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April 03, 1941 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-03

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___________________________________________THE. . M ICHIGAN DAILY




T\ 0db 7 w. rT _

Fifth Annual
Fuel Institute
To Meet Here
Coal Retailers To Convene
April 15; Progressivef
Plans To *Be Discusseds
Retail coal merchants and fuelj
experts from all parts of the nation
will convene here April 15 and 16 for
the fifth annual Retail Coal Utiliza-
tion Institute, sponsored by the Uni-
versity College of Engineering and
the Extension Service in cooperation
with Michigan Retail Coal Merchants!
and Michigan Coal and Coke sales-
Eased on promotion of the coal in -
dustry through progressive retail'
mchods, the Institute will be opened
with an address on "Modernizing Sol-#
id Fuel Merchandising" by Mr. H. A.
Glover, vice-president of Island Creek
Coal Sales Company of West Vir-
Highlighting the first day's pro-'
gram will be a technicolor motion
picture entitled "The Power Behind'
the Nation," presented by Mr. L. J.
Whitlock, Jr., of the Norfolk and
Western Railway Company.j
Talks by Mr. Fred L. Jewett of
Toledo Retail Coal Merchants Aso-
ciation on "Making Retailers Make
Money," and by Mr. M. J. Toth of
the Michigan Bell Telephone Com-
pany on "The Telephone-Its Uses
and Abuses by Coalmen" will be fea-
tured on the second day's program.-
Draft Will Slash
Law Enrollment,
Dean Stason Says

Deputies Use Tear Gas In Clash With UAW-CIO Strikers


Student Voters
May Employ
Absentee Ballot
City Clerk Explains Need
For Early Applications
By EligibleResidents

Initial Issue
Of journalist'
Is Distributed
Featuring a special page on defense
of democracy, the Michigan Journa-
list, laboratory newspaper of the De-
partment of Journalism is being dis-'

Rat Race

Rythm !

(see Sunday's Daily)

Students residing in the State who tributed in its first publication this
wish to vote in the coming Spring year.
election Tuesday may do so if they Highlighted on te reature page
are interviews with Profs. Robert
are already registered, by obtaining Ford and George C. S. Benson, of the
an application for an absentee ballot economics and political science
at city clerk's office, Ann Arbor City departments, respectively, Professor
Clerk Fred Perry explained yesterday. Benson is quoted as citing a lack of
"The application must be received adequate planning of defense co-ord-
by the city clerk in the voters homei ination as a threat to the defense pro-
town by Saturday. The law states gram, while the statement from Pro-
the deadline is the second day before fessor Ford calls the plan to finance
clection. After the ballots are marked ;defense programs by a wage tax "in-
they must be sent back to the city

