SUNDAY, APRIL G, 1941 THE- M CHI A DA111 ' rAc:..r,. . - p nt.r. - THE MICHIGAN 1bAII.V~ a ,a..a.a, a a v A-,tA" IUe K d v d9 _. Anniual Senior Offices, New Members To Be Honored Winner Of Ethel McCormick Scholarship To Be Disclosed; Two Honor Societies Will Tap Headlines for future campus lead- ers and'iy-lines for work well done will be the main features when the League "goes to press" at 6 p.m. to- morrow at its annual Installation Banquet. Filling the pressbox at the affair will be representatives of all classes and all campus groups who will gath- er to witness the installation by the Councils of their successors for next year. Presiding as head of the Press Conference will be Lee Hardy, '41, retiring League president who will turn her chair over to Margaret San- ford, '42, incoming president. Successors To Be Announced Assisting Miss Hardy will be Doris Merker, '41, retiring president of the Judiciary Council who will turn her office over to Jane Baits, '42. Other members of the League Council who will act as publishers of various mag- azines to help carry out the League Press theme, wil announce their own successors. "Scoops" of the evening, however, will include not only the anounce- ment of the new League and Ju-, diciary Councils but also the new Panhellenic, Assembly and WAA Board members for next year. Finally the three winners of the Ethel Mc-i Cormick scholarships and the Mu Phi School of Music scholarships as, well as the selection of orientation advisors for next year will be re- vealed. Honor Societies To Tap Members of the honor societies, Mortarboard and Senior Society, will march among the tables in cap and gown during the evening and tap their new members.7 Programs will b in the form oft souvenirs of the class activities of the graduating seniors. Blue booklets con-7 taining green, yellow, and red pages for the underclass years will contain cartoons from Hayseed Hop, Deep Sea Doodles, and Hi Falutin', the Freshman Project, Sophomore Cab- aret, and Junior Girls Play, respec- tively, of the Class of 1941, Installation Banquet Will Be Tomorrow The iite W/ite4 At of the students hadn't even bothered to read the column until the Reverend I don't know whether Marjorie William C. O'Loughlin, pastor of Ob- Myers, the 19-year-old Oberlin soph- erlin's Catholic Church of the Sacred omore who shocked the staid little Heart, called attention to it "in a Ohio town into national prominence, ridiculous fasnion." really believed what she wrote about Now starts the disciplinary action. marriage or whether she was just Father O'Loughlin felt called upon looking for publicity via the Marian to ask the postoffice inspection de- Phillips technique. partment to ban the Review perm- But I do think, no matter what her anently from the United States mails. reasons for writing, that the whole It seems to me there is absolutely furore over it was undignified, to say no justification, either moral or legal, the least, and that the disciplinary for advocating this action which, action decided upon was not only un- moreover, would set a most unfor- justified, but positively laughable. tunate precedent for future restric- The whole thing started a week ago tions on the freedom of the press. yesterday when residents of the up- Review Defends ier standing Ohio community and under- ! In its editorial column, the Review graduates of the Oberlin College defendedthe right of Miss m ers picked up their copies of the Oberlin to express her own views even though Review, the campus newspaper andl they constituted a "minority opinion." read the revolutionary views on mar- But last week, the Women's Board riage, love and sex, which Miss Myers of the college, composed of the Dean expressed in her column, "We Wim- of Women and eight faculty members, min." gave Miss Myers her choice of leaving Forsake All Others college or of being in her dormitory, Writing in the semi-weekly journ- by 7:15 every evening. This sounds al, the pretty brunette co-ed strongly like the kind of punishment that advocated elimination of the phrase woud have been imposed back in the "forsaking all othets, keep ye only days of Miss Merriwether's' Seminary unto her" from the marriage cere- for Select Young Ladies, but cer- mony since "marriage," she said, tainly not like the kind of action to "should not necessarily demand sex- be taken by a modern co-educational ual fidelity or constancy." college. What do they think she is? A Two weeks ago, Miss Myers wrote child? Or maybe