' .: FOR THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, ARIL 9,1941 'HE MICHIGAN DAILY and WATE By MASCtT1f11 ISpring Rush. I Edited and'managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority lof the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the" use for republication.rof all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise' credited in this newpaper. All tights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during.the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, *4.50. 4 REPRESENTE.O FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI3ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MAosoN AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. COICAGO * BOSTON . Los ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO M#ember, AssociatedI Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editorial Staff Eervie Haufber AlV n Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Ka'rl Kessler . Milton Orshefsay Howard A. Goldman Laurerice Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser . Helen Corman E Managing Editor *Editorial Director City Editor Associate Editor. . Associate Editor . Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor +Women's Editor Exchange Editor Business Staff Business Manager. Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager . Irving Guttman obert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause I NIGHT EDITOR: DAVE LACHENBRUCH The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Students Must Face Post-War Problems.. . W HAT OF THE FUTURE? Is there a thinking student on this campus, or on any campus, who has not won- dered, in baffled amazement, what is to come after this war? After the last war, America promised itself if there should be another world fight, war aims and plans for post-war reconstruction would have been mapped out in advance and would swing into practice immediately upon the conclusion of the war. BUT WE HAVE fallen into the same pit that trapped us the last time. No plans have been made for the future, and indications are that, no matter who wins this war, its cost to Ameri- ca, in money, in trade, in jobs, in democracy, will be staggering. We're in the war now and our immediate aim should be to prosecute this war. But that does not mean that we should completely forget that, after the last shell has exploded, the world will continue to revolve on its axis-that there will be a new generation growing up in post-War II America. IT IS IMPORTANT that we, as students and faculty of a university, do some serious think- ing on the problems created by the war and how they will affect us afterward. For the only way to stimulate government action is to discuss the problem publicly and to increase the general public awareness of the existence of this prob- lem. One of the nost important problems that will face a post-war America will be the question of world harmony. If Britain wins it is generally expected that the United States will take the initiative in bringing all of the countries of the world together in closer cooperation and union How can this be brought about? How much of our resources do we want to spend on this project? IN THIS "WORLD HARMONY" project, tar- iffs and trades will probably be regulated by a council of nations. Are we willing to part with some of our sovereignty for the sake of future world peace? We have made short term loans to Britain in order that she may fight this war to the best possible advantage. How shall we collect these leases and loans? Will American manufacturers and farmers be willing to accept British goods in return at the time when it is quite likely that we will have a surplus ourselves? I 'NION BETWEEN THE AMERICAS - Pan- Americanism-is in style these days, and it is generally supposed that the Americas will have closer bonds of connection after the war. But up to now that connection has been limited to praise of the "South American way" in pop- ular songs, a few movies and magazine articles. Even recently there was a terrific struggle in the Senate to purchase the inexpensive Argentine beef for the U.S. Army. What form will our "friendship" assume after the war? Or will we drop it when South American governients cease to be a cause of danger to us? And then there is the domestic front. What of WITH THIS COLUMN we solemnly promise to re-hash no longer the Ford-CIO contro- versy. We merely reprint a front-page editorial from PM's March 9, 1941 issue. It best explains our position. "There may be a strike at any moment in the key plants of the Ford Motor Co. Strike notices have been 'served at the Rouge, Highland Park and Lincoln plants in Detroit, employing more than 90,000 workers. When Ford officials say that talk of trouble between Ford workers and their employers is the invention of 'outside agi- tators,' they are not telling the truth. "THE