Graduate Outing Club will meet at

Pauls Lutheran Church, Third
d West Liberty, at 5:30 p.m.

Free Garment Storage
i Ann Ar I bor's
tNLV RefrigeratedVAULT.
A small charge to insure your clothes at
your own valuation is payable next winter.
All Fur Coats, blankets, and
Winter Woolens are protect-
ed against.. .
Moths .. RFire ... Theft

my books. I can't see how anyone
can carry them without dropping
the whole bunch."



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7priffy Irvgw








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