4 - ?A~Z tOt'T~ THE MICHGAAIL TtT~DAY^APRIL1,T194 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Primary Lesson In Internationalism A WAR which had as its goal the formation of a strong international federation-strong enough to maintain forever the peace of the world-would indeed be a war worth fighting. It is upon the assumption that the present conflict has such a goal that many liberals base their support of armed intervention by the United States. We are assured that with Hitler once beaten our nation would have the power, the prestige and the intelligence to form a world organiza- tion of this kind and make it work. Led by men like Prof. Frederick Schuman of Williams Col- lege, these well-intentioned liberals have the greatest confidence that the American people learned their lesson from the League of Nations fiasco. They believe that a majority of Ameri- cans, profiting from the experiences during the last 20 years, now realize the necessity of a strong international federation with the power and the will to suppress would-be recalcitrant nations. I atlaM w A rsAJO,.. Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All tights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. -Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier $4.00; by mail, $4.50. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTI3ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. r iCAGO "BOSTON *1.08 ANGELES " SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41 Editoral Staff Hervie Haufler . Alvin Sarasohn Paul M. Chandler Karl Kessler Milton Orshefsky Howard A. Goldman Laurence Mascott Donald Wirtchafter Esther Osser Helen Oorman Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor . . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor S. . . Associate Editor Sports Editor . . . .Women's Editor Exchange Editor Business Stafff Business Manager . . Assistant Business Manager Women's Business Manager Women's Advertising Manager . . . . Irving Guttman Robert Gilmour - Helen Bohnsack . Jane Krause NIGHT EDITOR: ALVIN DANN The editorials published in The Michi- gan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Japanese Pressure In South America .. . REGARDLESS OF VIGOROUS CAM- PAIGNS for inter-American coop- eration against Axis penetration of the Western Hemisphere, Japan remains determined to exer- cise economic pressure on South American coun- tries in a last attempt to drive a wedge between the Americas. As Brazil's best cotton customer, Japan wields an important economic influence over a nation having a pressing cotton surplus athat cannot be relieved by trade with the United States. Japan- ese purchases of cotton in 1940 fell to 78,000 long tons from 125,000 long tons in 1939, and the threat of further decrease is used as a weapon to frighten a more amiable attitude toward Ja- pan from the Brazilians. THE ATTITUDE Japan objects to has three aspects which are closely interwoven with inter-American cooperation. The first of these is an immigration law discriminatory against the Japanese. The Japanese contend that the two percent quota on 200,000 Japanese residents of Brazil is insufficient. Some observers believe this complaint to be largely a matter of face, since it is doubtful if Japan could supply the emigrants if a larger quota were granted; but face is extremely important to the Japanese, and under present circumstances special efforts might well be made to supply a larger number of emigrants. Secondly, Japan is sorely vexed at the Brazil- ian law which will ban foreign-language news- papers 'after July 31. Portuguese will be the only legal language for publications, and the Japanese protest thatfew of their colonists understand Portuguese. There may be other reasons for protest, also. THE OTHER ASPECT of anti-Japanese atti- tude in Brazil is in certain export license rules which prevent the transshipment of certain materials, particularly machine tools, now re- stricted by the United States. More than ever Japan needs the goods which the American gov- ernments are withholding. Since economic pressure on the United States would have little effect, Brazil is regarded as a possible depot for trade in American goods. This somewhat feeble attempt of Japan to gain an economic foothold in America is indica- tive of the much more efficient activity of her Axis partner, and brings out the reality of the economic problem that cannot be solved by po- litical parleys and exchanges of culture among the Americas. It will be difficult for South American nations to ignore the comparatively easy solutions to their economic problems offered by the Axis if the United States can offer no solution at all. - Emile GeI6 Party Jealousies Cause Delay .. PARTY JEALOUSY continues to ham- per the progress of Michigan's gov- ernment. The GOP majority in the State legislature this week sent the latest of the Ad- ministration proposals back to the Committee WHERE Schuman and his followers make their mistake is