PAGE SIX HugeSlide Rule Will Decorate Engineers' Ball Committee Chairmen's Guests Are Announced For A?fair In Union Tomorrow Engineers will have to leave their slide rules at home, and be content with the big rule which will be used for decoration at their annual Slide Rule Ball, which will be held :rom 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday, in the Ramin- bow Room of the Union. Sporting red ribbons at the dance will be the 12 committee-chairmen. Evelyn Kuivinen, '42A, will be the guest of George W. Weesner, '41E, who is general chairman of the af- fair. John S. Burnham, '42E, pro- gram chairman, will hate as his guest Hilda Van Alstyne, '43. Publicity co-chairman for the affair is Burr French, '42E, who will attend the dance with Barbara Yale, '43. Ruth Mast, '4lEd, will accompany publicity co-chairman Charles Hein- en, '41E, while Alex Wilkie, 42E, floor co-chairman for the ball, has asked as his guest Eloise Munger, '42. Irene Toth, of Toledo, has been in- vited to Ann Arbor for the dance by Arthur Dobson, '42, who is co- chairman of the floor committee. Robert Morrison, '42E, decorations co-chairman, has asked Anna Jean Williams to be his guest. Caroline Sigrist, '43, will be the guest of Robert Imboden, '42E, who is ticket chairman for the annual af- fair. Janet Shelley, '42, will attend the dance with Charles Tieman, '41E, who is decorations co-chairman for the dance. Seymour Furbush, '41E, music chairman, has asked Christine Chambers, '42A, to be his guest at the ball. Grace Proctor, '43, will be the guest of Edward King, '41E, who is patrons chairman for the dance. Mock Wedding To Be Feature Of Style Show Spring sunshine will be bottled up in special ensembles of play clothes, campus clothes, date dresses, formal wear and wedding attire which will be modeled by 22 campus mannequins from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today at the style show on the second floor of the League. Six Michigan men have been asked to serve as assistants for the style showing of a formal wedding party. Margot Thom, '42, and Tom Har- mon, '41, will act as the bridal couple. Jane Graham, '43, will be maid-of- honor with Ed Frutig, '41, appearing as best man. Bridesmaids will include Mary Ma- por, '42, Betty Kepler, '41, Katherine Forberg, '41, and Elizabeth Luckam, '42. Ushers will be Jim Tobin, '41, Don Canham, '41, Dick Arbuckle, '42, and Jeff Hall, '41. Drawings will be held for three door prizes-a hat, an imported sweater, and a pair of shoes. Bill Sawyer and his orchestra will play for the show, the theme of which will center around activities of the League, the recent JGP and forth- coming Installation Banquet, and class projects. Chairman of the show is Virginia Osgood, '41, who is chairman of the League social committee, and she is assisted by Dorothy Merki, '42 YIargot Thom, '42, is in charge of the wedding party, while Virginia Morse '43, and Julie Chockley, '43, are pub- licity co-chairmen. THE MICHIGAN DAILY TH1URSDAY, APRJL 3, 1042 iaheBy JiNNear Gap- By JEANNE +CRUMP Here's the picture of a well- dressed co-ed, Margaret HRrris, '41, having her picture taken. Each week this scene is re-enacted as the photographer poses the "Best Dressed," and it brings to mind two points closely connected with the wearing of clothes; that is, model- ing and photography. Let us assem- ble for you the points that have been offered by women here at the University who have done pro- fessioral modeling, and let us also ask Will Sapp, '43, one of the Daily phototgrahers, to repeat his story, which was recently printed, on pos- ing for the camera. It may help to tuck a feather in the cap of those of you who are interested in a career in that field.I It seems that you and your person- ality are the important thing. All kinds of "you's" can be used in pho- tography for there's a call for a range from children through all types of beauties to old people. Modeling of clothes in stores and shows, however, is mostly for tall, slender women with much personal sophistication, but even here is a need for shorter girl with just the right look for sport ana campus clothes. This is the type that1 is employed in the college shopsj where the "sophisticated lady" would be out of place. Even though every conceivable type is used in photography, most of those who are interested in this field are our more beautiful sisters, who plan to pose for ads or with clothes in fashion magazines. And if that's what some want to do, they'd better be really beautiful, for oyly extremely good features will make a hit. On top of that, the features must be definite with high cheek bones, and chiseled nose. A fine complexion and good head of hair are also necessary. One must be tall, five feet ten inches being none too much, wear a size 14 or 16 and be definitely on the slender side. One of those who offered informa- tion about getting work in this field suggests that you have pictures taken, to show that you are photogenic, and take them around to the various ad- vertising agencies near here. Ther keep in