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April 03, 1941 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-04-03

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Fifty Years Of Continuous Publication

:43 tt

Trade Unionism
Faces Greatest Task P



Settlement Proposedo

nd Ford Strike

German Forces Mass Near

Yugoslav Border


Nazi Units
Italian Diplomats Attcip
To Stave Off Conflict
Fear Albanian InvasioI
Adriatic Is .Mined
As Defense Step
BELGRADE, April 3.-(P)--Form
idable concentrations of German mo
torized 'blitzkrieg' units were report
ed in diplomatic messages early to
day from the Yugoslavia town o
That border point is less than 5
miles from Belgrade and is near th
Danube River.
The report caused alarm in the cap.
ital because it would be one of th
logical points from which the Ger-
mans might launch an attack on Bel-
grade itself.
Other dispatches said fast Germar
divisions were massing near Szeged
in southern Hungary across from Yu-
War Chances 'Greater'
Although a new Serb-Croat under-
standing was reported to have beer
reached, consolidating the Yugoslav-
ian internal situation, the chances
of war were seen by diplomats a
greater than ever.
This was notwithstanding attempts
of the Italians to stave it off by
what the diplomats called feeble
The Italians were said to be at-
tempting to get Premier General
Dusan to go to Rome and seek Prem-
ier Mussolini's "aid" toward appeas-
ing Adolf Hitler.
This, said circles close to the gov-
ernment, Simovic refuses to do.
The Italian desire to stave off war
here was seen by some diplomats
as prompted by Fasist fear that the
Yugoslavs would invade Northern Al-
bania immediately, and with the
Greeks sweep Mussolini's forces into
the Adriatic.
Mines Sink Liners
That the Yugoslavs already have
taken defense measures in the Ad-
riatic was revealed when secretly-
sown Yugoslav mines sank two Yu-
goslav passenger liners i} the Ad-
riatic as the ships sped toward home
ports in fear of war with the Axis.
The vessels were the 1,293-ton Kar-.
adjordje and the 1,726-ton Presto-
lonaslednik Petar, They went down
in the Bay of Obrovac, 23 miles east
and north of the Italian City of
Zara, which is on the Dalmatian
shore. All crewmen were saved.
The mining apparently had been
carried out within the week.
For the second time in 24 hours the
Berlin press and radio campaigns,
reminiscent of those launched by
Germany before the attack on Poland
which began the war, brought a brief
and firm governmental denial of
charges of "atrocities."
Reports 'Unfounded'
The communique simply said 'all
reports of terrorism against the Ger-
man minority are without founda-
Another communique denied Ber-
lin reports that music of German
composers had been banned by the
Yugoslav radio. It said works of Beet-
hoven and Bach were being played
A statement that the Croat-Serb
question had been settled was made

by Dr. August Kosutic, emissary of
the Croat leader, Valdimir Macek, as
he prepared to return to Zagreb from
Belgrade to report to Macek. Dr. Ko-
sutic said Macek would come to Bel-
grade later today.
Explaining the government order
against evacuation of cities and
towns without permission, General
Simovic said all persons who left
their permanent homes for the pro-
vinces would be compelled to re-


iver Rouge's Industrial Warfare Axis Protests
Brimws Racial Animosities To Fnre IU. S. Sezurc

