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April 04, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-04

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W eaher
Cl~dy ith Opeasioalt


Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication


Give The Colored
Fellow A Chance..,.




Natators Prepared)




Against AAU Title

Wolverines Are Underdogs
With Strong Towers Club
Team Favored To Win
Kiefer, Jaretz Head
List FromChicago
An unblemished record-a Na-
tional AAU title--and all the pres-
tige you could find hang by a thread
as Michigan stiffens for the 'all-out"
attack of the Chicago Towers cluib
and a host of other aquatic stars
gunning for honors in the AAU meet
to be held here today and tomorrow
in the Sports Building pool.
The 19 teams and 87 competitors
gathered for this carnival of chain-
pions splash into action at 3 p.m.
in the qualifying heats this afternoon
with the finals of five events.sched-
uled for ,7:30 p.m. today, the re-
mainder tomorrow.
Kiefer, Jaretz Threaten
Thrust into the strange role of un-
derdog for the first time this sea-
son, Matt Mann's Big Ten and Na-
tional Collegiate Champs will have
the battle of their lives to roll up
enough points to outscore the Towers
squad led by the two .fastest tor-
pedoes in swimming-Adolph Kiefer
and Otto Jaretz.
Walkaway-winners of the Confer-
ence title, victors by a slim three
points in the Collegiates, the Wol-
verines have their backs to the wall
in this-the last meet of the year.
If they come out punching and[
punching hard enough, there is a
chance for the Mannators to complete
their second successive "grand slam"
of winning all three major titles in
one season.
Victories Streak At Stake
But if they slip anywhere along
the line in this two-day test of nau-
tical strength-if the little guys whose
teams won't come close to the title
,neak off with enough points to shove
Michigan down farther-one of the
longest undefeated strings ever re-
corded will go down the drain.
First places have already been con-
ceded any race Fiefer enters and
just about everyone Jaretz paddles in.
Kiefer is the backstroker of this
great duo. He holds every world rec-
ord on the books with a stroke that isI
smooth as silk and a pair of the
"whippiest" feet in the business. ?
A symphony of rhythm, he'll un-
doubtedly dominate the field includ-
ing Fran Heydt, Michigan's unde-
feated champion, Mark Follansbee,
Ohio Stater who was second last year,
(Continued on Page 3)j

Claims Clash,
Simpson Says
Lowering war clouds in the Balkans
tend to obscure, but do not hide,
a fantastic dispute between London
and Berlin over progress of the Brit-
ish-Axis war in the Atlantic.
. Against a British report that ship-
ping losses by enemy action had
dwindled to 59,000 tons in the week
ending March 23, Berlin 'informed
circles" have put a counter claim
that 367.000 tons of vital British car-
go space were destroyed in the At-
lantic in that same week. There is no
reconciling those figures. Yet the
trends of the war in the Atlantic
which they reveal or conceal will do
more to shape world destiny than the
Balkan tumult, whatever its upshot.
If the German figure were any-
where near correct, it would certainly
be the heaviest blow struck at Eng-
land since France was knocked out
of the war. For its timing as well
as its seemingly fantastic exaggera-
tion, however, the Berlin outgiving
s subject to suspicion.
Perhaps it was intended to affect
the strained situation in the Balkans
or the question of Japanese coopera-
:ion with the Axis team to divert
American attention from the sea
Ieige in the Atlantic.
'Spring Jubilee
Leader Aides
Are Appointed
Heinen Chosen Chairman:
Committees Announced
For Union Michelodeon
Charles Heinen, '41E, has been
chosen general chairman of the Un-
ion-WAA Spring Jubilee, Michelod-
eon, to be presented May 2 and 3
in Barbour and Waterman gymnas-
iums. Anna Jean Williams, '41, is to
be assistant chairman.
Proceeds from the five-cent carni-
val, promised to be the biggest and
best ever presented on the Michigan
campus, will go to the benefit of the
WAA and their long-sought women's
swimming pool.I
Working with Heinen and Miss
Williams on the executive board will
be Douglas Gould, '41, Harry Drick-
amer, '41E, Jane Grove, '41, Dean

FDR Orders
Rome Envoy
From U.S.
High Naval Attache Linked
With Saliptage Of Ships;
Step Threatens Break
Move First Of Kind
Since World War
a step just short of a break in re-i{
lations, the United States today
linked Italy's high ranking Naval At-
tache here with widespread sabotage
of Italian merchant ships and blunt-
ly told his government to call him
home immediately.
The move, ordered by President'
Roosevelt, was the first of its kind
since World War days when German:
and Austro-Hungarian diplomatic
and military officials were forced out
of the .country on charges of foment-
ing strikes and other anti-American