a menace to the in her column, among other things, campus? that "the sensible concept of mar- The Women's Self Government riage would recognize there is no holi- League at Oberlin protested that the ness or Divinity attached to sex. On punishment was too severe and main- this basis," she added, "when one tained that it had jurisdiction in the ceases to find satisfaction in the or- case. School authorities stated, how- der, or wishes to exploit the physical ever, that the punishment of Miss attraction they may feel for others, Myers had nothing to do with her sexual fidelity lo§es its importance, writings, but refused to divulge the Inconstancy, when looked at logically, "true cause" of the penalty. I've heard is no sin because the basis of marriage that one before. Why is it that the is not sex, but intellect." punishment of students for "other It may be noted here that this view things" always manages to "coincide" is in direct opposition to that taken with the students' journalistic activ- by many prominent European and ities? American gynecologists who agree I don't agree with what Miss Myers with the opinion of a Denver judge purports to believe, but Voltaire and that "a man does not court and I have the same opinion as to what marry a woman for the mere pleasure hould be done about such matters. Kaufmann-Bogle Chemistry May Engagement But Helen Barn( Is Announced By LOIS SHAPIRO "Fivefeet two and eyes of blue," Sand a hard-working chemistry assis- tant to Dr. R. J. Carney is Helen Bar- nett, '41. One of the two women hold- ing assistantships in chemistry on campus, and one of the two women to graduate in June with a B.S. in chemistry, Helen has had an all-in- clusive and varied college career. Her determination to major in chemistry after her freshman course in the subject was further intensi- fied by the repeated unbelieving re- marks of people who said, "Don't kid me, you'll never major in chem. A $100 bet was the climax to these jests, and Helen has pursued her in- terests earnestly and made a real sue- cess of her work. 3 Extra-curricularly, Helen has made a name for herself also. She was chairman of Freshmen Project, a member of Wyvern and of Central Committee of last year's JGP, worked, ,,'. for three years on the Daily business staff and is president of Mortar Board.1 Photo by Bob Bogle Not only Michigan, but all college JEANNE KAUFMAN campuses are now aware of the blond, 5: { blue-eyed chemistry major, for last Mr and Mrs. Harry A. Kaufman summer she served as one of thirteen of Grosse Pointe, announce the en-fashion college editors of Mademoi- gagement of their daughter, Jeanne, selle magazine. A whole month in '41. to Robert Bogle, '41, son of Mr. New York City, meeting fashion lead- and Mrs. John C. Bogle, also of Gros- ers, Peing entertained by them, and se Pointe. No date has been set for getting into the wholesale clothes' the wedding. markets comprised what she called Miss Kaufman, who is president of "a wonderful experience." Alpha Phi sorority, was music chair- At home in Huntington, W. Va., man of the '41 Frosh Project, and Helen was in charge of a college shop was in. the Junior Girls' Play. She for two months after being in New was a member of The Daily staff, is York last summer. After her fresh- in Choral Union, and was secretary man year in college she worked moreI of Alpha Phi before becoming presi- academically as a lab technician for dent. Mr. Bogle, who is affiliated with three months. Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity, was Her hobbies are oil painting and a night editor on The Daily last year knitting, which, amazingly enough and was a member of the Union with her heavy lab work, she finds Council. - -- - - Youthful Snrinn Printz Theta Xi To Hold Tea Annoy WomenI ett Has It Licked time to do. After graduation Helen hopes to go into cosmetic chemistry, or as an alternative, textile chemistry, which deals with synthetic materials. Both of these fields require practical training which can only be obtained in the actual work, thus supplement- ing the theory she has already learned in school. Newman Club Spring Formal ,To Be April 2 Tickets will go on sale for the an- nual Newman Club spring formal to- morrow at the Union, the League, Ul-' rich's, Wahr's, the chapel and Gach's studio. They will be one dollar sev- enty five cents per couple and will be sold to the general public. Stu-! dents are urged to purchase tickets before Spring Vacation. The dance will be held