_w__ y r TW I C 'I AJ DAILY a..a. ~ asra T~lE MICHCAN DATTV STTI'flAVAPI~f11 1~ .s swase v, i sa Pan-American Neighbors Attract More And More Visitors Nation's Capital I Number One Vaeation Resort Washington's New World Significance Mt'akes It Exciting Tourist Haven Cherry Blossoms Out By THE SENATOR Today the eyes of the world are on Washington, D.C. And this has caused many tourists to turn their eyes to our nation's 'caital, for there are many who would life to "see what it's all about." But, Washington this year is no place for escapists. Everyone in Wash- iigton, including those few who are natives, feel an irresistible urge to go and see the news while it's happen- 'Three-Ring Circus' The best palace to see' this is, of course, the houses of Congress. The Senate, called by natives "the three- ring circus" should be seen by every- one who wants to know how democ- racy works. The Supreme Court is open to a limited number of observers and will be in session during most of the Spring Vacation. Because of the ermergency, it is extremely likely that Congress will convene all summer, aind although'the congressmen don't like it a bit, it gives summer sight- seers a break.- Then there are other things to see in Washington. The famous Japa- nese cherry trees are scheduled to be in blossomn the week of April 11, which is the date of our Spring vacation. The Mellon Art Galleries are at last oel. The new Jeffersop Memorial is nearing completion, Lincoln Menimorial Probably the most inspiring sight in Washington is the Lincoln Memo- rial. There is the story of an old gentleman who spent five hours of dveiry day for seven years gazing at its imnpressive marble simplicity. Oi his deathbed, he explained that even though he had been a Confed- erate soldier, the beauty of the build- ink so impressed him that "I can die content." If you do go to the capital during Spring vacation, and like cherry blossoms, be sure to see the little- advertised Bethesda-Kenwood cherry blossom festival, about a mile north of Washington in Bethesda, Md. It's good advice to "know the cap- ital of the greatest democracy in the world." And if that doesn't get you, you yichigan men may be interested in knowing that thereare five beautiful women to every man in Washington Georgia Calls Vacatioists Go To Niagara Falls- Event If You're Single Although Niagara Falls has been he subject of many humorous anec- dotes, it would be a good thing if we remembered now and then that it is a beautiful city and well worth visiting. The Maid of the Mist steamer that takes you 'way below the falls to the Cave of the Winds is a very exciting, if moist, trip. Goat Island, too, sit- uated in the middle of the Niagara River, is a very beautiful place to see if you feel a need of being alone to commune with nature. Don't feel sorry that Honeymoon Bridge is no more-theaverdant love- liness of this border towh is refresh- ing in the summer, even rivalling the cold rushing waters of the falls them- selves .in its cooling effect. Modern Travel Liggage Small, MoreDurable) War zones and U-boat scares have cut down the radius of travel this year with a corresponding decrease in the size of travel luggage. The outstanding example of this new trend is a midgest "taxi trunk" which combines the durability of the old steamer trunk with the mobility of hand luggage. Even though it holds three suits and a topcoat along with a complete accessory tray, it is easily carried on a train or in the back compartment of an automobile. For short trips of one or two weeks duration, the man who can't stay put has a choice between a new dura- luminum fortnighter or the latest soft-sided two-suiter. The metal case is waterproof and dustproof but is excelled by the leather bag for light- ness and ease of carrying. Fabrikoid is still the most practical buy in an inexpensive bag. It wears almost as well as leather, and is avail- able in a number of sizes and golors. Toilet kits go hand in hand with excursion tickets and suitcase stick- ers. The latest kits include anything needed for the normal upkeep of a traveller's hygiene, and fastidious gadgets such as nail files, tweezers, and cuticle scissors. But no matter how much you want to rough it, your best bet is top-grain cowhide. This leather has the virtue of attrac- tiveness and reasonable cost, along with an ability to "take it." Boat Trip Displays Hudsoii's Beauty Modern methods of travel now make it possible to see man's greatest annl Nature's loveliest within fhe space of a few short days-in his- toric New York State. Going to New York City? Then why not take the night train out of Niagara for Albany? It will put you in the stately capital city early in the morning, early enough to catch a Hudson River steamer bound for the City. And what a trip that will be! - Through the rolling Catskills, past picturesque West Point and grim Sing Sing prison, under the famous George Washington bridge; - into the heart of the city, the home of scurrying millions and towering sky- scrapers. And the whole river trip takes but one day, giving you full opportunity to make the most of your first night under the lights of the Great White Way. Bon Voyage!, South America, Canada Assume New