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April 09, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-09

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Continued Fair


Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


Students Must Face
Post-~War Problemsm.

° .. r I



ClO Ford
G Fdermans Advance'
Towards Salonika,

leet In




Vital Point

Eighth Meet
Will Be Held
By Educators
International Conference
Of Fellowship To Meet
In Ann Arbor In July
Henry Wallace, Hull
Will Give Addresses

German Tanks Roll Into Yugoslavia


Encirclement Of Greeks
Threatened As Fighting
Begins In Struma Pass
Nazis Make 55-Mile
Thrust in 3 Days
ATHENS, Auril 9.-G'P)-A Ger-
man mechanized division smash-
ing southward from the Yugoslav
border "dangerously in the direc-
tion of Salonika" threatened to
encircle Greek forces holding off
Nazi onslaughts at the Struma Riv-
er passes to the east, the high com-
mand said today
BERN, Switzerland, April 8.-The
German Balkan armies were reported
tonight to have seized two vital mili-
tary and communication centers at
Yugoslavia's waist and to be hitting
furiously at Greece's Struma River
line above Salonika.
While the Nazis announced inci-
dentally the capture of flat and not
readily' defensible Banat region of
northeastern Yugoslavia, it was in the
country's center and southeast that
they claimed the greatest gains.
Skopije Cities Seized
In. middle Yugoslavia the cities of
Skoplje, which commands the head
of the Vardar River Valley, and Nis,
Yugoslavia's most important railway
junction, were declared occupied, and'
to the southeast a Yugoslav withdraw-
al laid open the Grecian left flank
at the vital Rupel Pass on the Struma.
In this extreme southeastern sec-
tio-, where Greece, Yugoslavia and
German-occupied Bulgaria meet, the
Greeks were' left to fight an action
of desperate bitterness to prevent a
major Nazi break through toward Sa-:
lonika, the important Aegean port.
Tonight, they still held the Struma
valley, and said the German losses
had been enormous.
The Yugoslavs - Croat troops -
presiumably withdrew to hurry to1
the northwest to aid in the defense
of the region of Skoplje. I
Nazis Complete Thrust
The reported German capture of
Skoplje and Nis - the first was di-
rectly claimed by the Germans and
the fall of Nis was reported in Hun-
garian dispatches - if confirmed
would suggest to some observers a
setback of almost catastrophic con-
sequences to Britain and her Balkan
allies. It would mean that in less
than three days the Nazis had thrust
55 miles across mountainous country
from their base just inside the Bul-
garian frontier.
Nis controls all traffic between the
north and south of the country and
Skoplje is a similarly important cen-
ter. Both are army district headquar-
ters as well.
Nis controls all traffic betwean the
north and south of the country and
Skoplje is a similarly important cen-
ter. Both are army district head-
quarters as well.
Traffic Control Vital
In German hands they would serve
to break trans-national transport and
also would provide the bases for a
continued Nazi thrust westward only
45 miles to join with the Italians
in Albania.
Such a junction would mean that
Yugoslavia would be cut off from her
British and Greek allies - a dupli-
cate of the situation in the west
where the northern French, British
and Belgian armies were pocketed by
the Nazi action which preceded Dun-
Stevenson Will Address
ASU Supporting Strikers
"Why Students Should Support the
Ford Strikers" will be the topic of a

