THE MICHIGAN DAILY qATURIIAY, FEBRUARY 21, 19,41 _ . _ . lE MICHIGAN DAILY ashington Merry Oo-Round I pad DA LY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ,I { rQMn -N !s Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All fights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Enteretl at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year- by carrier $4.00; by mail} $4.50. AePRESLNTe -FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI3MIG 8V National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO * BOSTON . LOS ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Editorial Staff Press, 1940-41 WASHINGTON-Only insiders know it, but the Government is preparing drastic price con- trols if the present upward trend continues. They fear a runaway price situation which would hit the pocketbooks of the great mass of consumers. And the last thing the Admin- istration wants righ't now is a hot cost-of-living potato on its hands. So far there have been marked price advances only in a few commodities-lumber, scrap iron, and other basic raw materials. But recently there have been tell-tale signs of a general up- ward movement, and some of those mysterious late-afternoon White House conferences have been over this problem. Three plans of attack are under consideration: 1. Use of the priorities control now vested in the Office of Production Management, under .the supervision of ex-U.S. steel man Edward R. Stettinius, Jr., to deprive price gougers of their supplies, thus forcing them either to go out of business or bring their prices down. 2. Use of the "draft industry" law to compel prce gouging concerns to sell to the Govern- ment at a fixed figure; also to "freeze" prices in industries where quotations persist in getting out of line with what are considered fair levelr 3. Imposition of a price ceiling on all com- modities and on every step in the industrial process from raw materials to retailer. The last was the recommendation of Bernard Baruch, based on his experience as head of the 1917-18 War Industries Board. In private con- ferences with Roosevelt and Defense chiefs, Baruch emphasized that the one big price les- son learned in World War I was that half-way control measures were worse than none at all. "You must either stabilize every price or sta- bilize no price," he declared. "If you impose con- trols only at one point, you leave the door wide open for a worse break-away somewhere else. The only effective defense is total defense and the only effective price control is total control." Action On Housing Housing for civilian defense workers, one of the most muddled phases of the defense pro- gram, now looks as it is going somewhere- thanks to the quiet intervention of Mrs. Roose- velt and Frederic A. Delano, uncle of the Pres- I.i Hervie Haufler Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman ~Laurence Mascott DonaldWirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Corman Managing Editor * . . .Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor Associate Editor. Associate Editor Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor .Women's Editor Exchange Editor Business Stafff Business Manager . . Assistant Business Manager , Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager . . . . Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour Helen Bohnsack Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: ROSEBUD SCOTT The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Goodfellow Fund G9es To Work .. . r E NICKELS and dimes and dollars that the campus contributed to the Goodfellow Fund of The Daily before Christmas have gone to work. During the year you may chance to see some of the results from the $7,02.15 which you con- tributed. You may know a student who is in college on such a narrow shoestring that he is unable to buy this or that epensive textbook.' Then when you see him again he will probably have the book, for a portion of the Goodfellow funds have been turned over to the Textbook Lending Library to help this group aid such students. Another student you know may buy his books, but then along in the semester some place he may come to such a rough spot that even the smallest donation would help him through. Again, he may have a few Goodfellow dollars come to his rescue, via the Student Goodwill Fund. THE LARGEST SUM, however, will be used by the Family Welfare Bureau, a local char- ity which helps needy families. For instance, one of the University's oldest alumnae is an old Negro woman whose food and shelter are pro- vided by the Bureau. You see, therefore, that the money you paid for Goodfellow Dailies is used entirely here in Ann Arbor and for the benefit of both students and townspeople. It is not a program to pro- vide baskets for Christmas and nothing for New Years, but is helping someone throughout the year. - Hervie Haufler County Airport Plans Move Forward . . A NOTHER FORWARD STEP was made in Washtenaw County's long battle for an adequate airport when petitions were circulated Thursday that would allow the Board of Supervisors to take action on a refer- endum proposal for a bond issue in time to sub- mit the proposal to the voters in the coming April election. The