in forgetting that some people never learn. They have allowed wishful think- ing to cloud their otherwise clear and reasoned outlook. While their ideal and their goal are highly commendable, their optimism is quite un- founded. It is too bad, but it is so. For proof we need only examine the recent actions of our Congress. A few days ago that legislative body had an unexcelled opportunity to show just how much it has learned about the necessity of interna- tional cooperation. By demonstrating that they were at last ready for an "all-out" effort to ob- tain Pan-American unity, the members of Con- gress could have illustrated that they would per- haps be willing to enter upon a program of greater world integration following the present war. Their dismal failure to do so is one of the most severe blows the liberal-interventionist cause could have received. The immediate problem in question was whe- ther or not the Navy should be allowed to pur- chase Argentine canned corned beef. This has been a sore spot with, Congressmen for years. The majority of them have consistently refused to admit the advisability of such a transaction. They have done so despite the fact that beef from the Argentine is high in quality and less expensive than domestic brands. More important, however, is the harm this attitude has done to Pan-American harmony. It can hardly be said that Argentina has looked upon us with too fa- vorable eyes in recent years. TOW that unity in the Western Hemisphere has become perhaps the most important phase in the defense of this nation, it would seem (if the Schuman-liberals are correct in their assumption that the United States has seen the error of its way and has decided to follow a policy of world cooperation) that there would be a head-long rush to right the existing situation. However, the House recently passed an amend- ment to theeffect that no Argentine beef may be purchased by the Navy. The provision was barely defeated in the Senate by a vote of 33 to 32, with Vice-President Wallace being forced to cast the deciding ballot. What the conference committee will do with it is, of course, unknown. This is, perhaps, a small incident. Yet it is important in that it indicates a characteristic of the American people which the liberal inter- ventionists overlook. Americans are prone to talk a great deal about making sacrifices to achieve an ideal, and then when the test actually comes to somehow or other back down. THUS, much is said about unity and coopera- tion in the Western Hemisphere, but when it would perhaps entail a temporary hardship on the domestic beef industry we all of a sudden discover that there are some things more im- portant than a strong, united front against possi- ble Fascist aggression. Would events not follow an identical course when the scale is no longer hemispheric, but world-wide-when not only cooperation, but federation is being asked? A world organization with any appreciable strength would necessarily call for many sacri- fices on the part of every member nation. State sovereignty would have to be surrendered. Trade barriers could no longer be allowed. Each na- tion would be forced to disband any semblance of an army or navy. / IT IS HARDLY CONCEIVABLE that the people of the United States would be willing to ac- quiesce to all of these commandments. A coun- try which is unwilling, in the midst of a dire national emergency, to sacrifice the profits of one industry in the interests of common Parh- American defense cannot be expected to change over night. It cannot be counted upon to make much greater sacrifices in the attainment of a rather visionary ideal, no matter how desirable that ideal may be. It would seem, therefore, that the liberals who are advocating active intervention for the United States are doing so under the influence of an illusion-an illusion born of a desire to brin lasting peace to the world, and nurtured by the belief that everyone desires peace as deeply as they. Should that illusion become reality- which is not likelyin the near future-the stand of the interventionists would have much more strength and appeal. - Homer Swander since it would have done away with the present property ownership or parentage qualifications for school electors. Any otherwise qualified elector, by this bill, would have been able to vote in school elections, except where bond issues were involved. Certainly all voters should be able to vote on questions regarding education. The old argu- ment that property taxes support the schools Dr" Peros RRbertSAe i WASHINGTON-To insiders, the story behind the clattering headlines of labor strife is two sharply divergent sets of basic conditions: 1. Determination of CIO leaders, secretly di- rected by John L. Lewis, to use the vast defense program to entrench the CIO in mass produc- tion industries, and to break the unyielding anti-union opposition of such die-hards as Henry Ford and "Little Steel's" Bethlehem and Re- public. 