4-11, +- I- rri rnv kvy T.Tnv+vrnv C.fntrnm__

British Pincer Closes
'q S EAl

KAssAtL IcMore than 2,000 educators from
ADUvWA the four corners of the world will
A DT convene for the Eighth International
Conference of the New Education
Fellowship, largest international edu-
GALLBATcation conference to meet in the
GALLABAT United States, to be held here July
6 through 12.
GONDAR' Henry A. Wallace, Vice-President
L.TANA DESSYE ; of the United States, and the honor-
ary chairman of the meeting with
E T H Io P I A national sections in more than 50
nations has. been invited to attend.
Cordell Hull, the Secretary of State,
has been invited to make one of the
opening addresses.
ADDi , . Finnish Educator To Come
ABABA Laurin Zilliacus, president of the
o___oo New Education Fellowship, and world
I4lLES-' renowned Finnish educator will fly
In what resembled a giant pin- here from Finland to direct the meet-
cer movement, British forces in ings. ,The director of Tolo Svenska,
East Africa cleared the road to he will address the opening session
Massaua and pushed south in twin on "Education and World Peace."
drives on Gondar and Dessye. The John Dewey, the dean of American
drive south took Addis Ababa, educational philosophy, will also at-
Ethiopian capital, tend the meeting. Thomas Mann,
national leader of educational theory
and experimentation; Dr. John W.
Final Contest Studebaker, United States Commis-
sioner of Education; and Carleton
32 Washburne, the president of the
For eee Progressive Education Association,
will be outstanding members of the
IT conference. T
Sill B e Held cMorethan 40 delegates will at-
tend from Hawaii. The Yankee Clip-
tper will bring English and Continen-
Sx Ptal representatives to the sessions.
Winners Will Compete Latin-American, Canadian, Philip-
To Deermie Cha ionpine and educators who are war
To Determine Champion refugees from abroad will also con-
vene here for the first conference
Six winners of the preliminary of theFellowship in the Western
Speech 32 contest will compete in the Hemisphere.
first final contest of the semester to 'Solution By Education'
be held at 4 p.m. today in the Natural The members of the fellowship,
founded in 1915, meet together to
Science Auditorium. F unite the thoughtful leaders' of all
John Dreher, '41, will speak on inations without regard for race,
"The Know-It-All" while John O'Dell. reed, dogma, system and technique.
'41, will talk on the topic, "Medical Through education they hope to
Aid to China." Jim Bob Stephenson, bring about mutual understanding
in order to bring about goodIwill
'43, has chosen "The Minister Speaks among various peoples of the world.
His Piece" for his subject. President Ruthven, one of 'hon-
"That's As Far As I'll Go" will be orary vice-chairmen of the Fellow-
the topic of the speech to be given ship, will welcome the convention to
Ann Arbor. Additional greetings will
by John Steward, '43,. Joy Wright, be extended by Dr. Studebaker and
'43, will talk on "The Second Amer- Dr. Washburne. Dr. Harold Rugg,
ican Revolt" and Dean Thomas, '42, of Teachers College of Columbia
will speak on "Hope for the Future." University, will act as chairman. Re-
Judges for the contest will be Prof. ply will be given by Dr. Zilliacus; Dr.
Luis Sanchez-Pouton, minister of
G. E. Densmore, Prof. William Hal- education of Mexico, and Prof. John
stead, and Prof. Kenneth G. Hance G.Althouse of the University of
of the speech department. Prof. Hen- Toronto.
'ry Moser in charge of the activitiy . Aydelotte Will Speak
will preside as chairman of the con- Dr. Frank Aydelotte of the Insti-
willres date for Advanced Study of Prince-
test, ton will speak on "Education Respon-
The contest is held each semestersbiiyfraNwWldan D.
to determine the best speakers on M ann will speak on "Future Prospects
the sections of Speech 32. (Continued on Page 8)

Results Of Recent
Development Seen
SatisfactoryTo All
Murray, Bennett Confer For First Time;
Labor Department Striving Fr Solution
Of Week-Old Dispute Within 48 Hours
(By The Associated Press)
DETROIT, April 8.-A dramatic announcement that sudden develop-
ments today toward settlement of the Ford Motor Company strike were
"encouraging to all parties" was made following a surprise visit by the high-
est officer of the CIO for an unprecedented meeting with company officials.
Gov. Murray D. Van Wagoner made this statement to a tense audience
of reporters amid indications that concerted efforts were being made, here
and in Washington, to reach a quick solution of the labor dispute.
Van Wagoner Appeals To Roosevelt
The Governor disclosed that he had made an urgent request to President
Roosevelt not to approve certification of the strike to the Defense Mediation
Board "until I have talked with ,you this evening."
Later, in Washington, Miss Perkins sent word to Van Wagoner that she
would comply with his request and not turn over the Foi'd dispute to the
Mediation Board at this time.
Asked whether Secretary of Labor Perkins had given conciliators 24
hours to settle the, strike, Van Wagoner said she had set a time limit of "24
or 48 hours-I'm not sure."
Murray, Bennett Meeting Starts Action
A face-to-face conference between Philip Murray, president of the Con-
gress of Industrial Organizations, and Harry L. Bennett, company personnel
director and confidant of Henry Ford on labor matters, started the day's
surprise moves.
Also present at the parley were the Governor, James F. Dewey, Federal
Conciliator, I. A. Capizzi, company attorney, and other unidentified officials
of the firm.
Another joint conference between comparny spokesmen and anion offi-
cials was arranged for tonight, the Governor said.
Murray ^-,arived here unheralded, after President Roosevelt cancelled an
appointment with him in Washington, and departed late in the afternoon
--"for the capital, declining to add any
comment to the Governor's state-
Es r wad. ment.

