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April 04, 1941 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-04

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PAGE t #

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Musie School
Gioiip To Give
Last Coneert
Thelma Newell, Violinist,
Helen Titus, Pianist,
To Perform Sonatas
The last and biggest Faculty Con-
cert of the year will be' presented by
six professors and two instructors in
the School of Music at 4:15 1im. Sun-
day in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Opening the program, Thelma New-
ell, violinist, and Helen. Titus, pianist,
will present Haydn's "Sonata in G
major" which will be followed by five
songs of Joseph Marx, scheduled to
be sung by Prof. Thelma Lewis, so-
prano. The songs are "Wie einst,"
"Japanisches Regenlied," "Nocturne,"
"Regen" and "Waldseligkeit."
Miss Newell and Miss Titus will
then unite again to present Hinde-
mith's "Sonata in D minor for .Vio-
lin and Piano."-
The featured selection, which will
conclude the concert, is Vaughan W;.1-I
nlams' "On Wenlock Edge," writce I
for solo voice, piano and stringqa
tet and based on several famous
poems by A. E. Housman.
Faculty members who will play "On
Wenlock Edge" include Prof. Arthur
Hackett, tenor; Prof. Wassily Bese-
kirsky, violinist; Prof. Joseph Brink-
man, pianist; Prof. Anthony Wiit-
mire, violinist; Prof. Hanns Pick, vio-
lIncellist and Miss Newell.
I Church Party To Have


Case History Shows
Need f car Seholarship
ditor' ENite: In coopekation. with
the Stude Senate's renewed cam-
paign for increased alumni scholar-
ships, The Daily is printing actualcase
histories which ilstrate the need for
a successful drive.
Case Five entered the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts
last fall with seven hours of credit
from the University Extension Di-
vision. While working practically,
full time to support himself and
his mother, he has succeeded in
earning twenty-four hours of A
and three hours of B. "It will prob-
ably be impossible for him to con-
tinue burning the candle at both
ends and financial support of some
k'nd will be necessary."
Hillel 'Debaters
Winner Of Match Today
To Represent District i
The local Hillel debaters will clash
with Ohio State's Hillel debate team
at 8:15 p.m. today at the Foundation.
The debate is a semi-final match in
B'nai B'rith District 6: the victor in

ially invited- There will be a brief
talk on Me xikanische Reiseb-eer
by ,ir iH,-V7.Word rneyer.


Ah AIffell Bal 1 b rivatLtiy \ ill b
ope to pubib liCfrom 8:00 to '.0
Saturday evening, April 5, The moon

(Continued from Page 4)
Archery--Friday 3:20.
Elementary Riding-Friday
Student Graduation Recital:


Rhua Skinner, '41SM, will present a
piano recital at 4:15 p.m. Monday,
April 7, in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. The recital, which will be
presented in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Bachelor of Mu-
sic degree, will be open to the geneal
Faculty Concert: A miscellaneous
program will be presented bymem-
bers of the School of Music faculty
at 4:15 p.m. on Sunday, April 6, in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The
following will appear in the concert,
which will be complimentary to the
general public: Wassily Besekirsky,
Violinist; Joseph Brinkman, Pianist;
Arthur Hackett, Tenor; Thelma Lew-
is, Soprano; Thelma Newell, Violin-
ist; Hanns Pick, Violoncellist; Helen
Titus, Pianist; Anthony Whitmire,
Violist, and Grace Wilson, Accompan-