have your hair arranged in its most
becoming style by one of our


1-'k before the b.olls close on election
Deputies fired tear gas and shot streams of wate ri'rm fire hoses dur'in violence at the strike-besiegedbst
Alli -Calmrs, ,aiufatbtrn G"m n ,ay-" Perry said.
Allis-Chalmers. ianufacturing Company plant at Mil waukee, Wis. Clashes between pickets and police oc- If one has not registered it is now
curred when the striking United Automobile Workers iion (C,'O) sought to prevent men from entering the too late. Perry pointed out that the
reopened plant. The plant was ordered open by the gcverurnent. The company has $45,000,000 worth of last day for registration was March
defense orders. 18.
He estimated that about 200 re-
quests have come to his office from
rsn-Arbor voters who are now out
French istslopwo dedical Schoo of the city. Most of these requests
p*u r coming from the army camps.A
New Technic en To Attendnunber of others have come in
A ppo nte s __ ___ _ i ~ tes14n ton' .leet Offices that wil be filled in the
io te sAnatom yocal election include the mayoralty
post, president of the council, nine
Editria ? ad bsinss asisant aldermen, a city assessor, a city clerk
Editorial and busiess assistants Norman Rostend, winner of major Three members of the Medical 'and a justice.
for next year's Michigan Technic, Hopwood awards here in poetry and School faculty have been selected to The most important race in the
official Engineering College Publica- in the drama in 1937, was named re- present papers at the 57th annual State election is the highway com-
convention of the Association of missioner's job. Other posts include
towranoneyetraIbycently as the winner of a Guggen- Anatomists on Wednesday, Thursday msinrsjb te ot nld
Burr J. French, '42E, editor. heim Fellowshipi ne potry. Roste d Fiay,' pi 1d Thsa University regents, a superintendent
of public instruction, a member of
Chosen to serve in the accounts plans to spend a year in New York the University of Chicago. the State Board of Education, and
department under Thomas Poyser, writing epic poetry and poetic drama. The papers which will be accomi- Supreme Court justices.
'43E, were Edwin' R. Menz, '44E, He first came to Michigan as a panied by demonstrations, will be
Frank M. Murphy, '44E. and Leslie given by Dr. Leon H. Strong, Dr.
Fran M. Murpy. '4E, nd Lsli graduate student on a play-writing Wilfred T. Dempster and Dr. James ' I lCdeE iiadI id
W. Parr. '44E. while George M. Snow, scholarship - the national Bureau H. JEngagedty
'44E, Robert F. Hay, '43E, Robert W. of New Plays contest. Rostend is'tC Dr. C. L. Lundell, Curator of Flow-
Reisdorf, '44E, and William K. Koffel, the author of "This Proud Pilgrim- nDr Albe or . urebeig wil gie ering Plants, University Museum, is
an adres beorea metin oftheat present in the Rio Grande Valley.
'42E, were selected to assist Freeman ; age," a poetic drama which was put Louisiana and Mississippi Ophthal- Texas.sengaged in a cooperative study
Alexander, '43E, on the circulation I on by Play Production and whichl mological and Otolaryngological So- with Southern Methodist University
staff. 1 was performed in New York. ciety Saturday in New Orleans while on the flora of that region
SI DroF.BrueeFaflckrillbegn tehat___region.___
Newly named members of the ad- Last year he won the Yale Younger Dr. F. Bruce Fralick will begin the
vertising department were M. Newton Poet's award which brought the pull-- teaching of a one week course on the
'4cation of his volume of poetry, "Re- anatomy of the eye Monday at the with Gibbs secretarial
Zucker, '44E, Paul R. Hildebrandt, ereWsigo colo ei training you don't have
'44E, Edwin F. Lau, '44E, G. Fred turn Again Traveller," in the Yale George Washington School of Medi- trahntng or n at-.
Grieb, '44E, and Daniel Smith, '44E. Series of Younger Poets. "First Stop cine. tratont lob soen a
They will work with Harper Hull, to Heaven," another of Rostrnd's From Monday to Saturday next catalog describing Spec-
'43E, manager. dramas was produced in New York week, Dr. James H. Maxwell will offer ial Course for College
Appointed to the articles staff were last winter. a series of lectures as part of the women
William 0. Jacobs, '44E, John J. Hus- A number of his verse radio plays 15th annual spring graduate course
,'44Edy .h, '43E, and have been produced nthemajrat the Gill laemorial Eye, Ear and
Paul S. Kennedy, '44E, while French netwoiks, and at present, he is writ-, Throat Hospital at Roanoke, Va.
chose Joseph H. Silversmith, '44E, ing a series of radio plays for "Cavai- Representing the University-at ses- ': .. .
Henry J. Franczek, '44E, and George cade of America." :ions of the American College of Phy-
E. Sloane, '44E, for the illustrations sicians from April 21 to April 25 - ----_
department. Pnospective Fliers Boston will be Dr. Herman H. d The G asS
To Be Interviewed N. Wilson, Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis and
Commencement 1BDr. James D. Bruce. Dr. Bruce, chair- -
j man of the Department of Postgrad-

Also interviewed for the Journalist1
was P-of. John W. Riegel of the!
School of Business Administration.'
Professor Riegel holds that the rise,
in the cost of living has not been
sufficient to justify strikes in defense
industries on that account, "if the!
public interest is to be considered of
more importance than are private1