Federal Mediator,
CIO Heads Confer


(The three Daily men who wrote this
story believe that they were the only
1 newspapermen' who were inside the
Ford plant yesterday.)
DEARBORN, April 2 (Special to
The Daily). CIO mass picketing
Cmade the headlines today but the
terror of the hundreds of trapped
'men, mostly newly-hired negroes -
barricaded within the plant, without
sleep, without cigarettes and without
food - was by far the most impres-
sive sight in Dearborn's initial day
of industrial warfare.
The stillness of the usually roar -
ing Rouge plant was broken only by
thenon-strikers' repeatedrclanging
of lead pipes against the railing of
the Gate Three Miller Road over-
pass. These men, hysterical with
fear, had been in the plant for more
than 18 hours, but were afraid to
cross the picket lines to leave, despite
the assurances given them by the
CIO of safe conduct.
Bearing special passes signed by
Michael F. Widman.sJr., Director of
the Ford Organizing Committee, we
were allowed through the many
picket lines and then warned to
travel at our own risk over the sec-
tion of Miller Road that goes past
the Ford gates. That stretch of road
was deserted. The parking spaces,
designed to accommodate thousands
of cars, were virtually empty.
Congregated at the overpasses and
fences of Gates Three and Four were
I ---- ~- ~-~~~~ ~ - ~ -
Spring Concert
Will Be Given
By Glee Club
Mattern To Direct Singers
In Presentation Today;
Ossewaarde Will Play
The Varsity Glee Club will present
its annual spring concert at 8 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium.
The singers will be directed by
Prof. David Mattern of the School
of Music, who has been mentor of
the group for eleven years. Jack Os-
sewaarde, a graduate student in the
School of Music, will be the accom-
panist. Sorority presidents will serve
as ushers.
The program will include: 'Laudes
Atque Carmina" by Stanley; "Ador-
amus Te" by Mozart; "May Night"
by Brahms; "Immortal Song" from
Piano Concerto Opus 23 by Tschai-
kowski and Gaines; "where-er You
Walk" by Handel, solo by Edwin
Scherdt; Choruses from Ruddigore
by Gilbert and Sullivan; and "For the
Merriest Fellows Are We" from The
Gondoliers by Gilbert and Sullivan.
Other selections which will be
heard are: improvisations on the
piano by Jack Ossewaarde; "Kath-
ryn's Wedding, Day" arranged by
Luvaas; "De Animals a-Comin' " ar-
ranged by Bartholomew; "Caleno
Custureme" arranged by Robertson;
"This Merry Festal Day" from The
Bartered Bride by Smetana; "Bal-
lad for Ameripans" by Robinson, Er-
win Scherdt and the Glee Club; and
Michigan songs.

