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March 30, 1941 - Image 5

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Intramural Department Announces 1941 Spring Scli



. .

F,:ry Squads
In Fraternity
Diamond Loop
x,1 - .,I v.. 16*43

Zeta Beta Tau
Is defending
Tennis Champ

Robert Owen,
Forestry Club
Again Threats
Separate Leagues Started

St y artApril 2; Thirty-seven fraternities will com- For New Co-op>ioiev
iy Restrictions pete for the tennis cup now held
by Zeta Beta Tau. Teams consist Tennis Matches Made
e or Participants of five men-one singles and two The' Forestry Club dominatedt
doubles teams. All matches must spring season in the Independent l
All 40 of the general fraternities be played at the same time, and the last year, and will be back to defe
wrl be playing in the baseball tour- order of players established in the its laurels this spring. The Forest
nn -ment this spring. There will be first match must be kept unchanged won championships in baseball, hor
1 leagues of four teams each, with throughout the tournament. shoes and tennis, with Robert Ow
tte 10 league winners fighting it out Each team is required to furnish All-Year Champions last year, taki
fcr the championship. Second, third three new balls for each of the three the golf title.
arid fourth place playoffs will be con- matches in the team competition. The A new arrangement this year pr
tined as in all sports. winner gets the unused balls and vides separate leagues for the
Care has been taken to keep last thus new balls will be available for creased number of cooperative hou
year's winners in separate leagues every match. The schedule follows: on campus. The smaller co-ops co
wherever possible and fraternities Tuesday, April 29-4:15 P.M. pete in a league of their own.
with smaller memberships have been Lamb a Chi Alpha vs Alpha Tau
placed in leagues together. All Omega League 20-4:15
houses have had a choice of playing Delta Kappa Epsilon vs Delta Upsilon 1. Penguins 3. Subway Wolve
hours. 5:15 P.M. 2. Rams 4. Shangri-Las
Teams must be ready within 10 Zeta Beta Tau vs Alpha Delta Phi Tuesday, April 22: 1 vs. 2, 3 vs. 4.
minutes of the scheduled hour or Trigon vs Hermitage Tuesday, April 29: 1 vs. 3. 2 vs. 4
they will forfeit. To obtain a for- Phi Gamma Delta vs Phi Kappa Psi Tuesday, May 6: 1 vs. 4, 2 vs. 3.
feat a team must have its lineup on Phi Kappa Tau vs Phi Sigma Delta League 21-4:15
the score sheet and at least seven Wednesday, April 30-4:15 P. I. j 1. C & C Packers 3. Newman Clu
men ready to play. Theta Delta Chi vs Sigma Phi Epsilon 2. Jeffery Manor 4. Senators
No member of a varsity squad Theta Xi vs Zeta Psi Wednesday, April 23: 1 vs. 2, 3 vs.
(basball, track, tennis, golf) is eli- 'Phi Delta Theta vs Chi Phi Wednesday, April 30: 1 vs. 3. 2 vs.
;ible for Intramurals. Members of Sigma Nu vs Alpha Kappa Lambda Wednesday. May 7: 1 vs. 4, 2 vs. 3
the freshman baseball squad are not 5:15 P.M.
elhgible, but members of the spring Acacia vs Alpha Sigma Phi Leaguie22-4:15
football squad may play. Delta Tau Delta vs Kappa Nu 1. Wolverines 3. Forestry
No type of spiked shoe may be Kappa Sigma vs Phi Sigma Kappa 2. Hillel 4. Admirals
worn. Rubber-soled gym shoes are Pi Lambda Phi vs Sigma Alpha Epsi-.. Thursday, April 24: 1 vs. 2, 3 vs. 4.
1 Thursday, May 1: 1 vs. 3. 2 vs. 4.
recommended. Six innings consti- {on Thursday, May 1: 1 vs. 4, 2 vs. 4.
:ute a'regulation game, allowing the Thursday, May 1-4:15 P.M. Thursday, May 8: 1 vs. 4, 2 vs. 3.
scntest to be finished in the alloted Phi Kappa Sigma vs Psi Upsilon League 23--5:15
one hour. A special rule, to take Beta Theta Pi vs Sigma Phi 1. Robert Owen 3. Physical Ed
care of lop-sided scoring games, auto- 5:15 P.M. 2. Hiawatha Club 4. Yankees
m.atically makes the game a four in- Sigma Chi vs Theta Chi Thursday, April 24: 1 vs. 2, 3 vs. 4
l.ng affair when one team scores 15 Chi Phi vs Phi Epsilon Pi 'Wednesday, April 30: 1 vs. 3, 2 vs. 4
,use oSigma Alpha Mu (bye) Wednesday, May 7: 1 vs. 4, 2 vs. 3.
The complete baseball schedule --. League 24
follows: Theta Xi Heads Fraternity 1. Stalker Cooperative
League 1-4:15 horseshoe Entry Lists 2. Lincoln Cooperative