bertson, former ambassador to Chile, and the planets, Jupiter anatau n
will lecture on "Political and Econom- will be shown. Children must l ac-
ic Aspects of Hemisphere Defense" companied by aduths.
at 4:15 p.m. today in the amphi- Army Air Corps Flight Tra .nujg for
theatre of the Rackham Building, AT
under the auspices of the University'All Students on the Campus: Captain!
Committee on Defense Issues. The r Ward M. Estes of the U.S. Army Air
public is cordially invited. Corps will be in Room 348 West En-
---- gmeering Building, Tuesday, April d,
at 7:30 p.m., to talk with students
University Lecture: John Garstang, on the Campus who are interested in
Professor of Theory and Practice of the opportunities for flight ',raning
Archaeology, University of Liverpool, with the Army Air Corps. In general,
will lecture on the subject, "The an eligible candidate nust have corn-
Foundation of Bible History," tillus- pleted two years of college work or
trated) under the auspices of the e- passed an examination on the edu
partments of History, Greek, and cational requirements. Captain Estes
Oriental Languages at 4:15 p.m. on will explain the requirements in de-
Tuesday, April 8, in the Rackham tail, and will discuss the opportuni-
Lecture Hall. The public is cordially ties available to students who re
invited, qualified and wish to enter this'
branch of the service. Two motion
Lecture: Dr. Harry F. Ward will 'pictures, "Wings of the Army" and
speak in the Natural Science Audi- (Continued on Page 71
torium today at 4:00 p.m. on the Dean ..-._.------...-. .

from to
"Some Free"
Books on Every Subject.
Save at..
322 S. State at N. University

of Canterbury's "Soviet Power."
Sponsored by the Karl Marx Society.
Events Today
Phi Delta Kappa business meeting
tonight at 7:00 in the West Confer-
ence Room of the Rackham Building.


April Fool's Day Motif

the district going on to compete in the {
national finals. Student Graduation Recital: Betty Westminister Student Guild w:.
Debating will center around the Ann Chaufty, Pianist, '41SM, will meet tonight at 7:30. The Class for
question, "Resolved: that advocates present a recital at 8:30 p.m. on Sun- I University students will be led by I
of racial and religious discrimination day, April 6, in the Lydia Mendel-CDr. Lemon, on "The Oldest Life of
should be denied the freedom of ssohn Theatre. The general public Jesus."
speech and, of the press." is invited to this recital, which will From 8:30 to 12:00 p.m. there w l
David Crohn, '43, and Irving Zeig- bc presented in partial fulfillment of be a recreational program. Gaoes.
er, '41, will repr'esent the local Foun- the requirements for the Bachelor of entertainment and refreshments. All
dation in the debate which will al- Music degree. sbyteran students and their
low each speaker to give a ten mm-a
ute constructive speech and a five Student Graduation Recital: A re-
minute refutation. cital open to the general public will Harris Hall: There will be no tea
Rcbert Koblitz, '42, and David be presented by Judith Victor, '11iM, this afternoon: instead, there will be
Greenberg, '43, of Ohio State will be at 8:30 p.m. on Monday, April 7, in a picnic at 5:00 p.m. We will have
their opponents in determining who the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The supper at the Island,. and will return
will travel to Chicago to compete in program will be in partial fulfillment to the Hall for games. Phone .,er-
the district finals. of the requirements for the Bachelor vations to 8613.
r rp pi : no h of Music degree.

April Fool will provide the motif
for a party to be held from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. today by the Student -'el-
lowship of the First Congregational
According to Peggy Ayres, general
chairman, the evening will be given
over to games, stunts, mixers and
dancing. The twenty cent admission
charge also covers refreshments.


ne a eoaJ . wiy Laze p ace o e U
usual Friday night Fireside Discus-
sion, and will follow the Conserva-
rave services which begin at 7:30 p.m.



Conservative Services, conducted by
Jack Luen-Epstein and David C1cr .
Ewill ht? hald at the Hfill lF d im~nin


Recently installed officers of the j p.m.
Fellowship include Ray Steiner, pres-'
ident; Ruth Wille, '4?SN, vice pres-;T .
ident; and a cabinet composed of
Bob Craig, '44,. Norton Norris, '43,
Kiyoshui Kaneshiro, Grad., Kenneth
Amstutz, '42, Helen Ayrs, and James
F redericlkson. '44. tnd' nn Plei

- ----- e,~ '.un at o k. ±I~ L U1~LL.
Exhibit: Defense Housing, arraniged Jcnight at 7:30 p.m.
by the Central Housing Commission,
Washington, D.C.; third floor Ex- Congregational Student Pariy at
hibition Room, Architecture Building, the church tonight from 9 to 1.
through April 9. 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Games, stunts, mixers, refreshments
and dancing. Small admission charge.
Exhibition: John James Clarkson- I Congregational Student Bible Dis-
Oils, Water Colors and Drawings. Ex - i HcuHsion Group meets in Room 10 of
hibition Galleries of the Rackham Peiloim Hall tonight, 7:30 to 8:3 ).
School March 28-April 26 Daily (ex- Open to all.



