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August 21, 1941 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1941-08-21

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--___,.___11_____,____ 1T MICHIGAN DtV _A_ _E.


Letters To The Editor



tN-'<IlsmeW om M N.,
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
"of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newpaper. All
tights of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions .during the regular school year by
carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
National Advertising Service, Inc,
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1940-41
Editorial Staff

Hervie Haufler.
Alvin Sarasohn.
t'aul M. Chandler
Karl Kessler
Milton Orshefsky
Howard A. Goldman
Laurence Mascott
Donald Wirtchafter
Esther Osser
Helen Corman

Managing Editor
* . . .Editorial ]Director
* . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
* . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
Sports Editor
. . . . .Women's Editor
. . . . Exchange Editor

Business Stafff
Business Manager ..
Assistant Business Manager
Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

Irving Guttman
Robert Gilmour
Helen Bohnsack
Jane Krause

The editorials published in The Michi-
gan Daily are written by members of The
Daily staff and represent the views of the
writers only.
Winston Churchill
Calling America .
N MANY WAYS Prime Minister
Winston Churchill's recent inter-
national broadcast was a masterpiece of oratori-
cal strategy. He was perhaps pardonably proud
of Britain's spectacular drive against Italy in
North Africa. His verbal barrage directed against
Benito Mussolini must have pleased many a
British heart. He was shrewd enough not to
minimize the danger of invasion in the months
ahead. To Americans his promise that Britain
would not call for an expeditionary force from
the United States-"not this year, not next year,
nor any other year that I can foreseee"-was
reassuring as the specific pledge which for
months they had longed to hear. But the Prime
Minister's speech was inadequate by failing to
elucidate Britain's war and peace aims.
Britain is fighting "to preserve democ-
racy". But that objective has never been
officially and publicly defined in sufficient
and desirable detail. Churchill has said in
the past that "it must be one of our aims to
establish a state of society where the ad-
vantages and privileges which hitherto have
been enjoyed by the few shall be far more
widely shared by the men and youth of the
nation as a whole". But outside' of a few
guarded generalizations such as this 4uota-
tion; the Churchill Government has been
markedly reluctant to present its sugges-
tions for the construction of The Good So-
ciety in the world after the war. The Cause
of Britain is thus weakened in so far as it
is a purely defensive cause, a frenzied effort
merely to fortify the status quo without due
considerations for the social responsibilities
which Britons must face in the inevitable
era of reconstruction.
CAPTAIN LIDDELL HART, the noted British
military strategist, has come to realize the
need for the creation of a "new order in Britain,
ready for extension abroad, that will be superior
in nature and attraction to the Nazi order."
Labor Par y Leader Clement Attlee has insisted
on the necessity for "bold economic planning on
a world scale." Cabinet Minister Herbert Mor-
rison conceives the British aim as a cooperative
international system, which depends on and
involves "the end of selfish national interest"
and also the abolition of private monopoly. Such
intellectual leaders as Harold Laski are support-
ing the concept of a socially constructive coun-
ter-revolution to offset and supersede the Revo-
lution of Nihilism. It is important to know spe-
cifically the extent to which the Churchill Gov-
ernment favors these proposed peace aims.
Granted that the military protection of
Britain is alone a gigantic and exacting
undertaking. But surely Prime Minister
Churchill must realize the values of clearly
and completely defined peace aims. Too
long have all the democracies, including
Britain, been guilty of intellectual retreat
before the negative Nazi doctrines glorify-
ing force and world serfdom. For without
a positive, challenging intellectual content,
without original and daring social thinking
in terms of the future, without concrete
public expression of the results of that
thinking, the Cause of Britain will disin-
tegrate into a series of shallow, ultimately
meaningless military maneuvers.
- Chstr Brarlv

