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April 09, 1941 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-09

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THE...M... HIGAN .. alsi.EY.
_ _ _- __

'-A A 67i% T AJ




(Continued froin Page 4)
House Director, -and it should be iin
her hands by April 25.
Students who plan to enter the'
Hopwood Contests should obtain a
statement of this semester's record
from their instructors before spring
recess. They should also have their
record of last semester sent from the
Recorder's Office to the Hopwood
R. W. Cowden 3'

and women should inform their the BUREAU OF APPOINTMENT '::rme de Stael et Napoleon" today
House Directors or Resident Advisers AND OCCUPATIONAL INFORM.A- t 4:15 1).m..n Rooii: 103, Romance
at the present time if they wish to be_ TION, 201 Masoni Hall. Office hours: 2anguages Bldg.
reappointed to their Residence Halls 9-12 and 2-4. ____
staff positions for the University year-- -
'1941-42,. alitebr Sumir Jobs: A representative of Events Today
KrLizneg the H. J. Heinz Company will be inClub
Anzn Arbor Wednesday to interview j Utniversity of Michigan Flying Cu
Th nvriyBra ~Apit e o mr 'work, {.i711xneet tonight in 1042 East
ai iiery1 rau fApit enfrsme r,s d Occupational Informa- Students who are interested may I ritgeerixng Building at 8:00.
linha eeie otc o h gfl all at the Bureau of Appointments, viR ifll)Ci5are requested to bringI
lowing MICHIGAN Civil Service Ex- 2v01 Mason Hall, or see Mr. Hilde- 12 following information with
amnirat-ion. Toast date for filing appli - brand, Room 304 of the Union, i hem: Total hours flown from April
non is noted in each caeenedy., 1940, to March 31. 1941. 1ndk~ate 1
cai~oiamount that was dual, solo, night,

Science Auditorium at 'lie conclus on League not later than Monday :tight, The Liberal Students' Union of tl
of the Speech contest. April 21. Unitarian Church will give a pax
International Center: Tonight, ! The (garden Section of the Faculty TusaArl1,a :0pm
7:30to :00,theweely pogrm ~Women's; Club will meet Thursday, Unity Hall. There will be social dar
recorded -music will consist of : ! April 10, at 2:30 p.m. in the Michiganin.fldacgndrrshe
Handel: Concerto Grosso No. 6 League. Small charge.
Bach: Toccata and Fugue
Purcell: Prelude to Dido and{ Senior Announcements On Sale
Brahs: oncrtoNo. fo pino eniors in the Literary College will
and orchestra. Vladimir Horo- 14- of their annotuncements after vac;
witz -nd te NBCorchetranave their last chance to order com-tin
conducted by Arturo Tosca- ITxencement announcements before Collections of senior dues in tl
ii i hla nt elbyofAgl Literary College will open A~pril2
All interested are welcome. : Iall. The notices will be sold from according to Miss Beth Castor, ac
___ - . to noon, and from 2 to 5. The en- ing president of the class. Dues pa:
SThe Firstd Methodist Chuzrc"hchoir. s oitc -.,-.ni Cnit- 161 n,i .n... , -


- 2Uciai vvorK~er 1:5 salary IUD AprlMVi
Staff Positions In the Residence 28, 1941.i
Halls: Students who are interested Tabulatinig Clerk B3, Salary $105,
in applying for staff positions in the Apr~il 25. 1941.t
Men's anid Women's Residence Halls; Tabulatinga Clerk A2, Salary $115.
for the coming University year will( April 25, 1941.;l
find application blanks available in Tabulating Clerk Al, Salary $140, t e ofie fth D rcor f R s-1Ap l25 19 .it
the ~ ~ ~~ alr ofieo$h Drco fRe, pi 5, A941. 141
Residence Halls assistantships from isherie$150, ar 25, hic1941.
graduate and pr ofessional students, sries Rearch Techician1C
juniors and seniors. A limited num-sary$0Api2519.
ber of graduate counseorships and Fisher'ies Research Technician B3,
undergraduate staff assistantships 'salary $105, April 25, 1941.
will probably be open for the coming Fisheries Research Technician A,?
year. Applications will be received salary $130, April 25, 1941.
for Men's Residence. Halls assistant- Aquatic Biologist I, salary $150,1
ships from :graduate and professional Apil 25, 1941.j;
students, and from men who Will be Motor Equipment Repairman B.
seniors during the coming University1 salary $105, April 25, 1941.
year. Motor Equipment Repairman A.