2. The jurisdictional jealousies of warring AFL craft unions. N NO MAJOR DISPUTE recently delaying na- tional defense has the real issue been hours or wages. It has been a tangle over jurisdiction of union recognition. Thus Defense and Labor Department officials have been up against- brain-busting complexities of bitter factional hatreds, weak AFL control at the top, leftist obstructive machinations and a politics-motivated leadership in the CIO. And on the other side, they have faced hard-boiled employers, determined to make no concessions, regardless of the cost. N OT HELPING THE SITUATION, also has been a certain amount of covert anti-labor sniping by certain $1-a-year die-hards in the Defense organization. Knudsen, Hillman, Stimson, Knox, Patterson, Nelson, Stettinius, Forrestal, have had no trou- ble working together. They have had differing views, but they have cooperated harmoniously. But some of the subordinate $1-a-year master- minds have engaged in occasional under-cover pot-shooting which hasn't helped the men at the top. Bieg John Lewis Scholarly Phil Murray has the title of presi- dent of the CIO, but real CIO ruler is the same John L. Lewis who bossed it until last November. MURRAY never makes a move without con- sulting Lewis. When Roosevelt asked Mur- ray to recommend names for the National De- fense Mediation Board, Murray first conferred with John L. and at his urging submitted the names of Murray and Tom Kennedy, United Mine Workers secretary-treasurer, who, like Murray, is under Lewis' thumb. Despite widespread CIO demand for their elimination, Murray has retained Lee Press- man, general counsel; Len De Caux, publicity director: and other leftist Lewis henchmen in key CIO posts, EWIS is not a "Commy" or a fellow-traveler. But he hates Roosevelt, is. hotly isolationist, vigorously opposes the defense progra, and ,burns with secret political ambitions. It hap- pens that the current Communist "party line" is exactly identical, so Lewis is using these ag- gressive elements in some CIO unions to suit his own ends. Those ends are CIO domination of the mass production industries, and a new political party ruled by John L. Lewis. IN THE CIO, Lewis is credited with being the switch-snapper who gave the signal starting the International Harvester and Bethlehem Steel walk-outs. To him, also, is credited the planned offensives in the shoe and aviation industries. Close friends of John L. say that during his recent illness their leader spent much time read- ing military strategy. Apparently this reading was not for pleasure. Mushy Bill In the American Federation of Labor, chief difficulty arises from an exactly reverse situa- tion. THERE, William Green lacks both the personal drive and authority to exercise firm-handed control. As a result, initiation-dues racketeering is rampant and jurisdictional rows are a plague both to workers and to the defense program. .5 TUESDAY, APRIL 1, 1941 VOL. LI. No. 130 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, April 2, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Home Loans: The University In- vestment Office, 100 South Wing, will be glad to consult with anyone considering building or buying a home or refinancing existing mort- gages. The University has money to loan on mortgages and is eligible to make F.H.A. loans. Public Health Assembly: Mr. Theo- dore E. Werle, Executive Secretary of the Michigan Tuberculosis Asso- ciation, wil speak on 'The Role of the Voluntary Health Agency in the Modern Public Health Movement" to- day at 4 p.m. in the Auditorium of the W. K. Kellogg Institute. All pro- fessional students in public health are expected to be present, and anyone else interested is invited. Vocational Guidance Talk on Arch- itecture: Dean W. I. Bennett of the College of Architecture will speak on the preparation and qualifications necessary for admission to courses in Architecture, and various aspects of the profession, today at 4:15 p.m. in Room 207 of the Architecture Building. All students who expect to enter courses in this College should attend the meeting. The next vocational guidance talk will be on Graduate Studies, and will be given by Dean C. S. Yoakum of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, on Thursday, April 3 in the Small Ballroom of the Michigan Union. Men's Residence Halls: Present oc- cupants of the Men's Residence Halls may secure reapplication forms for the year 1941-42 from their House Directors. As soonbas a form is com- pleted, it should be returned to the House Director, and it should be in her hands by April 25. The Detroit Armenian Women's Club Scholarship: Young men or wo- men undergraduate students who are enrolled this year, who are of Armen- ion parentage, and whose residence is in Detroit may apply for the schol- arship of $100 which the Detroit Armenian Women's Club intends to provide for the year 1941-42. Candi- dates must be recommended by the institutions in which they are en- rolled. Selection, which is