v - -- - v. -.. . - -- v w . v.F s-IV w L/l .L v ILFN / r rp' a .. .. {..
the hundreds of negro non-strikers railing directly above us. (Some oth-
Swere not so fortunate. Two
tempted to relieve the tension by Detroit newspapermen were beaten
brandishing and banging tleir pipes up under the same circumstances, New Nazi Note Demands
and wrenches. And to these frenzied and the few ears, that passed were Sh s Company Ap eals For Presidential Aid
men the dynamic events of the day stormed with missiles) Release Of Two ShipsLa le n S
seemed to have created within them Gate Four was open, and the pres- Claims Treaty Violation . Charging 'Communistic Lawlessness',
a bitter hatred of the white men, ence of white men there gave usI
even though negroes compose asub- confidence to sneak unnoticed into al E b s Failure Of Local And State Authorities
ian _heUAW-CI_
stantial and influcittial membership thre plant. Within the gates the men Itali nIEmb ssy
in the UAW-CIO.pd were walking aimlessly up and down, Action Undisclosed DETROIT, April 2.-( P)-Swift mediation efforts in the strike par-
Even Dearborn police, seated in an for there was nothing else to do. We alyzing the Ford Motor Company's great River Rouge plant brought a
automobile with the motor running, stepped into one' of the buildings -'plan for settlement" tonight soon after state police were stationed in the
kept their distance. They shouted and saw thousands of unfinished WASHINGTON, April 2.-(P)- plant area.
fi'om the police car for us to turn crankshafts on motionless conveyors. New and stronger protests were Fedeial mediator James F. Dewey, two hours after stepping out of
back: "Those buggers are out of left just as they must have been at lodged by Germany and Italy today a plane on a. hurried flight here, announced the "plan." It was attained
control - you guys better get out of the time the strike was called.
here! We can't back you up.Ifany--ny ewover the seizure of Axis ships and in a 90-minute conference with Gov. Murray D. Van Wagoner and CIO
thing happens, we'll just have to hospital to get some statistics on crews while the United States pre-.i officials.
shoot to protect ourselves." injuries, two service men were tipped pared replies formally rejecting ear- Meanwhile state troopers patrolled; the suburban Dearborn district,
But the same god that protects all off to our presence, and we were her notes. a scene of intermittent violence earlier in the day, but with great numbers
fools protected sas we walked be- "escorted" in a car to the Gate Four The new Axis notes, said to be f the thousands of pickets and sympathizers withdrawn, there was no in-
neath the overpass while the half- exit.w xiIotssidtob
exit.d me!cmd het n couched in stronger language than dication oof further trouble.
crazed men screamed threats and As we leaned against the outside those delivered Monday, took spec- Dewey's announcement, on which he did not elaborate, climaxed
Stheone of the o bding in an ial exception to the action of au- rapidly developing events including a Ford Company request for Presi-
ampt to regain ouir bearings, a thorities in imprisoning members of dent Roosevelt to aid in stopping "terroristic mass picketing" and the Gov-
plate of glass shattered at our feet. the crews. ernors order for troopers.
rWe looked up and saw that it had The German Embassy made public The strike was called by the United Automobile Workers (CIO)
Ien uh o Futfathrdwtdow.o!its first note, demanding release of shortly after midnight. At 8:05 o'clock tonight Dewey, leaving a confer-
Back at the intersection of Miller two Nazi ships and their crews 2._ ence rom in a downtown Detroit hotel, made his announcement to news-
" and Dix, 5,000 white and negro CIO removal of the American flag said to papermen.
Dpixs 5,00 wite nngod have been hoisted on one of them. It "A plan has been evolved for settlement," he said,
Ficketsierlsendilgdn le darit called the seizure a 'clear violation" Although Dewey declined to say more, his statement was interpret-
_________ ! Forever" and "God Bless America" oehi ttmnt itrr
and brandishing their baseball ball . bat
An annual Southeastern Michigan We retreated to that comparative 'legal basis in international law." n-ers had agreed with him on a definite
Mass Orchestra Festival will be spon- safety. The Italian Embassy still guarded M ay Festival program.
sored by the University Service, it the contents of its notes and theM ay Conferees had included August
was announced here yesterday. state department declined to dis- Scholle state director of thed ,and
The orchestra will be made up of H . D. Tiem ann, close details of any of them. 3eats A vailable, W'hre r the CI and


musicians from the. civic units of
the cities in Southeastern Michigan.
As a trial, the first festival will have
a 150-piece orchestra composed ofk
musicians from the Ann Arbor CivicI
Orchestra, the Monroe Civic Orches-
tra, the Wyandotte String Ensemble,
and the Ypsilanti Community Or-I
chestra. There will be a concert in
Monroe May 18, and one in Ann
Arbor on May 25.
This is the first event of its kind
in Michigan if not in the nation, ac-
cording to Mr. Philip Potts of the
Ann Arbor Civic Orchestra and mem-
ber of the local committee. Although
an orchestra of 150 is the largest that
can be accomodated in any auditor-
ium around this district, the next
year's group will have a larger num-
ber of participants from Detroit,
Grand Rapids and other Southeast-
ern cities if the festival proves as
successful as anticipated.
Parley Panels
To Be Chosen.

The Coast Guard, acting about the
time the second Axis'notes were de-
Shivered, ordered removal of the Amer-
k Spe k o 1 ican flag from any of the 69 ships-
To peaKToday German,Italian or Danish-on which
it was hoisted after the vessels were
taken in "protective custody" lastf
Forest Service Physicist week-end on grounds of actual or
Will Discuss Research prospective sabotage.j
The Italian and German ships will
In University Lecture fly no flags while they are in custody,
the Coast Guard ordered, but Dan-
Significance of research on wood ish ships on which skeleton crews
will be the topic of a University lec- are being permitted to remain may
ture by Harry D. Tiemann, physicist fly the Danish flag when Danish of-
at the Forest Products Laboratory of, ficers are aboard.
the United States Forest Service, Although'no explanation was giv-
Madison, Wis., at 4:15 p.m. today in en for the orders, officials said the
the Amphitheatre of the Rackham ships still belong to their foreign
Building. ±cwners pending forfeitui P