petitions would allow the Board to meet on March 10 rather than March 3, thus fulfill- ing statutory requirements that the Board act on the proposal 30 days before it is submitted to the voters. The question to be brought before the Board is whether to ask the voters at the April election to decide on two issues: approval of the special. bond issue; and increasing the 15-mill tax limi- tation for a five-year period to pay off the bond issue. N ORDER to obtain necessary funds for the airport, which would serve the entire County district, a certain amount would have to be re- ceived from the federal government through the CAA and the Public Works Administration. As yet no definite commitments have been made by federal agents, contrary to reports that have been published. The airport would occupy the present site of the Ypsilanti airport, owned by Mrs. L. W. Oli- phant of Barton Hills, and three adjoining DRAMA Aladdin, current production at the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre represents in its adapted form a la director Richard McKelvey, outstanding Children's Theatre entertainment. Significant is the fact that the script has been designed for the kids. Questions are put to the audience-and the kids answer when they're ad- dressed. Lines in the play built for the juvenile include the description of Roman candles as "candles that have eaten their spinach." Secondly, enough adult jargon has been added to insure parent and student appeal as well as that of the children. The genie rattles off "Could Be" and refers lightly to the draft; an African billboard reads "Uncle Sambo Needs You." Thirdly, the castingis appealing with Bob Lewis, '42, stealing the show with his Union Opera style rendition of two familiar tunes with original words, and a scene in which he, as the screwball magician, brews up a potion in the caldron after a series of Groucho Marx dance movements. Lewis puts in a fine performance in which he plays to his audience in the comedy fashion adults and children alike find good for laughs. Bill Mills, Grad., plays each of his three roles as the Sultan and the two genies of the ring and the lamp with a feeling for each, while not- able in the children's parts were Nancy Cory as the princess, Edward Davis as the grand wizer to the sultan, and Dick Webb and Dude Stephen- son whose English accent and Negro singing are indicative of both talent and skillful direction. It is notable. considering that the children enjoy participation as much as watching the plays, that the cast of Aladdin included more youngsters than any of'the previous Children's Theatre plays of this season. With a cast of seventy-odd and a production half again as long as previous efforts have been, it is hardly passing laurels out too freely to credit the production staff for its work in handling the song and dance choruses and the costumes among other things. As a climax to their 1940-41 season, for script and handling, Aladdin of the Children's Theatre deserves applause. -_. H. work of the Junior Chamber of Commerce Air- port Committee, under the direction of Dr. C. Merle Dixon, makes it seem likely that there will be little trouble in getting the proposal sub- mitted to the voters. Ann Arbor itself, and the whole county, should realize the value of the project. Industrial ad- vantages are many Modern industry is re- luctant to build in sites that are not adequately equipped for air transport. rfHERE IS AN EXCELLENT CHANCE that a mail stop will be made at the airport, which will mean much to the county. And there are many advantages to the Uni- versity, not only in the possibility of an increase in the CAA quota, which is far below the average for a University of this size, but also in the more efficient transportation facilities which would increase Ann Arbor's attraction as a University town and one of the great cultural centers of the ident and chairman of the National Resources Planning Board. Both exerted their influence through FDR, himself. The First Lady told him of shocking housing conditions among defense workers which she had seen in several cities, and warned that there would be serious consequences unless something was done quickly. Delano urged Roosevelt to get behind the CIO's plan for pre- fabricated homes. Impressed by the reports of his wife and uncle, the President got busy. He ordered the various housing agencies to report to him weekly re- garding progress; approved the purchase of sev- eral thousand trailers for emergency homes in the worst areas; and gave the go-ahead signal for a large-scale trial of prefabricated homes. As a result, prefabricated and trailer units have been earmarked by Defense Housing Co-- Ordinator Charles F. Palmer for congested pro- duction areas in Virginia, New Jersey, Indiana and California. and the Public 'Buildings Ad- ministration is placing orders for 3,000 prefab- ricated houses as part of the 17,000 units it must complete by spring. Gerrymandering In several states which went Republican last November, but failed to oust all of the Demo- cratic congressmen, the local GOP legislatures are now planning to accomplish by gerryman- iering what they failed to do with the ballot. In the redistricting required