German sources said this picture shows German tanks rolling into
Yugoslavia at an undisclosed point in an invasion which Berlin reported
had thrust into the Balkan nation from 18 to 25 miles. Reports reach-
ing Bern, Switzerland, said no single major Allied position had fallen to
the Nazis. This photo was sent from Berlin to New York via radio.
COOk, ConnableElected


Board Of Regents

Incumbent Franklin M. Cook, Dem-
ocrat of Hillsdale, and Alfred B. Con-
nable, Republican of Ann Arbor,
were elected to the University of
Michigan Board of Regents in Mon-
day's general election which saw
party lines criss-cross in a number;
of races.
Cook's election became certain ear-
Sfy 1st ight when he held a plurality'
of 6,000 votes over his nearest rival.'
Connable, with approximately 200 of
Michigan's 3,657 precincts still un-
counted. Complete results increased
Connable's then slender margin of
1500 votes over fellow Republican,
Senator Earl L. Burhans, Paw Paw,
and secured his position on the eight-
man Board.
Incumbent Charles F. Hemans,
Men To Meet
In Intramural
Debate Finals1
Wenley House Encounters
Allen-Rumsey Orators'
In Tournament Today
Finals in the men's intramural de-
bate tournament will be held at 8
p.m. today in Room 306 of the Union,
R. Erwin Bowers, student director,
The Wenley House team of Bud
Burgess, '44, and Jerry Sheets, '43,
will meet Clarence Carlson, '44, and
Bernard Krohn, '43, of Allen Rum-
ey on 'the proposition, "Resolved:
That all male citizens should serve
one year in military training before
,hey reach the age of 21."
In the semi-final round the Wen-
ley House teamdefeated the Alpha
Nu team of Merle Webb, '41, arid
Eugene Plankey, '41. The Allen-Rum-
*ey squad defeated Ed Grossberg, '43,
and Stan Winkleman, '43, of Zeta
Beta Tau.
Judges for the intramural debate
will be Prof. Kenneth G. ;Hance, Prof.
Louis Eich, and Mr. Glen Mills, all
,f the speech department.
The winners and the runners-up
will be awarded the newly inaug-
urated set of trophies at the
Speech honors Banquet to be held
April 30.
The tournament in which more
than 30 teams participated is under
the sponsorship of the Union and Del-
ta Sigma Rho, national forensic fra-
Government To Buy Ships
WASHINGTON, April 8. -(P)-

Democrat, of Lansing, trailed weakly
behind his rivals. With approximately
200 precincts still uncounted he
lacked 9,500 votes of his nearest op-
ponent, Burhans.
The election gives Republicans a
majority of five members to three on
.the Boad: The-newly .lected mem-
hers -will'"take office next January
for terms of eight years.
Experienced As Regent
Cook, '84, brings to the Board eight
vears' experience as a Rtegent, ser-
vice on the Hillsdale Board of Educa-
tion, and 11 years as a member of
the Board of Trustees of Hillsdale
College. He is a member of the Board
of Directors of the Michigan Union
and is a frequent visitor to Ann Ar-
The brother of William Cook, don-
or of the Law Quadrangle, the sen-
ior Regent has been connected with
he Hillsdale Savings Bank for over
20 years. He was first elected Regent
=n the spring of 1933 along with He-
Connable An Active Alumnus
Connable, '25, Assistant Vice-Presi-
dent of the Detroit 'Trust Company,
has been active for many years in
Michigan alumni affairs. He has
served as a member of the Board of
Governors' of the University of Mich-
igan Club of Detroit, and as alumni
club member of the Executive Com-
mittee of the Interfraternity Council.
After graduating from Michigan he
earned a degree from the School of
Business Administration of Harvard
While on campus he served as
President of the Student Council and
as an editor of The Michigan Daily.
He was elected to Sphinx and Mich-
igauma honor societies.