from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, April 25 in the Union ballroom. Bill Sawyer and his orchestra wil play. Jorge Carrula, '41E, entertainment chairman, has anhounced that a doorprize, a ticket to Military Ball and a bouquet, will be awarded to the couple holding the lucky ticket. Draw- ings wil be made during the evening. Several other surprise entertainment features are planned for the evening. Decorations will have a spring theme with two trellises loaded with flowers banking either side of the ballroom. Spring bouquets will be used and green and white will be the color scheme. Sally Walsh, '43, is in charge of decorations. This is the third year that the New- man Club has carried on the tradition of a spring formal. Last year it was held while the club played host to I a s i i 7 7 r 4 of paying for her board and washing." Students Are Indifferent In a letter to Paul Chandler, Daily City Editor, Kenny Chernin offered an on-the-spot reaction to the inci- dent and declared a great majority Group Is Told Of Great Need For Aid To European Children Personalized aid to the children of beleaguered Europe is the best means we have of planning constructively for the future, Dorothy Moore, Wayne University student, and winner of the state-wide oratorical contest, told members of the Ann Arbor Save the Children Federation chapter who. assembled. in the Union yesterday for an organization-luncheon meet- ing. Under the present immigration laws, Miss Moore pointed out, Amer- ica can at best bring over only a small number of the children who are liv- ing under conditions, not only phy- sically, but mentally, most danger- ous to those on whom the task of future leadership must fall. At a cost of $30, an individual or a' group may become the long-distance "godparents" of some desperately needy child, Miss, Moore said, and thus aid in making the child feel that in the midst of war and destruction, some people are still seeking to re- establish him. Born of the last world war, the Save the Children International Un- ion has been helping impoverished children in restricted areas for the last 22 years,' Mrs. Mabel White Clev- erdon, Michigan representative of the Federation, explained. Thus far, branch organizations have been es- tablished in 20 countries, Mrs. Clev- erdon said, and furnish aid on a non-partisan, non-sectarian basis. The Ann Arbor chapter is headed by Mrs. Preston Slosson who was elected President unanimously at the meeting. The Federation hopes to contact all campus and civic groups for participation in its pro- gram, Mrs. Slosson said. For further information, inquiries should be ad- dressed to Mrs. Slosson or Mrs. Ed- ward W. Blakeman. One Redhead EQes Another Tips On Colors By KAY RUDDY The flowers that bloom in the Spring, tra la, have nothing on the colors that bloom in the shops in Spring. And every one of you gals can really let yourself go and blos- som out right along with the shops and the season - except the red- heads. Yes, redheads, we know all about those tri-color schemes that are shown in its oh-so-smooth photo- graphs, and we know, too, how gor- geous they look on that tall, slinky brunette who wears them. But just remember the brightness of your hair bcfore you decorate yourself with three more brilliant colors. It's far better to keep to dark color or single color schemes than to become one of Ann Arbor's outstanding gargoyles. Let's talk about red for a while, and how you're going to get along with it. You probably know that Make Fashion News For Wear On Easter Even if you think you have plenty of time to look around for your new spring finery, Easter is sneaking up on you and if you aren't careful, that much -hated, word "procrastinator" might possibly be applied to you, especially if you miss out on some of the enticing prints making fashion news right now. A print dress seems to embody all the freshness, the youthful spirit of spring, and after all it's only na- tural that everyone should want a little of that freshness in her own wardrobe. There's a stunning yet practical number of rayon crepe, one-piece, but made with horizontal tucks to the hip-line to give it a two piece look. J V t C 'I ' - -,. r A F4'>% > horses shy in the open street, and they should ttake advantage of their good fortune. A touch of crimson in their ensembles creates an unusual and striking effect. Blues and greens are your best colors if you are titian-haired, and you'll be surprised what wonderful- ly flattering