Importance For Sightseers Prime Minister Mackenzie King of Canada, in an open letter to the people of the United States, declared recently that Canada is still open to tourists under the same conditiohs that existed before the start of World War II. With the letter came an invitation to citizens of the United States to travel mi Canada, without bother of passport or any trouble getting into' the country. And travelling to Canada is well worth it, too. With Europe practic-. ally closed to tourists, for the atmos- phere of the Continent the traveller must go to Canada. And there you'll find it, the ro- mantic, antique traditions of pre- war Europe. The Alps are mirrored in picturesque Banff National Park atd at Lake Louise. There you'll find anything you want - swim- ning, dancing, or just doing nothing in the cool lake breezes, The cities of Canada offer a breath of old France, a thing of the past. But even if you're not hunting for continental atmosphere, vacationing in Canada will please anyone. Hunt- ing and fishing, trekking in the woods, or just having a good time forgetting about things back home. Another thing they claim up in Canada, which is probably true but would take an Ec major to prove, is that American money buys more there than it does in this country. Something to do with exchange rates. Anyway, it's the land of pic- turesque and inexpensive vacations. -. Sana Franctsco Offers Variety To The Visitor City of the Golden Gate! City of the world! San Francisco. Here one may see whole colonies of nationali- ties, as if transplanted bodily from their native lands. Here are the beau- ties of all forms of nature. Here is life at once sophisticated and sim- ple. Perhaps the two most inspiringly beautiful sights to be seen in the Bay Area are San Francisco from the Bay Bridge in the early morning sunlight with her white homes gleaming, and the Golden Gate and city, from the "Top o' the Mark" Hopkins Hotel, in that rarest of the rare, a genuine clear sunset. Visitors come rapidly under the spell of this cosmopolitan port. Only a few blocks from famed Market Place, where the ancient cable cars start their treks, is Chinatown, in- triguing beyond measure. Barely a few steps away one can enter a French restaurant where he will be served tall bottles of French wine and will sing French songs with the diners. Or one can wander through Golden Gate Park with its botanical curios- ities and end up on the beach of the Pacific. A loll on the sandy stretches may be followed up by a hike along the shore to the seal rocks, where the newcomer will be fascinated watching and hearing the everbark- ing animals. To find, in a country as industrial- ized as ours, a city - a world in it- self - wnich offers so much to any visitor, in the matter of aesthetic, cultural or purely epicurean features, is truly a miracle! This year we're going Latin Amer- ican in a big way! And well we should, for travelling south of the Rio Grande is more than mere vacationing - it's an education plus an exodus into another world. For it is another world - it's a world of Latins and warm-blooded senoritas, of the remnants of an- other civilization and the starting of a new one, of festival nights in Rio. What to see in South America is the biggest problem, for there's so much to see. Probably the best place to spend a couple of weeks is in Buenos Aires, if you just want to see South America as a modern country. For Fun And Excitement But for fun and a little excitement in a not too-prosaic sort of way, if you get what I mean, go to Rio. Truly Rio is th'e city of excitement. The Latin Americans out-Mardi Gras the Mardi Gras of New Orleans and that is something. A couple of weeks in Rio de Janeiro, and you've really lived. But there's a lot more to South America than the modern, up-to-date cities like Buenos Aires and the festi- val air of Rio - there's the remains of a civilization that once was the greatest on the earth. To see the Indian ruins go to Peru. Archaeologists have recently uncov- ered even more complete signs of the ancient people that ruled South America. Interesting Peru Peru, too, has one of the most in- teresting antique cities in the world. Lima, capital of the republic, is noted for its ancient cathedrals, palaces, and for San Marcos, the oldest uni- versity in the hemisphere. All in all, South America offers practically anything you might want on a vacation -- and it's not expen- sive, either, which is no small factor, About the best way to go about it is to take one of those little fruit freightersrthat sail from Galveston or New Orleans, and end up in Rio or Santos. It's a wonderful trip, full of color and inexpensive. And when you hit Rio you can light out by train, or else take one of the boats that regularly runs between Rio and Buenos Aires and other South Amer- ican points. Oaxaca, In Mexico Is Unusual Place To Spend Summer Oaxaca, Mexico, is a well built, com- pact town set a mile above sea-level on the tableland of Mextecapan. Noted for its production of cochineal, it is surrounded by plantations of cochineal cactus. The suberbs are full of tropical gardens and the court- yards of the Spanish-style homes are filled with banana plants, mango