Srau. 'aJIUtU .a ' vsa. U c~tU'.'
Department of Speech Prates from the twenty voiume boob
'The North American Indian" by
rrcsctefCurtis are being exhibited in the
PLAY PRODUCTION cases in the main floor of the Library.
The set was .purchased recently by
ihe rare book room through the funds
i of the Silas Wright Dunning be-
"REMEMBER quest.s
"The -North American Indian" is.
THE DAY' series of volumes oicturina :nd
.,scribing the Indians of the United
Tonight and Tomorrow States and Alaska written, illustrated;
at 8:30 P.M. and published by Mr. Curtis. The
foreward is by Theodore Rooseveltj
75c 50c, 35c and research work done under the
!,patronage of J. P. Morgan.
The work was begun in 1907 and
Mendelssohn Theatre completed in 1930. The edition was
(Phone 6300) limited to 500 sets of which the h-
brary possesses copy No. 33. Accom-
panying each volume is a portfolio
of plates, 722 in all.
--- - - -Photogravures taken by Curtis in
Read The Daily Classifieds his dealings with the Indians are the
illustrations for the book, printed
on thin paper and mounted.
Normal Choir Bach Festival

cept Sundays) including evenings.
Auspices: Ann Arbor Art Association
and Institute of Fine Arts, University
of Michigan.
University Lecture: William S. Cul-
- - - -

Michigan Dames: Bowling at the
20th Century bowling Alleys today at
2:00 p.j.
Coming Eventls
University Club: Annual meeting
Tuesday evening, April 8. Membegsr
please call the Club to reserve pla es
for the Stag Dinner.

O a

The world-wide demand for Schlitz is a
fitting tribute to this magnificent beer. Its
absolute uniformity and supreme quality
have made it the unchallenged choice of
lovers of fine beer the world over. Until
you try Schlitz, ypu'll never know how
really good a bottle of beer can be.


Ford Stril
(Continued from


German Table for Faculty Members
Plant wvill meet Monday at 12:10 p.n. in the
Founders' Room, Michigan Union.
Members of all departments inuirest-
Page 1) ed in German conversation are cord-


ploying 3,000 men, had been forced
to shut down for lack of parts be-
cause of the strike here at the River
Rouge Plant.
The Chicago branch, which as-
sembles 550 cars a day, is one of 16
Ford assembly branches in the coun-
try. It was the first one forced to
:lcse down, Ford officals said.
ST. PAUL, April 3 -U)- The St.
Paul assembly plant of the Ford
Motor Co., was closed late today be-
cause of a shortage of assembly stock
from the strike-bound River Rouge
Plant' of the firm at Dearborn, Mich.
H. C. Dorsey, superintendent at the
St. Paul Plant, said the only depart-
ment remaining open here was the
one with service stocks for dealers.
About 1,500 men are affected by the
shutdown, he said.

1 I_ a . _ . ._. _ ... . , _ _.._ - -.. Y ,_,,,....,

Excerpts from B Minor Mass
Normal Choir and Guest High Schools



C f

Conducted for the last time by FREDERICK ALEXANDER
Pease Auditorium Friday, April 4 - 8:00 P.M. Exactly
Ypsilanti No Reservations - Seats 25c





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Yes, Spring is here and therefore, now is the time
for Michigan students to buy their new Spring
wardrobes. Ann Arbor merchants have long been
preparing for this, and are now completely stock-
ed up with all the latest fashions. Fashions for
sport, town, and elvening wear. Buy your clothes
in Ann Arbor and be sure of getting the latest
fashions that Michigan students will be wearing
chc nrin

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