A Good Argument ...
To the Editor:
In Mr. Mascott's Wednesday column of "Fire
and Water" I was invited to reply to certain
charges and questions. So I should like to take
advantage of the invitation now, and incidentally
to thank The Daily for the open policy of this
column, which has served those who, like Mr.
Mascott and I, love a good argument.
REALLY THOUGH, we wouldn't even have a
good argument if everyone who thinks as
I do were summarily shipped off to Canada.
if Mr. Mascott thinks that everyone of this con-
viction should leave the United States and U.S.
citizenship and join the Canadian army, he
must anticipate a rather dreary country. There
would be a lot fewer people and no chance for
argument, because one side would be gone. But
the worst part of all from our point of view
would be that Mr. Mascott and his friends, or
more probably the strict isolationists would con-
trol American opinion. That's not democratic.
As I see it, a student who believes as I do should
take one of two courses. Either he may volun-
teer immediately in the armed forces of our
country, whose course as an active opponent of
Fascism is pretty certain, or he may remain
here until the draft and try as much as possible
to make others realize the truth of which he is
so completely convinced. Many of us, includ-
ing the party variously referred to by the column
as "a gentleman by the name of Frank Ryder",
"this gentleman" and "frankly, Frank", are
going to be in the forces of this country at the
latest by July 1. That is the end of our student
deferment, which, for reasons of our own con-
cern, most of us accept. In the meanwhile, for
myself, I shall try my best to convince those
with whom I come in contact of the unparalleled
crisis which makes both our conscription and
our effective aid to Britain necessary. But I
should hardly bother the A.S.U. isolationists,
for example, with the suggestion that, in order
to be consistent, they sabotage factories work-
ing on British orders, which is a perhaps rather
violent analogue to the suggestion that I leave
for Canada.
As to the Forum there are some things I should
like to say, too. 1) If the "results" of the debate
were to be published there was one time to pub-
lish them, and that was after the debate. I was
not the one who suggested withholding them.
Is it good journalistic practice for the sponsors
of an impartial organization to publish origin-
ally withheld figures a week later to discredit
a poll taken long after the debate? Would you
have published those figures if you were not
personally in favor of the view they seemed to
support? 2) In these matters I have no "feel-
ings" to be deferred to. 3) The word "packed"
was obviously unfortunate. If the Forum thinks
I used it in reference to their organization, I
can only say that that was not implied. I apol-
ogize for having allowed the implication. I have
expressly avoided asking members of organiza-
tions sympathetic to my views to appear at de-
bates. But this is the point: for one reason or
another almost every person who spoke against
the bill at the original debate appeared to be
a fairly intimate acquaintance of every other
speaker. It was in no sense "the public". E very-
one is free to come and speak, but the active
audiences of the Forum, like those of the Par-
leys, have up to now constituted a rather co-
hesive group-even a rather predictable group.
This is emphatically nothing against the
Forum. Only a sign that the group which has
in the past been most active in campus dis-
cussion is now isolationist and that the "aid
to Britain" element was new and at the time
comparatively unorganized, a fact which is being
rapidly remedied!
AS FAR AS "limited aid" is concerned, we be-
lieve of course that that is a chimaera. T1'e
President, the Cabinet and apparently Congress
(not to mention a majority of the people) are
agreed on that. "Limited aid" is an expression
of sympathy at best. As Mr. Mascott should
realize, the inherent indecisiveness of the posi-
tion and the disagreements which would arise
about the "limit" would mean the defeat of
Britain. As for war, that is a different matter.
Almost all of us favor real aid as embodied in
Bill 1776 as the last chance to escape war. Ask-
ing us if we would go to war is hypothesizing the
worst possible eventuality and asking us to base

our policy on that. Every individual has his own
answer to the question, but that is purely per-
sonal, and I am always glad to discuss my posi-
tion personally with anyone.
--- Frank G. Ryder
Bad Manners And The Daily
To the Editor:
The Daily columnists seem to be keeping up
their tradition that bad manners make good
argument. The anonymous author of the Reply
Churlish is quite churlish, while mascott (Lau-
rence E. Mascott, '41,) maintains his high level
of wit and sophistry.
lent appeaser begins by saying that pro-
fessors have no right to opinions outside their
chosen field-a doctrine popular in authori-
tarian circles but hardly one congenial to the
American tradition. I take it that Touchstone's
general ignorance of any field whatsoever, which
perhaps distinguishes him from the professors
he detests, is the basis for his Stalinist inter-
pretation of the war against Hitler. It is, he
assures us, just a war between two imperialisms
and it makes no difference to free countries who
wins the war (see the end of his second para-
ute t. narnaovcalynd nnnrhan.- +to gho

