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April 10, 1941 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-10

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ci.Gl y.

Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


Cooperation Between
The Americasa



Ford Sitdown
To End Soon,
Is Prophesied
y Governor
Van Wagoner Encouraged
By Talks With Ford,
And President; Bennett
Also Attends Conclave
DETROIT, April 9.--()-Gov.
Murray D. Van Wagoner said to-
night that he had conferred with
Henry Ford and President Roosevelt
about the Ford Motor Company strike
and asserted that "all parties are
aiming for a quick settlement with a.
singleness of purpose"
It marked the first time that Ford,I
founder of the giant company closed
a week ago after a strike of the Unit-
ed Automobile Workers of America]
(CIO), had talked with mediators ;
regarding the labor dispute.
"While we did not reach our to-
day's objective of settling the strike
at the Ford Motor Company and of
setting a date for work to be re-
sumed, I am far from discouraged,"
the Governor announced.1
"I talked with President Roose-
velt late this afternoon and gave him
a detailed report of today's develop-_
ments. I also had a fine talk with
Henry Ford in company with Harry
"All parties are aiming for a quick
settlement of the strikewith a single-
*ness of purpose. We must maintain
the feeling of cpnfidence and trust."
Governor Van Wagoner made these
disclosures to newsmen at mediation
headquarters in a downtown hotel
several hours after announcing, fol-
lowing a six-hour conference, that
"the strike is not settled. We will con-
tinue to negotiate."
These developments placed the I
labor dispute before the highest of-t
ficials concermied with its outeodme
and informed sources declared that2
some definite action would be taken,
one way or another, before long.-
Britain o Get
U.S. Prepares To DeliverP
Coast Guard Cutters p
WASHINGTON, April 9. -()-H
Even as Winston Churchill made ans
implied plea for more aid in the
Battle of the Atlantic, the United i
States announced today that it would d
turn over 10 Coast Guard cutters to i
Great Britain.-
Like the 50 naval destroyers trans- V
ferred last fall, the rugged craft are e
considered well suited to escorting h
harassed shipping convoys and to I
helping combat the U-boats which
Churchill said were ranging ever far- ;
ther westward in an effort to frus-.
trate American lend-lease efforts. P
Stephen -Early, President Roose-V
velt's press secretary, said the Coast P
Guard ships had not yet been de-S
livered but were being prepared. Pre-V
sumably they will be turned over to P
British crews on this side of the d