May he pasted on postal card and mailed
rlcO' ener (name) ' "
(address) . . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .
' 'E .k: iradua~te ........Undergraduate ........ Faculty .........I
r 1rinje: Tennis singles Tennis doubles Horseshoes
Golf Archery Baseball Field Meet
Name of doubles partner ......... ........................
Advise me when first match is scheduled.
f ead
o ir April 28

Twelve professional fraternities
ro- have entered this year's baseball T 0 Legn iay
in- competition, along with four pro- Tennis in the professional fratern-
ses fessional groups. These teams will ity division is conducted on an elim-
m- play for the graduate division chain- ination basis. Each house is repre-
pi(-nhip. Delta Sigma Delta is the sented by a five-man team which
defending champion. The makeup of plays two doubles and one singles
lagues and the schedule follows: match. All matches must be played
League 16-4:15 at the same time. Delta 'eta. Phi
is the defending champion. The
1. Delta Theta Phi pairings for the opening round, to be
2. Phi Delta Phi played at 5:15 p.m. Tuesday, May 6.
3. Phi Rho Sigmafollow:
4. Delta Sigmna Delta folw
.lgm eAlpha Omega vs. Alpha Rho Clhi;
Monday, April 28: 1 vs. 2, 3 vs. 4. Alpha Chi Sigma vs. Alpha Kappa
Monday, May 5: 1 vs. 3, 2 vs. 4.
Monday, May 1: 1 vs. , 2 vs. . Kappa; Nu Sigma Nu vs. Phi Chi;.
4. Monday, May 12: 1 vs. 4, 2 vs. 3. % Phi Rho Sigma vs. Delta Theta Phi.
. 4.1 League 17-5:15 * *
1. Alpha Chi Sigma. t
2. Alpha Omega Horseshoes Start May _Z
3. Alpha Rho Chi Horseshoe competition is also on
4. Delta Sigma Pi a team basis, teams consisting of
Monday. April 28: 1 vs. 2, 3 vs. 4. six men, or three doubles teams.
Monday. May 5: 1 vs. 3, 2 vs. 4. Matches may be played at the fratern-
Monday, May 12: 1 vs. 4, 2 vs. 3. ity courts if desired. Alpha Chi Sig-
League 18-5:15 rma won this event last year.
1. Phi Alpha Kappa { First round matches scheduled for
s 2. Phi Chi 5:15 p.m. Thursday, May 1, are:
3. Phi Delta Epsilon Alpha Chi Sigma vs. Alpha Rho
. 4. Nu Sigma Nu Chi; Phi Chi vs. Alpha Omega.
. Wednesday, April 30: 1 vs. 2, 3 vs. 4.
Wednesday, May 7: 1 vs. 3, 2 vs. 4. $f. '1
Wednesday. May 14: 1 vs. 4, 2 vs. 3. . -4 _ s Ca vre-
League 19-5:15 Offers Six Sports
1. Vaughan House
i 2. Hinsdale House I