To Forbid Interference By UAW;
Union Says Company Broke Pact

Federal Judge



Strike Action Before Ford Gates

Assembly Lines Halted By Supply Shortage
In Ford's Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul
Factories; Thousands Out Of Work
DETROIT, April 3 -(A)- Federal, Court -forbade the CIO's United
Auto Workers tonight from "interfering" with Ford Motor Company
employes, and the Union immediately accused the company of breaking its
word in a pact to keep the River Rouge plant closed.
The Company's application for the injunction, a Union statement said,
was a "deliberate violation of its pledge to make no effort to open the Rouge
plant during a period of conciliation." A temporary injunction was issued
by Judge Arthur J. Tuttle.
For two days the giant Rouge plant, employing 85,000 men, has been
closed because of the UAW-CIO strike. In a surprise move tonight the
ompany sought a court order to

Strong Note Sent
A strong note dispatched to the
Italian Ambassador, Prince Colonna,
declared the Naval Attache, Admiral
Lois, "persona non grata" and his
continued presence here no longer
"agreeable to this government."
Secretary of State Hull indicated>
at the same time that further in-
vestigation was necessary to deter-
mine whether similar action might *
be taken against any German dip-
lomatic or military officials here.
That, he said, was a question he
could not discuss at this time.
The captain of one of the 28 ves-
sels taken into "protective custody" This scene before the main ent
last week-end was quoted as having River Rouge Plant at Dearborn, Mi
told officials he received orders from the giant factory in which more i
the Italian Naval Attache here to between non-strikers and United A
damage his engines. There has been Laete orikorCanpanted
no official intimation, however, of bound plant during the mediation
evidence linking any German govern- a d-
ment official with sabotage.
German Sailors Seized
A German sea captain and nine ugosiavs
seamen refused to enter any plea
when taken into federal court in
Boston today on indictments charg- xpecteN (
ing them with sabotage aboard the
Pauline Friedrich, one of the two
Nazi vessels seized along with the
28 Italian and 39 Danish merchant- BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, April 3.
men. ._tbe of almost inevi-
Although the ships were merely table war grew so strong in this king-
taken into "poetvIutd"t dom tonight: that the government
takn ito"protective custody" to adio announce Belgradeouldnme
prevent further sabotage, Treasury delrd anondBtyra the ho e
Secretary Morgenthau said he and of preventing devastation by German
Attorney General Robert H. Jackson
were studying possible action to for- troops and planes massed on the Ru-
feit them to the United States. manian border only 50 miles away.
The radio warned all citizens of
this city of 250,000 to be ready to
Dr H F ard effect a compelte blackout the mo-
* 0 *ment an alarm sounds.
Communities in the vital Vardar
To 1a iToday! River valley, Nyhich a German south-
ward thrust towards Greece would
follow, began all-night blackouts.
'Soviet Power' Is Subject The army began requisitioning big
Of Professor's Speech resort hotels in the mountains for use
as hospitals.
Dr. Harry F. Ward will speak at The German diplomatic corps, ex-
4 p.m. today in Natural Science Aud- cept for two attaches, quit the coun-
itorium at a meeting sponsored by try on personal orders from Joachim
the Karl Marx Society. Dr. Ward, Von Ribbentrop, the Nazi Foreign
who is a Professor of Christian Ethics Minister. Italian diplomats were pre-
at Union Theological Seminary, will paring to leave.
speak on the Dean of Canterbury's The German radio hurled new
book, "The Soviet Power," and its charges of terrorism against Yugo-
importance to American youth. slavia, and this country in turn
In addition, Dr. Ward will stress dropped its polite tones to slap back
the role of the Soviet Union in boldly at the Nazi campaign of in-
world affairs of today and will at- vective. Some Germans here pro-
tempt to show the relation between fessed the belief armed conflict might

rance of the Ford Motor Company's:
ich., was part of general disorder at
han 30 men were injured in clashes
utomobile Workers (CIO) Unionists.
Aged not to try to reopen the strike-
et To Re Pel
A ziInvasion'
Yugoslav vice-premiership in the
cabinet of Gen. Dusan Simovic to es-
tablish national unity.
Macek expressed confidence peace
was still possible, with Croats and
Serbs thus united to face the common
peril. Most persons, however, said war
with Germany was inevitable and
1 Sug est A Theme
For Senior Ball --
Win Free Ticket
What's going to be the theme of
the Senior Ball?
That's what the committee in
charge of the dance wants to find out
and they're going to give a prize of
one free ticket to the student with
the best idea. The dance committee
will serve as sole judge.
Suggestions of a theme may be
made to Hubert Weidman, '41, or
they may be submitted at the Senior
Ball booth at Michelodeon on Friday
and Saturday, May 2 and 3.
Featured attraction of the Ball,
which will be held the day before
commencement, Friday, June 19, ,n
"dancing under the stars" in Ferry
Field. A special platform will be con-
structed and a public address system
will be set up for the occasion.