TRUTH IS that Henry Ford today faces the consequences of a violent career of law-breaking. The law is the Wagner Act. "The Ford Motor Co. has been convicted by the National Labor Relations Board of breaking this law seven times. "In the most important case-River Rouge- the Supreme Court has upheld the NLRB by re- fusing to review the Board's verdict as asked by Ford attorneys. "NOW the air is full of proposals for anti- strike legislation to prevent interruptions in the defense program. The' futility of these proposals is proved in the Ford case. You DrewPemsm asd L Robert S Aes WASHINGTON-Inner circle clamor for re- placement of Secretary of L.bor Frances Per- kins is an old story, but it's hotter now than ever before. Actually, Roosevelt did move last year to get a new Labor Secretary, offering the post to Mayor LaGuardia. But he declined, insisting on the War Department or nothing. Now, with labor a key problem, White House advisers are urging that the President renew the offer to LaGuardia and, appealing to his #patriotism, refuse to take No for an answer. With his liberal record, long public experi- ence, and dynamic ability, it is argued that La- Guardia is a natural for the Labor portfolio. Another high-calibered New Dealer proposed as alternative choice is Solicitor General Fran- cis Biddle. Besides being one of the ablest exe- cutives in the Administration, the ex-Philadel- phia judge also has had extensive labor experi- ence as chairman of the old National Labor Board Fanny Panned There was some plain talking on the labor situation at last Friday's Cabinet meeting, and it was aimed squarely at Miss Perkins. She was crticized sharply for the delay in certifying the protracted Allis-Chalmers strike to the National Defense Mediation Board until rioting broke out, also the coal negotiations be- fore they deadlocked and John L. Lewis shut down the mines. Both the President and other Cabinet members bluntly called Miss Perkins' attention to the fact that the purpose of the Board was not only to settle strikes but to avert them. With some feeling it was. demanded of her why the Board, set up expressly to handle "hot potatoes", was not used in these two major cases. The view was expressed that much of the criticism now being showered on the President was caused by failure to make effective use of the Mediation Board. Roosevelt was getting the blame for Miss Perkins' bungling. The 324 to 1 vote by the House of Representa- tives for a sweeping probe of defense labor prob- lems was also thrown in Miss Perkins' face. Miss Perkins, noted for her loquacity at Cabi- net sessions, made a long defense of herself. She claimed that John R. Steelman, chief of the Con- ciliation Service, had told her he thought he could settle the Allis-Chalmers strike, and that Lewis had told Steelman he would not stand for turn- ing the coal negotiations over to the Mediation Board. who, after working in defense industries or the Draft Army, return to find no jobs? How shall we rehabilitate agriculture? And how shall we start again where we left off an peacetime problems? What about housing? America, especially American youth, is faced with these problems. They are universal and vital at any time, but after a war, especially this war, they become fatally imperative. No matter who wins this war these problems will weigh heavily upon us. THERE IS a growing feeling among our youth -a feeling of futility-futility at our whole cycle of war-depression-war-depression. Our government owes one thing to youth-and that is to indicate and initiate and legislate post- war policies. But we, as youth, owe one thing to the gov- ernment. We must think, although we be un- can't win respect for the law by punishing the victims of law-breakers. "In the face of the crisis caused by the labor policies of the Ford Motor Co., PM proposes: "Let the U.S. Government institute criminal roceedings against executives of the Ford Motor Co., under Section 51, Title 1 of the U.S. Code. This section reads: 'I FTWO OR MORE persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any citizen in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same . . . they shall be fined not more than $5,000 and imprisoned not more than 10 years . "This section yividly describes the record of the Ford Motor Co. "HENRY FORD, Harry Bennett, chief of the Ford police squad, and other key figures in the Ford empire, are not casual violators of the Wagner Act. The seven National Labor decisions convicting the Ford Motor Co., de- scribe law-breaking in plants that extend from coast to coast. from Buffalo, N.Y., to Richmond, Calif. "The Ford plants are widely separated in space; but the technique of terror and espionage snd anti-union discrimination varies only in de- tails. In Dallas, union organizers were tarred and feathered. In Dearborn, Mich., they, were violently beaten. The parallel