Wenley House
Defends Hall
Baseball Title
Practice Games To Start
On April 23; Tennis,
Horseshoes Scheduled
The Residence Hall baseball pro-
gram consists of three leagues of four
teams each. After each team has
played three games, the teams go in-
to a playoff series according to their
league standing. Wenley House is
the defending champion.
All teams will play a practice game
April 23. Schedule for these games
calls for the following contests to
start at 4:15 p.m.: Adams vs. Wen-
ley, Chicago vs. Williams, Lloyd vs.
Fletcher Hall, Winchell vs. Greene,
Allen-Rumsey vs. Prescott, Michigan
vs. Tyler.
The makeup of the leagues and the
schedules follow:
League No. 11-4:15
1. Adams 3. Lloyd;
2. Chicago 4. Winchell
Tuesday, April 29: 1 vs. 2; 3 vs. 4.
Tuesday, May 6: 1 vs. 3; 2 vs. 4.
Tuesday, May 13: 1 vs. 4; 2 vs. 3.
Leagues No. 12--4:15
1. Allen-Rumsey 3. Wenley
2. Michigan 4. Williams
Tuesday, April 29: 1 vs. 2, 3 vs. 4.
Tuesday, May 6: 1 vs. 3, 2 vs. 4.
Tuesday, May 13: 1 vs. 4, 2 vs. 3.
League No. 13-4:15
1. Fletcher Hall 3. Prescott
2. Greene 4. Tyler
Tuesday, April 29: 1 vs. 2, 3 vs. 4.,
Tuesday, May 6: 1 vs. 3, 2 vs. 4.
Tuesday, May 13: 1 vs. 4, 2 vs. 3.
Tennis Schedule
Tennis matches consist of two
doubles and one singles match, each

Baseball, Golf
Tennis To Top
Faculty Tilts
Faculty activities for the spring
consist of teami matches in baseball
and golf and individual competition
in tennis.
Last year's championship baseball
team was the Swimming Club, a group
of faculty members who play water
polo during the year.
J. A. Miller won the faculty tennis
crown last year, and will be back to
defend his title this season. The en-
try blank found on this page can be
used to enter this tournament.
The makeup of leagues and sched-
ule of games follows. All games are
played at 5:30 p.m. on Fridays. In
case of postponements, games will be
played on the following Tuesday.
League 25
1. BusAd-Forestry 3. Roentgenology
2. Bacteriology 4. Zoology
Friday, April 25: Practice games.
Friday, May 2: 1 vs. 2, 3 vs. 4.
Friday, May 9: 1 vs. 3, 2 vs. 4.
Friday, May 16: 1 vs. 4, 2 vs. 3.
Friday, May 23: Playoff games.,r{
League 26
1. Economics. 3. English
2. Chemistry 4. Swimming Club
Friday, April 25: Practice games.
Friday, May 2: 1 vs. 2, 3 vs. 4.
Friday, May 9: 1 vs. 3, 2 vs. 4.
Friday, May 16: 1 vs. 4, 2 vs. 3.
Friday, May 23: Playoff games.

Monday, May 5, 4:15
Lloyd vs. Tyler
'Allen-Rumsey vs. Williams
and winners of the April 28 matches.
Horseshoes Schedule
Horseshoe matches consist of three
doubles matches, each team using six
different men.
Wednesday, April 30, 4:15
Wenley vs. Greene
Allen-Rumsey vs. Lloyd
Wednesday, April 30, 5:15
Williams vs. Tyler
Chicago vs. Prescott
Wednesday, May 7, 4:15
Winners of the April 30th matches.
Wednesday, May 7, 5:15
Winchell vs. Adams
Michigan vs. Greene

1. Deita Kappa Epsilon
2: Theta Chi
3. Sigma Alpha Epsilon
4. Phi Delta Theta
Tuesday, April 22: 1 vs. 2; 3 vs.
Monday, April 28: 1 vs. 3; 2 vs.
Monday, May 5: 1 vs. 4; 2 vs. 3.