Alumni Group
Will Assemble
Here Saturday
150 Members To Attend
Business Conference;
Culbertson To Speak
Approximately 150 members are
expected to attend the Thirteenth An-
nual Alumni Conference of the School
of Business Administration which will
be field here tomorrow in the Rack-
ham Building.
At the banquet, which will be held
at 7 p.m. in the Union. the Hon-
orable William S. Clbertson, one
time Ambassador to Rumania, will
address the group on "The Future
of World Trade and Foreign Invest-
ments." Prof. William A. Paton will
act as toastmaster at the banquet.
After the luncheon at 12:15 p.m.
in the League, Dean Clare E. Grif-
fin will call on various members of
the faculty who will give'short reports
on the progress of the School Since
the time of the last conference. j
Speakers who will address the gen-
eral session at 9:30 a.m. in the Am-
phitheatre on the "Problems of Price.
and Price Control," incude: L. L.
Watkins, Professor of Economics;
H. F. Taggart, Chief Cost Account-
ant, Council of National Defense; and
Charles E. Boyd, of Detroit.
In the afternoon, several round
table discussions have been arranged
on Accounting, Finance, Marketing,
Industrial Relations, and Consumer
Problems. At 5:15 p.m., there will be
' a demonstration on "New Techniques
in Business" by C. H. Forbes, M.B.A.,
Parley Panels/
Are Announced
Effects Of War Is Topic
Of Annual Discussions
Panel selections were announced
last night for the Student Senate's
annual Spring parley to be held
April 2-27.
The theme of the parley will be
the war and its effects. Topics for
the symposium will be "Post -War
Reconstruction-Chaos or Cosmos,"'
"America During Defense-Autocracy
or Democracy," and "Education in
Emergency-Bullets or Books."
Faculty members who will partici-
pate in the discussion will be James
Dusenberry, Prof. George Benson,
Prof. I. L. , Sharfman, Prof. L. L.
Watkins, Prof. Mentor L. Williams,
Prof. C. H. McFarland, Prof. Preston
Slosson, Prof. Arthur Smithies, Prof.
Wm. 'Frankena, Prof. Win. Haber,
Prof. Norman Maier, Prof, H. S. Og-
den, Prof. Jacob Sachs and A. K.
Student chairman of the panels
will be Edward Fried, '41, Harold Os-
terwiel, '41, and Harold Getzkow, '42.
A general session is planned for
Friday afternoon when the opening
address will be given by a keynoter
who is yet to be chosen. After this
therewill be a general discussion.
Crash Victims Safe

restrain the UAW-CIO from "threat-
ening and intimidating employes."
Judge Tuttle, ruling there was a
"great emergency" at the Rouge
olant, granted the order.
The union statement, from R. J.
Thomas, President, and Michael F.
Widman, Jr., chairman of the UAW-
CIO's Ford Organizing Drive, con-
demned the injunction as "unjusti-
fied." A motion for dismissal will be
made tomorrow, Thomas said.
On Wednesday, when the strike
began, Gov. Murray D. Van Wagoner
announced that the Company and the
Union had agreed to a plan under
which no attempt would be made to
open the Rouge plant during the
mediation period.
When asked tonight whether the
Company would seek to bring pro-
duction workers back into the plant,
A reouest of an AFL Federal
Local Union, a labor group organ-
ized on industrial instead of craft
lines, to intervene in negotiations
was denied by Dewey on the
grounds the union was not on strike.
The union, addressed last night
at a mass meeting by Homer Mar-
tin, former xresident of the UAW
who led that group out of the AFL
into the CIO, claimed it had a ma-
ibrity of Ford workers and
launched a aek-to-work move-
I. A.,Capizzi, Ford attorney, said:
"I can't answer that. I have been in
court and out of touch with the fac-
tory officials."
Factory heads could not be reached
for comment.
Capizzi said, however, that it was
his opinion that the injunction would
permit Company officials 'and em-
ployes specified under the agreement
to enter the plant without passes.
Passes are being issued by State Po-
lice guarding the plant.
Ford Plants Closed
By Dearborn Strike
St. Louis, April 3 -(.P)- The Ford
Motor Company's St. Louis assembly
plant will be shut down tomorrow,
manager James C. Doyle announced,
because the flow of supplies from
Dearborn, Mich., had been stopped
by the Rouge Plant strike.
Doyle said about 700 workers
would be idle, probably until the
strike at Deariorn is settled.
* * *
DETROIT, April 3 -(IP)- Ford
Motor Company officials said today
the assembly branch in Chicago, em-
(Continued on Page 5)
Former Envoy
Will Give Talk
Culbertson ,Will Discuss
Hemisphere Defense
.William S. Culbertson, former am-
bassador to Chile, will deliver a Uni-
versity lecture on "Political and Ec-
onomic Aspects of Hemisphere De-
fense" at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Rackham Amphitheatre, sponsored
by the University Committee on De-
fense Issues.
Adviser in charge of economic ques-
tion for the American delegation to
the Conference on Limitations of
Armament in 1921, Mr. Culbertson
was appointed a member of the Unit-
ed States Tariff Commission by Pres-