I - --

Dobson Burton Selected
New Swimming Captain

As Ge

Greek Force Surrenders

The "pocket battleship" of the
Michigan swimming team, Dobson
Burton, '42, of Battle Creek, was
selected by his teammates yesterday
to captain the 1941-42 edition suc-
ceeding Bill Beebe, Matt Mann's pop-
ular backstroker.
Dobson, a 5 foot, 7 inch mite of the
waves won his first letter this season
as a freestyler on the championship
Wolverine tank squad. He was Mich-
igan's "utility man, for he, not only
swain the 100-yard free style, but
occasionally took over in the distance
After conquering Old Man Ineli-
gibility at the turn of the semester,
Burton launched his collegiate career
with a third place in the 100-yard
free style at the Big Ten meet be-
hindNCharley Barker and Gus Share-
met. He was also a member of Mich-
igan's winning 400-yard relay quar-
What he lacks in size, Burton
makes up in fight and spirit. The
smallest man on the squad, he does
not have the power of a SharemetI
nor the great 'kick' of a Baker, sub--
stituting instead a great pair of sides the
arms and shoulders with which he After b
gets the maximum drive from his as his "
streamlined body, was scut
Before coming to Michigan, Bur- and was
ton had an illustrious career as a high till he st
school star. He held the state 220 competiti
championship in '37 and '38 and the Not th
record for the individual medley be- I
Student Senate Alle
Sparing Parley .Def
Then'e Chosen In I
'War And Peace' Selected Jerry s
As Topic For Sessions son, '43,
To Be Opened April 25 defeated
______ pr1 Clarence
"The Student Looks at War and in the.fin
Peace" has been selected as the debate to
theme of the Student Senate's an- The
nual Spring Parley to be held April team arg
25 and 26, William Todd, '42, general ompulsor
chairman of the parley, announced everymal.
yesterday. 'eec
The parley will open Friday after- the agen
noon after vacation with a general permanen
session. Friday evening proceedings necessary
will be divided up into three panels. The pr
The first panel will be entitled "Post- because i
War Reconstruction; Into the Night?" to provd
It will deal with the elements of the pysi
peace. The question "Will personali -
ties or economic forces prevail?" is The W
planned for discussion at this group. man team
"America During Defense; Our ment tha
Kampf?" will be the theme of the give rise t
second panel. Among the aspects of cost of a
the problem that will be taken up cated by
s the vital issue of "Can we have prohibitiv
democracy while we are defending porary co
t?" The third panel group will con- ent crisis
Sider "Education in Emergency; For cipation o
Whom the Bugle Tolls." Parley lead- tive point
ers expect to bring up the problem The wi
here of whether our educational ideals be presen
aust be sacrificed. phies at t
Faculty members who will partici- ors Banqi
Cate in the discussion will be James the Unio
Dusenberry, Prof. George Benson, the Unio
Prof. I. L. Sharfman, Prof. L. L. national f
Watkins, Prof. Mentor L. Williams, - campus t
Prof. C. H. McFarland, Prof. Preston than 30
slosson, Prof. Arthur Smithies, Prof. eliminatio
Wm. Frankena, Prof. Wm. Haber, Judges
Prof. Norman Maier, Prof. H. S. Og- KennethC
en, Prof. Jacob Sachs and A. K. and Mr. C
tevens. partment.




Nazi ArmyParalyzes




Trends Altered,

Knudsen Supports Legislation
To Take Over Defense Plants



captaincy in his senior year.
being touted by Matt Mann
pocket battleship," Burton
tled by marks all last year
tabbed "unknown quantity"
arted churning in big-time
on this season.
e fastest man on the team
Continued on Page :3)
-eats Wenley
Debate Final
heets, '43, and Robert Gib-
representing Allen-Rumsey
the Wenley House team of
Carlson and Bernard Krohn
als of the men's intramural
Allen-Rumsey affirmative
ued that there should be
Ly military training for
le citizen before he reaches
of 21 in order to insure a
t military defense program
under present conditions.
esent system is unreliable
t does not meet emergencies.
rogram is vitally necessary
e leadership, discipline and
itness in a democracy.
enley House negative two-
n countered with the argu-
t early army training will
o a spirit of militarism. The
permanent program advo-
the affirmative would be
e, they maintained. Tem-
nscription to meet the pres-
is all that is needed in anti-
f future conflict, the nega-
ed out.
nners and runners-up will
ted with the Burr-Patt tro-
he first annual Speech Hon-
uet to be held April 30 in
n. Under the auspices of
n and Delta Sigma Rho,
forensic fraternity, the al-
ournament matched more
teams in roundrobin and
n debates.
for the debate were Prof.
G. Hance, Prof. Louis Eich,
len Mills of the speech de-