trees, and even tropical parrots that shriek at the inttuder. Nearby are the ruins of Mitla where can be found extensive remains of tombs and other buildings of some ancient civilization. Although Oaxaca is liable to prove a dud for typical tourists, this little plateau town is to be rated as a "must" for the honest-to-goodness traveller. Here one can find a true picture of Mexican life, unspoiled by the noisy chatter and clatter of tourist towns. The buxom American matron and her tag-along henpeck, that tourist couple who receive the Want A Trip? Why Not Try Mild Alaska? It's Not Quite So Frigid During The Summer As You Think Does your astrologer say that you are going on a long trip? Why not call his bluff and go to Alaska? Northernmost of the possessions of the United States, Alaska is at its finest in the spring and early sum- mer months. Contrary to popular belief, the territory is not .an ex- aggerated iceberg 12 months of the year. The climate is extremely mild in nearly all parts, wild flowers and cultivated staples abound, tall, state- ly pine trees raise their tips toward the azure zenith, and wildlife of all sorts will gladden the spirits of the most discriminatory sportsman. Breathtaking Scenery True, there are -sections where there is snow and ice all year round, but the setting for these climatic conditions will make the traveler forget the temperature. For it is here that the highest peaks on the conti- nent can be found. Mt. McKinley, the most stratospheric mountain in North America, raises its 20,300-foot altitude in the south-central part of Alaska. And there are hundreds of snow-capped crests to delight the climber, esthete, and amateur pho- tographer. The days of the Klondike gold rush are over, but the memory remains. Abandoned mine workings and set- tlements can be seen along the Cana- dian frontier. At any time you may run across a surviving member of that lost generation who will be able to thrill you for hours with yarns about life in good old '98. Voyage 'Well Worth The Trip' Well worth the trip is the voyage itself, From Seattle to Skagway, your ship will follow the "inside route," a peaceful stretch of the Pacific com- pletely protected from the less gen- tle ocean breezes by a chain of islands. Then a short dash across the open ocean and an exhilarating railroad trip will bring you to Fairbanks, in the heart of the interior and situated for short- excursions to all parts of the territory. Alaska is truly America's last fron- tier. Here life goes on quietly and methodically, the frenzied activities of the rest of the world hardly being given second thought. Hospitality is the keynote to the weary traveler who at last finds rest in this country's last outpost. butt of Mexican scorn, will surely find the 241 mile hick-railroad trip from Mexico City too much of a trial. The cast-off U.S. locomotive and cars must roam over hot desert, through wild plateau, and around snowcapped peaks to reach Oaxaca. The train trip is in itself an education for the passenger rubs elbows with peons, Indians, chickens, pigs, and other inhabitants of the desert. The train often wanders ten miles out of the way to stop at a desert hovel of fifty people. At every stop, women with big baskets on their heads, wan- der along the train and sell tomales and bread to the passengers. The Beautiful Far West Is A Tourists' Paradise By TEX SALLADE Summer is on its way again, andc the nation is about to go on wheels,t wheeling its way, if it's smart to the scenic West, vacation land of a con- tinent.l World-wide famous and the high-l light of any trip through the South-t west is the Grand Canyon in north- ern Arizona. By train or car one may leave Chicago, starting points of all western ventures, passing throughs Upper Illinois, Iowa, Kansas City,1 Missouri, Topeka, Kansas, Colorado,'' Circuit Tour { Visits Nevada And-Colorado !Follow the "grand circuit" throughl Colorado's scenic vacationland when you visit the West this summer. Here midst a backdrop of natural wonders the pleasure-seeking vaca-; tionist can find the finest facilities to indulge his every whim. The tour starts in Denver, the 'Queen city of the West," nestled ata the foot of 'the ROckies a mile abover sea level. Only a two hour drive to the northwest separates the tour-1 ist from the Estes Park section of thej Rocky Mountain National Park. Here,c with the, comforts of dude ranchesI close at hand, the daily program' in- cludes hunting, fishing, riding, hik- ing, camping, and mountain climb- ing. Snow-capped Long's Peak stands as a constant challenge to the dare-+ devil mountain-climber as it towers 15,0010 feet above sea level. Turning westward over the Trail' Ridge Road, which is the highest continuous highway in the world, the' traveler wends his way gradually up-' ward through stately pines and over rushing 'mountain streams until tim- berline is reached. The road finally' dips back below treeline as it ap- proaches" Grand Lake. This is a sportsman's paradise with fish ga- lore and it is the home of the high- est yacht club in the world. Leaving Grand Canyon and bear- ing southeast the tourist crosses the. Continental Divide and by detouring slightly can visit the famous ghost town