have made a mess of things. All of which goes
to show that Touchstone neither hears the pro-
fessors he attacks when they make public ad-.
dresses, nor reads what they have written. But
why should a columnist's omniscience stoop to
cloistered and academic minds for information?
AtR. MASCOTT's high wit is directed person-
ally at Mr. Frank Ryder; who on various
occasions of late has presented the aid-to-
Britain argument with courage and courtesy.,
Mr. Mascott's pet idea is that all in favor of aid
to Britain should join the Canadian army, or,
if too old for that, contribute their worldly goods
to the British exchequer. This is the kind of
sophism which leads some men to urge Com-
munists to go to Russia. The purposes of aid
to Britain is to save America from the various
kinds of aggression she faces in the event of a
Nazi victory: ideological, economic, diplomatic,
and in time, political and military. This pur-
pose can not be accomplished by the method
Mr. Mascott urges. A number of Americans
have made their contribution in both kinds.
But much as such persons are to be admired, we
know that the battle against Hitler will not be
won by such scattered efforts in this country.
The tragic futility of the voluntary support of
Spain proves this, if any proof of the obvious
is necessary. The chances are that Mr. Masctt
was a strong interventionist in regard to the
Spanish war. As long as the English and French
boys were to do the fighting, I hazard the guess
that he was no appeaser. And how he and his
friends (if I may hazard another guess) damned
the isolationist French and British political
leaders who chose appeasement rather than risk
the lives of their young men. But now that the
job of beating Hitler depends, in the last anal-
ysis, on us, such men as Mr. Mascott are most
ingenious at finding reasons for appeasing Hit-
er. Our conservative appeasers, like Col. Mc-
Cormick and Sen. Johnson, use arguments es-
sentially the same as those of the British Con-
servative party before Munich. Our "liberal"
appeasers, like Norman Thomas, Touchstone,
and Mr. Mascott (I trust I have pigeon-holed
them rightly), use the arguments which flour-
ished in Popular Front circles in France before
Munich. Both groups claim to detest Hitler,
but actually they are his most effective advance
- I. V. S. Ogden
by mascott
modern-day argumentation is the seeming
necessity for each participant to preface his
remarks with some such statement as "Of
course, I'm no Communist, or no Socialist or
appeaser or what have you" or, on the other
hand, "of course, I believe in civil liberties but .."
We've always believed, however, that every
argument should stand in itself, to be judged
upon its own merits and not upon the political
affiliations of its supporters nor the past beliefs
of its supporters. We, therefore, in reference to
Mr. Ogden believe all considerations as to our
stand toward Spain or before Munich highly
irrelevant to the present controversy. But we
will bow to the pressure of the times and preface
this column with "Of course, we're not com-
munists or socialists or appeasers." And it's
true, although we still consider the latter state-
ment irrelevant.
we've enjoyed it with both puckish and in-
tellectual glee) between Messrs. Ryder, Ogden,
Touchstone, Mascott, et al.. there is the con-
solation that the Michigan Forum has been
"cleared" by all parties. We feel that the Forum
should continue as an active body sponsoring
discussions on important issues of the moment.
And such discussion is important, even though
it may be dominated or weighted by the opin-
ions of one side, not only because of the accepted
arguments for free discussion but also because
by such discussion the views of those other than
the supporters of a measure are recognized-
Congress, for example, asking all groups and
representatives to appear before its hearings on
the Lease-Lend Bill even though it was a fore-

gone conclusion that the Bill would be adopted
in some form, was able to arrive at important
clarifications and some qualifications on the
fN ANSWER to Mr. Ogden's analogy that our
claim that all those who think the British
battle is Armageddon (not all those who favor
aid to England) should enlist in the Canadian
Army is similar to the argument that all Com-
munists should "go back to Russia" we say:
Communists in America are urging communism
for America here and thus their best field of
action is in the U.S. They, therefore, should
have the right, under our civil liberties, to ex-
press themselves here. But rabid intervention-
ists, those who favor even going to war for
Britain (whatever their reasons) face a situa-
tion where the field of battle is in Britain now,
a situation which they claim is so urgent that
all help is needed now. They, therefore, we still
feel, should indicate the sincerity of their views
by fighting now, either physically or economic-
ally, for Britain now and in Britain or her pos-
sessions now. Joining the armed forces of the
U.S. means that aid to England is deferred be-
cause, as yet and we wholeheartedly hope never,
the U.S. army is not actively aiding England.
And if aid to England is so paramount to the
preservation of democracy and the safeguard-