that runs through all these cases is no accident. It is the product of a conspiracy in which key Ford agents throughout the country participate. "r[HE DEPARTMENT of Justice invoked the statute cited above in its prosecution of the Harlan coal operators, who similarly and violent- Iy resisted union organization. Ultimately the case was settled before final judicial decision. "We believe the urgency of the Ford situation demands use of this law again. There is still no real evidence that the Ford Motor Co. is'pre- pared to stop fighting its employes unless they surrender their rights. There is no real evi- dence that it is seeking a decent solution of the conflict with workers who have dared to join an 'outside union.' "MAYBE the launching of such a prosecution will finally persuade Henry Ford and his associates that they cannot live outside the law, cry 'sabotage' when employes exercise their rights, defy the law under which thousands of decent employers-including the Ford competitors-are peacefully operating. "The Ford conspiracy against labor organiza- tion is a major threat to the defense program of the U.S.A. It is demoralizing thousands of workers upon whose energies the success of our defense program rests. It is encouraging those voices which say that workers cannot get full protection of the law in the defense emergency. " TE URGE that the U.S. Government act at once to punish the men who are re- sponsible for this conspiracy." /"I / ,. ' ' 1 ° f P, ) 7 t 9 / A= - - --- _ ---__r i' . y : _ ,/ e t _ r, y r , ;-.-.r.....--- . w w - ---j- i X1 imn wiW i m W i , r r_. r ... \ // /9 / 1°j $i6 I I,, -F , .-"' } Ii I I- __mmi -,.--- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN I l ' WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1941 VOL. LI. No. 137 Publication In the Daily official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices To the Members of the University Council: There will be a meetingI of the University Council on Monday,I April 21, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1009 A. H. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary ter is D or E, not merely those who re- ceive D or E in so-called mid-semes- ter examinations. Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or col- leges ofl the University should be re- Sported to the school or college in which they are registered. Courses dropped after Saturday, April 12, will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordinary circumstances. No course is consid- ered officially dropped unless it has 'een reported in the office of the Registrar, Room 4, University Hall. i Additional cards may be had at Seniors, College of Literature, Sci- 103 Mason Hall or 1220 Angell Hall. ence, and the Arts: Seniors may find E. A. Waler out their scores on the Graduate Assistant Dean Record Examination in 1208 Angell --Hall. gimeographing - Messenger Serv- cc: Commencing Monday, April 7,j Candidates for the Teacher's Cer- MUSIC p. By JEAN SHAPERO Before he began his program of American folk songs last night, John Jacob Niles carefully explained that the melodies might sound strange to members of his audience who had never heard music in the modal scale. It is well that he took the time for such an explana- tion, because the songs he presented were un- like any conception this reviewer, at least, had held of folk songs. Because of the oddness of the tones and be- cause of the different quality of Mr. Niles' voice, the music took on a quaintness that made the surroundings of the Lydia Mendelssohn inappro- priate. The program would have been more natural against a background of rolling hills and warm southern sunshine. Mr. Niles' voice has two ranges-that of the tenor usually heard and a high one, almost soprano. It is an ideal medium for the type of music he sings and combines with simple lyrics to form a charming, entertaining program. The melodies are not complicated and the words are not great poetry, but they have a sincerity of epression, a quality consistently preserved by Mr. Niles' performance. Not the least interesting feature of Mr. Niles' program were his dulcimers, the instruments on which he accompanies himself for most of his songs. Belonging to the same family as the psaltery and rabeck, the dulcimer is useful in this type of concert, because on it can be played the eighth-notes not found on a piano. Opening with a series of carols about the birth of Christ, Mr. Niles presented a group of songs of the Appalachian mountaineers who have tra- duced them from ballads and carols brought to this country by the British settlers of the 17th and 18th centuries. In their present form, the ,religious songs resemble a mixture of Negro spiritual and tunes rendered us .by English country airs-although they have a less marked rhythm than does the spiritual. Most of the songs were of elemental emotions, fears, hopes, and