League 2-4:15
1. Delta Upsilon
2. Sigma Nu
3. Theta Delta Chi
4. Phi Kappa Psi
rI'uesday April 22: 1 vs. 2; 3 vs. 4.
Monday, April 28: 1 vs. 3; 2 vs. 4.
MondayMay 5: 1 vs. 4; 2 vs. 3.
League 3-4:15
1. Lambda Chi Alpha
2. Zeta Beta Tau
3. Alpha Delta Phi
4. Psi Upsilon
Tuesday, April 22: 1 vs. 2; 3 vs. 4.
Monday, April 28: 1 vs. 3; 2 vs. 4.
Monday, May 5: 1 vs. 4; 2 vs. 3.
League 4-5:15
1. Hermitage 3. Triangle I
2. Zeta Psi 4. Trigon
Tuesday, April 22: 1 vs. 2; 3 vs. 4. }
Monday, April 28: 1 vs. 3; 2 vs. 4.
Monday, May 5: 1 vs. 4; 2 vs. 3.
League 5-5:15
1. Phi Gamma Delta
2. Beta Theta Pi
3. Alpha Tau Omega
4. Delta Tau Delta
Tuesday, April 22: 1 vs. 2; 3 vs. 4.
Monday, April 28: 1 vs. 3; 2 vs. 4.
Monday, May 5: 1 vs. 4; 2 vs. 3.
League 6--5:15
1. Tau Kappa Epsilon
2. Phi Sigma Kappa
3. Phi Sigma Delta
4. Phi Kappa Tau
Tuesday, April 22: 1 vs. 2; 3 vs. 4.
Monday, April 28: 1 vs. 3; 2 vs. 4.
Monday, May 5: 1 vs. 4; 2 vs. 3.
League 7-5:15
1. Phi Epsilon Pi
2. Kappa Sigma
3. Chi Psi
4. Phi Lambda Phi
Wednesday, pril 23: 1 vs. 2; 3 vs. 4.
Tuesday. April 29 : 1 vs. 3; 2 vs. 4.
Tuesday, May 6: 1 vs. 4; 2 vs. 3.
League 8--5:15
1. Sigma Phi Epsilon
2. Sigma Chi
3. Sigma Alpha MuK
4. Theta Xi
Wednesday, April 23: 1 vs. 2; 3 vs. 4.
Tuesday, April 29: 1 vs. 3; 2 vs. 4.
Tuesday, May 6: 1 vs. 4; 2 vs. 3.
LK ague 9-5:15
1. KpaNu
2. Kappa Delta Rho
3. Alpha Kappa Lambda
4. Acacia
Wednesday, April 23: 1 vs. 2; 3 vs. 4.
Tuesday, April. 29: 1 vs. 3; 2 vs. 4.
Tuesday, ay 6: 1 vs. 4; 2 vs. 3.
League 10-5:15
1. Alpha Sigma Phi
2. Sigma Phi
3. Phi Kappa Sigma
4. Chi Phi
Wednesday, April 23: 1 vs. 2; 2 vs. 4.
Tuesday, April 29: 1 vs. 3; 2 vs. 4.
'Tuesday,May 6:lvs. 4; 2vs. 3.

Theta Xi will face a field of 34'
fraternities in an attempt to retain
the horseshoe crown they won last
year. Teams in ths event consist of
three doubles combinations. All of
the matches must be played at the
same time. and the order of men
cannot be changed after it has been
established in the first match. The
tournament is straight elimination.
The schedule follows:
Thursday, April 23-4:15 P.M.
Beta Theta Pi vs Delta Upsilon
Chi Phi vs Delta Kappa Epsilon
Kappa Nu vs Phi Kappa Sigma
5:15 P.M.
Zeta Psi vs Alpha Tau Omega j
Phi amma Delta vs Phi Sigma Delta.
Alpha Delta Phi vs Sigma Alpha Ep-
Thursday, April 24-4:15 P.M.
Phi Delta Theta vs Theta Delta Chi
Sigma Alpha Mu vs Sigma Chi
Zeta Beta Tau vs Sigma Nu
5:15 P.M.
Theta Xi vs Alpha Kappa Lambda
Chi Psi vs Alpha Sigma Phi
Delta Tau Delta vs Kappa Sigma
Friday, April 25-4:15 P.M.
Phi Kappa Psi vs Sigma Phi Epsilon
5:15 P.M.
Phi Sigma Kappa vs Lambda Chi
Hermitage vs Acacia
Pi Lambda Phi vs Phi Kappa Tau
Triangle and Psi Upsilon-byes.
Open House To Feature
Center Sports Program
Competition in five sports and the
Second Annual Open House program
will highlight the International Cen-
ter spring sports schedule. Thej
Open House event will take place
May 12, with folk dances, swimming
exhibitions, rope twirling, a punch-
ing bag demonstration and exhibitions
in soccer and badminton featuring.r
The table tennis, volleyball and bas-
ketball championships will also take
place at that time.
The Schedule
Spring soccer .......... April 26
Volleyball .............April 4
Outdoor tennis .......... May 1
Open House..........May 12