by the 1940 cen- sus. they are out to oust the remaining Demo- crats. The Reply Churlish by TOUCHSTONE HAVE BEEN HAVING A WAR WITH MYSELF since H. V. S. Ogden's letter was brought to my attention, to determine whether I am a pop- ular front and an advance guard for Hitler. After lengthy sessions alone with my conscience and m mirror, I can only say I don't know. This is not a new thought for me. It is this feeling of uncertainty about just what is the right thing to do at this time which has kept me from joining the ranks either of the all-out-aid- to-Britain people or the several varieties of anti- war or anti-draft or anti-aid people. Ready to admit my general ignorance of any field whatsoever, though I have a fine collection of Mark Twain first editions, and at one time had the best U.S. stamp collec- tion on my street. I did try to check on the title of Mr. Ogden's PhD. thesis so I could find out what field he is an expert in, but no soap, and a fine shaft of sarcasm is blunted. Anyhow, as I announced at the beginning of the year, I don't want to feud, and won't unless somebody comes over to my room with his gang or insults my moth- er. At the time I figured current-events ex- pert Preston Slosson as my probable oppo- nent, but am glad to see that the English department takes such a healthy interest in these matters. O CLEAR UP most wounding misapprehen- sion in Mr. Ogden's letter, I don't detest Mr. Ogden, or any professors. Maybe I get a little sore at some of them from time to time, but I am ready to allow them enough air to breathe, and feel quite firmly that they have as much place in the world as I have. I don't even know Mr. Ogden. In the realm of pure logic, referring back to general ignorance of any field whatsoever, obviously I must know what the Stalinist (and others) interpretation of the war against Hitler is, if I am accused of making it, thus belying "any field whatsoever." But am still ready to stand or fall on Mark Twain first editions. And don't quote me on professors having no right to opinions on matters outside their own fields. We all have such rights. But I think perhaps the tendency today is to credit the statements of experts in a particular field with having the same weight and veracity in every field the experts choose to comment on. Though I accord a fairly high level of intelligence to any man who has mastered the details of a field of knowledge, such as English literature, and though I realize that this intelligence when ap- plied to other matters does not cease to func- tion, I must, at the risk of being unmannerly, insist that until such a man has proven his thorough mastery of the details of what he is discussing outside of his field, he shall not at- tempt to impose his views on others with too much conviction and vehemence. When a man does such a thing, he denies the value of his own method, for if political experts were to deal as casually with the ins and outs of some highly specialized field of literature, and pro- fess to have all the answers, and not only be- little the opinions of others, but attempt to make them ridiculous simply because they dis- agreed. I am sure Mr. Ogden could write a very nasty letter to the editor dealing with such presumption. IN SHORT, it's you and me, Mr. Ogden. Neither one of us knows all about it, do we? So we just have to make up our minds tentatively, and keep looking for more facts either to confirm or change our opinions. uist you and me. Mr. Ogden. "We are poor little sheep who lost our way," eh, Mr. Og- den? Come on, now. I've admitted I'm not quro Ti R ,aw '.hmif win- r n a. - fl44 nn*,- FAMOUS last words: From Stan Swinton, about to enter military service: "I favored the draft politi- cally, so why should I object to going myself?" You'd never know our Man- ley these days. Nomination for the bluest man in Ann Arbor: Capt. Billy Combs of the wrestling team, trying to discover his eligibility status and fighting off the heartless newspa- per men who are running the chance. ANN ARBOR'S current mystery athlete: Warren Breidenbach, currently running in the east, who has a convenient incomplete in one subject since the semester began. Most obvious pronouncement of the week: Touchstone (always look- ing for your welfare) "Keep your eyes open for theannouncement of the Wyvern Sphinx dance coming up soon. CTNEMFlI By ALBERT P. BLAUSTEIN To those attending the Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre last night in hopes of seeing a production equal to Hollywood's "Grapes, of Wrath," MV4ichael Powell's "Edge of the World," must have been somewhat of a dis- appointment. But to the rest, who went to see the British prize film of 1940, the picture represented at the very least a well-spent evening. The story was a simple picture of the economic and social disorgani- zation of a small group of people living on a rocky island off the coast of Scotland-and it was superbly done. True, there was much left to be desired in the general organization of the plot but this was more than made up for by the realism of the scenery and the well-executed at- mosphere of suspense which pervaded throughout. In general, the acting was good. Of the two stars, John Laurie, who portrayed the role of the heroine's father, was by far the superior. His performance, easily equal to that of Thomas Mitchell in the "Long Voyage Home," is undoubtedly ofe of the best seen on the screen during the past few years. Bell Chrystall, who played his daughter, to appear convincing at all times although, in all fairness, it cannot be said that she was no more than an average performer. L t r , I ''-I r S L. M. Eich. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1941 VOL. LI. No. 99 Publication in the Daily Officialg Bulletin is constructive notice to allO members of the University.a Notices Library Hours on Washington'st Birthday: Today the Service Depart-n ments of the General Library will bep open the usual hours, 7:45 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The Study Halls outside of the building and the Departmental Libraries will be closed. Wm. W. Bishop, Librarian Certificates of Eligibility: Pleasey bring first semester report of gradess to the Office of the Dean of Students when applying for a certificate of eligibility for the second semester.- Freshman Eligibility: A freshman, during his second semester of resi- ,ence, may be granted a Certificate of Eligibility provided he has com- pleted 15 hours or more of work withr (1) at least one mark of A or B and with no mark of less than C, or (2)1 at least 2% times as many honor points as hours and with no mark of E. College of Literature, Science and the Arts, School of Music, and School of Education: Students who received marks of I or X at the close of their last term of attendance (viz., semes- ter of summer session) will receive a grade of E in the course unless this work is made up by March 17. Stu- dents wishing an extension of time beyond this date should file a peti- tion addressed to the appropriate' official in their school with Room 4 U.H., where it will be transmitted. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar University Oratorical Contest: Pre- liminaries for the University Oratori- cal Contest will be held March 24 at 4:00 p.m. in 4003 Angell Hall. Those wishing to enter this contest should register at once in the office of the Department of Speech, 3211 Angell Hall, where instructions will be given. Iloninie Says How can we come to terms with RECO R D S (Editor's Note: Every vacation, it seems, this column gets hopelessly swamped in new popular releases. Our reader and sympathizer has offered to help dig us out today and tomor- row. M.O.) A GREENHOUSE full of orchids to Columbia for their work in bringing us the music of the pioneers and virtual swing Demi-Gods. Their latest contribution is a reissue of eight by Earl Hines, when "the Fath- er" was at his musical peak. Hines was the originator of the "trumpet- style piano," i.e., a piano style based on the principle employed by a trum- pet ride with a rhythm section back- ground. The treble can be compared with the trumpet in that it carries the melody in amelodic line of single notes while the bass provides a har- mony and rhythmic beat. This is the style which forms the basis of the music of such pianists as Stacy, Sulli- van, Horace Henderson, and many others. These Hines recordings, which in- clude 57 Varieties, I Ain't Got Nobody, Caution Blues, and A Monday Date, were originally waxed on Okeh in 1928. However, one should not get the impression that these solos are dated. They are, in fact, superior to most of the commercial piano played today. Although it would be a prac- tical impossibility to criticize these piano solos without employing much use of technical language and know- ledge (which I must admit is sadly lacking to yours truly), I think it fitting to repudiate one of the com- mon complaints so often directed at Hines. Often we hear it said that Earl uses this method because of its sim- rlicity. Despite its economy of notes, it requires tremendous technique, and Hines' extraordinary outbursts of counter-rhythms in fast tempo defy any allegations that he uses this out- wardly delicate style because of its apparent simplicity. OF THE FOUR SOLOS reviewed, I Ain't Got Nobody is probably our world? There it goes, a bewilder- ing dynamic affair. To move within it and contribute my talent, to dis- cover its energies and invest my selec- tive faculties, to fathom its inner, sig- nificance and identify my own in- terests with God's, that would be "coming to terms" with my world. But practically how shall I begin? Not by withdrawal, certainly, nor by passive acquiescence to the first in- fluences which play about ie. Rather by a dual effort; first, an effort to understand more certainly the tra- dition out of which this person I call myself has evolved, and second,to do well the duty next at hand. Out of these two efforts, reverently re- viewed in the light of an ideal way of life, should grow an adequate life purpose. There is much debate in every age between those who value tradition as the soil of creative work as well as the repository of vicarious learning and those who belittle tradition, discount origins and expect the human spirit to take off from nowhere and make a new society. We certainly need a new society. However, in a time of stress and strain such as we live in today, the tradition