Although their program was not
as diverting as it might have been,
the Budapest String Quartet proved
itself to our satisfaction to be the
best ensemble we have ever heard.
Attack and cut-off were as though
by a single man, all the renditions
were precise as they could be, the
players synchronized excellently, the
parts blended very well, yet with dis-
tinguished voicing throughout.
Brahms quartet in A minor, dry,
abstract, yet interesting melodically
as. well as technically, was smoothly
performed, with a grace and perfec-
tion that brought out the best of this
work. A slight interruption, in the
form of a broken string, did not at,
all detract from the very pleasurable!
Schubert's Quartet movement in
C minor, a posthumous work, was
molded and balanced beautifully in

structure. It is a piece ,of limpid-
flowing melody, clearly and simply Required Hygiene Lectures for Wo-
developed. The four-voiced contrast men, 1941: All first and second sem-
and blending, the comfortable back- ester freshmen women are required
ground to a lyrical solo were highly to take the hygiene lectures, which
enjoyable. are to be given the second semester.
Wolf's "Italian Serenade," was not Upperclass women who have not com-
up to the quality of the first two pleted the hygiene lectures, or their
works, but did not prevent some very equivalent Hygiene 101, should also
interesting technical passages, and enroll for these lectures, at the time
some good "echio" phrasing. The of regular classification at Waterman
highlight of the evening, Beethoven's Gymnasium. Any women who did
great quartet in C-sharp minor, did not complete the lecture series in
not seem to have the spirit behind it a previQus year are urged to attend
that it deserves. The execution of the lectures so that they may pass
this work failed to bring forth, en- the final examination, thereby com-
tirely, the beauties integral in it, and pleting the requirement.
fell short of brilliant performance. Students should enroll for one of
The first movement, adagio, was the following sections. Each section
striking immediately, for the sym- vill meet at the same hour and day
phonic qualities present. Beethoven each week for seven weeks.
wrote much of his work influenced Section No. 1, Monday, 4:15-5:15.
by his orchestration, and the stature, )ate of first meeting, February 24;
development, dynamics, structure, Room: Natural Science Aud.
and themes, of this ° monumental S
chamber work, were almost purely Section No. 2: Tuesday, 4:15-5:15.
orchestral. The movement was ser- Da frSt meeting, February 25
ious, full of swift changes in dynam-
ics and parts. The second movement, These lectures are a graduation re-
allegro, followed in serious mood, but ,ruirement.
more quickly. Margaret Bell, M.D.
The fourth movement, andante, Medical Adviser to Women
was a beautiful thing. Parts were tak-
en up in solo, duet and trio, with Concerts
those instruments not carrying the
melody playing a supporting, yet May Festival: The University Mu-
individually important background. sical Society announces the follow-.
The presto was sparkling and gay, ing schedule of artists and dates for
the adagio, sonorous, deeply pene- the Forty-Eighth Annual May Fes-
trating, of poignart beauty. The sev- tival.
enth and final movement was force- Wednesday evening, May 7. Law-
ful, dramatic, intense, song-like, and rence Tibbett, Baritone, soloist. The
not without its humour, expressed Philadelphia Orchestra. Eugene Or-
in pizzicato imitation. mandy, Conductor.

(Continued from Page 2)
students must bring written permis-
sion from their instructors and reg-
ister in the office 204 U.H. today to be
eligible to take the makeup examina-
tions in German I, 11, 31, and 32 to
be announced later,
A Course in Production Supervi-
sion and Engineering for the Nation-
al Defense Training Program will be
offered by the Department of Me-
chanical Engineering during the sec-
ond semester. A preliminary meeting
is scheduled for Wednesday, Febru-
ary 26, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 229 West
engineering Bldg., to explain the pur-
pose of the Course. This willbe a
non-credit course open both to stu-
dents of the University and to those
engaged in industrial plant work.