A cadenl-iw


Chemical and Metallurgical Engi-
neering Semnar for staff and grad-
u.ate students today at 4:00 p.m. ine
j lcom 3201 E. ling. Bldg. Mr. R. F.
Thomson will speak on "Effect of
Carbon Content on Critical Cooling
Velocityv for Feritep Pveinita."

instrument, and types of aircraft used-
in the acculmulation of this time.
also number of cross country flights.I
F~inal arrangements will be rrade iror
Ihc; coming regional meet, and the
I-oening Trophy report will be cw-


I V1.1,.F1V ul U -l Ait; I r'i'l uatvi 45 . 11h I VC4f2 VV All hol fl l ilf
_____thisevening at 7:30 in Room 4208
3xngell Hall. Attendance of all mem-
Concerts ,:'les actives and pledges is compul-
Organ ,R'ecital: The annual Holy7-
Week organ recital will be given by
Palmer Christian. University Organ- F Alha Phi Omega: A closed meet-
ist,, at 4 :15 p.m. today in Hitl Audi- n will be held this evening in the
torium. Included in the pr- Michigan Union. Election of officers,
gramn will be two Bach Choral ! snd the completion of plans for the
Preludes from thie Lutheran liturgy, !state Conference are among the
the Good Friday music from Wg topics of business for the meeting.
ner's "Parsifal," two numbers by Du-' Pledges will please meet at 7:30, and
tpre, "Jesus Meets Hi~s Mother" (Stet-I active members at 8:00.


xa\ .a' - .-- -- f.- - -- - ---lA---L ,V11 g--4dA .-iid I' ;x~e r sc ojU
with Mar'k Bills and Joseph Laden- -
cute as soloists and Professor Hardin
Van Deursen of the School of Music
as director, will present Stainer'sI
"The Crucifixion" 'tonight at 8:001
p.m. in the Church. The public is
cordially invited.
Hlarris Hall: A Lenten Lunch will
be served this afternoon from 12:00
to 1:00.
5t. Andrew's Episcopal Chur-chi-
7:30 a.m. today. Holy Commrunion,1
Harr-is Hall Chapel; 8:.00 a.m. Holy
Communion in the Church, and 'fn-
tercessions at 12:15 noon in the
church. Maundy Thursday: 8:00
a.m. Holy Communrion; 12:15 noon,

n seniors win resume sales



Present Staff Assistants, Assistant sa lary $130, April 25, 1941.
Resident Advisers, Resident Coun, Barber Inspector A12, salary $115,
selors, and other student members of April 25, 1941.
the Residence Halls staffs for maen' Complete announcement oni file at

The World's News& Seen'1Throug6(h
An filln'ter ionialAijl Newspapr
Piibtiskcd by TH-E ''U RISlAN - N11d~: IUIJI "1)ING SOcIETY'
is Truthful-Cois. uctive-Uwibiased-Free from Sensation al-
isi -- Editorials Are Timely and Instructive and Its Daily
Features, Together witht the Weekly Magazine Section, Make
the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Horne.
- Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Molnth.
Saturday Issue, including Magaizine Section, $2.60 a Year.
Introductory Offer, 6 Issues 25 Cents.
Obtainable at.

mueatus are one dollar.