things a bluish grey shade will do for you. If you're not too wild, yourself, about the shade of your locks; if you think they're too orangish and you want to play them down, you'll dress in navy. The light- er shades, on the other hand will brighten your curls. But stick to simple -color schemes. Theta Xi will hold their annual the other Newman Clubs of the Ohio tea from 4 p.m. to 8 p-m. today at Valley Province. the chapter house. William Wads- Any Newman Club member work- worth, '43, chairman of the affair, ing on the dance is urged to get has invited Lt. and Mrs. Harold Wat- in touch with Albin Schinderle, '42, son and Prof. and Mrs. Kendall to j general chairman, or a member of act as chaperons. the committee. AA LOOKInG aa Ga a TULIPTIME --wn products by Harriet Hubbard Ae will / d; the trick for Easter gifts At CALINS-FLETCHERthei TIME from bath powder to li stick. Other suggestions are w 111 compacts and Peggy Sage kits. BROOMSTICK SKIRTS should play an important part in every coed's wardrobe this spring. The JUNE GREY SHIOP has these skirts in bright cotton prints. Also good-looking are the den im skirts in either natural den- g/ im or a lighter blue shade. KVIA/2 RINGS- hundreds of beauti- ful ones at EIBLER'S JEWEL- RY SHOP, Women's rings are unusually danty and feminine, -(especially the, luscious zir - cons). There are lots of dlust- en rings in clusters pearls, and other stones. The men's rings are very good-looking and mod- ern in cameos and plainer Sstyles. So, you see, there are rings for everyone. WASH DRESSES of many ds and arietieshare the -special feature of the TOWN & COLLEGE SHOP this week. Ginghams, piques, chambrays, and linens in prints or solid colors - They are perfect for classes in the spring and for lazy days during vacation. IT'S THE RAINY SEASON - and you just have to have a raincoat. DILLON'S has them in all styles and colors tofitk any budget,, The Cap'n Jack Rain-Hater, very good-looking in the military way is $16.95. Reversibles at $10.95, and Pell Mells light-weight pastels, for $5.95. AA The re-established HOSIERY CLUB at JACOBSON'S can prove profitable to you. When you buy twelve pairs of stock- ings, you receive a thirteenth pair-free! The stockings are Belle-Sharmeer proportioned hose in new parfet colors that you will certainly like. Just stop worrying about what to buy for Easter presents. Trot right over to the Campus Shop and take your pick. Jewelry galore. Gloves, purses, scarves, and hankies are always good for Easter presents. Your sis- ter would love a frilly blouse j or a dainty slip. / i\P/ 'I , ' ;', ! r; ' -,'"' j .s '! there are can't get are some some redheads who simply near the stuff. But there on whom red doesn't make r! f f/1 c i t l\ j - K - . .. ... N ' . t ji t ji 3'J, ,,i' i WAAl S(JE Intrac1ub Basketb posted on Barbou bulletin. Fencing: Practice Tuesday and Thurs Gymnasium. Swimming Club: 8:30 p.m. Tuesdaya Lobby Lobby: Mee p.m. to 5:00 p.m. V I Service To Be Held DU7LE ball: all games Sigma Eta Chi, Congregational sor- I r Gymnasium (ority, will hold a Lucknokoia candle light service at 8:30 p.m. today in at 7:30 p.m. the Congregational Church. directed day in Barbour by Julia LaRue, Grad. Taking part in the service will be Audrey John- Meeting at son, '43, Amy Stevenson, '41, Mary at Union Pool. Edith Riner, '43,i Laura Merrill, '42, eting from 2:30 Roberta Holland, '42, Roberta How- Wednesday. ard, '42, Helen Ayres, '42, and Char- lotte LaRue, '42. cr e t. r / 't i { i } . ' . . f iJ . i ; ' 4 ;; _.-- _ _. I l .+5" ? .. per. _ ., - f '\ ,, '<'\\ . r Rt \, ,,,, . ,,. ~{y { 11 rx - r , , . \ .. l ' ' . { . , --' , 4 ) BY JO~jce CA LL F )RN IA -7/i) _ 1 S2 ~I- U IL JJ h II OL~r j -eSrsickeir hor EASTER Give t glorifying s e erxs ucr housecoat. Printed in dainty blue and rose, it has imaginative treat- ment of sboulder and sleeve -- Fitted bodice, shirred pockets and a full svwinging skirt. Practical and washable. In zipper or wrap- 3round styles, sizes 12 lo 20. Cancpus Romanice r !J 1{ Cufrnatcs in Jujin(eW'eddltig The bride and bride aid i Vogue Udcr 20 wedding-party clothes. Sketched: white cotton or- gandy shepherdess dresses. The bride's, with bodice and dress all-of-a-piece, 19.95. Veiled net cap, 15.75. The bridesmaid's, with American beauty faille weskit, 19.95. -Matching D1tch cap, 5.00. C, f _) C, U Designed for foot flattery, COV1- structed for comfort . .. a Joyce of unlined box-glove leather with a flippant tongue and a casual 5t1, 9 1..1' I