(Associated Press Staff Writer)
German blitzkrieg blows rained on
Greece and Yugoslavia with stunning
speed and devastating effect have
ominously changed the war trends
in the Balkans.
Even before the British force in
Greece had come in contact with
its Nazi foe, London appeared to have
some apprehension over its fate.
Again, as in Norway and Flanders,
the battle seemed all but lost before
the British could come to grips with
the enemy.
Even before Salonika fell, Berlin
commentators chortled that the Brit-
ish in Greece were facing another
and more terrible Dunkerque. They
reported that the British were pre-
paring to re-embark from Greece on
the Aegean.
That is possible, of course, but
still seems wholly improbable. Dif-
ficult as the situation is for the Brit-
ish Army, there are circumstances
that might be exploitable.
Its line of deployment, mentioned
only as south and southwest of fallen
Salonika, is in defendable mountain-
ous terrain west of the Vardar River.
It covers presumably rail and river
valley routes like Monastir Pass
through which contact with Yugo-
slavian troops in the southwestern
mountain area- of Yugoslavia is still
And from that British line, which
may reach the Aegean coast fairly
close to Salonika a heavy British
striking force conceivably could turn
the tables on the Nazi light column.
which speared its way to Salonika.
German communications to support
it are no less exposed than were
those of Greek troops on the Struma
front and along the Metaxas line.
That possibility and the British oc-
cupation on Massaua, main Italian
port in Eritrea, are almost the only
relieving features of the war news,
from the British viewpoint.
Hopwood Rules
Are Announced;
Record Of Grades Is Due
Before Spring Recess
Students who contemplate enter-'
ing this year's Hopwood Contest
should get a transcript of their past
grades, as well as their marks from
their instructors of the current sem-
ester before Spring Vacation.
Any student enrolled in a composi-1
lion course in either the English or
Journalism department is eligible
to enter the contest, in the field of
fiction, essay or drama. Manuscripts
must be typed in three sets and
marked with a pseudonym.
Money for the awards was be-
queathed to the University by the
late Avery Hopwood, writer of many
successful Broadway plays, includ-
ing "The Bat," given here this year
by Play Production.;
Italy Asks Recall
Of U.S. Military
Attache In Rome
WASHINGTON, April 9. -(A)-
Continuing a diplomatic "war of re-1
prisals" with the United States, Italy
called today for the immediate with-
drawal of the assistant military at-
tache of the American Embassy in
The request was made in a note
advising that Italy was complying
with a demand from the Americant
Government for the recall of the
Italian naval attache in Washington,

Admiral Alberto Lais. He was ac-

WASHINGTON, April 9. --(P--
Legislation permitting the Army and
Navy to take over strike-bound de-
fense" plants after mediation had
failed was mildly advocated today by
William S. Knudsen, director of the
Office of Production Management.
At the same time, the defense pro-
duction chief opposed legislation to
outlaw strikes, and favored the "cool-
ing off period" system of meeting
the problem, the latter enforced, if
need be, by law.
Knudsen outlined his views to the
House Military Committee after Sec-
retary Penkins had expressed the
opinion that jurisdictional strikes
were unjustified in defense indus-

Churchill Says
Germans Plan
Russian Attack
*LONDON,' April 9.-(.4')-Prime
Minister Churchill warned Russia to-
day that Germany's Balkan drive
pointed in her direction and pledged
that no matter how Adolf Hitler goes,
"we who are armed with the sword
of retributive justice shall be on his
"There are many signs which point
to an attempt to secure the granary
of the TUkraine and the oil fields of
the Caucasus," the Prime Minister
told the House of Commons in a
lengthy war review.
He also, warned British-allied Tur-
key that the Germany Army "driv-
ing fast through the Balkans" may
at any time turn upon her.
The Prime Minister painted a dark
picture of the war situation not only
in the Balkans, but also in Libya,
where he said Britain must expect
a hard fight not only for the defense
of Cirenaica, but Egypt too.
Churchill said that had Turkey,
Yugoslavia and Greece stood togeth-
er they would have had at their dis-
posal 60 or 70 divisions which might
have halted the Germans, but only
Greece, he added, permitted full co-
operation with the British when she
was invaded by Italy and subsequent-
ly menaced by Germany.
Sheppard Dies
In Washington
WASHINGTON, April 9. -()-
President Roosevelt and other leaders
expressed sorrow today over the death
of Senator Morris Sheppard of Tex-
as, the "father of prohibition," dean
of Congress and chairman of the im-
portant Senate Military Committee.
Sheppard, who was 65 years old,
died this morning in Walter Reed
Hospital of a brain hemorrhage. He
had served in the House 10 years and
in the Senate 28.
President Roosevelt issued a state-
ment calling Sheppard a "tower of
strength" in the national defense.
Mr. Roosevelt added that Sheppard
had "refused to heed all warnings
of friends that he was overtaxing
his physical resources and he has
gone to his account with every obli-
gation to duty fulfilled."
Senator Reynolds (Dem-NC) is in
line for the chairmanship of the
Military Committee to succeed Shep-
Faculty Members
Will Speak Today
Two members of the faculty of the
School of Education will address ed-
ucational meetings today.
Dean J. B. Edmonson of the Edu-
cation School will address the Uni-
versity of Colorado Conference on