' llt I iCt."1VassAt', 11c.ill" incmuion.;AllmThursdalsevice
(PasionSymphony ), as well as oth- 1 Notice to all ASME members: The -' ieCommuion in. ll ursdm. sricesi
er compositions of appropriate Sig- Student Branch of the ASME a '11 in the church.
nificance. Ti-e recital will be com- make an inspection trip through the # -- -
plimentary to the general public. fH1oover Ball Bearing Co. of Ann Ar_~ Westmninster Student Guild : 7:00'
box' this evening. All members meet a.nm. today. Lenten worship services
Student Graduation Recital: Judith at- 7:00 p.m. sharp in the Union. I followed by breakfast at the Pres-
Victor. '4lSM, will present a pianoj byterian Church. Any one interested
recital at 8:30 p.m. Thursday, April Erodh Project Parade Committee, is cordially invited.
10," in the .Lydia Mendelssohn The- I will audition skits today in the room- -
atre. The concert, which will be in, posted as following: Michigan Dames: Drama Cvou p
I partial fulfillment of the require- 4:00 Betsy Barbour-Helen New- I xwill meet at the home of Mrs. 1-". 'V.!
mcnts for the Bachelor of Music berry Cowden, 1016 Olivia, today. The
degree, will be complimentary to the '4:15DlaGma grswlpeenapay
genralpubic 4:30 Kappa Alpha Theta-Alpha I- -
Gamma Delta Corning oett
E~xhibitions 4:45 Kappa Kappa Gammia ' E e s
5:00 Pi Beta Phi La Sociedad Hlispanica presents
Exhibit: Defense Housing, arranged 5:15 Chi Omega-Alpha Delta' Pi! Professor Nelson Eddy in a lecture on
by the Central Housing Commission, 5:30 Kappa Delta "Musica Espanola Moderna", Thurs- i
Washington, D.C.; third floor Ex- clday, April 10, at 4:15 p.m. in 103
hibition Room. Architecture Building, AI-Thiaqafa, the Arabic Culture Sc- Romance Language Bldg.
through April 9, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ciety, will hold a- round-table dis-
f cussion tonight at 8:00 at the Inter- School for Scandal: The class in
Otils, Water Colors and Drawings. Ex- "Youth Movements in the Arab (Speech 164) will read the principal
Ihibition Galleries of the Rackham World." All interested are invited, scenes from Richard Brinsley Sheri-
School, March 28-April 26. Daily (ex- dan's "The School for Scandal"
cept Sundays) including evenings,. rThe Slavic Society will meet Thursday, April 10, from 3 to 4:30
Auspices: Ann Arbor Art Association tonight at 8:00 in Room 305 of the' p.m., Room 302 Mason Hall. PersonsI
xa Institute of Fine Arts, University, Michigan Union~. Choral mnusic anal- intertedĀ«r^ invited to a ttend thisI
of Michigan. folk dancing will be featured after; class program,
-- _-_ the meeting.. All members are re- ----
Exhibition: Water color sketches I quested to attend. ' Frosh Project Parade Committee
from the interior decoration studios! - will audition skits in the room posted
of Marshall Field and Company, Chi- The Spring Parley Continuations' as following on Thursday, April 10:
cago. First floor corridor display1 Committee will meet at 4:30 p.m. 4:00 Gamma Phi Beta
cases, Architectun'e Building. April ;today at the Union. The room will 4:15 Jordan 2, 3?
4-19. be posted on the bulletin board. 4:30 Alpha Chi Omega
I 4:45 Jordan 4, 5
Women's Glee Club: No rehears'al 5:00 Independents
Lectures 'tonight. Next meeting Wednesday, 5:15Sosi
Argil 22a n r.' ._i




206 E. Liberty St., Ann Arbor, Mich.


$4.50 N OW,9 5 DOLLARS SOON\1!


P. _ -1





+,, --i


_ Y __ .w _ .__; _. _ . _ ___ _ W

~~~~~~~:0TiDlaThe Alexander Ziwet Lectures ini-0 i)T ~la-- - -___
Mathematics will be given this year Sec eir n rdae h aut onnstl#wl
(by rofssorSauder Macaneof Seniors and graduate students in !hold its anneual meeting and luncheon
IHarvard University on the subject' - .I
I ~~xtesion ofGrous ad ThirSpeech interested in teaching posi- at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 23,'
Applcatons"begnnig Apil 1 tons for next year are asked to meet i in the Michigan League Balroom.r
Andliexteond, gning orrwoleeks 1Th for information relative to vacancies4 Reservations for the luncheon shou
first ecturewillIarid applications today in the Nattinal' be made with Mrs. Clark at the1_
f'sletr wilbe on Monday, .__ ~ ------------ ~ ---- ---__ ____-I Before %,o I11y your
April 21, at 4:*00 p.m. in 3011 A.K., '_
on the topic, ":Group Extensions and
I Factor Sets." _ IFaster shoes read about
French Lecture: Mr. William G. - Hoe new PeLiso Idea
Merhab will give the fifth lecture onr
the Cerele Francais program: "Ma - - in "eo-or dinited stlyes."
It 9
." 9N
ff7 byg'"ALT'ERt 1WLISO
f lIc' 's the. :answer to vow- poblen of Id

- -,fie her..S y ws c


Elizabeth Arden

Lucien Lelong
Len theric
Max Factor
Aye r

4A -
-4 . I'
'. U A
4' 1 4
F 1 * I

4Am 't Ife Lhe Oia't
Get your tickets early for the
Men's Dormitories'
Saturday Evening,
MNay 3rd

L' iso's arc the latest thin; in spring stylesL
P -styl with advance information on
j sprig costumeris and accessories.
You "' teuony the smartest shoe fash-9
10fionsherc--proved and approved in ad- .
sance c . for you,
F" j





per Couple



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