Phone 8878

338 S. Skate

Approximately 40 per cent of the
first and second year students in the
Law School do not expect to enroll
again in the University this fall be-
cause of the draft, Dean E. Blythe
Stason disclosed yesterday.
A survey made recently resulted in
this announcement. However, Dean
Stason pointed out, such factors as
physical deferrment and the rate of
conscription make this figure indef-
Every student in the University will
receive a questionnaire after Spring
vacation to determine the draft ex-
pectations among all students, Prof.
Louis Hopkins, director of the Sum-
mer Session and chairman of the Uni-
versity Defense Committee, said yes-

S wing into Springs
instyle and (comforit P
11 PI U L H These smart new Mode Art shoes are
r- the answer to any woman's shoe prob-
lem. Extremely dressy, they have both
metatarsal arch pads and longitudinal
arch pads giving the feet splendid sup-
r port. Not a bit corrective looking.
F]r 9
Brown and White.
In bliue and black gabardine
g ui/h Jatnt r 1 al .
"G7 B0ROOKINS' Smart ShO e j
First National Building
108 East Washington Phone 2-2685




into a car dealer's
The glittering beauty of a new
car is vastly enhanced by proper
lighting. Colorful surfaces, pol-
ished chromium, sparkling plate
glass . . . all require the right
quantity and kind of light to
appear at their best. Let our
Lighting Staff assist you in this
important ob. Call any Detroit
Edison office-

Are Still On Sale
Seniors in the Literary School will
have their final chance to purchase'
commencement announcements today
in the lobby of Angell Hall. The an-
nouncements contain a schedule oft
comencement activities, a list of Uni-
versity officers, and the names of
all students graduating.
Orders for senior notices in five
other University schools and colleges
will be taken today at the following,
College of Engineering: East En-
gineering Building lobby.
School of Music: Burton Memorial
Tower Desk.
School of Business Administration:
Tappan Hall.
Forestry School: First Floor Fores-
try Building.
..School of Education: First Floor,
University High School.
School of Architecture and Design:
Representatives will see each senior
School of Pharmacy: Pharmacy Of-
fice, Chemistry Building.

Capt. Ward M. Estes, public re- uate Medicine, will be president of
lations officer of the U. S. Army Air: the conference.
Corps.Traveling Flying Cadet Exam-
ining Board, will remain in Ann Arbor;Union Travel Board Aids
today interviewing men who wish to
become Flying Cadets. j Students To Find Rides
Although the Flying Cadet Board
Want a cheap ride home?
does not examine applicants for non- Wt Mchian Uion T e
The Michigan Union's Travel
flying cadet training, Capt. Estes Board will go up today. Students
wishes also to interview men inter- desiring to post notices of rides may
ested in this training. The education- do so through the Union student of-
al requirements for non-flying cadets faces.
training as meteorologists, communi- This free Union service. in its
cations officers and navigators arel sixth year, accepts notices of "rides
higher than those required of flyers. offered" and "rides wanted."




d -
Soft as your suitor's heart wlhen he ses y u i
it. It's our smart, clean-cut Hcw EAA-GAIT by
! Walk-Over. So totally flexible-it folds up in yourm
hand. Heel-appeal, too! Its fine, firm base makes


Can Von ecl it .already? A wx arm breeze, a clear blue sky, the sight
of good blackl. I.Irthl beiea1lthhe thawing snows of winter--yes, even
111c thutd of .) jIi ' l ie 11at ecei's tmu t. WCe all have thtat feeling-
Spi ng's on the tviy!
SPI N(G-and th.ie peak of Iasion for the year. EASTER, the
crowning point for a display of all the newest styles.
Is this to be your day for fashion, too? Kemember, Easter Sunday
comes only a day after vacation begins, which just about "blankets"
your hopes of shopping for a new Easter bonnet at home. But if
you are wise, you will see the manifold advantages in doing your
Spring shopping in Ann Arbor this year. Local merchants have a
choice and quantity of the newest in Easter styles to put away your
shopping worries for Icecps. For the leading campus styles of the






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