Is Announced
y Woodburne
Elizabeth Sargent Lee Medical
History Prize will be offered to jun-
ior and senior premedical students
enrolled in the literary college,'Dean
Lloyd S. Woodburne announced yes-
The prize will be offered to the stu-
dent.submitting the best essay on
the history of, medicine. Entries
should be from 3,000 to 5.000 words
in length. Essays should treat a par-
ticular group of medical discoveries
or a certain portion of medical his-
The prize is offered as a result of
the bequest of the late Prof. Alfred
0. Lee, who conducted courses in
the history of medicine here for many
years prior to his death. The income
from the grant of $1,000 is to be
offered annually, for the most ade-
quate treatment of the student's top-
Essays must be delivered to Room
1208 Angell Hall before noon, May 1.
The winners will be announced by the
faculty committee May 15.

Informed sources said, however,
that before leaving, Murray had given
the Governor and Dewey a list of
"irreducible demands"; of the union
and had left complete instructions
fwith R. J. Thomas, UAW president,
on future moves.
Quick Decision Expected
It was learned also that the union
expected a decision within 24 hours
as to whether "we will have a pro-
tracted strike or whether there will
be a settlement reached."
The Governor and Dewey, it was
understood, were prepared to pre-
sent the union's demands to Ford
officials and to consult with union
leaders as soon as the company's
reply is given.
P0 aKMerhab
To Timalk Today'
Final Lecture Is Scheduled
By Cercle Francais
Prof. William Merhab of the ro-
mance languages department will
give the final French lecture on "Ma-
dame de Stael and Napoleon" at 4
p.m. today in Room 103 of the Ro-
mance Languages Building.
Under the auspices of Le Cercle
Francais, Professor Merhab will dis-
'cuss the famous French society lead-
er whose salon'attracted the political
leaders of the Napoleonic era. He will
also present ananalysis of her Letters
in which she describes the major af-
fairs of France.
Tickets for the lecture may be ob-
tained at the door from members of
Le Cercle. These tickets will also en-
title holders to a reduction in the
price of the tickets to the annual
French play, "Le Jeu de L'Amour and
du Hazard," to be given by French
students May 2 in the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn Theatre.
German, Italian Ships
Are Seized By Mexico
MEXICO CITY, April 8.-)-
President Avilla Camacho issued a
decreetonight expropriating the
12 German and Italian merchant

Passion Week Observances Today:

Laderote, Dills Will Be Soloists
At Presentation Of Crucifixion'

'Cooperation Between Labor And Capital'
Anti-Strike Laws Unnecessary,'
Hillman Testifies To Committee

Joseph Laderoute and Mark Bills
will be the guest soloists at the pres-
entation of the "Crucifixion" at 8
p.m. today at the First Methodist
Church celebrating Passion Week.
Joseph Laderoute, one of the three
tenor soloists for the Cincinnati May
Festival this year, will make his first
appearance in Ann Arbor. He was
formerly the guest soloist with the
famous Paulist Choristers under
Father Finn. His nation-wide tour
climaxed during his early studies with
a concert at the Metropolitan Opera
House in New York.
Mark Bills, formerly a soloist in
the First Methodist Church Choir,

WASHINGTON, April 8.-P)--Two
key figures in the labor section of the
national defense drive testified before
the House military committee today
that in their opinion legislation to
check strikes was unnecessary and in-
Both of them - Sidney Hillman,
associate director of the Office of
Production Management, and Wil-
liam H. Davis, vice chairman of the
Defense Mediation Board - said that
instead the promotion of coopera-
tion between management and em-
ployes was the preferable course.
"I wish to emphasize," said Hill-
man, "that never in my experience

"or disputes, rather than by resort
to the strike.
In vigorous terms, Hillman said
that only the recently settled strike at,
the Allis- Chalmers Milwaukee plant
had affected defense production. The
-ecent stoppage of work in the bi-
tuminous coal mines had had no ef-
fect upon such production, he said,
because of an already existing surplus
of coal above ground. And, in the
current Ford strike, he continued,
union men working on defense orders
had offered to continue at their ben-
ches during the stoppage.
"Never in the history of the coun-
try," he said, "have there been so
few strikes as at this time." The
stat ement was made in resnnnse to an


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