will lecture on the subject, "Inter-
American Relations as Affected by
the War" under the auspices of the
University Committee on Defense
Issues at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb.
25, in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Reinhold
Schairer, formerly Lecturer in 'Corn-
parative Education, London Univer-
sity, will lecture on the subject, "Re-
construction of Europe by Education"
under the auspices Iof the Depart-
ment of German at 4:15 p.m. on
Thursday, February 27, in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. The public is cor-
dially invited.
University Lecture: Charles E. Kel-
logg, Chief of" Soil Survey Division,
U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Washington, D.C. and member of
Association of American Geographers,
will lecture on the subject, "The Sci-
entist 'and Agricultural Policy in a
Democratic State" under the au-
spices of the Department of Geogra-
phy at 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, Febru-
ary 27, in the Rackham Amphithe-
atre. The public is cordially invited.
Biological Chemistry Lecture on
Tuesday, February 25, at 7:30 p.m., in
the East Lecture Room, Rackham
Building. "The Significance of the
Sulfur-Containing Amino Acids in
Metabolism" will be discussed by Dr.
ff. B. Lewis. All interested are in-

Karl Karlstrom
U.S. and Britain that democracy
which MacLeish described in "Ameri-
ca was Promises" would be attained.
We don't demand absolute certainty
but we demand some assurance es-
pecially in view of the disillusion of
the last war. We fail to see any as-
surances for the betterment of dem-
ocracy in the highly dangerous pres-
ent fiscal policies of the New Deal,
the dictatorship potentialities of the
Lease-Lend Bill, the character of
some of our most ardent intervention-
ists (even though it must be admitted
that some of the boys on our side are
not exactly wholesome to our intel-
lectual appetites) and, above all, in
the realization that if the U.S. does
actively enter the conflict, the war
can only result in misery, depression,
and the degradation of democracy
rather than its betterment.'
As for the claim that isolated, in-
dividual aid to England is inconse-
quential, we point to the power of the,
individual in the U.S. by persuasion
and example, to lead others, count-
less others to follow his position. We
think it would be comparatively easy
if a limited amount of work were
placed into it, to create an "American
Student Volunteer Fighting Unit for
Britain" from among the varied col-
leges, and by something similar to
the chain-letter fad, start thousands
of dollars, taken out of present con-
sumption, rolling °toward the foreign
exchange coffers of Brittania. We,
personally, would be far more con-
vinced of the sincerity of ardent in-
terventionist's opinion or the unpar-
alleled demands of the present crisis
if stirring letters supporting that
point of view were addressed from
an American "somewhere in England'
or Canada." We would then be given
the blessed example of action con-
sistent with opinion.
CERTAINLY do we decry the vi-
cious charge that we are "ap-
peasers." In fact, among our ac-
quaintances and especially among the
boys at The Daily, we have yet to find
an "appeaser"-in its Webster or
Chamberlain and Halifax sense. No
lasting peace, no terms, we believe,
can ever be reached with Hitler and
for Herr Schiklegruber we have-nei-
ther love nor sympathy.
But if "appeaser" means anti-war
and certainly this definition seems
to be implicit in the smear-technique
of those who use it most flagrantly,
wantonly and injudiciously, we
wholeheartedly embrace that term
to ourselves.
FUNDAMENTALLY, we favor aid to
England-limitedonly in the
sense that such aid shall not lead
us into war or destroy our liberties,