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Dr. Harry F. Ward
To Talk Tomorrow




Dr. Harry F. Ward. Professor of
Christian Ethics at Union Theological
Seminary, will speak here at 4 p.m.
tomorrow in the Natural Science
Auditorium at a meeting sponsored
by the Karl Marx Society.
At the meeting, he will speak on
the Dean of Canterbury's book, "The
Soviet Power," and will give particu-
lar stress to its meaning to the youth
of America as well as to the position
youth occupies in the Soviet Union.


Convention To Consider
War And Its Effects
Finalpanel selections for the Stu-
dent Senate's annual Spring parley
will be made today when the All-
Campus Continuations Committee
convenes at 7:30 p.m. in the Union.
Letters have been sent out to all
fraternities and sororities in an ef-
fort to secure wide-spread coopera-
tion for parley activities.
The All-Campus group is com-
prised of members of the Senate,
representatives of leading campus
organizations, a faculty sub-commit-
tee, and those who have worked on
previous parleys.
The theme of the parley will be
the war and its effects. The parley
will open Friday, April 26 with a
keynote speech, which will be fol-
lowed by opinions from student com-
mentators, and then a general audi-
ence discussion.
Music Conference
To Be Held Here
High school students from all parts
of the State will meet here on Fri-
day and Saturday, April 25 and 26,
for the Annual High School Music
Festival which will be held as part'
of ha %Xiihcra QPhnnmo ,ar1 Oii

Recognized as a pioneer in the
field of research in wood technology,
Mr. Tiemann has for the last 30
years been conducting basic investi-
gations relating to the properties
and uses of wood.
He has developed the scientific
foundation for modern practices in
the seasoning of wood, and has acted
as technical adviser to the Austral-
ian and 'New Zealand governments.
Mr. Tiemann, who served as con-{
sulting engineer to the New England
Westinghouse Company and the
Winchester Repeating Arms Com-
pany, acted as adviser to the federal
government in the kiln drying of war
materials during 1917-18.
Mimes Taps
31 Students,
Faculty Man
Thirty-one students and one mem-
ber of the faculty were tapped last
night by Mimes, honorary dramatic
society, and will be initiated at a ban-
quet at 6:15 p.m. today in the Union.
The initiates include Richard Had-
ley of the speech department, William
M. Todd, '42, John L. Sinclair, '42,
C. Phelps Hines, '42A, Paul D. Wheel-
er, '41, Bryant R. Dunshee, '42, Paul
E. Hoeper, '42, Robert G. Shedd, '42,
Will Sapp, '43, Russel E. Berg, '42,
and Paul Srick, '43E.
Others were Robert Sundquist,
'43E, Aaron Kahn, '42, Robert Sib-
ley, '42E, John C. Jackovitch, '42E,
Bruce W. Forbes, '42, Richard W.
Kebler, '42E, Harlan E. Fraumann,
'42Ed, Warren R. King, '42E, Fred-
erick L. Hirschman, '42, Robert W.
T .- f

_.. V- ALF, UIIILUU i ee ~
ings that may be taken later.
Dean Yoakum.
To Talk Today
'Why A Graduate Student'
Is Subject Of Lecture
Dean Clarence Yoakum, of the
Rackham Graduate School, will pre-
sent a talk on "Why a Graduate Stu-
dent" - a vocational guidance lec-
tur-c - at 4:15 p.m. today in the
small ballroom of the Michigan
The lecture will trace the trend
toward more graduate studies -
proved by the fact that the Gradu-
ate School has more than doubled
in size in the last ten years, and is
now second in enrollment to the lit-
erary school.
Dean Yoakum will attempt to an-
swer the question of college seniors:
"Shall I go on to more specialized
studies?" He will discuss master's
degree requirements, the enhanced
job opportunities for 'graduate stu-
dents and the work that some of the
graduates of the Rackham Graduate
School are doing today.
Full admission requirements of the
School for Graduate Studies will be
Likovsky Elected
Pre-Med President
Officers of the Pre-Medical So-
ciety were elected at a meeting held
last night in the Union. Those who
were elected include:
Joseph Likovskv. '42 nureidnt.