dreams, usually in the same incongruous blending of southern colloquialisms and middle English expressions. Nowhere is t., n-~ii srPP of th -g- re r ara, r.vP0Pd To Students Who Have Submitted 1 he University Printing Department Questionnaires for Selective Service: will maintain messenger service be-' The Ann Arbor Local Draft Board is ween the campus and the Press advised by the State Selective Service 3ailding for the convenience cf the Headquarters to recommend that all :aculty and staff. Two trips will be1 students who have submitted ques- nade daily: 9:00 a.m. and 3.30 p.m.j tionnaires arrange for physical exam- Pick-up of mimeograph stencils and, ination with their local draft boards I;opy. and delivery of small packets during the period of the spring re- X finished work will be made to any cess. Such examination will deter- epartment office upon receipt of mine the question of exemption be- hone message by the Printing D- cause of physical condition. This artment. Larger packages that, can examination does not effect anyde-t e handled by messenger will be fe- ferment or reclassification which may livered im the ordlinary manner, by be made at any future time. If stu- tupc dents are not examined by their own E. E. Lofberg, local draft boards, an unnecessary Superintendent hardship might be placed upon the local Ann Arbor board, and delay Freshmen, College of Literature, and confusion may result. Fcience, and the Arts: Freshmen Charles M. Davis,. may not drop courses without E Adviser grade after Saturday, April 12. In administering this rule, students Change of Address: Students who with less than 24 hours of credit are have moved since the beginning of considered freshmen. Exceptions the second semester are urged to may be made in extraordinary cir- "eport their new addresses to the cumstances, such as severe or long Office of the Dean of Students at continued illness. _ 1 Y ce7-4- tificate for June, 1941 are requested to call at the office of the School of -ducation, 1437 UES, during the week of April 21, between the hours of 1:30 and 4:30, to take the Teacher Oath which is a requifement fr the cer- tificate. Students, College 'of Engineering: The final day for removal 'of in- completes will be Saturday, April 12. Petitions for extension of this time must be on file in the Secretary's Office on or before that date. A. H. Lovell, Secretary The Cleveland Alumnae Group is offering a partial Tuition Scholar- ship of $75.00 to undergraduate women from that city. Application blanks are available now at the Alumnae Council Office in the Mich- igan League, and should be returned by April 12. Men's Residence Halls: Present oc- cupants of, the Men's Residence Halls may secure reapplication forms for the year 1941-42 from their House Directors. As soon as a form is com- pleted, it should be returned to the (Continued on Page 7) orpce. Office of the Dean of Students Library Hours, April 12-19: During the Spring Recess the General Li- brary will be open as usual from 7:45 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily, with the following exceptions: the two study halls in the building will be open from 10:00-12:00 a.m. and 2:00-4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, and 10:00- 12:00 a.m. Saturday,and the Grad- uate Reading Rooms from 9:00-12:00 a.m. and 1:00-5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, and 9:00-12:00 a.m. Saturday. The hours of opening of the De- partmental Libraries will also be 10:00-12:00 a.m. and 2:00-4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, and 10:00-12:00 a.m. Saturday. They will be closed Saturday afternoons. Sunday Service will be diseontinued during this period. Wmn. W. Bishop Librarian Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re- ports are due not later than Satur- day, April 12. Report cards are being distributed E. H. Walter, Assistant Dean School of Education Freshmen: RADIO SPOTLIOHT WJR CKLW WWJ WXYZ 760 KC CBS 800 KC - Mutual 950 KC - NBC Red 1270 KC - NBC Blue Wednesday Evening 6:00 News Rollin' Ty Tyson Bud Shaver 6:15 Hedda Hopper Home Newscast; Tune The Factfinder 6:30 Inside of Sports Conga Dance Music Day In Review 6:45 Melody Marvels Time , Lowell Thomas Baseball Extra 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Happy Joe Fred Waring Easy Aces 7:15 Lanny Ross val Clare Evening Melodies Mr. Keen-Tracer 7:30 Meet Vogue ranch frolics Down The Lone 7:45 Mr. Meek Shopper Hints South Ranger 8:00 Ed. G. Robinson Melody vignettes Tony Martin Quiz 8:15 in 'Big Town' Interlude; News How Did You Meet Kids 8:30 Dr. Christian Memoirs Plantation Manhattan 8:45 News at 8:55 In Music Party At Midnight. 9:00 Fred Allen Star of Hope Eddie Yukon Challenge 9:15 Star Theatre; Tabernacle Cantor The Old Traveler 9:30 Portland Hoffa, Canadians Mr. District Spin & Win With 9:45 Goodman Orch. All Attorney Jimmy Flynn