made by the donors, is on the basis of high scholastic ability in the field of con- centration, together with character. Recommendations must be made be- fore May 1, 1941. Students who be- lieve themselves qualified and seek recommendation by this University should apply to Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant to the President, 1021 An- gell Hall. Students Graduating June 1941 interested in applying fora cos- bission in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve may secure detailed informa- tion and a preliminary physical ex- amination by applying to 2nd Lieut. O. V. Bergren, USMC at the Head- quarters, Naval R.O.T.C., North Hal] on April 1 and 2. Commencement Announcements foi the Engineering School will be on sal at the West Engineering Building o Tuesday, April 1, and at the Eas Engineering Building on Wednesda and Thursday, April 2 and 3. Institute of the Aeronautical Sci- ences Journals and Aeronautical Re- views for March are now availabl in the East and West Engineerin Libraries. The following scholarship appli- cants in the College of Literature Science, and the Arts should appea in 1208 Angell Hall on Wednesday, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN f 2) To Washington, Tidewater Vir- ginia, and the Shenandoah National Park. For details inquire in the Travel Bureau, Union Room 18, of the Inter- national Center, where Mr. Ochs, tour planner, will hold office hours between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. every day except Sundays and Mondays. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupations has received' notice of the following Civil Service Examinations. Application may be filed until further notice. United States Civil Service Principal Shipyard Inspector (Hull), Salary: $3800. Senior Shipyard Inspector (Hull), Salary: $3500. Shipyard Inspector (Hull), Salary: $3200. Associate Shipyard Inspector (Hull) Salary: $2900. Assistant Shipyard Inspector (Hull), Salary: $2600. Junior Shipyard Inspector (Hull), Salary : $23,000. Shipyard Inspector (Hull, Outfit- ting) Salary: $3200. Principal Shipyard Inspector (Ma- chinery), Salary: $3800. Senior Shipyard Inspector (Ma- chinery), Salary: $3200. Associate Shipyard Inspector (Ma- chinery), Salary: $2900.. Assistant Shipyard Inspector (Ma- chinery), Salary: $2600. Junior Shipyard Inspector (Ma- chinery), Salary: $2300. Senior Shipyard Inspector (Elec- trical), Salary: $3500. Shipyard Inspector (Electrical), Salary: $3200. Associate ShipyardInspector (Elec- trical), Salary : $2900. Assistant Shipyard Inspector (Elec- trical), Salary: $2600. Senior Shipyard Inspector (Join- er), Salary: $3500. Shipyard Inspector (Joiner), Sal- ary: $3200. Associate Shipyard Inspector (Join- er), Salary: $2900. Assistant Shipyard Inspector (Join- er), Salary: $2600. Senior Commodity Exchange Spec- Tuesday, April 8; outdoor season be- gins Wednesday, April 9. Upperclass students electing physi- cal education classes: Register in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium-Monday, April 7, 8:30 to 12:00 and 1:30 to 4:30. Additional classes for electives will be offtred as follows: Elementary Tennis-Friday 3:20. 3:20. Intermediate Tennis-Friday at 3:20. Archery-Friday 3:20. Elementary Riding-Friday 3:20. Concerts Organ Recital: Compositions by Bach, Franck and DeLamarter will be presented by Palmer Christian, Uni- versity Organist, in a recital at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday, April 2, in Hill Aud- itorium. The concert will be compli- mentary to the general public. Exhibitions Exhibit: Defense Housing, arranged by the Central Dousing Commission, Washington, D.C.; third floor Ex- hibition Room, Architecture Building, through April 9, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Exhibition: John James Clarkson- Oils, Water Colors and Drawings. Ex- hibition Galleries of the Rackham School, March 28-April 26. Daily (ex- cept - Sundays) including evenings. Auspices: Ann Arbor Art Association and Institute of Fine Arts, University of Michigan. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Domingo Santa Cruz, Dean of the College of Fine Arts of Santiago, Chile, and one of the outstanding composers of South America, will present a Un- versity Lecture illustrated with re- cordings at 8:15 p.m. on Wednesday, April 2, in the Rackham Assembly Hall. No admission will be charged for the lecture, which will be open to the general public. University Lecture: Harry D. Tie- mann, physicist at the Forest Pro- ducts Laboratory, U. S. Forest Serv- ice, Madison, Wisconsin, will give an illustrated talk on "Significance of Research on Wood" at 4:15 p.m. Thursday, April 3, in the amphithe- atre of the Rackham Building, under the auspices of the School of For- estry and Conservation. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: William S. Cul- bertson, former ambassador to Chile, will lecture on "Political and Econom- ic Aspects of Hemisphere Defense" at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, April 4, in the niphitheatre of the Rackham Build- ing, under the auspices of the Uni- versity Committee on Defense Issues. The public is cordially invited. Lecture: Professor John W. Stan- ton of the History Department will lecture on "The Balkan Slavs in His- tory," sponsored by the Slavic Soci- ety, on Wednesday, April 2, at 8:00 p.m. in the Amphitheatre of the Rack- ham Building. The public is cordially invited. Lecture: "The Science of Laugh- ter," by Miss Elsa Maxwell, at 8:15 j tonight in Hill Auditorium. Events Today Junior Research Club will meet to- night in the Amphitheatre of the Horace H. Rackham\School of Grad- uate Studies at 7:30. Program: "Experimental Studies in ialist, Salary: $4600. Commodity Exchange Salary: $3800. Associate Commodity Specialist, Salary: $3200. Assistant Commodity .n ni lit Rlar-A.n Specialist, Exchange Exchange i opecials, zaaar iz $u Inspector of Miscellaneous Sup- plies, Salary: $1800 to $2000. Complete information on file at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office Hours: 9-12 and 2-4. The Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information has also received notice from the HOLLAND FURNACE 'COMPANY that they want men for their Sales Organiza- tion Expansion Program. Complete information on file at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours: 9-12 and 2 to 4. Chemistry Colloquium will meet on Wednesday, April 2, in Room 303 Chemistry Building at 4:15 p.m. Mr.. A. B. Ness will speak on "Syntheses in the field of sex hormones." Dr. J. C. Sheehan will speak on "Rela- tion between chemical structure and plant hormone activity." Speech 127: Mr. Brandt's class will meet aV7 p.m. tonight. Academic Notices' History 12: Lecture II: Midsemes- ter, 10 a.m., today. Mr. Clark's, Mr. Rupke's and Mr. Thorner's sections will meet in Natural Science Audi- torium. Mr. Stanton'sand Mr. Brown's in 231 A.H.; Mr. Slosson's in 2003 A.H. .1 CTh, City Editor's .50c at h Pad Essential Hypertension" by P. P. Foa, Required Physical Education for Department of Botany. Women: Registration for required "Petrified Forests" by C. A. Arnold, work for outdoor season: Department of Botany. Barbour Gymnasium-Friday, Ap- ril 4, 8:30 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 5:00 Junior Mathematical Society will Saturday, April 5, 8:30 to 12:00. meet tonight at 8:00 in 3201 A.H. Indoor season continues through trmntinued on Page 5) RADIO SPOTLIGHT 1 I THE TIME IS ALMOST AT HAND when the government should begin handing out the- atre tickets free of charge. Last night at a local flicker palace we saw: (1) an enlistment trailer for the U.S. Air Corps, (2) another for the U.S. Navy, (3) same for the U.S. Artillery, (4) same for the U.S. Infantry. The news reel lav- ished praise on a group of inductees, and the feature picture was built around a streamlined army camp, replete with shapely hostesses, a malted milk bar, and a line of snappy patter. All of which is interesting, and even in The Daily you don't pay to read the ads. Or do you? PRESIDENT RUTHVEN is 59 years old today, but he prefers no publicity. So, for the first time in years The Daily has no picture on page one. But sure enough he was born on April 1, 1882. April 2, for an interview Scholarship Committee at specified: Haskins, Gerry G....... Levine, Milton ........ Levinstein, Henry ...... . Miller, Allan C...... Morrison, Edgar.C. .... O'Brien, John R...... Parmelee, Harry S. Petteys, Robert M. ... . Radul, Trian........ Recknagel, Arnold H. .. Rewoldt, Stewart H. ... . Rogers, Dexter...... Rosen, Samuel ........ Roth, Betty......... Roth, John H- ........ Rude, Arthur M. ...... Schwartz, Muriel ...... Van Aken, John T. Van Aken, Mark J... Warner, Robert (M. Weissnrving J. ...... with the the time 1:30 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 4:15 4:30 4:45 7:30 4:45 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 p.m. p.m.f p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. P.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. NYJRCKLW WWJ WXYZ 760 KC - CBS 800 KC - Mutual , 950 KC - NBC Red 1270 KC - NSC Blue Tuesday Evening 6 :00 News Rollin' Ty Tyson Bud Shaver 6:15 Liberty's Story Home Newscast Rhumba Band 6:30 Inside of Sports Conga Frazier Hunt Day In Review 6:45 Musical Time Lowell Thomas Repub. Committee 7:00 Amos 'n Andy Happy Joe Fred Waring Easy Aces 7:15 Lanny Ross Gooderham Chapt'r Evening Melodies Mr. ]Keen--Trdeer 7:30 Gus Haenschen val Clare Exc'rs'n in Science Ned Jordan 7:45 Orchestra Doc Sunshine Recordings - Secret Agent 8:00 Court of Gratiot Avenue Johnny Ben Bernie 8:15 Missing Heirs Baptist Church Presents Orchestra 8:30 First Your Job Horace Heidt's Uncle Jim's 8:45 Nighter; News Interlude; News Treasure Chest Question Bee 9:00 we, Montreal Battle of Grand Central 9:15 the People Symphony the Sexes Station 9:30 Professor Orchestra Fibber McGee John B. Keniedy 9:45 Quiz Hour And Molly To be Announced I - I