e ternational Executive Board of the
Sink Announces-UAW-CIO.
Mediation Efforts
At 9:15 p.m. a committee of. five
Limited Number Remain representing the Ford Company en
In Low-Priced Groups; tered the hotel suite of Governor Van
' Wagoner for what a representative of
Sell-Outs Are Expected the governor said was "mediation ef-
forts to settle the strike."
Despite an unprecedented de- The Ford group was headed by
mand for May Festival tickets that j Harry Mack, a company official. Two
promises a sell-out crowd for all others were identified as Elmer .Ho-
six concerts, there is still a limited gan and James Brady, members of
number of tickets available in the she Ford personnel department.
- s n- Governor Van Wagoner has indi-
lower-priced sections for the four-day cated he considers the problem one
concert series beginning May 7, ac- of direct federal responsibility in
cording to a statement released yes- view of the millions in national de-
terday by Dr. Charles A. Sink, presi- fense orders given to Ford. He has in-
dent of the University Musical Soci- dicated the state therefore is in a
ety. subordinate' position.
Orders for $6.00 season tickets and The company's appeal to the Pres-
for individual concert tickets at $1.00 ident was contained in a telegram to
and $1.50 are still being accepted, Mr. Roosevelt from Harry H. Bennett,
Dr. Sink announced, but no further company personnel director. In it
orders can be taken for season tick- Bennett charged that "Communist
ets in the $7.00 and $8.00 division, or leaders" were "actively directing this
for individual concerts in the $2.00 lawlessness."
and $2.50 divisions. 'Brutally Assaulted'
Dr. Sink attributed the tremen- "Local and state law enforcement
dous reception to this year's series agencies," Bennett said, "appear to
to the outstanding array of instru- be unable to cope with the situation.
mental and vocal stars who will ap- Non-striking employes who have re-
pear. turned to work have been brutally
Among the more outstanding solo-' assaulted and mistreated.
ists who will appear during the Fes- "We respectfully urge -your assis-
tival are: Lawrence Tibbett, baritone; tance in ending terroristic mass pick-
Jarmila Novotna, soprano; Normon eting, violence and other lawless acts
Cordon,' bass; Gregor Piatigorsky, so that our employes can resume work
'cellist; Suzanne Sten, mezzo-so- and make possible our full participa-
prano; Jose Iturbi, pianist; Dorothy tion in the national defense program."
Maynor, soprano; Jascha Heifetz, I The strike, formally begun early
violinist; Enid Szantho, contralto; today, has paralyzed plant operations.
Charles Kullman, tenor; and Mack The company has approximately
Harrell, baritone. $155,000,000 in defense contracts.
State troopers went to the Rouge
Le Cercle Francais Plant area, where a number of men
were hurt in fights between strikers
Wand non-strikers this morning, at
C the orders of Governor Van Wagoner.
The Governor announced that the
P' Company had agreed not to attempt
to reopen the plant during the period
"The Game of Love and Chance" of mediation.
by Pierre Carlet de Marivaux, fam- Stiikers Adnmit Ship
ous eighteerth century French auth- A Ford Company ship, reported to
or, will be the annual French play be carrying food for employes in the
given under the auspices of Le Cer- 'plant, arrived there this afternoon
cle Francais Friday May 2 at the Lyd- from Toledo, sailing up Lake Erie,
ia Mendelssohn Theatre, it was an- and thence the Detroit River and the
nounced yesterday. Rouge River. An estimated 5,000 em-
The type of witty light conversation ployes have remained in the plant.
that prevails in the play is known in Strikers had relinquished posses-
French, as "marivadage." The plot sion of a lift bridge over the Rouge
of the play is based on the mistaken River'earlier in the day and the ves-
identity of two young people whose sel's passage was unimpeded.
engagement is arranged by their par- The same streets leading to the

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