constant touch with them drop around for chats with the sec- retary, remind them of you. Another thinks it is best to go straight to New York, and have interviews with the various schools and agencies. If you want to wear clothes for stores, not the camera, this can also be done 1 through agencies, but it is strongly International Ball Ticket Sale To Open Bids To Be Available At Desks! In League And Union Starting Today; Gagan's Band To Play Tickets for the International Ball to be held April 26 in the League Ballroom will go on sale today in the International Center and at the desks in the League and Union, Primitiva Demandante, chairman of the dance, announced. The International Ball is the first formal ball given by foreign students, on campus. The proceeds of the dance will be donated to the International Center, the meeting place for students I from other countries. Course Number System Is Discovered To Possess Actual 'Rhyme And Reason' t i t t 13y JANET HIATT i1-42-U-38 - not football signals the numbers on tickets stubs, but a logical two-year course in psychol- ogy, according toethe course number- .ng s ystema of the Literary College. The system has reason if not rhyme, despite the fact that English I and II may seem to be the only courses whose numbers were not just picked at random out of a hat. All courses are numbered according to their de- gree of advancement and the pre- requisites necessary to their pur- suit. Courses Have Reason For example, courses between 1 and 99 are elementary and intermediate, while those under 30 are open to freshmen. Courses from 100 to 1991 are more advanced, thus designed for juniors, seniors( and graduate stu- dents. Courses over 200 are especially for graduates, while those over 300 are Crease Ball Tickets graduate seminars. Odd numbered ever, there is no good reason why courses are those offered first semes- some beginning courses are 1 and ter, while even numbered courses are i 2, others 7 and 8, and others 11 and offered second semester. 12 just as there is no reason why Numbers Are Explained i some sophomore courses are 31 and Thus a student in economics, us- 1 others 51, or why there is no course ually waits until his sophomore year ( numbered 13. for elementary economics 51 and 521 Probably the person most likely to or 71 and 72 until his junior year criticize the system for its occasional for the specialized courses with num- mutual confusion of both professor bers over 100. A junior student may and student, however, would be the also expect competition from grad- student who spent four weeks in a uate students in an over 100 course, political science course under the de- whereas in under 100 courses he will lusion that he was in an English find chiefly sophomores in his class. literature course and was learning The first reform in the numbering "backgiound"-and all because the system was instituted last fall at two courses had the same number. which time all courses on approxi- mately the same scholastic level were put on the same numerical level. Give a CORSAGE Gaps in the numbering system are filled in by course numbers in the by CHELSEA Graduate Center in Detroit, or courses of the Extension School or the Sum- mer Session. Continuity Is Found Gagan To Playt Outstanding features of the dancea will include the sweet and smootha rhythms of Frank Gagan's orchestra,c the songs of Shirley De Rose and col- orful folk dances of several foreign x countries. These folk dances will be presented by students dressed in costumes of their native lands. Music which hasl SDaily Photo by Rick Strangtraditionally accompanied these MARGARET hARRIS dances will be played on a variety of instruments. A date bureau will be conducted i suggested that you go straight to the by Mrs. Ruth Wendt, language coun- store. Many who were interviewed say selor of the dormitories. Foreign stu-i that, for a good stepping stone to dents and students of the United better modeling, you should go to the States who would like to attend the stores where you have bought your dance should consult with her. clothes for years, and so may get a job because. yoCu are known. Committees Announiced The decorations for the dance will Above all, while deciding what have the cosmopolitan atmosphere of to do and where to do it, remember the 60 nations from which University your personality and pep. It shows! students come. You may have beauty, but charac- ter is important too, and so is trim- Committees for the dance are head- ness and poise and posture. ed by Miss Demandante assisted by Katherine Balint, Grad., of Hungary, Your first appearance in photo- Kazim Ogel, Grad., of Turkey, Cheng graphs is just as important as it is Kwei Tseng, Grad., of China and in real life . . . if you want to catch Henry Caldera-Pallais, Grad., of Nic- the reader's eye.-aragua. To do this, watch your posture, Traeug k Iyour make-up and your hands. y 4 Those in charge of selling tickets Ty to lookesual,d yet erect-toss are Doris Nashald, '41, Jack Tsu, '41E, Tyo hekdplu, yet erehand-on Pratap Chand, '42, Ismail Khaldi, your head, rlae your hands on Grad., and Ubel Guavanssen, Grad. I .