3. Rochedale Cooperative Z"n'u"'- I team
4. Brandeis Cooperative 3. Sanitarians Six sports are on the All-Campus three
5. Congress Cooperative 4. Physical Eds j program. This program provides in- same
Thurs., Apr. 24, 4:15 p.m. 1 vs. 2, 3 vs 4 Wednesday, April 30: 1 vs. 2, 3 vs. 4. dividual competition, rather than
Wednesday, May 7: 1 vs. 3, 2 vs. 4. team play, and is open to undergrad-
Wed., Apr. 30, 4:15 p.m. 1 vs. 3, 2 vs. 5
Wednesday, May 14: 1 vs. 4. 2 vs. 3. uates only.
Sat., May 3, 1:30 p.m. 1 vs. 5, 2 vs. 4 o Both singles and doubles tennis
Thur., May 8, 4:15 p.m. 1 vs. 4,4 vs. 5 The professional fraternity swim- tournaments will be held again thisl
ming meet will be held at 7:30 p.m.' year, with Henry Meyers defending
-~ni~D ~ S Wednesday, May 7. Alpha Chi Sig- his singles championship and team-
Tennis Dates Set ma will be back to defend the crown ing with Koperski to defend the
The Independent tennis competi- they won last year with a 42 point doubles crown.
tion is conducted on an elimination total. The other all-campus events are
basis. A team which has lost two ;Teams m st have at least fotir, the horseshoe singles, with Norm
out of three matches is dropped from entrants to receive entrance point Bsharah the titleholder; the golf,
the tournament. credit. The events include two re- tourney, won by Ted Novak last
lays, five individual races and div- spring; the archery competition,
The schedule: ing. A man may enter a maximum which went to H. F. Quick a year
Sunday, May 4, 10 a.m. of two individual events and one ago and the annual Baseball Field,
Admirals vs. Penguins relay. Meet.
C and C Packers vs. Stalker Co-op. --_-_- --
Lincoln Co-op vs. Yankees
Wolverines vs. Rams
Rochedale Co-op vs. Physical Eds
Sunday, May 4, 11 a.m.
Subway Wolves vs. Jeffery Manor
Hillel vs. Brandeis Co-op
Hiawatha Club vs. Shangri-las
Congress Co-op vs. Newman Club
Robert Owen vs. Senators I f

using five different men. All
matches must be played at the
Monday, April 28, 4:15
Winchell vs. Adams
Prescott vs. Wenley
Chicago vs. Fletcher
Greene vs. Michigan

lormal Choair Bach Festival
Excerpts from B Minor Mass
300 SINGERS Normal Choir and Guest High Schools
Conducted for the last time by FREDERICK ALEXANDER

Pease Auditorium

Friday, April 4 -8:00 P.M. Exactly
No Reservations -- Seats 25c


Golf Tournament
ITo Start May 17
Saturday, May 17, is the date set
this year for the annual golf tourna-
ment for all divisions. Starting at
7:30 a.m., foursomes will be sent out
every seven minutes until 4 p.m.
Five men make up a team, with
the total score of the best four deter-
mining the final team score.
Championships will be determined
for the following groups. Last year's
winners and their scores are indi-
General Fraternity:
Alpha Delta Phi, 338.
Professional Fraternity:
Alpha Chi Sigma, 334.
Robert Owen Co-op, 351.
Residence Halls:
Fletcher Hall, 390.
Intramural Department, 407.

~1 >
N Y1


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