tries and "most unfortunate at any
The committee is investigating the
defense program.
The labor secretary attributed the
current strikes principally to a "rath-,
er sudden expansion of employment,"
the "efforts of people long without
steady work to, improve their con-
ditions" and the "resistance of a few
employers to the ideas and purposes
of contractual relations with their
Representative Brooks, (Dem-La.),
brought up the subject of the seizure
of struck plants. He expressed the
opinion that the conscription act
might well be amended to let the
Army or Navy take over such in-
dustrial units if the labor depart-
ment or the mediation board had
failed to settle the labor disputes.
He suggested that such a statute
might be so phrased that the Gov-
ernment would retain control only
until the strike was settled.
"I think it is all right," Knudsen
said, when asked for his opinion.
As for the "cooling off period plan,"
Knudsen thought it could be carried
out under existing law.
Degree Given
To Philipa
Dental Professor Honored
For Tooth Decay Work
Dr. Philip Jay, Professor of Oral
Pathology at the University Dental
School received the degree of Doctor
of Science yesterday at the 75 anni-
versary celebration of the Washing-
ton University's Dental School.
The degree was conferred on Dr.
Jay for his research on tooth decay
and his outstanding teaching for the
yast 10 years. He has initiated a
series of saliva tests which show the
number of cavity forming bacteria
in the mouth and has developed a
diet which reduces count to the nor-
mal number in approximately three
quarters of the patients who take the
test. .
In connection with the presentation
of the degree, Dr. Jay delivered a
series of lectures on dental caries at
the St. Louis University.
Dr. Kenneth A. Easlick, Professor
of Operative Dentistry at the Univer-
sity, also attended the anniversary
celebration where he lectured and
gave demonstrations on children's
Dues Committee/ Named
Martha Jane Drew has been named'
chairman of the dues committee of
the Literary College's senior class.
Committee members, who will be in
charge of sales after spring vacation,
are : Marcia Karn, Virginia Keilholtz,
Betty Lombard, Betty Lyman, Helen
Cully, Ward Quaal, Maxel Kerby,
Mary Louise Finney, Arthur Katz and
Chuck Barrett.

British Troops Are Intact;
Reported Planning Stand
West Of Vardar River
Axis Hints Future
Suez Canal Attack
BERN, Switzerland, April 10-(')
The Germans moved at'-extraordin-
ary speed yesterday in two main
One force swept down to the Aege-
an Sea west of Salonika, seized that
strategic port and thus forced the
capitulation of an Eastern Grecian
force estimated at the start of hos-
tilities at 30,000 men.
At the same time to the north, in
middle Yugoslavia, other Nazis struck
Vestward across the country-push-
ing the steel snouts of their armored
divisions against the apparently dis-
organized resistance of the Yugo-
slavs-toward a junction with the re-
activated >Italians in Albania which
appeared almost certain to be com-
pleted by tomorrow, morning. By
nightfall, the Germans were within
15 miles of the Albanian frontier.
British Plan Stand
The position thus was one of the
gravest peril for the Yugoslavs and
Greeks and perhaps to the British
field forces, who were not yet in
action. About British movements
therenwas little or no information
except for suppositions that they were
planning to make a stand with the
available Greeks somewhere west of
the Vardar River. Thus far, the
British army appeared intact.
Greek communications with the
Yugoslav allies were gone; Yugoslav
communications and transport were
substantially paralyzed, through the
capture by the Nazis of the strategic
middle cities of Skoplje and Nis.
Yugoslav Army Split
Aside from being isolated from the
Greeks to the south, and thus faced
with the necessity of going on alone,
the Yugoslav army was itself split up
by the Germans into three sections
--one above the westward line of
steel thrown by the Nazis across the
country; a second in the area between
Nis and Skoplje; the third south of
The British and their allies, it
seemed clearly apparent, had lost a
major part of the Balkan war, al-
though they were by no means fin-
ally conquered.
The jubilant Axis press published
declarations to the effect that the
Suez Canal, Britain's vital link be-
tween east and west, was the next
objective, and such a thrust by land
evidently would mean a German-
Italian attack on Turkey, a British
ally still non-belligerent.
Belgrade In Ruins
All available reports indicated that
the invading Germans had died by
the uncounted thousands.
Belgrade, the Yugoslav capital,
was in ruins, the government an-
nounced in an extraordinary paper
issued at Athens which denounced
the Germans as more barbarous than
"the most primitive invaders" ever
known in the Balkans.