-.. t ., fee1 rerd. ndUelGavnseGrd Are Still On Sale A few tickets for the annual Crease Ball which will be held tomorrow in the League Ballroom are still on sale in the quadrangle of the Lawyers' Club. Everett Hoagland and his band will set the tempo for the dance which is open only to barristers. Shelves of books 12 feet high will be placed on either end of the ball- room placing the jurists in a familiar atmosphere. A legal caricature, in- cluding coif, and representing Crease. Court will be located behind the band. This accounts for jumps as from Political Science 2 to 51 or Physics 26 to 37. The most continuity is found in languages and sciences; the least in the social sicences where study branches. into very different fields after the elementary courses in- stead of following a straight line of advancement. Within their various brackets, how- PRONMPT DELIVERY Chelsea Flower Shop 203 East Liberty Street ... ... 1 A r a s t r I', , a a Chapter House Activity Notes Alpha Delta Pi announces the re- cent pledging of Betty Churchill, '44, of Ann Arbor. Twelve men were initiated by Del- ta Upsilon. The new members are Edwin Allmendinger, '44; Richard Ford, '44; Robert Grunder, '44; Wil- liam Garvey, '41; Theodore Jacob, '44; Theodore Kirby, '41; George Ma- dory, '44; Sterling Maxwell, '44; Ber- nard Osmond, '42; Loren Sexauer, '44; William Steen, '44; and John Walcott, 44. your nips-try co xc .u And about make-up. You can hard- ly wear too much to please the photo-} grapher who is seeking a contrast between white skin and dark lips. Trivial as these points may seem tor be, they can make an ordinary photo striking It's the light colors that photo graph best, so remember this when you are choosing your wardrobe for the picture. All dark colors, no mat- ter how differently toned, will pho- tograph practically black. When the shutter is about to click, your hands may begin to feel big,f for your lack of knowledge of what to do with them. If you have this trouble. carry a book, purse or anoth- er appropriate object. Even if you have found that one side of your face looks better than the other (anal I pity you if it does) don't contort yourself to present that side to the camera. Real na- turalness, which will show in the picture, will look better than "your better face" if you have to get in an awkward position to show it. Action helps a fashion shot just as much as it does a football picture. Class Registration In Physical Education To Beg in Tomorrow Registration for required work for the coming outdoor season, which will begin Wednesday, will be held from 8:30 a.m. to noon and from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. tomorrow and from 8:30 a.m. to noon on Saturday in Barbour Gymnasium. Upperclass students electing phys- ical education classes are to regis- ter from 8:30 a.m. to noon and from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium. Additional classes for electives will be offered as follows: Elementary Tennis, Intermediate Tennis, Arch- ery and Elementary Riding to be held at 3:20 p.m. every Friday. GREATER PROFITS FOR with a well-lighted "PICTURE WINDOW" Flowers have a sales appeal all their own. Show them in their true beauty by means of fluores- cent lamps. A "picture window" in the evening will prove to be one of the most powerful selling aids you can devise. Call any Detroit Edison office for expert advice without charge. Or JERKINSr on th campt Another "change-about" fashion success! Robin Hood jerkins to button over tailored shirts. Skirts to match for a jumper dress ef- fect. Tailored of an attractive hopsacking-weave wool, you'll want to mix and match your colors foir spring wardrobe variety. Yellow, pink., light and dark. blies, brown, black. S.iin t r1 ' ^w Ie I) Jerkins . Skirts-3.95 . 3.95 and 6.50 i A hand on the hip, a foot on a step -things like this will give your pic- ture that freshness that will make the reader look at it more than once. Introdn cing i -. 'l ,f. K~) J% 4 .i~. /WW Il' t/' ,.t, f/ / YS F/ K', /U ( 7 ~f/ 4' Y J.' 4 3 sew skuades by rliw/ I 0 . CHERRY COKE HOT DOG ROSY FUTURE Give a Fine Photograph for Easter There is stir time to have a photograph of yourself made for an Easter gift. Make an appoint- ment for your sitting now. SPORT BRIEFS in Adefta 010x.t~ Bright cheery colors add a new touch of gaiety to these clever sport briefs. Durable and easy to launder, they are ideal for sports wear. You'll want several to match your various sports costumes. Colors: WHITE, RED, TURQUOISE, MAIZE, BLUE, NAVY, TEAROSE Wonderful subtle shades by Revlon, famous for fashion-rightness, famous for long-wearing qual- ity. Wear Cherry Coke, brilliant burnished red, with beige . . . hot Dog, luscious bronzed rose, with tweeds and stripes. .. Rosy Future, American Beauty, with navy. Make-up colors you can't be without this very American Springtime. Get your long, long-wearing Revlon Nail Enamel (600), hnmoniinz Lipstick (600 & 1.00) and Cheek 'r I I