Thursday Evening, May 8. Jar-
mila Novotna, Soprano; Normanr
Cordon, bass; and Gregor Piatigor-D
sky, violoncellist, soloists. The Uni-f
versity Choral Union, the Philadel-g
phia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandyr
and Thor Johnson, Conductors. L
Friday Afternoon, May 9. Suzannet
Sten, Mezzo-soprano and Jose Itur-
bi, Pianist, soloists. The Youth Chor-
us, the Philadelphia Orchestra; Saul
Caston, Juva Higbee, and Jose Itur-
bi, (conducting from the pianoforte)c
Friday evening, May 9. DorothyF
Maynor, soprano, soloist. The Phila-
delphia Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy,r
Saturday Afternoon, May 10. Allr
Sibelius program. Jascha Heifetz,
violinist, soloist. The Philadelphia
Orchestra, Eugene Ormandy, Con-E
Saturday Evening, May 10. "Eu-
gene Onegin" by Tschaikowsky (in
concert form). Jarmila Novotna, so-
prano; Suzanne Sten, Mezzo-soprano;.
Enid Szantho, contralto; Charles
Kullman, tenor; Mack Harrell, bari-
tone; Norman Cordon, bass; soloists.r
The University Choral Union, the
Philadelphia Orchestra; Thor John-{
son, Conductor.
Orders for season tickets and forl
individual concerts may be mailed or
left at the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Memorial
University Lecture: Dr. Harold
Ingholt, formerly Lecturer on Arch-
aeology at the American University,
Beirut, Syria, and Lecturer on Semi-
tic Philology and Old Testament Lit-
erature, University of Aarhus, Den-
mark, will lecture on the subject, "The
Danish Excavations at Hama, Syria,"
(illustrated with slides), at 4:15 p.m.
today in the Rackham Amphitheatre.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: The Honorable
Edwin Lowe Neville, recently Ameri-
can Minister to Thailand, will give
the following lectures under the au-
spices of the Political Science De-
partment at 4:15 p.m. on the days
February 24: "The Far Eastern
Background." Rackham Amphithe-
February 26: "Frontiers in East
Asia." Rackham Amphitheatre.
February 28: "The Consolidation of
Japan." Rackham Lecture Hall.
March 5: "Far Eastern Reactions
to Western Penetration." Rackham
Attention is called to the changes.
made in the schedule for Mr. Neville's
lectures as originally announced.
The public is cordially invited.

Events Today
Women's Glee Club: Special re-
hearsal tonight, 7:00-8:00, at the
League. Saturday afternoon at 1
o'clock the rehearsal will be at the
Methodist Church in the auditorium.
Skiing Lecture at the Women's
Athletic Building today, 4:30-5:30
p.m. Mr. Walter Galson will discuss
proper equipment and elementary
techniques. This lecture is open to
men and women.
Newman Club: All members sell-
ing tickets for =membership dance,
please make final returns to Mem-
bership Committee at. the Chapel to-
day or tomorrow.
Harris Hall: The bi-weekly tea will
be held at the home of Miss Jenks,
406 Observatory Lodge, today, 4:00
to 5:30 p.m.
Wesley Foundation: Bible Class to-
night at 7:30 in Room 214, First
Methodist Church. Dr. Charles W.
Brashares is the leader. Party with
games, refreshments, dancing begin-
ning at 9:00 p.m. All Methodist stu-
dents and their friends are invited
to both the class and the party.
Coming Events
Economics Club: Dr. Trygve Haa-
velmo of Oslo will discuss Wicksell's
"Theory of Interest and Prices" at
8:00 p.m. in the East Lecture Room,
Mezzanine Floor, Rackham Bldg. on
Monday, February 24.. Graduate stu-
dents and staff members in Eco-
nomics and Business Administration
are cordially invited.
The Acolytes (philosophical soci-
ety) will meet Monday, Feb. 24, at
7:45 p.m. in the Rackham Building.
Professor Sellars will discuss "Caus-
ality." Faculty members and~ stu-
dents are invited.
Far Eastern Art (Present and for-
mer students):. Space still available
on trip to Toledo for Exhibition of
Chinese Bronzes and Jewelry, Mon-
day, Feb. 24, 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. Ap-
ply immediately to Mr. Plumer or at
Room A, Alumni Memorial Hall. No
applications accepted after 4:00 p.m.
today. (Car permission from home
1.G.P. song writers are urged to turn
their songs in as soon as possible,
either to Phyllis Waters, 2'2547, or
at the main desk in the League.
J.G.P. theme song wanted. "Jump-
ing Jupiter." For more information
call Phyllis Waters, 2-2547.
Choral Evensong will be given at
the First Methodist Church on Sun-
day, Feb. 23, at 8:00 p.m. by the
Senior Choir of the Church under
the direction of Prof. Hardin A. Van
Deursen, and assisted by the U. of M.
Women's Glee Club and the Tappan
Junior High School Studio Choir. The
public is cordially invited.
Bowling: The bowling alleys at the
Women's Athletic Building will be
open at the usual hours on Saturday,
February 22.
Children's Play Classes: The chil-
dren's play classes will meet at Bar-
bour Gymnasium on Saturday, Feb-
ruary 22, from 9:15 to 10:45.
Recreational Swimming: The Union
Pool is open for women students for
recreational swimming on Tuesday
and Thursday evenings from 8:30 to
Badminton: The badminton courts
in Barbour Gymnasium are onen for

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