Walter C. Rea and Miss Hope Hart-
A RROReelnen wig.
JacknGrady, '42, Carl Rohrback,
Sale, Will End '42, and Frances Aaronson will be
incharge of publicity. William Slo-
cum, '42, Robert Samuels, '42, andt
Notices Available Toddy Donelda Schaible, '42, are responsible
for booth arrangements.
For Senior Engineers Finances will be handled by Robert

Seniors in the College of Engin-
eering will have their final oppor-
tunity today to oi'der commencement
announcements. The notices, which
are not invitations to the June cere-
monies, will be sold all day today in
the lobby of the East Engineering
The announcements contain a list
of University officers, a commence-
ment schedule, and themnames of
all students graduating.
Senior classes in four other Univer-
sity schools will continue their sale
today at the following places: j
School of Education: First floor
University High School.
School of Music: Burton Memor-
ial Tower Desk.
School of Business Administration:
Tappan Hall.
Forestry School: Forestry Building.
..School of Pharmacy: Pharmacy
Office, Chemistry Building.
Ilms On Great Smokies
To Be Presented Today
Colored movies of the Great Smok-

Sibley, '42, and Doris Allen, '42. Co-
chairmen of tickets will be Robert
Ehrlich, '43, and Jean Johnson, '42..
Programs will be handled by Robert
Shedd, '42, and Virginia Morse, '43.
Working on decorations will be
John Rust, '43, and Donna Eckert,
'43. Albert Ludy, '42, and Gertrude
Andresen, '42, have been appointed
co-chairmen- of patrons. Concessions
will be handled by Richard Scherling,
'42, and Mary Rodger, '42, while
favors will be under the direction of
Richard Strain, '42, and Virginia
Patterson, '42.
Scholhrship Awards
Given In West Quad
Awards were made to all West
Quadrangle residents with averages
of 3.5 and over at special scholar-
ship. dinners yesterday and Wednes-
President Ruthven and Dean Erich
Walter spoke as special guests , at
the Allen-Rumsey and Wenley din-
ner Wednesday. Michigan and Chi-
cago Houses had their dinner last
night. Special guests were Prof. Karl
A Tinnro prnf Arhur Unr ITl-.,.Thr-

the internal developments going on
in the USSR and the policy which
it is following in international af-

be only a few hours distant.
In this atmosphere, white-haired
Vladimir Macek, the leader of the
powerful Groat minority, accepted the

U.S. May Take Over Allis-Chalmers;
Agreement Near In Soft Coal Strike

(By The Associated Press)
In Washington Secretary of War
Stimson hinted the government was
studying the question of taking over
and operating the strike-bound
Allis-Chalmers plant in Milwaukee
which has $45,000,000 in defense
He expressed belief the war de-
partment was "equipped" to operate
the plant, and, after asserting strikes
were "getting rather worse," de-

Mr. Roosevelt was "waiting and
As the first step in handling the
MILWAUKEE, April 3-(P)-A
threatened attempt by non-strikers
to reopen the strikebound Allis-
Chalmers Mfg. Co. by force was
averted today as the defense medi-
ation board took a hand in the
72-day-old controversy.
Leaders of the back-to-work
movement, who had declared they

Automobile Workers union meet
here Saturday for a hearing. A union
shop and wage adjustments are
among the union's demands.
In New York, representatives of-
the United Mine Workers (CIO) and
of Northern Bituminous Coal Mine
operators were reported about agreed
on terms for a new contract. South-
ern mine operators were said, how-
ever, to be objecting to the terms.
It was hinted that if a deadlock

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