Student Volunteers Aid To Ford Plant Strikers;
Says Pickets Determined To Gain Objectives

Dirt Testing In University Lab
Aids In Airport Constructions

Harry Bennett said he wouldn't
bargain until Christmas, and if he
can hold out, we can hold out, too,
was the opinion expressed by one
of the 85,000 men out on strike
at the Ford River Rouge plant,
and this determination to hold
out until their objectives are won, no
matter how long it takes, seems to
be characteristic generally of the
Ford -strikers, according to Robert
Phelps, '41, who volunteered his# ser-
vices to the pickets last Saturday.
The strikers, for the most part, are
very well disciplined, well-fed, and
convinced that they will win, Phelps
said in an interview yesterday. After
picketing for four hours at Gate Four,
the entrance at which most of the
violence was reported to have oc-
curred, he stated, the only signs of

the aims of the-Union or the objec-
tives of a strike. Negroes who have
lived in the north for a long time,
he pointed out, march picket lines
and are generally sympathetic to the
When I varrived at the River Rouge
plant, Phelps said, I could see the
whole, huge enterprise sprawled out
before me, silent, with little smoke
coming out of the chimneys, and
85,000 men shuffling in front of the
gates. I walked up to the first gate
I came to, he related, and asked if I
could walk with the pickets. "Sure,"'
they said, "the more the merrier."
I got into line and everything was
quiet except for an occasional car
coming through. "Who's that?" the
workers would shout. One car hap-
pened to be a carful of doctors. "They
don't need you inside," one worker

ters. The coffee cups were patriotic,
he said. They pictured Uncle Sam
with his arms around a little boy
and girl, and under these figures were
printed the words: "Life,, Liberty and
the Pursuit of Happiness."
I left the gate, Phelps said, and
thumbed over to Gate Four via one of
the UAW-CIO patrol cars. Two sound-
trucks were playing recorded music
such as "God Bless America" and
"Hinkey Dinkey Parlez Vous" with
revised lyrics for the latter. Inside
the gate, Harry Bennett's Service Men
were patrolling the grounds and the
strikers were booing them. Directly
in front of the gate were 20 State
Policemen, with whom the strikers
seemed to be on very good terms. The
pickets patrolled in a 30-yard circle;
they carried no weapons at all, Phelps
said, but they did display huge signs
which read "This line is rough on

"Dirt cheap" may be an expres-
sion in common usage, but the Uni-
versity's soil mechanics laboratory in
the East Engineering Building has
absolutely no use for it, especially
when the lab receives a couple hun-
dredpounds of soil from South Amer-
ica every so often, shipped here by
plane at a cost of from two to three
dollars a pound!
Wasted money? Not by a long shot!
For after two or three weeks of test-
ing this soil, the men in the lab are
able to tell whether or not is suited
for airport runways;-and Pan Amer-
ican Airways is mighty interested in
knowing just that at the present
time, having recently started work
on four new bases in Cuba, Haiti,

ubjected to preliminary tests to de-
termine their suitability for stabiliza-
tion, and are then carefully mixed
with bituminous material, to water-
proof them, or cement, to give them a
permanent structure. In this condi-
tion the soil is known as "stabilized
mixture." It is then subjected to ex-
posure conditions, such as alternate
wetting and drying and moisture ab-
When the soil has been subjected
to as near natural conditions as pos-
sible, final resistance tests are run.
These consist of confined and uncon-
fined compression tests (with and
without lateral support) to measure
the stability of the soil against rut-
ting, and direct shear tests to meas-

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