of Central City, which saw bet- ter times as the wildest town of the West during the gold rush of '59. picturesque Albuquerque, New Mexi- co, in a never forgettable journey to the canyon. The awe-inspiring spectacle of Grand Canyon is almost incompre- hensible. Grand Canyon National Park covers 1,090 square miles and the chasm itself is in places from four to 18 miles wide from rim to rim, 200 miles long, and more than a mile deep. The Colorado River has dug out an inner gorge and formed by erosion many rock figures, paint- ed in every color of the rainbow. Pop- ular enterprises at the canyon are the long mule trips to, the bottom on steep, rocky trails. Petrified Forest The Grand Canyon is not the only highspot Arizona has to offer, how- ever. East of the canyon are locat- ed the Petrified Forest and the Paint-, ed Desert. The Petrified Forest is one of the world's most puzzling phenomena. It is a huge. plain 5,700 feet above sea level covered with deposits of agatized wood. The Painted Desert is a region of plains and terraced cliffs with stratified sections displaying many colors. Beyond Arizona lies California, the goal of many an ambitious young person. Coming from the canyon one passes through the orange groves of San Bernardino on the way to Los Angeles, city of suburbs. Cali- fornia presents two sides to the in- coming tourist: the historic, roman- tic side and the glamorous, fabulous cinema empire. Historic California There's historic Olvera Street in Los Angeles, remnant of Spanish California, the l\Missions of Sant Barbara, San Diego, and Los Angeles in addition to many others, and .of course, the studios of Hollywood, the Brown Derby, the Cocoanut Grove, night clubs of the stars, and Holly- wood Bowl. Off the shore in the blue Pacific lies Catalina Island, scene for many a movie and playground of Californians . Traveling north from Los Angeles the perspective tourist must be sure to hit San Diego, home pf the fleet, and San Francisco with its, the California Chamber of Commerce to the contrary, foggy, damp climate. Fascinating, nevertheless, are the sights of Golden Gate Bridge, the remains of notorious Barbary Coast, and China Town. One might also while in California visit the superbly beautiful and impressive Sequoia and Yosemite National Parks. Us Peach State' Assures Southern Hospitality :.-AND # -..LAKE LOUISE IN 1TH E Canadian Rockies Visit famous Banf Springs Htel and Chateau Lake Louise. Tour from Lake Louise to Columbia Icqe/l. Al-Expense Tours-2 to 6 days. . as low as $36.25 per person. Plus fare to Banff or Field.,Ask about independently planned and organized tours. Low rail fares to or from the Pacific Coast via Banff on Canadian Pacific through transcontinental'dir-conditioned trains. Includes 165.finile Princess liner cruise between Vancouver and Seattle, stopping at Victeria. CANADA WELCOMES U. S. CITIZENS... NoPgssporls See Your Travel Ag~ent oe M. . MALONE. General Agent (Book Bldg.) 1231 Washington Blvd. . Detroit, Mich. Come to Georgia! Georgia-the peach state ,the vacationland of the South, the land of "Gone With The Wind" fame. There's no other place that can offer the same atmosphere of geuine Southern hospitality. No matter where you're from, you will marvel at the friendliness that per- vades this portion of the sunny Southland, Here neighborliness and good will are shown at their best. Georia's climate is wonderful at any time of the year. In the Spring the peach blossoms are in bloom, and the chill brisk mornings start off the day. Even in sumnycr Georgian nights arc a col refreshing respite from a warm afternoon., Learn history first-hand ill this land steeped in tradition, thi; battle ground of the Civil War. hardly a mile goes by withoutte peaac of a sign recalling thec almost ccu-: tury-old conflict. What better plt'e could one choose to visit? See Amt'rja first and start with Georgia. ComwI home and startle your friends with : 1 hliern drawl and a good Co't Af tan. Thfe barniy breeze' that greet you upon first en tering the tate are a welcome sign that you are down South. Georgia has so imuch to offer--swimiming. fishing, beautiful scenery and the countless other things that make it a popular playgrciund. You will never forget the roiling hills and smooth plains, the moss hanging from the trees, and the rich red soil that are all so essentially a part of picturesque Georgia. Until you have visited this state you can- not know America, 1,111 VIEW I I WINFAM1 f .. -_ _ _ U 11 TRAVL IN 1COMFORT ]jUI 1#jriS S!PEC? IATRAIN LEAVE ANN AR1OR 4:45 PM F Rf)A Y, APJ If2 11 I A lisK ({N L I O 1I I DE~LUXE, IRECLININ SEAT COA"ES - - DiNIN CARS (;riar br Ivwdl O/n';atc i- / h i 0niAimit i 1'oto lihe la/on i/io/I.'belohIw -- wi/o ch/, .of cads or tains. NEW YORK NEWARK TRENTON PH ILADELPHIA ARAR1ISBURG ALTOONA, WASH I NGTON JOHNSTOWN PITTSBURGH MANSFIELD TOLEDO - YrctliI l rt a slir l thrill I rayvelin*g with 'Iothet-~i~tfely il -6-elfS.ixl aI1 Ii'iinn \tVarrtuI, 'liii. EvrAlry- F o .~ ou iti-c i -r1.----!! in ugShorw ro il xpr rncdIar~~;er rti If \NAtki'c BALTIMORE .MvANI IATITAN STRII'I I) U(IOR) ROYAL BLUF 1-IBRI........ $6U',00 RtIGHTfor SPRING 11 HI II ii [1 0/hers ~27.5O iii,' Cll I Others $27.50 ul)