side of that equa- tion should turn out to be doubly precious. In the main your family, your school, your church, your community, your nation is spirit centered in spite of its desperate occupation with mat- ter. Your tradition and mine, per- haps vaguely, but never the less real- ly, believes with Plato and the He- brew prophets that the good, the true, and the beautiful, which men hold as ideals are expressions of the very center of being. Therefore, the stars in their course argue for us when we unreservedly drive toward those lofty goals. But does such a belief,-a vicarious learning which is of such a quality, shorten the stride and limit free- dom? It is youths reply to this ques- tion which determines his ease and freedom in a University. One cannot make a dogmatic reply to that ques- tion, for, while most of us who have spent time within University com- munities will insist that the spiritual view, rather than a materialistic one, lends scope to the mind and power to the personality, we do meet students who are halted in their stride by con- flicts of church origin and we know some adults who get badly tangled in spite of all the peace which ,a spiritual concept should offer. Wholesome advice might run about as follows: Try the spiritual view. Strike hands with your parents. Re- discover the secret of that altar at which you were dedicated. Bring your Freshmen who competed in , the Hopwood contest should call at the Hopwood Room for their manuscripts, n Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday afternoon, February 24, 25 and 26. R. W. Cowden Hopwood Contestants: All petitions to the Hopwood Committee must be made before March 1. See page 9, paragraph 17, of the Hopwood bul- letin. R. W. Cowden Mechanical Engineering Seniors: Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp., Harrison, N.J., representative, will interview men whose courses of study have given them a good grounding in hydraulics and heat engineering. Appointments arranged in Mechanical Engineering Dept., 221 W. Eng. Bldg., for Tuesday, Febru- ary 25. The American Association of Uni- versity Women Fellowship, in honor of May Preston Slosson, is to . be awarded for 1941-42. Open to women for graduate study. Application blanks may be obtained at the Gradu- ate, School Office, and must be re- turned to that Office, together with letters of recommendations, before March 24, 1941. x The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following United States Civil Service Examina- tions: Senior Chemical Analyst, $2,000 a year. Assistant Chemical Analyst, $1,620 a year. Optional Subjects: Precious Metals Assaying, Ore and Metals An- alysis, Coal Analysis, Petroleum An- alysis, Gas Analysis. Closing date Mvarch ,13, 1941. Inspector, Naval Civilian Police, $3,800 a yeart, closing date March 13, 1941. Further information may be ob- tained at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall, hours 9-12 and 2-4. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Information has received notice of the following Civil Service Examinations. Last date for filing application is noted in each case. United States Civil Service: Radio Inspector, Salary $2600, March 6, 1941. AssistantRadio Inspector, Salary $2000, March 6, 1941. Staff Dietitian, Salary $1800, Until further notice. MICHIGAN CIVIL SERVICE Institution Cosmetic Therapist CI, Salary $95 a mo., Feb. 21, 1941. Sanatorium Attendant C, Salary $80 a mo., March 5, 1941. Motorcycle Repairman A, Salary $130 a mo., Feb. 21, 1941. Park Ranger C, Salary $80 a mo., Feb. 28, 1941. Game Farmhand C, Salary $80 a mo., March 5, 1941. Child Welfare Worker Al, Salary $140, Feb. 28, 1941. Child Welfare Worker I, Salary $150, Feb. 28, 1941. Child Welfare Administrator II, Salary $200, Feb. 28, 1941. Industrial Hygiene Engineer I, Sal- ary $150, March 5, 1941. DETROIT CIVIL SERVICE Supervisor of Printing, Salary $4020, Feb. 21, 1941. General Superintendent of Parks and Recreation, Salary $8500, March 3, 1941. .Complete announcement on file at the UNIVERSITY BUREAU OF AP- POINTMENTS AND OCCUPATIO N- AL INFORMATION, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2-4. Academic Notices Bacteriology seminar, Monday, Feb- bruary 24, at 8:00 p.m. in Room 1564 East Medical Building. Subject "Malaria." All ipterested are invit- ed. Physics Colloquium: Prof. J. M. Cork will speak on "Colorimetric Ex- periments in Radioactivity" on Mon- day, February 24, at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1041 Randall* Laboratory of Physics. Geography 72 (T, Th 11) is now meeting in room 2225 A.H. instead of 225 A.H. All students please bring 50c for maps to next class meeting, Tuesday, Feb. 25th. Political Science 51 and 67 make- up examinations will be given Fri- day, February 28, at 1:30 p.m. Stu- dents who missed the final examina- tion in these courses should see me before that date about taking the make-up examinations. H. B. Calderwood. Required Hygiene Lectures for Wo- men, 1941: All first and second sem- ester freshmen women are required to take the hygiene lectures, which are to be given the second semester. Upperclass women Who have not com- pleted the hygiene lectures, or their equivalent Hygiene 101; should also